Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

My Journey to Homoeopathy


Dr. Khalid Farooqi describes his journey to Homeopathy, which  began with a diagnosis of pyorrhea in 1962.He was fortunate to be treated by a famous homeopath, the results of which inspired him to study.

I was hardly 21 years of age when, in mid 1962, I was diagnosed by a famous dental surgeon of Lahore (Pakistan) with pyorrhea. My gums were all swollen, oozing fetid pus with pulsating pain in roots of my teeth. The surgeon advised me that all the teeth had to be removed one after the other. He gave me an appointment and advised me to visit his clinic after a week.

Next day, my office mate (Dr. Ali), who had recently set up his own clinic as a part-time homeopathic practitioner, suggested I consult a homoeopath. He took me to the office of the late Dr. Masood, a famous homoeopath of his time. He examined me and said in a very light mood,” My son, you have decided to get your teeth removed as per advice of dental surgeon. What is the harm if you take my prescription for a week”?  I was feeling very desperate on the very thought of losing all my teeth at such a young age. Dr. Masood gave me some globules and advised me to take them three times a day. I took the first dose that night. The next morning I felt considerable relief from my tooth pain. I continued with the medicine, and after one week, the pus had almost dried and the pain totally abated. I visited Dr. Masood after one week. He gave me treatment for another week and said,” You need not return. To save your teeth, make it a habit to use “miswak” to clean your teeth.”

I was surprised over the way the tiny globules had cured my gums and saved my teeth. I discussed the homoeopathic system of medicine with Dr. Ali. He told me some basics of its philosophy and presented me a copy of the Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica by William Boericke, M.D.Before retiring to bed, I made it a habit to go through its pages. I soon realized that to learn homoeopathy, one had to find a school. I could not materialize my wish for a very long time, until 1982 when I was transferred to Faisalabad. There I had my evenings free and promptly took admission in Panjab Homoeopathic Medical College. The teaching language in our homoeopathic colleges is mostly Urdu.  I imported about 70 books in English from B. Jain of India. I finally became a qualified homoeopath in 1986. I am now a retired senior government officer, practicing classical homoeopathy and running a free homoeopathic clinic.

I regularly study the cases which are reported in the journal “Homoeopathy 4 Everyone” which benefit me greatly. I have special thanks for Dr. Manish Bhatia and Alan Schmukler who regularly send me the magazine. I am also indebted to Hpathy for making available the classical homoeopathic books via the internet.

Khalid H. Farooqi, B. Sc., Fcma, MBA, DHMS

About the author

Khalid Farooqi

Khalid H. Farooqi, B. Sc., Fcma, Mba, DHMS

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