Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers Homeopathy Repertory Materia Medica

Perspectives on Mental Rubrics: A Multifaceted Analysis

Perspectives on Mental Rubrics: A Multifaceted Analysis – excerpted from the book “Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality Vol III” by Dr. Ajit Kulkarni.

Abstract: This paper explores the intricate relationship between Materia Medica and Repertory, focusing on the definition and designation of rubrics. The study delves into the crucial connection between dispositions and rubrics, highlighting the necessity for various dimensions of attention.

Ten essential rubrics are presented, each encompassing: 1. Meaning, themes, and comments 2. Behavioural traits, attitudes, and characters 3. Related words: a. Synonyms b. Antonyms 4. Verbal sentences 5. Body language 6. Key distinctions from related traits 7. Cross-references 8. Mental health conditions and 9. Indications of homeopathic remedies.

 Keywords: Repertory, rubrics, disposition, personality, multidimensional aspects, cross-references, Materia Medica, psychology.

“I think it’s really useful to create parameters. The term you use can be forwarded into something more like a grid, a rubric, or a system that you apply to all environments, and in so doing you create a situation in which you can locate local colour, and local differences within new environments.”

– Kehinde Wiley


 The Repertory is actually the Materia Medica, designed in a distinct format and structure. Materia Medica serves as the foundational cornerstone upon which the Repertory is built. In its absence, the Repertory would lack an independent existence. Nevertheless, owing to its practical utility, the Repertory has evolved into a functional entity in its own right.

Both Materia Medica and Repertory are repositories of ‘pathos.’ They are reservoirs of human suffering documented through drug provings and clinical verifications, resulting in an extensive collection of symptoms. This magnificent compilation represents the myriad ways in which human beings express their ailments and afflictions. If Materia medica is the bread, Repertory is the butter (and Cure is a birthday cake).


  • A title, heading, or initial letter, that appears in decorative lettering; or is in some other way distinguished from the rest of the text.
  • A title or heading of a statute or a chapter in a code of law
  • A name for a class or a category; a title
  • Any brief, authoritative rule or direction
  • A short commentary or explanation covering a broad subject
  • The term ‘rubric’ has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
  • A rubric includes elements such as organization, clarity, argumentation, and evidence.

 In the context of homeopathy

  • The term ‘rubric’ can take on various meanings depending on the context in which it is employed.
  • A homeopathic physician begins by gathering the patient’s history and then integrating all the elements into a coherent whole. This involves the processes of analysis, evaluation, and synthesis to create a meaningful conceptual understanding of the patient as a whole.
  • Proper headings are essential for arranging the various components of the patient’s case under their respective categories or compartments, facilitating a systematic approach to treatment.


  • A rubric is an appropriate word designated for the heading of a document.
  • A rubric is an instruction or a rule that gives a direction. Hence, a rubric becomes an authoritarian force to be reckoned with.
  • A rubric becomes a function.
  • A rubric becomes an art too. Rather, artistic prescribing is superbly achieved through a proper selection of rubrics. The rubric includes aspects such as creativity, technical skill, composition, use of the data gained through case-taking and artistic prescribing. Rubrics help provide constructive feedback and establish standards for evaluating the artwork of homeopathy.
  • Rubrics make the evaluation process more transparent and consistent.
  • The selection of a rubric by a physician can be compared to a jumping monkey. A monkey jumps from one branch to another (symptoms) of the tree (individual) in search of a composed place to savour the fruit (the selection of the right rubric).
  • A rubric is a ‘symptom’ in the repertorial language. Hence, like a symptom, a rubric has many dimensions, facets, aspects, levels, stages, and transitions. Being a language, one must know the meaning of the words used in the language.
  • A rubric is a pathos, and it should be one, in order to assume importance. However, individualizing, unique features of the case do not necessarily represent only the pathos; they represent the individual. Individuals can represent themselves without pathos, which makes repertory and Materia medica unique; however, it poses a tricky situation for a homeopath to select the remedy.
  • A rubric is a scoring guide or a set of criteria used to assess and evaluate the patient’s data. It provides a structured skeleton for a homeopath.
  • A rubric is like a movie comprising story, events, characters, behaviour, connections, actors, actresses, directors, romance, hate, love, anxiety, and all human expressions. There are two aspects of the movie (off-screen and on-screen). Off-screen comprises the genesis of the phenomenon (the roles of genetics and environment) that characterizes an individual, while on-screen expressions denote the drama that helps a physician select the appropriate rubrics.
  • Overall, a rubric is a tool that provides a framework for assessing and evaluating a unique individual. It helps ensure objectivity, consistency, and transparency in the evaluation process by outlining specific expectations and standards.


Dr Samuel Hahnemann’s following exposition on dispositions, speaks of his wisdom (§ 211, Organon of Medicine): “This holds good to such an extent, that the state of the disposition of the patient often chiefly determines the selection of a remedy, as being decidedly a characteristic symptom, which can least of all remain concealed from the accurately observing physician.”                      

Rubrics assume the characters of dispositions.

  • Dispositions, whether innate or acquired, are the unique characteristics that intricately define an individual’s personality. They serve as the adhesive that binds together the various facets of one’s persona, ultimately shaping their behaviour.
  • The degree and intensity of these dispositional traits exert a profound influence on a person’s actions and choices.
  • Dispositions dictate; the individual follows.
  • Rubrics, within the context of homeopathic practice, effectively mirror and encapsulate dispositional traits.
  • Rubrics become an integral part of an individual’s personality, acting as a gateway to delve into the profound recesses of both the mind and body.
  • Rubrics offer a lens through which the finer nuances of personality are defined and elucidated. Furthermore, they provide insight into the current state of the patient, constructing the totality of symptoms and imbuing them with significance.
  • In the process of repertorization, the core lies in the qualification of quantity, where the precise assessment and weighting of rubrics are essential.

This systematic approach ensures that the totality of symptoms is accurately comprehended, leading to a more precise and effective selection of homeopathic remedies.


The selection of appropriate rubrics is a difficult task. A homeopath can’t waltz in here and there; the erratic random movement of the patient’s Brownian motion needs to be viewed from the vantage point of individuality. He requires a keen eye to observe, be circumspect, and scrutinize. A homeopath needs to be focused, but the focus must be shared in order to develop rapport. There is a proverb that states: “When a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are the pockets.”

Everyone navigates an ocean of distractions! Numerous types of attention are required for homeopathy, including sustained attention, selective attention, awareness, orientation, and management. Vigilance is not attention. It is a flexible tool and a versatile instrument that incorporates endless and subtle mental processes, including comprehension, memory, learning, and perceiving one’s feelings and the reasons behind them. Performance suffers if these faculties are impaired. If the rubrics chosen are not precise and appropriate, one can be misled. The real sickness of the patient and the target are tangential to each other, and if one doesn’t follow rationality, similarity turns into discord.

A homeopath requires panoramic awareness, not just of his own subjectivity but also of the patient’s objective reality.

Sometimes bountiful information depicts the poverty of attention. It may cause a homeopath to lose focus. Context, circumstance, and factual information learned through skilful interviewing, coupled with the art of translating the patient’s language into repertorial language, help to select the appropriate rubrics. Command over language is essential and has no alternative.


Homeopathic practice is a complex one that requires updating at all levels of mental operations. Moreover, one has to be vigilant about his own non-adaptive rubrics, which act as obstacles to the recovery of his patients.

As a matter of fact, mental rubrics are the characters that define an individual, explore the individual in its uniqueness, and, given the journey of an individual’s life, allow a homeopath to study the personality in its depth and extent.

While mental rubrics play a crucial role in clinical practice, it’s important to recognize that they may not be the sole factor guiding remedy selection in every case, nor do they encompass the entirety of an individual’s illness in all instances.

One has to study the mental rubrics in their intensity and magnitude. Some mental rubrics assume the position of ‘personality traits’ and they can increase vulnerability or contribute to specific health issues.

A few examples can help in this regard.

  • Let us take perfectionism as a trait. Everyone knows how much perfectionism is needed in a technology-driven world where advancements in technology have significantly impacted various aspects of our lives. Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, learn, entertain ourselves, and even conduct daily activities. A smooth voyage in life is possible given a normal pattern of perfectionism, but a tendency towards setting excessively high standards for oneself and being overly self-critical can contribute to anxiety disorders, depression, and eating disorders.
  • Let us take another example. Humbleness and modesty are the positive virtues of life, but in the modern world of consumerism, they may be regarded as weak points by some people. For a homeopath, it is important to see if the low self-esteem of an individual characterized by chronic feelings of inadequacy, low self-worth, and a negative self-image that masquerades as modesty. Low self-image can contribute to various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

A homeopath’s work of selecting ‘fitting’ rubrics is like peeling the layers of an onion and finding the seeds. As one peels each layer, one reveals something new and moves closer to the core. Similarly, when a homeopath explores the meaning behind a rubric, he is delving deeper into its essence and uncovering the underlying truth associated with it.

In the context of identifying and understanding the core, a homeopath gains profound insights, makes connections, and develops a more comprehensive understanding of the complex issues of the sick individual under consideration. It allows a homeopath to move beyond surface-level understanding and explore the deeper meaning and implications of clinical practice.

Rubrics have a big share in homeopathic treatment modality, and reading at least five rubrics every day will pay dividends!


A rubric is presented through

  1. Meaning, themes, and comments
  2. Behavioral traits, attitudes, and characters
  3. Related words:
  4. Synonym
  5. Antonyms
  6. Verbal sentences
  7. Body language
  8. Key differences with several related traits
  9. Cross references
  10. Mental health conditions
  11. Indications of prominent homeopathic remedies


  1. Anguish
  2. Apprehensive
  3. Boaster
  4. Careless
  5. Cautious
  6. Chaotic
  7. Contemptuous
  8. Cowardice
  9. Hatred
  10. Haughty





  • A deep and intense feeling of distress, suffering, or psychological pain.
  • Associated often with feelings of extreme sadness, despair, hopelessness, or agony.
  • Anguish can arise from various sources, such as loss, grief, disappointment, or failure in life.

Physiological responses

  • Anguish triggers release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can lead to increased heart rate which is part of body’s natural ‘fight-or-flight’ response.
  • Elevated blood pressure. Muscle tension, tightness and pain. Rapid breathing. Hyperventilation. Gastro-intestinal distress. Sleep disturbances.

Pathological changes

  • Prolonged anguish can increase the risk of developing psychiatric disorders, impairment in cognitive function, memory problems, impaired social functioning, feelings of isolation, weakened immune system, cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal problems, etc.

 The impact of anguish on a person’s life

The impact can be significant and far-reaching.

Emotional well-being: Persistent anguish can lead to depression, anxiety, and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Relationships: Anguish may make it difficult to connect with people, leading to social withdrawal, isolation, and a sense of detachment. It can affect communication, trust, and intimacy within relationships.

Physical health: Prolonged anguish can cause psycho-somatic symptoms such as headache, insomnia, body ache, fatigue, acidity, etc.

Cognitive functioning: Difficulty in concentration, memory weakness, indecisiveness, etc. can arise from prolonged anguish. This can lead to decreased performance in life.

Quality of life: A pervasive sense of unhappiness and an overwhelming emotional state of distress affect the quality of life. Life may feel burdensome for people with anguish.


Characters who embody anguish typically display a range of emotional distress, inner turmoil, and suffering.

Intense emotional expression: An anguished person often displays a heightened emotional state such as despair, sadness, anxiety, or anger. His emotions are overwhelming and difficult to control, leading to outbursts or periods of withdrawal.

 Inner turmoil and conflicts: He is torn by internal conflicts, grappling with moral dilemmas, guilt, regret, or a sense of inadequacy. He is doubtful about himself.

 Existential angst: Deep worry about trivial things, about meaning of life, or inevitability of death. He may feel a sense of emptiness, futility, or nihilism.

 Loneliness: Anguish can lead to a sense of isolation and loneliness. He may feel detached, misunderstood, estranged, or alienated.

 Self-destructive behaviour: An anguished person may resort to substance abuse, self-harm, or reckless behaviour. These actions often stem from a desire to numb his pain or punish himself.

 Loss: Anguish can arise from a profound loss, such as the death of a loved one, disappointment in love, or failure in business.

 Introspection: An anguished person may self-reflect and resolve his problems.



  • Despair. Distress. Desolation. Grief. Heartbreak. Lamentation. Melancholy. Bottom of Form Misery. Mournful. Pain. Pang. Sorrow. Suffering. Torment.


  • Contentment. Delight. Ease. Happiness. Joy. Peace. Pleasure. Relief. Serenity.


  • “The pain is unbearable, please make it stop.”
  • “I cannot take this anymore. I want it to end.”
  • “I feel like I am stuck in a loophole. There is no escape.”
  • “I am lost. Help me.”
  • “I am trapped in my own suffering.”
  • “I feel as if I am drowning.”
  • “Every moment feels like torment.”
  • “I am mentally and physically drained; this is too much for me.”
  • “No one understands what I am going through. I am all alone.”
  • “It feels like there is a constant weight on my chest, crushing me.”
  • “I am shattered inside and no amount of words can describe my agony.”


  • Facial expressions: Sad, despairing or tensed face. Frowning, furrowed eyebrows. Teary eyes. Mouth downturned or tightly pressed.
  • Eye expressions: Avoiding direct eye contact. Looking down. Gazing into the distance.
  • Posture: Tense or rigid. Shoulders hunched forward. Slouched back. Making the body horizontally or vertically smaller.
  • Sluggish movements: May appear lethargic, as if weighted down by emotional burden.
  • Rapid movements: Restlessness and fidgeting, Pacing aggressively or making sharp abrupt gestures.
  • Clenched fists.
  • Crying, as if tormenting.
  • Increased breathing and heart rate. Deep sighing or struggling to catch a breath.
  • Repeated narrative of suffering in the complaining tone.


Sadness versus Anguish

  • Sadness denotes unhappiness or sorrow. Anguish can encompass sadness but goes beyond it by involving a more intense and prolonged state of distress.

Grief versus Anguish

  • Grief refers to the emotional response to a significant loss, such as the death of a loved one. Anguish can be present in the experience of grief, but it involves an intense state of distress.

Suffering versus Anguish

  • Suffering refers to the experience of pain, hardship, or adversity and can be physical or emotional, while anguish focuses on mental distress.

Despair versus Anguish

  • Despair is a deep sense of hopelessness. While anguish may involve feelings of despair, it is not necessarily a constant state of hopelessness. Anguish can fluctuate in intensity and may be influenced by various factors.

Torment versus Anguish

  • Torment implies extreme mental or emotional anguish.

Melancholy versus Anguish

  • Melancholy is a state of prolonged sadness or low spirit, often characterized by a sense of pensive reflection. Anguish can include melancholy, but it extends beyond a general feeling of sadness and involves more acute and distressing emotions.

Anxiety versus Anguish

  • Anxiety is a state of unease or apprehension about future uncertainties. Anguish can trigger anxiety. Anguish is rooted in present distress, whereas anxiety tends to focus on future uncertainties.


  • Mind; anguish; horrible things, after hearing
  • Mind; anxiety; constriction, with; throat, in
  • Mind; anxiety; fear, with
  • Mind; cares, worries, full of
  • Mind; despair; anxiety, with
  • Mind; despair
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; trapped, one is
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; enclosed, she is
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; prisoner, one is a
  • Mind; excitement, excitable; ailments from, agg.
  • Mind; emptiness of mind, sensation of
  • Mind; forsaken feeling
  • Mind; helplessness
  • Mind; introspection
  • Mind; recklessness, temerity
  • Mind; shrieking, screaming, shouting; help, for
  • Chest; constriction; anxiety, with


  • Acute stress disorder
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • Post-traumatic-stress-disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive-disorder (OCD)
  • Substance abuse disorder
  • Terminal illness



  • Hypersensitivity, oversympathy, and anxiety lead to anguish. is useful for both acute and chronic anguish. Anguish can arise from injustice-things not occurring in her idealistic way. He wants to control the situation with moral-ethical instincts, and when that fails, anguish is developed. Feels victimised as people exploit him.
  • Security and safety are the main issues for oneself, family, friends, and society, and anguish results from violence, terrorism, and anarchy. There are multiple fears and tremulous anxiety.
  • Anguish with extreme gloominess
  • Anguish affects chiefly the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system.


  • Unresolved grief, sexual abstinence, being isolated, suppressed or unrequited love, mortification, business failure, etc. are causes of anguish.
  • Very anxious thoughts almost rising to deadly anguish haunt one after midnight when seemingly half-awake.
  • Oversensitive; everything makes an unpleasant impression on him.
  • Melancholia, sad, depressed, morose, though quietly peevish and vexed.
  • With progressive pathologies such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, senility, and lack of confidence, develops chronic anguish.


  • The base of this remedy is a plant, round-leaved sundew, that feeds on insects. This plant eats the insect, which feels trapped and betrayed by the plant. The only thing the insect wants is to get out. The insect feels that because it trusted the plant, it was going to die. The mental and emotional traits of the remedy are drawn from the above situation, and this also explains the state of anguish.
  • is a suspicious remedy, imagining being deceived by enemies and other people who are about to stab you in the back. He feels betrayed by his friends, who have taken advantage of his weakness. The basic feeling is being trapped, attacked, and betrayed. This remedy often applies to people who are too sensitive to others’ maliciousness in a world where one must “eat or be eaten”.
  • is relevant to anxious people who are afraid that something bad is going to happen. There are lots of fears on one side and, on the other side, destructiveness. Lots of rage, expressed in huge anger, and attacks resulting from minor issues
  • Restlessness, poor concentration, and changefulness add to the state of anguish. When alone, Dros becomes fearful, anxious, and sad. Anguish is associated with impatience, inconstancy, and gloominess.


  • Apprehensive at the pit of stomach, due to unpleasant news.
  • Conflict between materialism and spiritualism, between religiousness and business, between mundane gains and salvation, and this leads to anguish.
  • With anguish, there are two responses: 1. Ill-humoured, vexed, and censorious and 2. Melancholic state, indifference, hypochondriasis, and despondency.
  • Confusion of mind, restlessness, dullness, and < when alone are marked symptoms with anguish.


  • Like its crude rock oil source, the remedy is mentally inflammable, < emotional excitement, easily offended, vexed at everything, quarrelsome, cursing, and violently angry.
  • Causeless worry, anxiety, indecisiveness, and weakness of memory are the weak points.
  • Anguish emerges from the above characters when the mental state is overwhelmed with sadness and helplessness.


  • The basis of personality structure consists of anxiety, melancholy, great despondency, and confirmed pessimism. The person loses his mind, and suicidal thoughts hover over his mind.
  • Anguish develops as he can’t apply his faculties of mind outside of prostration. Constant worrying and fretting.
  • Fear of failure, poverty, and being alone are the weak characters.
  • is also a perfectionist and wants to do the jobs in an orderly manner. This is not possible because of his mental state, and debility and anguish are the results.





Feeling anxious or uncertain about something that is going to happen.

Usually, an apprehensive person anticipates or expects a negative outcome or potential danger.

It is commonly associated with feelings of worry, nervousness, or caution.

An apprehensive person can experience various impacts on his life due to persistent feelings of anxiety and worry.

Apprehension can develop many physiological responses. Appetite can be increased or decreased. Increased sweating of the palms may be caused by apprehension.

Chronic and excessive apprehension can develop into Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and it can adversely affect cognitive processes.


Overthinking: Tendency to ruminate on potential outcomes. He may analyse situations based on risks that can contribute to his apprehension.

 Risk-avoidance: A cautious approach to taking risks and decisions that involve uncertainty and a willingness to step outside his comfort zone.

Sensitivity to criticism: An apprehensive person takes criticism personally and interprets it as confirming his fears, which can increase his apprehension.

Perfectionism: An apprehensive person often has a strong desire for perfectionism as he fears making mistakes, leading to apprehension about potential failures and a lack of confidence.

Indecisiveness: He needs a support system out of fear of making the wrong decision. He spends excessive time weighing the pros and cons and thus postpones making decisions.

Need for assurance: An apprehensive person often seeks reassurance from others and frequently asks for advice seeking validation.

Difficulty letting go of control: An apprehensive person may have difficulty relinquishing control in various situations. He may prefer to possess a sense of certainty and control over the circumstances, as it helps alleviate his apprehension.



Afraid. Alarmed. Concerned. Disquieted. Jumpy. Scared. Uneasy. Worried.


Confident. Reassured. Secure. Relaxed. Assured. Unconcerned. Optimistic. Bold. Fearless. Carefree.


  • “I have an anxious feeling in the pit of the stomach.”
  • “I am fearful and anxious about what the future holds for me.”
  • “I am hesitant about decisions.”
  • “I always feel unease and nervous.”
  • “I am constantly anticipating and thinking of the worst possible outcome.”
  • “I am feeling nervous about the presentation I have to give it today.”
  • “I am not sure if I can handle this situation.”
  • “I am feeling on edge and can’t share the feeling of apprehension.”
  • “I don’t know if I should take this job opportunity. What if I am not good enough?”
  • “I am hesitant to speak up in meetings. I am afraid of mocking.”
  • “I feel embarrassed in a social gathering.”
  • “I am always anticipating the worst-case scenario. I can’t relax and enjoy the present moment.”
  • “I am really worried about the presentation tomorrow. I keep imagining all the things that could go awry.”
  • “I am scared to try new things. The fear of failure holds me back from taking risks.”


  • Tension in the body: Rigid posture, with shoulders raised, back straightened and muscles visibly tightened. Clenched fists or jaws.
  • Facial expressions: Raised eyebrows, furrowed forehead, tense or tight facial muscles, frowning. Tense smile. Lip biting.
  • Eye expressions: Avoiding direct eye contact. Glancing around. Downcast eyes. Not maintaining steady eye contact.
  • Gestures: Nervous hand movements, such as rubbing hands together or wringing hands. Tapping fingers. Repeatedly shifting weight from one leg to another.
  • Changes in voice: A shaky or trembling voice, stuttering, speaking softly or hesitantly, or a higher pitch than usual.
  • Defensive body posture: Crossing arms or legs
  • Objective signs: Increased perspiration: Forehead, palms, feet etc. Rapid breathing. Sighing. Restlessness, fidgeting, pacing, tapping fingers, biting nails, trembling, or avoiding eye contact.


Apprehensive versus Anxious

  • Anxiety is a more pervasive and long-lasting state of heightened apprehension. Anxiety is diffuse and ubiquitous, while apprehension is more focused on a specific event or circumstance.

Apprehensive versus Worried

  • Apprehension concerns the future, while worry involves ongoing thoughts and concerns about potential negative outcomes. Apprehension can be more acute and immediate, while worry can be more continuous and intrusive.
  • Apprehension concerns the future, while worry involves ongoing thoughts and concerns about potential negative outcomes. Apprehension can be more acute and immediate, while worry can be more continuous and intrusive.

Apprehensive versus Cautious

  • Apprehension can lead to caution, but they are not the same. Apprehension is primarily an emotional response characterized by uncertainty. Caution is a deliberate and prudent approach to preventing harm. Caution is driven by rational decision-making, whereas apprehension is a subjective feeling.

Apprehensive versus Fearful

  • Fear arises in response to an immediate or tangible threat, while apprehension can be triggered by less concrete or specific factors. Fear tends to elicit a stronger physiological and instinctual response, while apprehension may be more nuanced and can arise from a broader range of sources.

Apprehensive versus Nervous

  • Nervousness involves a physical sensation of restlessness, while apprehension is primarily an emotional state of worry. Apprehension involves a wider range of emotional experiences beyond nervousness, such as anticipation, concern, or dread.

Apprehensive versus Agitated

  • Agitation is a state of heightened mental or emotional unrest, often marked by restlessness or irritability. It can be associated with apprehensiveness, but it is more intense.


  • Mind; anticipation; engagement, for an
  • Mind; anxiety; time is set, when a
  • Mind; anxiety; tremulous
  • Mind; anxiety; constriction, with; throat, in
  • Mind; anxiety; fear, with
  • Mind; anxiety; future, about
  • Mind; cowardice
  • Mind; death; presentiment of
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; danger, of
  • Mind; despair; anxiety, with
  • Mind; frightened easily
  • Mind; fastidious
  • Mind; fear; trifles, about
  • Mind; fear; danger, of impending
  • Mind; fear; happen; something will
  • Mind; indecision, irresolution
  • Mind; order, desire for
  • Mind; reproaches; ailments from, agg.
  • Mind; restlessness, nervousness; anxious
  • Mind; shrieking, screaming, shouting; help, for
  • Face; frightened expression
  • Chest; constriction; anxiety, with
  • Basic mode, fugitive (From Clinical repertory on body language)


  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic-stress disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Specific phobias


 Argentum nitricum

  • Arg-nit. is a quicksilver person.
  • ‘Apprehensive’ is the central disposition of a person, and it is associated with a timid approach to life, anxiety, and multiple fears. Arg-nit. has an agitated system; he is always on the run, restless, in a hurry, and strained.
  • Anticipatory anxiety masquerading as fears of all sorts.
  • Apprehension strikes at the pit of stomach and the patient develops many symptoms such as acid reflux, incarceration of gas, etc. He develops the state of a trapped person and feels that all exits are blocked.
  • The overwhelming apprehension can make him a shirker, an escapist, a back-bencher, even a coward, always willing to pass responsibilities on to others.

Baryta carbonica

  • Bar-c’s apprehension is raised out of low performance as he possesses intellectual disability, thoughtless behaviour, childishness, bashfulness, an easily frightened state, and the consequent lack of confidence.
  • He is slow, inept, and backward, and hence, when any task has to be performed, he withdraws himself.
  • He is sensitive to criticism and feels that all are laughing, mocking, and making fun of him, and this character adds to his apprehension.
  • Apprehension makes him homesick.


  • is vegetable Arg-n. but Arg-n. is active while Gels is slow. Arg-n. is more confused, hurried and impulsive than Gels. Gels. is paralysed due to apprehension. Gels. bottles up his emotions, Arg-n. not. Arg-n. warm-blooded, Gels. chilly.
  • Gels is an inhibited neurotic. High-strung, puny, timid, and apprehensive. Great want of courage. Great distress and apprehensiveness at the memory of a former accident (shock).
  • Prone to multiple fears and they are chiefly anticipatory. Paralysed by fright. Flight response; desire to be quiet. Feels discouraged and helpless.

Picricum acidum

  • The personality structure has the dispositions of lack of willpower, disinclination any work, nervous disposition and prostration.
  • This leads to apprehension; hence flight response is more evident.
  • Dread of failure in examination. Overwork of mind or brain makes him fatigued.

Lac caninum

  • The basic disposition is self-depreciation which leads to multiple fears, anxieties and apprehensiveness. The fear that she will not be able to perform her duties causes apprehension. Negative emotions like hate, antipathy, anger, etc. act as inhibitors.
  • Lac-c. patient doubts his own abilities, fear of failure and low spiritedness result in withdrawal from performance.
  • The basic disposition is self-depreciation, which leads to multiple fears, anxieties, and apprehensions. The fear that she will not be able to perform her duties causes apprehension. Negative emotions like hate, antipathy, anger, etc. act as inhibitors.
  • Lac-c. patient doubts his own abilities, fear of failure, and low spiritedness result in withdrawal from performance.


Mind; boaster



Boaster is a person, who talks with excessive pride and satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities. Related themes include pride, possession, and exaggeration about what one has done and what one owns. Here, the person himself is the source of pride. A person feels satisfied by exaggerating the self. The process is one of self-admiration and glorification through speech and manner. People must ‘admire me’.

The process can be related to hiding mediocrity by repeatedly lauding one’s achievements. Boasting is generally seen as a negative behaviour, as it creates an unbalanced power dynamic in relationships or conversations and may alienate or annoy the concerned people. A boaster toots his own horns constantly. He craves recognition and acknowledgement and is not happy.



  • Exaggeration
  • Self-centeredness
  • Constant self-references
  • Superiority
  • Self-promotion
  • Insecurity
  • Need for validation
  • Competitive nature
  • Lack of humility
  • Attention-seeking behaviour
  • Disregard for truth
  • Fragile ego
  • Lack of self-awareness

Note: These characteristics can vary in intensity from person to person, and not all individuals who exhibit these traits are necessarily constant boasters.

Verbal expressions

  • Exaggerating achievements
  • Self-promotion
  • Name-dropping
  • Bragging about possessions
  • Highlighting superiority
  • Constant self-references
  • Competing for attention



  • Braggard. Blowhard. Blusterer. Ostentation. Pretentious. Superiority. Self-esteem. Self-assertion. Self-admiring. Self-promotor. Self-dramatizer.


  • Humility. Shyness. Bashfulness. Timidity. Meekness. Altruism.


  • “I am the best at everything I do.”
  • “I am very brilliant. I hate living with illiterate people.”
  • “Nobody can match my skills and abilities.”
  • “People are always amazed by my talents and achievements.”
  • “Yeah, I am a self-made man. I lied on all my resumes and bluffed my way to the top.”
  • “I’m one of the reputed scientists of this country.”
  • “I am destined for greatness and nothing can stop me.”
  • “I am the smartest and the strongest person you’ll ever meet.”
  • “Well, I’ve received multiple awards for my ground-breaking research.”
  • “Your mobile number is exactly the same as my salary!”
  • “I own the latest gadgets, luxury cars, and a magnificent house.”
  • “I excel in everything I do.”
  • “I am an exceptional person.”
  • “Oh, I was just having dinner with a famous person the other day. We are good friends.”


  • Swagger walk. A broad-side display. Pointer/thumb display. Grotesque dancing. Touching nose while talking.Hands on hips to appear large. Takes extra/more space while sitting.

Explanation of body language cues


Each person has a distinct walking style; seldom are people identified by their walk. An individual’s walk is shaped on the basis of his individual body structure and emotions which control the pace and length of stride as well as the posture. The manner and style of one’s gait telegraph information about his status, feelings and moods.

Swagger is an exaggerated arm-swinging style of walking, with the upper part of the body strutting. It signifies the male gesture. A man who approaches another with a swagger to greet him displays ‘power, strength and dominance’ (Givens, 1999).

A broad-side display

A broad-side display represents:

  • A slight or moderate exaggeration in side-to-side movements of walking.
  • A masculine style of upper-body strutting.
  • A visual means of filling up space or occupying a greater expanse of personal territory.

Pointer/thumb display

Pointer display indicates the presence or location of objects, or stiffening the forefinger to direct attention to people, places, or a stabbing motion of the index finger, as given in ‘anger’ (may be for the sake of ‘emphasis’).

The thumbs denote superiority and are related to the strength of character, the ego and the self-esteem. Thumbs are used to display dominance, assertiveness or even aggressiveness.

Grotesque dancing

These people are extravagant as well as flamboyant and also like to show off

Touching the nose

There are numerous ways of communicating with the nose. It can be tapped, thumbed, pushed, pulled, twisted, scratched, circled or wiggled and each action signals a meaningful message.

The symbolic language of the nose is related to pride. For example, in Ramayana, Laxman, Lord Rama’s brother, chopped off the nose of Shurpanakha (sister of Ravana) in order to insult her.


Touching the face, or putting a hand over the mouth, pulling at the ears, scratching the nose, casting eyes down or looking downward to the left, shifting in the seat, wiping hands to get rid of sweat or fidgeting with hands, each action denotes lying.


This ‘akimbo’ posture is a universal one, in which the palms rest on the hips with the elbows flexed outward, bowed away from the body.

Hands-on-hips make a person look bigger and more noticeable as he occupies more space. Hence this gesture is related to high self-esteem.

Space and self-image

The concept of space is related to self-esteem.

There are three aspects of space as follows:

  • Expansion of space: A process based on hypertrophy of ego.
  • Maintaining the space: A process based on resources.
  • Shrinkage of space: A process based on atrophy of ego.
  • ‘Higher the status, larger the space’.



Boasting versus Confidence

  • Confidence involves faith in one’s abilities, and boasting involves making exaggerated claims about one’s abilities. Boasting stems from a desire to impress others and gain recognition, whereas confidence stems from a belief in oneself.

Boasting versus Self-promotion

  • Self-promotion involves promoting oneself or one’s work through adherence to facts. Boasting, on the other hand, involves embellishing one’s achievements and may involve putting others down in order to make oneself look superior.

Boasting versus Arrogance

  • Arrogance involves an inflated sense of self-importance and a belief that one is superior to others. Boasting, on the other hand, may stem from a lack of self-confidence and a desire to gain approval from others. Arrogance tends to be more extreme and may involve looking down on others.

Boasting versus Lying

  • A ‘boast’ can be an exaggerated truth or a huge lie. A lie, obviously, is not the truth. However, boasting is more about embellishing and making the truth look even greater. Lying is just telling something, which is totally wrong to start out with. A boast may end up in lying also because the truth is turned into a whopper (lie). Boasting denotes: “I am the best at everything. I can do this and that.” It’s all about me and mine.
  • Lying is intended to deceive. A liar may not boast; he tends to avoid or divert attention mostly, not attract it (unlike a boaster).

Boasting versus Narcissism

  • Constantly boasting about oneself can be off-putting and may lead others to perceive the boaster as arrogant or narcissistic.
  • Boasting is speaking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities. Narcissismis the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s own attributes. Narcissists consider themselves special and unique, deserving of special treatment and preference.

Note: Just because someone likes to brag a lot does not mean that he is a narcissist.


  • Mind; ambition; ambitious; competitive
  • Mind; arrogance
  • Mind; attention; desires
  • Mind; avarice; squandering on oneself, but
  • Mind; boaster, braggart
  • Mind; contemptuous
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; great person, is
  • Mind; disgust
  • Mind; domineering
  • Mind; egotism, self-esteem
  • Mind; exhilaration
  • Mind; haughty, pride
  • Mind; importance, feels his, pompous
  • Mind; liar
  • Mind; vanity


  • Narcissistic Personality disorder (NPD)
  • Anti-social personality disorder (ASPD)
  • Histrionic Personality disorder (HPD)
  • General paralysis of insane (GPI)
  • Schizophrenia

Note: Boasting can also occur in individuals without mental health conditions.



  • Bravado, but as an attempt to cover up anxiety or internal weakness. Inflated ego. Uses pompous, flowery, expansive language to decorate himself. “Look how clever I am.” Wishes to be considered rich.
  • Can be a liar to glorify himself.
  • The behaviour is centered around ‘I am great.’


  • Wounded pride. Identifies a lack of appreciation for the insult. Love of approval. Seeks the good opinion of others and attaches great importance to it. Desires flattery.
  • Delusion, grow, larger and longer; he grew.
  • Boasting helps reduce the insulted and neglected feeling. He tries to appear as amiable as possible, and hence boasting is not aggressive but softer, although Pall. can be obstinate.
  • If a patient can’t brook anything; he develops a disagreeable mood and can resort to boasting.
  • There is a constant need for recognition and boasting helps decorate the self. Boasting can occur when she feels not appreciated.
  • Boasting may be expressed through jesting, contempt towards others, unchaste talk and in an abrupt way. Boasting about sexual performance is common.


  • Boaster. Contemptuous. ‘Mr. honour’.
  • Delusions: Proud, presumptuous, vanity. Places too much importance on trifles.
  • Apt uses his idealism to justify his harmful activities.
  • Boasting results out of his hero ship, and one of the fields is sexuality.
  • Boastful talk during violent outbursts of passion is common. He fears the worst results from slight causes and boasts to reduce the pangs.


  • Haughty. Looks with disdain at everyone and everything. Squanders through ostentation. Self-exaltation.
  • Delusion, he is a great person. The concepts of beauty and intelligence (real or perceived) lead to superiority. Arrogance and a proud feeling make her boast.
  • There is a constant need for recognition, and boasting helps decorate oneself. Boasting can occur when she feels unappreciated.
  • Boasting may be expressed through jesting, contempt towards others, unchaste talk, or in an abrupt way. Boasting about sexual performance is common


  • Tendency to boast is denoted by pride; may be subtle boasting. The issue is not of appreciation but to project his sense of superiority.
  • Forward in promoting himself to the public; he does so with flair, without resorting to outright boasting. Also, little emotional attachment; dryness of the mind and detached behaviour often accompany boasting.
  • Foolish happiness and pride, thinks of himself in possession of beautiful things.





‘Careless’ refers to a lack of care, attention, or thoroughness in one’s actions or behaviour, suggesting a disregard for details or consequences.

Being careless is a negative trait. A careless person is without worry; he abandons perfectionism or exactness, stops paying attention to others’ opinions, and lands himself in trouble. A careless person is often scatter-brained, chaotic, inattentive, and almost always negligent.


A careless person is often portrayed as someone who lacks attention to detail, doesn’t think before acting, and is generally unconcerned about the consequences of his actions.

Some common characteristics associated with a careless person

  • Forgetful: A careless individual tends to forget important dates, appointments, or tasks he is supposed to complete. He may frequently misplace or lose belongings due to his lack of attention.
  • Disorganized: Carelessness often goes hand in hand with disorganization. A careless person may have a messy living or working space and struggle to keep things in order. He may struggle with time management and have difficulty prioritizing tasks.
  • Impulsive: A careless individual often acts on impulse without considering the potential outcome of his actions. He may make hasty decisions, leading to avoidable mistakes.
  • Inattentive: Lack of attention to detail is a hallmark trait of a careless person. This can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.
  • Carefree attitude: A careless person typically has a carefree and nonchalant attitude towards his responsibilities. He may not take tasks or commitments seriously, often leaving things unfinished or incomplete.
  • Lack of planning: A careless person tends to approach tasks or projects without proper planning or preparation. He may not take the time to consider the necessary steps or anticipate potential challenges, leading to haphazard and sloppy results.
  • Tendency to procrastinate: A careless person often procrastinates, putting off tasks until the last minute. This can result in rushed work, increased stress, and a higher likelihood of errors or oversights.
  • Indifference to consequences: A careless person may not be concerned about the negative consequences of his actions. He may dismiss the impact of his behaviour on others or fail to recognize how his carelessness affects his own well-being or relationships.

Note: These characteristics can vary in degree from person to person. Additionally, being careless does not define an individual’s entire personality, as people can exhibit different traits and behaviours in different situations.

Verbal expressions

  • Making thoughtless or irrelevant remarks: A careless person may engage in casual or irrelevant conversation. For example, he might say things like, “Did you see that movie? It was awesome!” or “I had the best pizza last night.”
  • Disregarding or dismissing important information: A careless person may overlook or dismiss crucial details, instructions, or warnings given by a doctor. For instance, he might respond with comments like, “Yeah, yeah, I heard that before,” or “I don’t need to know all that.”
  • Engaging in inappropriate or offensive language: A careless person may use inappropriate or offensive language without considering the impact on others. For example, he might say things like, “This hospital is a damn joke,” or “That nurse is so stupid.”
  • Exhibiting impatience or demanding behaviour: A careless person may display impatience or a sense of entitlement during the conversation, expecting immediate attention or prioritization over others. He might say things like, “Why are you taking so long? I am busy,” or “I need to see the doctor right away.”
  • Dismissing the expertise of a doctor: A careless person may question or disregard the knowledge and expertise of a doctor, asserting his own opinions or alternative sources of information. He might make comments like, “I read online that it is not a big deal,” or “I know better than you; trust me.”



  • Negligent. Inattentive. Thoughtless. Unmindful. Reckless. Irresponsible. Forgetful. Haphazard. Slipshod. Improvident. Indifferent. Nonchalant. Lax. Unconcerned. Casual.


  • Diligent. Cautious. Meticulous. Thorough. Conscientious. Prudent. Thoughtful. Careful. Responsible.


  • “I forgot to take my medication regularly.”
  • “I didn’t think it would matter if I skipped a few appointments. Now my condition has worsened.”
  • “I know I should be eating healthier, but I often end up grabbing fast food because I can’t find the time to plan my meals.”
  • “I didn’t keep track of my expenses, and now I’m facing financial difficulties.”
  • “I left my phone at the restaurant. I am always misplacing things.”
  • “I forgot to lock the door again. I am so absent-minded.”
  • “I didn’t bother double-checking before submitting my documents. I am sure it is fine.”
  • “Oops, I forgot to bring the medical reports to our meeting. Well, you have to manage without them.”
  • “Can you repeat again? I didn’t really listen to what you were saying.”
  • “I don’t care about your detailed interrogation. Just do whatever you think is best.”
  • “See, nobody is perfect. I am sorry I have not observed my symptoms.”
  • “I didn’t save the file, and now it is lost. Oh well, I will start over.”
  • “I am not really paying attention. Can you just give me the summary?”
  • “I didn’t check the expiry date on the medicine strip. I will just drink the medicine and I hope I will feel better.”


  • Lack of eye contact. Fidgeting or restlessness. Inattentive body language. Slouch in a chair, lean away from a doctor, or display closed-off postures like crossed arms. Frequently yawn or sigh during the conversation, signaling boredom or indifference.
  • Distracting behaviour, such as checking his phone, scrolling through social media, or engaging in unrelated activities, minimal nonverbal responses, such as nodding without genuine engagement or providing short, dismissive gestures.
  • He may avoid actively participating in the conversation.


Carelessness versus Lack of conscientiousness or Irresponsible

Both terms indicate a lack of careful attention.

Carelessness is characterized by disregard for details and a tendency to overlook important information or make mistakes. Lack of conscientiousness refers to a broader pattern of being disorganised, irresponsible, and less focussed on tasks and responsibilities.

Carelessness versus Impulsivity

Carelessness refers to a lack of attention or thoroughness. Impulsivity refers to acting without thinking about potential consequences

Carelessness versus Inattentiveness

Carelessness is due to a lack of attention or thoroughness. Inattentiveness refers specifically to a lack of focus or attention. Carelessness can result from inattentiveness. Inattentiveness can also include difficulties sustaining attention, easily getting distracted, or unobserving traits.


  • Mind; audacity
  • Mind; chaotic
  • Mind; forgetfulness; facts, for; recent
  • Mind; heedless, careless
  • Mind; impatience
  • Mind; impetuous, impulsive
  • Mind; independence; demonstrative
  • Mind; quick to act
  • Mind; postponing everything to next day
  • Mind; responsibility; aversion to
  • Mind; recklessness, temerity
  • Mind; rashness
  • Mind; unobserving


  • ADHD
  • Frontal lobe dementia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Substance abuse
  • Personality disorder
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders



  • The issue of carelessness is related to the loss of identity. The mind is dispersed and distracted, and there is a loss of reason and decision.
  • Alumina patient is not sure of himself, forgetful, and absent-minded. These characters affect his mundane affairs and can’t do the tasks with precision.
  • Moods are variable; there is anxiety and a resigned attitude towards life. He is absorbed in his depressed, despairing, and fearful state. He lacks the courage and will to finish the work in the desired manner.

Apis mellifica

  • The central theme is ‘very busy, industrious, and restless’. Hence, he is careless, as he has no capacity to multitask. He may engage in fruitless and foolish jobs.
  • His behaviour is fickle and inconsistent; he changes occupations often and has no perspective or prospective vision. Unconcerned with the consequences and hence can’t be considerate.
  • Absent-mindedness and impaired memory, coupled with childishness, make him frivolous and heedless.
  • The emotions, especially jealousy, run riot, and he may become angry, indifferent, and even destructive.


  • Insensibility is the character that makes us careless.
  • Multiple fears and delusions denote the split personality, and he can’t focus his attention on the required things in life. He loses the exact idea of time and space.
  • Loss of memory is a big issue in Camph; he can’t remember names and can’t recognize people, and thus he becomes incompetent in carrying out responsibilities.
  • There is an element of wildness and lewdness, and he may push these characters into interpersonal relationships without caring for others.

Fluoric acid

  • Excessive materialism, frivolousness, and libertinism are the basis of personality structure. Carelessness is produced as a consequence.
  • Amicable to outsiders, harsh or indifferent to one’s own people, or sometimes to everybody. Ungrounded hatred of absent or particular persons is a bias.
  • Fl-ac. is selfish and unstrung. He is a hedonistic pleasure-seeker. There is irresponsible gaiety and an easy-going complacency.
  • The concept of love is frivolous, and the gratification of sexual instinct is the behaviour. He cares little for his partner.


Mind; cautious



Being cautious means being watchful about avoiding risk or danger, and it implies exercising thoughtfulness, which is typically brought on by a dread of harm. Cautiousness is most readily observed in children. Before making a decision, a careful individual prepares a pros-and-cons list to outline all potential issues.

After careful consideration and some lingering fear, he makes a choice. A cautious individual is more worried about avoiding mistakes or unfavourable outcomes than he is about making daring or dangerous decisions.

In its extreme form, it transforms into suspicion, distrust, and paranoia. Common traits of cautious characters include being analytical, thoughtful, strategic, careful, patient, and prudent. Carefulness applies to precision in action. The opposite of ‘cautious’ is ‘rashness’; that of ‘carefulness’ is ‘careless’.


 Characters of a cautious person

A cautious person is someone who tends to be careful and deliberate in his actions, often considering potential risks and consequences before making decisions. Here are some character traits commonly associated with a cautious person:

  • Thoughtful: A cautious person tends to think things through carefully, weighing the pros and cons of a situation before taking any action. He is often reflective and considers various perspectives.
  • Analytical: He has a natural inclination towards analyzing information and data before forming an opinion or making a decision. He values evidence-based reasoning and relies on facts to guide his actions.
  • Risk-averse: A cautious individual is typically hesitant when it comes to taking risks. He prefers to possess a clear understanding of the potential outcomes and will avoid situations that involve high levels of uncertainty or danger.
  • Methodical: He tends to approach tasks and projects in a systematic and organized manner. He likes to have a plan in place and follow established procedures to minimize the likelihood of errors or mistakes. He performs the job with unwavering precision.
  • Observant: A cautious person has a keen eye for detail. He pays attention to his surroundings, noticing potential hazards or red flags that others might overlook. He is an attentive listener and often picks up on subtle cues in social interactions.
  • Patient: A cautious person is willing to wait and gather information before making a move. He understands the value of patience and is not easily swayed by impulse or immediate gratification.
  • Prepared: He likes to be well-prepared for various scenarios. A cautious individual often anticipates potential challenges or setbacks and takes steps to mitigate them. He may create contingency plans and gather the necessary resources in advance.
  • Meticulous: A cautious individual has a strong attention to detail and a desire for accuracy. He double-checks his work and takes the time to ensure that everything is done correctly.
  • Reserved: He tends to be more reserved and guarded in his interactions with others. A cautious individual may take time to build trust and may be cautious about sharing personal information or forming close relationships.
  • Thoughtfully decisive: While a cautious person takes his time to make decisions, he is not necessarily indecisive. He weighs his options carefully, considers the consequences, and makes choices based on logical reasoning rather than impulsive emotions.



  • Wary. Diligent. Circumspect. Vigilant. Watchful. Discreet. Thoughtful. Judicious.


  • Absent-minded. Heedless. Reckless. Casual. Frivolous. Rashness. Neglecting.



  • “Let me think about it for a bit.”
  • “I want to make sure I fully understand the situation.”
  • “I think it’s best to proceed with caution.”
  • “I think it is important to be patient and not rush into anything.”
  • “I want to weigh the pros and cons before deciding.”
  • “Mother, about the son, “He is terrified to play football.” If asked, he says, “What if I get hit and I get injured?”
  • “Pratik has a terrible fear of falling while descending the stairs. He always sticks to the grill and walks slowly.”
  • “Vishal doesn’t go to play with his inmates on the playground, fearing that he will be injured.”


  • Tidy, spruce clothes. Direct eye contact. Hand gripping elbow gesture. Head-nod to show attention. Driving a car while sitting very near the steering wheel.


 Cautious versus Anxious

Cautiousness involves a deliberate and measured approach, while anxiety is characterized by excessive worry, apprehension, and heightened arousal. A cautious person considers risks but may not experience anxiety. An anxious person may exhibit cautious behaviour as a result of his fear of negative outcomes.

Cautious versus Fearful

Cautiousness is marked by prudence, while fearfulness is marked by a strong emotional response to perceived danger. A cautious person may assess risks and take precautions. A fearful person’s mental state may influence decision-making.

Cautious versus Impulsive

A cautious person deliberates before taking any action, while an impulsive person acts quickly without any forethought or consequences.

Cautious versus Careless

Cautiousness involves a thoughtful approach. Carelessness, on the other hand, refers to a lack of attention and thoroughness.


  • Mind; alert
  • Mind; anxiety; conscience, of
  • Mind; carefulness
  • Mind; cares, worries, full of
  • Mind; conscientious about trifles
  • Mind; consciousness expanded
  • Mind; objective, reasonable
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; life; burden, is a
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; neglected; duty, his
  • Mind; fastidious
  • Mind; fear; happen; something will; bad, evil
  • Mind; pertinacity
  • Mind; reserved
  • Mind; rest; cannot, when things are not in proper place
  • Mind; thinking; analytical


  • Generalised Anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Social phobia
  • Post-traumatic-stress-disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)



  • The theme is order and control. Surveillance and vigilance are the central themes; otherwise, ‘I will suffer.’
  • Takes every issue seriously, as if life and death were perfectionists. Conscientious about trifles.
  • Anticipatory anxiety. Cautious in order to prove his genuineness before others. Cautious that he doesn’t make any mistakes.
  • Wearing neat and clean clothes. Fastidious.

Cuprum metallicum

  • Sense of losing consciousness and hence being cautious. He thinks he was pursued by enemies and the police and is hence cautious. Cautious to control others, to control spasms, jerking, and convulsions as they are worse from touch.
  • Outbursts of anger and, hence, the desire to hide on account of fear of consequences. Wants to be a competitor and is always number one. Achievement of number one is possible when Cup-m. is cautious.


  • Image-conscious, hence cautious. Wary of his image being projected as that of a great man. Perfectionist, and hence cautious. Well-prepared before events out of cautiousness.
  • Fear of mistakes, failure, and business. Wants to hide his internal weakness and has to remain cautious to maintain his status.
  • Watchful before anything unwanted happens. Conscientious about trifles. Anticipatory anxiety, cautious about his performance.


  • Cautious in business. Active, energetic, vigorous, vivacious, vibrant, ardent, zealous, rushing, tenacious, and result-oriented. He cares about business and develops anxiety about business as well.
  • Anticipatory anxiety. Very particular about the smallest details. Executives. Exacting. Taskmaster. Stern. Has to maintain his mundane position in society.
  • Nux-vom. develops prostration of the mind from business and too much worry.


  • Morbid dread of the opposite sex; multiple fears
  • Cautiousness is a feature of children and sticks to childishness. Cautious to receive sympathy, to get attention, to fulfil emotional selfishness, to get the support of others, and to lean on
  • Immature ego development, indecisiveness, a Weathercock character and delicacy of feeling, and being ‘offended easily’ add up to being cautious.





  • The term ‘chaotic’ typically refers to a state of extreme disorder, confusion, or unpredictability. It describes a situation or system that lacks order, organization or structure in his thoughts, actions, and daily life.
  • A chaotic person lacks stability or a clear pattern, and hence it is difficult to pull on him.
  • A chaotic person is often muddled. He can’t keep the entropy at a minimum and spends energy on waste.


Characters of a chaotic person

  • Spontaneous: A chaotic individual often acts on impulse, embracing spontaneity in his actions and decisions. He may change his plans abruptly or engage in unpredictable behaviour.
  • Disorganized: Chaos can manifest in disorganized thoughts and actions. A chaotic person may struggle with maintaining order in his daily life, leading to cluttered spaces and difficulty managing responsibilities.
  • Nonconformist: A chaotic person tends to resist societal norms and conventions. He may reject established rules or standards and instead seek to create his own path, challenging traditional norms.
  • Unpredictable: The behaviour can be unpredictable and erratic. He may switch between different moods, opinions, or goals rapidly, making it challenging for others to anticipate his actions.
  • Creative: A chaotic individual may possess a strong sense of creativity and originality. He may thrive in an unconventional setting, using his unique perspective to generate innovative ideas or artistic expressions.
  • Impulsive: A chaotic person may struggle with impulse control, acting on immediate desires without fully considering the consequences. He may make hasty decisions.
  • Rebellious: A chaotic individual often has a rebellious streak, questioning authority and challenging societal structures. He may actively resist rules and regulations he perceives as oppressive or limiting.
  • Energized by change: A chaotic individual may thrive in dynamic environments that offer constant change and stimulation. He often feels invigorated by novelty and can become restless or bored when things become too predictable or routine.
  • Disruptive: Due to his unpredictable nature, a chaotic person can disrupt established systems. His actions may introduce instability or challenge the status quo, sometimes leading to conflicts or tension.
  • Unconventional problem-solving: A chaotic individual may approach problem-solving in unconventional ways. He often thinks outside the box, embracing unorthodox methods and solutions that others might overlook.

Verbal expressions

  • Incoherent or jumbled speech: A chaotic person may have difficulty organizing his thoughts or expressing himself clearly. He might speak in fragmented sentences or use nonsensical words.
  • Agitated or aggressive language: A chaotic person may become verbally aggressive, using harsh or threatening words. He may shout, curse, or make derogatory remarks.
  • Rapid or pressured speech: Some chaotic patients may speak rapidly, with an accelerated pace that makes it challenging to follow or comprehend their words. They may jump from one topic to another without making clear connections.
  • Delusions or hallucinations: He may experience distorted perceptions of reality, leading to delusions or hallucinations.
  • Fear or distress: A chaotic patient may express intense fear, anxiety, or distress through his words. He may plead for help or express concerns about his safety or the safety of others.



  • Turbulent. Haphazard. Unruly. Confused. Jumbled. Tumultuous. Disorganized. Frantic. Pandemonium.


  • Controlled. Harmonious. Methodical. Organized. Ordered. Systematic. Structured. Harmonious. Peaceful.


  • “I can’t concentrate on anything. My thoughts are all over the place.”
  • “Everything feels overwhelming, and I don’t know where to start.”
  • “I feel like I am constantly running in circles, trying to catch up but never getting anywhere.”
  • “I don’t understand why everything has to be so chaotic. It’s like I can’t escape it.
  • “I am terribly disorganized. I cannot keep anything tidy.”
  • “I keep forgetting things, and it is causing even more chaos in my life.”
  • “I can’t control my emotions. They fluctuate so rapidly, and it is exhausting.”
  • “I have all these ideas and plans, but I struggle to follow through on any of them.”
  • “It feels like there is a tornado inside my head, and I can’t find any peace.”
  • “I am jumping from this subject to that subject, and it is difficult to tie it all together.”
  • “I want to talk, but I am lost in the chaos of my mind.”
  • “I am sorry, I am sidetracked, and I will try to backtrack.”
  • “I cannot answer your questions. It is like a jumbled puzzle in my head.”
  • “I cannot analyze my day-to-day events. I am totally chaotic.”
  • “I lose track of time and space.”


  • Constant fidgeting, pacing, abrupt and uncoordinated movements of the limbs or body.
  • Rapid and frequent changes in facial expressions, such as wide-eyed looks of confusion or intense frustration, clenched fists, pacing back and forth, poor eye contact, frequently shifting gaze, tense muscles, and clenched jaw.


 Chaotic versus Erratic

  • A chaotic person generally describes a state of extreme disorder or complexity, while an erratic person emphasizes irregularity and unpredictability within a pattern or behaviour.
  • Chaotic behaviour or system can exhibit both disorder and unpredictability, whereas erratic behaviour may deviate from an expected pattern but still have some underlying structure or consistency.

Chaotic versus Spontaneous

  • Impulsiveness is shared by both. However, a chaotic person tends to display more extreme and inconsistent behaviour, often lacking a coherent pattern or rationale behind his actions. A spontaneous individual, on the other hand, may act on impulse but still maintain a level of consistency or coherence in their decision-making.
  • ‘Chaotic’ and ‘impulsive’ rubrics should be comprehended correctly.

Chaotic versus Unpredictable

  • A chaotic person may be unpredictable in his actions. Chaotic behaviour often arises from a lack of structure, resulting in a highly unpredictable and disordered approach to life.
  • An unpredictable person may show unexpected behaviour due to many factors such as changing circumstances, emotional variability, or personal preferences, but his behaviour may still have a certain level of order or consistency.

Chaotic versus Non-conformist

  • A chaotic individual often resists rules, systems, or authority, but this resistance is typically rooted in a sense of disorder or a desire to challenge established structures. A nonconformist, on the other hand, may also question norms and conventions, but he does so with a clearer and more intentional purpose. A non-conformist may strive for alternative forms of expression, but he maintains a sense of personal integrity or consistency.

Chaotic versus Creative

  • A chaotic individual may exhibit creativity, but his creative expression can be characterized by a lack of structure or coherence. His ideas and actions may seem haphazard, disorganized, or unconventional. In contrast, a person who possesses a creative mindset but is not chaotic tends to exhibit a more deliberate, focused, and structured approach to his creative pursuits.

 Chaotic versus Carefree

  • A chaotic person may appear carefree on the surface due to his impulsive nature and lack of adherence to rules. However, the roots of his behaviour are based on disorganization, inconsistency, or a lack of responsibility. A carefree person, on the other hand, may exhibit a sense of freedom and spontaneity, but he typically does so while maintaining a sense of balance, responsibility, and consideration for others.

Chaotic versus Impulsive

  • Both engage in behaviour without much forethought. However, impulsivity typically refers to acting without considering the potential consequences in the heat of the moment.
  • A chaotic person, while also impulsive, tends to exhibit a broader range of unpredictable behaviour beyond impulsivity alone.


  • Mind; abrupt
  • Mind; abstraction of mind
  • Mind; confusion of mind
  • Mind; creative
  • Mind; chaotic; orderly manner, cannot perform anything in
  • Mind; concentration; difficult
  • Mind; disconcerted
  • Mind; disordered
  • Mind; disoriented with everything
  • Mind; harshness, rough
  • Mind; heedless, careless
  • Mind; impetuous, impulsive
  • Mind; restlessness, nervousness
  • Mind; talk, talking, talks; hasty, hurried, fast
  • Mind; untidy
  • Generalities; energy, lots of


  • Temporal lobe epilepsy
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Substance use disorder



  • A fickle-minded person who cannot persevere in anything. Very capricious, wants now one thing; then another; walks hither and thither. These proving symptoms indicate the disorganized and chaotic state of the mind.
  • has a tendency to exaggerate and magnify her symptoms thus making the situation chaotic. Even a person may faint out of excitement, pain or suffering. Dissatisfaction with oneself is the basis.
  • Often the pace and energy land out of balance and are reflected at the physical level through nerves on edge in the form of spasms, convulsive tremors, cramps, twitching and pains, at GIT level through spasmodic contraction of stomach with reverse peristalsis.
  • Hysteria so typical of Asaf involves the oscillating state of the mind. Changing moods relate to great excitability and sensitiveness yet complete indifference to everything.
  • In short, disruptive and unpredictable behaviour typifies Asaf.


  • Solanaceae family and chaos go together.
  • produces furious excitement, perverted special senses, convulsions and pains.
  • Changeability is the pattern, and the system can’t remain in an organized state. The proving symptoms such as ‘breaks into fits of laughter and grinds the teeth’, the child cries out suddenly and ceases just as suddenly’, hasty motions of hands, a host of visual hallucinations throng about him and come to him from within’, etc. are reflective of the inner frantic and turbulent state.

 China officinalis

  • Air principle rules over the mind and one gets abundant ideas. He makes many plans but is unable to execute them.
  • Excessive excitability as a disposition make Chin lose the ground. His writings have a fantastical flair and often one displays incoherence. There are air castles and Chin is lost in the word play.
  • The chaotic behaviour makes him diffident in the long run.

 Mercurius solubilis

  • Merc’s power of cohesion is extremely great but its adhesion to its surroundings is poor. Neither is grasped like a solid and doesn’t stick like liquid and retains its own shape. Rather, takes its own shape which is not fixed at all. Atom shows an unstable quick reaction; changes its physical state quickly and possesses extraordinary mobility. Hence, chaos is in the DNA itself.
  • is characterized by hyperactivity and agility. Under a ‘fluid state’, the agile character allows the system to land into chaos. The rapid development of symptoms leads to destruction. The aberrant immune response can be a chaotic behaviour of the system.
  • Fixity with changeability is the character and is ‘always on the move’, shifting from one issue to another. The changeability and attraction to new make Merc. mistrustful, and unfaithful.
  • Life is chaos; nothing is controlled and organized; jumbled in every field of family, work and society.

 Tarentula hispanica

  • A remedy of impulses and instincts which are uncontrolled. Governed by whims and erratic behaviour which causes chaos. Cunningness and manipulation cause chaos. The destructive intentions cause chaos.
  • is known to destroy order in all areas of work given its hurry, restlessness and dictatorship. Everybody must hurry and should obey him; if not he can be violently angry and quarrelsome. He has the capacity to deceive others in a tactful and fraudulent way.
  • is a sophisticated liar and selfish. In order to accomplish his intentions, he can even be cruel, and he feels no guilt for causing chaos in other’s life.





  • Ccontemptuousness reflects a strong sense of disdain or disrespect towards someone or something, often accompanied by a sense of superiority or judgement.
  • Feeling or showing contempt.
  • A state of being despised or undignified

Past experience of offence or hurt, negative beliefs and bigoted convictions, brainwashing, power dynamics, etc. can contribute to why a person becomes contemptuous.


Verbal expressions

  • Insults or derogatory language: A person may use derogatory terms, insults, or offensive language to belittle or demean the other person. He may intentionally choose words that are hurtful or disrespectful.
  • Sarcasm or mocking tone: A person may employ sarcasm or a mocking tone to express contempt. He may use irony or ridicule to undermine or devalue the other person’s opinions, ideas, or abilities.
  • Dismissive statements: Dismissive remarks that downplay the importance or relevance of the other person’s thoughts, feelings, or contributions are made. He may imply that the other person’s perspective is unworthy of consideration.
  • Arrogance and condescension: Adopting an arrogant and condescending demeanour, speaking in a patronizing manner, and asserting his intellectual or social superiority.
  • Contemptuous laughter or mocking gestures: He may use contemptuous laughter or engage in mocking gestures such as eye-rolling, smirking, or sneering to demonstrate his contempt towards the other person.



  • Arrogant. Condescending. Contemptible. Demeaning. Derisive. Disdainful. Disrespectful. Dismissive. Haughty. Insolent. Mocking. Scornful. Sneering. Supercilious. Bottom of Form


  • Courteous. Honorific. Humble. Polite. Respectful. Reverent. Regardful. Valuing.


  • “I think my case is beyond your grasp.”
  • “I don’t need your advice. I am far superior to you in every way, so just save your breath.”
  • “Your questions are so stupid that I cannot help but laugh.”
  • “I can see right through your feeble attempts to understand me. Don’t pretend like you are smart.”
  • “Why should I even bother answering your questions? You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.”
  • “Your opinions are laughable. It is clear you have no grasp of reality.”
  • “You are beneath me, and it is evident in everything you say or do.”
  • “I have no interest in engaging with you. Your explanations are stupid.”
  • “Your incompetence is great. It is no wonder you fail often in your life.”
  • “You think you are a VIP person, but you are just another person in this world.”
  • “I am smarter and more intelligent than my parents.”


  • Eye rolling, smirking or sneering, raised eyebrows, wrinkled nose, curled upper lip, frowning or scowling, crossed arms, leaning away, or avoiding direct eye contact, indicating a desire to distance themselves from the conversation, interrupting or talking over others, minimal or controlled gestures.


 Contemptuous, Mocking and Haughty

All three involve negative attitudes.

  • Contemptuous refers to a general feeling of disrespect and disdain.
  • Mocking involves ridiculing or imitating in a scornful manner.
  • Haughty describes an attitude of arrogant superiority and condescension towards others.

Contemptuous versus Dismissive

  • While both contemptuous and dismissive individuals may disregard or undervalue others, the key difference lies in their intensity and emotionality. A contemptuous person typically harbours a deep sense of disdain and may openly express contempt towards others, whereas a dismissive person may simply ignore or downplay the importance of others without necessarily harbouring strong negative emotions.

Contemptuous versus Arrogant

  • Both display a sense of superiority over others. However, arrogance typically manifests as an inflated sense of self-importance or superiority, whereas contemptuous individuals not only feel superior but also actively hold others inferior.

Contemptuous versus Critical

  • Both contemptuous and critical individuals evaluate or judge others. But the key difference lies in the underlying emotion and intention. A critical person typically offers constructive criticism or feedback with the intention of improvement or growth, whereas a contemptuous person derives pleasure or satisfaction from looking down on others and belittling them.

 Contemptuous versus Cynical

  • A cynical person generally holds a sceptical or pessimistic outlook based on a general distrust of people, while a contemptuous person actively feels scorn or disdain towards a specific person.

Contemptuous versus Disgruntled

  • Both may express dissatisfaction or frustration, but the key difference lies in the focus and manner of expression. A disgruntled person typically feels resentful or dissatisfied due to specific circumstances or grievances, while a contemptuous person holds a pervasive sense of disrespect towards others regardless of immediate circumstances.

Contemptuous versus Indifferent

  • Both may display a lack of concern for or interest in others. However, a contemptuous person actively holds others in low regard and may actively express his disrespect. Whereas an indifferent person simply lacks emotional investment or attachment without necessarily harbouring
  • negative emotions.


  • Mind; abusive, insulting
  • Mind; censorious, critical
  • Mind; disdainful
  • Mind; disdainful
  • Mind; disgust
  • Mind; haughty, pride
  • Mind; insolence, impertinence
  • Mind; mocking
  • Mind; mocking; sarcasm
  • Mind; presumptuous
  • Mind; quarrelsomeness, scolding
  • Mind; rudeness
  • Mind; slander, disposition to


  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASP)
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Paranoid schizophrenia
  • Chronic alcoholism


 Agnus castus

The main theme is sexual melancholy and self-contempt from sexual abuse. The patient, after sexual abuse, goes into reactive depression and says that she will die soon and there is no use doing anything. She may land into chronic depression and loss of nervous energy.

 Agn. represents:

  • Sexual desire disorder is where the desire for sex has totally gone.
  • Sexual arousal disorder where there is relaxation of penis and even voluptuous fancies excite no erections.
  • Erectile dysfunction where there are no erections or impotence.
  • Premature ejaculation where there is quick emission.

Agn. is for self-depreciation and the consequences are loss of memory, sadness, despair and existential guilt.

 Arsenic album

“I am always right and everyone must follow me as I am exacting and perfect and you are wrong” attitude coupled with a censorious disposition are behind contemptuous behaviour towards others. He can’t bear any mistake and harps on the others. He becomes orderly in order to allay internal insecurity and anxiety. If the uncertainty and anxiety persist, he becomes contemptuous of others.

Ars’s domineering, suspicious, demanding and critical dispositions make others to feel contemptuous towards him.

Ars’s expectations are too high in terms of his own high standards and if they are not adhered to by others, he feels resentful.

Fear of sickness and suffering is deep; a strong fear of contamination and he expects cleanliness and order from everyone. If not met with, Ars behaves contemptuously.

 Aurum metallicum

A genuine and true lover offers love over others but receives betrayal; a noble heart is broken resulting in disappointment in love. Aur. can feel hateful and resentful towards those who have offended and deceived him. He is oversensitive to criticism, as he takes it to his heart and becomes resentful.

Aur. throws himself body and soul into his work or business, with honesty and perseverance and if the people stab him in the back, break his faith and let him down, he develops contempt and depression.

Aur. is a self-torturing type who is contemptuous towards oneself, a self-devaluation process which results in worthless feelings and a suicidal disposition.


The venomous Lach. has DNA of malice, revenge, hatefulness, jealousy and contempt.

He has a tendency to mock others, sarcasm, hostility and antipathic responses. Egotism and haughty dispositions are the base of contempt as well.

Ungrounded fixed ideas often of negative characters govern the behaviour.

Lach. depicts the evolution: Thought à Passion à  Obsession à Compulsion à Action. In this evolution, Lach. applies no reasoning faculty, and gets carried away by his impulses.

Contempt can make Lach. quarrelsome, abusive, filthy and destructive as well.

 Nitric acid

The acid element is displayed here very strongly in being hateful, vindictive and ill-willed. If he is offended, he goes into the passion of rage, and contempt and is unmoved by apologies.

Sensitive to conflicts. Long continued rancour.

There is self-contempt too in Nit-ac. and he is discontented with everything and with himself; angry over his mistakes. It is as if he can’t forgive himself for his wrong actions and becomes sympathetic to compensate for his wrong behaviour.


Mind; cowardice



A person who is not brave and who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc. The state or quality of being without a backbone (spinelessness). Cowardice is a blend of timidity, indecisiveness, and escapism and can lead to passivity. There is a flight response rather than a fight response. He shrinks back when challenging situations confront him. He doesn’t want to lose his comfort zone and is concerned about only saving his own skin. He has no trust in his own potential. There is temperamental incompetence to protest.

Cowardice can be detrimental in situations that require courage.


Characters of a cowardice person

Fearful: A coward tends to be very fearful and anxious and experiences intense fear in challenging situations. He may avoid situations that require courage and instead opt for retreat or escapism.

Lack of courage: Typically, lack the bravery and resilience needed to face adversity or take risks.

Selfishness:  A coward often prioritizes his own safety and well-being above others. He may be inclined to abandon or betray others when faced with danger or difficulty, seeking to protect himself at the expense of others.

Avoidance: A coward may actively seek ways to escape or evade challenges rather than confronting them head-on.

Lack of assertiveness: He may have difficulty expressing his own opinions, needs, or desires. He may prefer to remain silent or go along with others rather than stand up for himself or speak out. He may refuse to apologize as he is not brave enough.

Lack of resilience: He may lack resilience and perseverance, quickly giving up in the face of obstacles or setbacks. He may be easily discouraged or overwhelmed by adversity, choosing to retreat rather than persist in his efforts.

Dishonesty: A coward may resort to deceit or manipulation as a means of self-preservation. He may lie or manipulate others to avoid taking responsibility or facing the consequences of his actions.

Lack of loyalty: A coward often lacks loyalty, abandoning others when he is needed most. He may be quick to distance himself from individuals or causes that are under threat or facing difficulties.


Verbal expressions

Excuses: A coward often makes excuses to avoid taking responsibility or facing challenging situations.

Denial: A coward may deny his own fear or try to downplay the situation to avoid confronting his fears.

Blaming others: A coward may shift blame onto others to avoid personal accountability.

Passive-aggressive comments: A coward may resort to indirect and subtly hostile remarks instead of openly expressing his concerns.

Seeking validation or reassurance: A coward may constantly seek validation or reassurance from others to alleviate his fears.

Withdrawing from conversation: A coward may avoid engaging in discussions that require honesty, confrontation, or vulnerability.



  • Chicken-hearted. Fearful. Pusillanimous. Spineless. Tremulous. Timid.


  • Defiant. Audacious. Brave. Fearless. Valorous. Heroic. Audacious.


  • “I don’t know if I can do it.”
  • “I can’t do this; it is very risky.
  • “I will do this later on.”
  • “I am too scared to try.”
  • “I don’t want to take the risk.”
  • “I am not ready yet.”
  • “I am not confident enough to do it.”
  • “I am not sure I have the skills for it.”
  • “I can’t face this great responsibility.”
  • “I’m worried about the consequences.”
  • “I can’t fight.”
  • “I can’t project my self-rights.”
  • “I need your help.”
  • “I am not scared; I just do not think it is worth it.”
  • “It is not a big deal; everyone is overreacting.”
  • “It is your fault for putting me in this situation.”
  • “Some people have more courage than others.”
  • “Can you guarantee that nothing bad will happen?”
  • “I am not comfortable discussing that; let us change the topic.”


  • Flashbulb eyes. Poor eye contact. Stranger anxiety. Facial flushing. Clenched fist. Dead-fish handshake. Sweaty palms. Low tone of voice.


Cowardice versus Caution

  • Caution involves being careful with one’s actions. A cautious person avoids unnecessary risks; the basis is a rational assessment of the situation rather than a fear of the unknown. On the other hand, cowardice involves a lack of courage and stems from fear or anxiety.
  • Prudence shares similar traits as caution.

Cowardice versus Humility

  • Humility involves being modest or humble. Such a person avoids boasting or drawing attention to oneself and usually respects and acknowledges one’s limitations. Cowardice is related to a lack of courage, and the basis is fear or anxiety.

 Cowardice versus Timidity

  • Timid means lacking courage and being easily frightened, not specifically avoiding danger, while a coward always runs away from danger and is afraid of difficult situations. The degree of fearfulness is pronounced in a coward.
  • Timidity involves shyness or hesitance in social situations, and it is based on a lack of confidence or fear of being judged by others. A timid person is uneasy about starting a conversation or something new. Cowardice could be used to describe an act in which a person fled and left other people in danger. Although a coward is a timid person, it goes further than that. The word has a dishonourable connotation.
  • In short, cowardice relates to apprehension in the face of danger, while timidity refers to a lack of confidence or assertiveness.


  • Mind; anticipation
  • Mind; anxiety; future, about
  • Mind; anxiety; tremulous
  • Mind; complaining
  • Mind; confidence; lack, want of self
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; danger, of
  • Mind; escape, desire to
  • Mind; fear; responsibility, of
  • Mind; fear; happen; something will
  • Mind; frightened easily
  • Dreams; hiding
  • Mind; responsibility; wants to give up one’s
  • Mind; indecision, irresolution
  • Mind; lamenting, bemoaning, wailing
  • Mind; liar
  • Mind; reality; flight from
  • Mind; responsibility; aversion to
  • Mind; starting, startled
  • Mind; timidity
  • Mind; yielding disposition


  • Anxiety states
  • Depression
  • Psychosis
  • Personality disorder
  • Social phobia



  • Delicate; frail; embarrassed. Bashful. “Inhibition.” Slow grasp. Neurotic. Timidity. Apprehensive. Funky. Impressionable. Easily cowed down. Lack of ‘go’. Childish. Un-persevering. Fear of becoming crazy. Aversion to smiling faces. Introvert. Fear of failure.
  • Spiritual bent of mind as it is helpful for dependence, motivation, and avoidance of risk.


  • A security and rest hunter. Many dreams, deliriums, and fears stem therefrom.
  • Always concerned with safety, security, and stability. Seeker of security but full of volition. Will become ferocious if his security is jeopardized.
  • Slow on the uptake, but follow mighty projects with phenomenal tenacity.


  • “D’s: Diffident. Discouraged. Despairing. Depressed.”
  • Bashful timidity. Confused. Weariness. Easily frightened.
  • A sycotic Silicea. Both Calcarea and Silicea are dependent and need security.


  • Timid. Frightful. Complaints from anticipation. The anticipation of any unusual ordeal. Fear of losing self-control. Dullness.
  • Lack of confidence leads to more cowardice.


  • The carbon element is manifested at low will-drive-motivation.
  • Frightened easily. Apprehensive.
  • Timidity, dread of new undertakings or enterprises. Indecisive. Fear of the future. Anxious.


Mind; hatred



Hatred (or hate) is a strong, intense emotion characterised by extreme dislike. It often stems from a combination of negative experiences, perceptions, and beliefs.

Hate can be directed against individuals, groups, entities, objects, behaviour or ideas.

Hate is a natural human emotion, but it is unhealthy and destructive.

Hatred is contagious, crosses barriers and borders, and no one is immune to its risks.

The tenderness or gentleness (that is present in love) is missed in hatred. It is more of an attitude or disposition than a temporary emotional state.

 The irony of hate

  • It can consume more than almost any other feeling.
  • It can literally obsess a person and ruin his life, as it goes far beyond the feeling of deprivation and bothersomeness.
  • It can create a forceful illusion of self-interest.
  • Hatred can lead to violence, toxic relations, and the breakdown of relations as well.


  • Insults and name-calling: Hatred can manifest through derogatory language, where a person may use offensive slurs or belittle others based on his race, gender, religion, or other characteristics.
  • Threats and intimidation: Hatred may drive a person to make threatening remarks or engage in intimidating behaviour, seeking to instill fear or harm others verbally.
  • Verbal abuse: Hatred can lead to verbal abuse, including shouting, screaming, and constant criticism aimed at demeaning and demoralizing the target.
  • Hate speech: Hatred may be expressed through discriminatory or prejudiced language, promoting stereotypes, or promoting violence or harm towards specific individuals or groups.
  • Prejudiced or discriminatory remarks: Hatred can lead to the expression of biassed views, manifesting as discriminatory comments or generalizations about certain racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups.
  • Incendiary rhetoric: Hatred can fuel individuals to use inflammatory language to provoke and escalate conflicts, aiming to exacerbate tensions or spread divisiveness. Top of Form
  • Online harassment: The use of online platforms to express hate.



  • Antipathy. Animosity. Aversion. Bitterness. Disgust. Dislike. Enmity. Hostile. Loathing. Malice. Resentment. Repugnance. Revulsion.Antonyms
  • Anxiety. Benevolence. Compassion. Kindness. Love. Sympathy. Tenderness.


  • “That’s disgusting!”
  • “I am nauseated by it.”
  • “I am repulsed by it.”
  • “I can’t stand the sight, smell, or taste of that.”
  • “I feel sick just thinking about it”
  • “It makes my skin crawl.”
  • “They are hideous, aren’t they?”
  • “I am devoted to my wife, but if she is ever unfaithful to me, I would kill her.”
  • “If my husband criticizes me, I will scorn him and lash out at him.”
  • Verbal abuse of several types, including filthy and sexual language.


  • General cues: Wild eyes. Long, determined look. Peering over glasses. Disposition to frown. Contemptuous laughing. Knuckle-grinder handshake. Spitting.
  • Hostile body language: People expressing hatred may display aggressive body language, such as clenched fists, crossed arms, glaring or intense staring, or standing in an imposing manner.
  • Avoidance or ignoring: Hatred can lead a person to intentionally ignore or avoid the presence of those he dislikes or harbours hatred towards. He may turn his body away, refuse eye contact, or distance himself physically.
  • Intentional exclusion: Hatred often prompts an individual to exclude or isolate others, deliberately leaving himself out of social activities, conversations, or group settings.
  • Physical aggression: Hatred can manifest in physical aggression, including violent actions such as pushing, shoving, or even physical assault.
  • Destructive behaviour: A person driven by hatred may engage in destructive acts, such as damaging property, vandalism, or sabotage, to express his hostility.
  • Intense and menacing stares: Hatred can be conveyed through intense and menacing gazes, where an individual fixates on the target with an intimidating and threatening look.
  • Offensive gestures: Non-verbal expressions of hatred can include offensive gestures, such as raising the middle finger, making obscene gestures, or other provocative body movements.


 Anger versus Hatred

  • Anger has strong communication aspects and great constructive potential as well, despite its dangers. Hatred is essentially a destructive emotion.
  • Hate denotes a condition wherein anger has never evaporated but is allowed to continue and fester. Anger is not hate, but hate requires anger to develop. Anger is usually a short-lived emotion that fades once the situation has been resolved, but hatred could persist even when the situation has changed or improved.

 Resentment versus Hatred

  • Resentment is a feeling of bitterness or indignation towards someone. Resentment is a specific emotion directed at a particular event. Hatred, on the other hand, can be more general and may not be tied to a specific event or person. Hatred is a deeper emotion.

Dislike versus Hatred

  • Hate is an emotion; dislike is a feeling. Dislike is a mild form of negative emotion and is not as intense and long-lasting as hatred.
  • Dislike carries a sense of aversion, while hate carries an extreme hostility with it. Disliking a person is hopeful on purpose, whereas hating a person is hopeless.  There is less chance of admitting a person again into the heart whom he hates.

Envy versus Hatred

  • Envy is a feeling of jealousy towards someone who possesses something that one desires. Hence, envy is tied to a specific object of desire. Hatred, on the other hand, can be directed towards a person or thing for a variety of reasons and may not be tied to a specific object of desire.


  • Mind; abusive, insulting
  • Mind; anger; ailments from, agg.
  • Mind; anger; violent
  • Mind; contrary
  • Mind; cruelty, brutality, inhumanity
  • Mind; cursing, swearing, desires
  • Mind; cynical
  • Mind; disgust
  • Mind; destructiveness
  • Mind; envy; hate, and
  • Mind; indignation; ailments from, agg.
  • Mind; kill, desire to
  • Mind; lewdness, obscene; talk
  • Mind; malicious, vindictive
  • Mind; mood; repulsive
  • Mind; misanthropy
  • Mind; quarrelsomeness, scolding
  • Mind; resentment
  • Mind; spiteful
  • Mind; threatening


  • Paranoid schizophrenia
  • Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
  • Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)
  • Anti-social Personality Disorder (ASPD)



  • The hardness, brilliance, and sparkle of a diamond make it unsurpassed as a gem. In the symbolism of gemstones, the diamond represents steadfast love, strength, health, perfection, purity, and rarity.
  • A diamond consists of a clear and colourless crystalline form of pure carbon,
  • has two sides – one of brightness and another of darkness, positive and negative.
  • Adam. possesses intense passion and convictions, but with this intensity, he can develop hatred towards those who hold opposite views. individual is driven by a desire for perfection, and the pursuit of excellence can manifest as intolerance towards perceived flaws, leading to hatefulness.
  • ‘Collective unconscious’ (Jung) comprised of traumatic experiences can potentially lead to a buildup of hatred.
  • The dark side is related to his wrong, harmful behaviour, which causes remorse and contempt for himself. There is a contrasting state and consequent behaviour e.g. a well-known scientist who has invented something unique and has received many awards is in jail due to molestation, corruption, or leakage of important information to another country. It is like the dark carbon that has tarnished the brilliance of the diamond.

 Cicuta virosa

  • Mistrustful; shuns people. Despises others. Violent. Over-estimation of self. Contemptuous. Suspicious. Stupid. Foolish.
  • Hurt so deeply that regresses herself in a child-like state, shutting the rest of the world.

 Kali iodatum

  • Sulky; is harsh with his own people, hence conflicts in the family. Bad temper; abusive. Inclined to be vexed, vehement and quarrelsome. Passionate.
  • Aversion to being touched. Cruelty. The anti-rest.
  • Syphilitic miasm is dominant.


  • Med. cannot maintain a neutral state of mind. He is basically very sensitive and obsessive. Although he lives in his emotional world with a lot of imagination, ‘emotional intelligence’ is inadequate.
  • presents the polarity, the two opposing attributes, which pull the ego functioning to develop stress and strain, and consequently psychic and somatic manifestations.
  • Materialistic gains and sexual gratification are his priorities; if not fulfilled, he becomes rude and contemptuous.
  • is abrupt, curt, and censorious and can be touchy and offended easily. He can be cruel and selfish and may resort to contemptuous behaviour.
  • Self-accusation and remorse are also traits of Med. Hence, he has also contempt towards himself.


  • Plac. is the largest (but temporary) fetal organ and the first to develop. It provides oxygen and nutrients to a growing baby. Delivering the placenta is an important step after delivery.
  • Two themes emerge here: the utility part for the time being and the need to remove it for the sake of the health of the mother. is a remedy for those who feel exploited, cheated, betrayed, and thrown out. Hatred is based on the above points.
  • Mother is the main issue, and there is great hatred against mother.


Mind; haughty, pride



Blatantly and disdainfully proud; rudely proud in a manner that expresses scorn for others; proud in the worst way. A haughty person acts superior and looks down upon others.

He is disdainful, overbearing, bombastic, and obnoxious. He conveys in his demeanour the assumption of superiority and is supercilious. A haughty person is characterized by a great sense of his own worth and is pleased with himself.

There is a condescending attitude towards others, and a haughty person may believe that he is better than others and may act in a way that shows his contempt for those he considers to be beneath him.


  • Arrogance: An inflated sense of self-importance and arrogant behaviour with others.
  • Condescension: He tends to belittle those he feels are beneath him.
  • Superiority complex: A deeply ingrained belief in his own superiority. He constantly seeks validation and recognition to reinforce his elevated self-image.
  • Lack of empathy: He often has difficulty empathizing with others and fails to consider their perspectives or feelings.
  • Sense of entitlement: Due to perceived superiority, he often feels entitled to special treatment.
  • Vanity: He places great importance on outward appearance and uses material possessions as a means of displaying his supposed superiority.
  • Dismissive behaviour: He tends to dismiss others’ opinions that do not align with his own.
  • Need for admiration: He craves admiration in a consistent way.
  • Difficulty accepting criticism: When confronted with criticism, he becomes dismissive or defensive.
  • Social exclusivity: He often surrounds himself with people he considers on his level or those he believes can enhance his status.

Related WORDS

  • Pride: Unreasonable or inordinate self-esteem.
  • Imperious: Domineering, overbearing.
  • Dictatorial: Autocratic. Arbitrary. Doctrinaire.
  • Presumptuous: Excessively forward or bold, especially because of excessive self-confidence or arrogance.
  • Conceit: A high, often exaggerated opinion of one’s own abilities, worth, or personality
  • Insolence: Insulting in manner or speech.
  • Arrogance: It implies taking much upon himself, and the pride is attended with insolence and contempt.
  • Vanity: Accompanied by affectation and means, pride is exerted on slight grounds.
  • Pompous: A person who is showy and indulges in a lot of pomp and show.


  • Vanity. Egotism. Haughtiness. Self-importance. Conceit. Hubris. Self-esteem. Dignity. Self-worth. Honour. Self-respect. Satisfaction. Self-admiration. Pleasure.


  • Fearful. Humble. Modest. Meek. Selfless. Servile. Respectful. Submissive. Timid. Undignified. Yielding.


  • “I am always right, and you are wrong.”
  • “I have more experience and knowledge than you.”
  • “I don’t need to explain myself to you.”
  • “A wife narrates about her husband, “He is so proud as if he has the knowledge of each and every field.”
  • “I am an important person in this city.”
  • “I deserve better treatment than this.”
  • “I have done so much work in my life that very few people can compete with me.”
  • “I am above the rules that apply to everyone else.”
  • “Your opinion is beneath me; I don’t have time for it.”
  • “That is irrelevant. Let’s move on to something more substantial.”
  • “I am the best at what I do, far superior to anyone else.”
  • “Your viewpoint is laughable; it is clear you lack critical thinking skills.”
  • “I have accomplished remarkable things that most people can only dream of.”


  • Puffed chest. Pointing index finger. Stiff-arm handshake. Head-clamp posture. Head-toss, head-shake.
  • Upright and rigid posture, standing tall with their head held high, closed body language by crossing their arms, holding their body tightly, avoiding making direct eye contact, Raised Chin or Tilted Head posture can convey a sense of looking down upon others, Lack of Smiling. Limited Physical Contact, and dismissive gestures such as waving their hand, and rolling their eyes.


Haughty versus Boasting

  • Both are negative traits related to arrogance and lack of humility.
  • Boasting refers to the act of talking about oneself in a way that exaggerates one’s achievements or abilities. Impressing others and gaining admiration is the purpose.
  • Haughtiness is more about a general attitude of superiority, whereas boasting is more about specific actions of self-promotion and self-glorification.

Haughty versus Arrogance

  • Although both involve an inflated sense of superiority, haughtiness emphasizes a condescending and disdainful attitude towards others. Arrogance manifests as overbearing confidence, without necessarily looking down on others.

Haughty versus Pride

  • Pride refers to a sense of satisfaction and self-respect for one’s accomplishments, while haughtiness involves an excessive and contemptuous display of pride. A haughty person goes beyond a healthy level of self-respect and demonstrates an overt sense of superiority over others.

Haughty versus Confidence

  • While confidence involves a belief in one’s abilities, haughtiness adds an element of disdain towards others. A confident person can maintain a positive self-image without disrespecting others.

The haughtiness of a proud man is insufferable. Pride makes an individual value himself; arrogance makes him despise others. Through vanity, one covets the attention of his acquaintance. Presumption flatters, along with vain power.


  • Mind; arrogance
  • Mind; contemptuous
  • Mind; contradiction; ailments from, agg.
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; better than others, that he is
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; superhuman; is
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; superiority, of
  • Mind; dictatorial
  • Mind; delusions, imaginations; humility and lowness of others, while he is great
  • Mind; dress, dresses; best, at one’s
  • Mind; foppish, elegant, dandy
  • Mind; finery, luxurious clothing, wants
  • Mind; haughty, pride
  • Mind; haughty, pride; overweening
  • Mind; imperious
  • Mind; insolence, impertinence
  • Mind; looks, appearance, concerned about
  • Mind; presumptuous
  • Mind; vanity


  • Narcissistic Personality disorder (NPD)
  • Anti-social personality disorder (ASPD)
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Histrionic Personality disorder (HPD)
  • General paralysis of insane (GPI)
  • Fronto-parietal Dementia (FTD)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Mania



  • Delusion of grandeur. Bold. Vindictive. Schemes for his own aggrandizement against hostiles. Aversion to being touched. Takes offence easily.
  • Cross, self-willed. Obstinate. Jerky in expressing his pride.


  • Out of masculine protest. Career-oriented and a businesswoman of haughty character.
  • Greedy, miserly, and egotistical. Intolerant of opposition; oversensitive and easily offended.
  • Extremely passionate, irritable, hysterical, full of tears of self-pity; spiteful, antagonistic, fault–finding; never happy unless annoying someone, especially a dear one.
  • Intolerance of contradiction. Haughtiness with indifference.


  • Image-conscious. Will not bend if determined; doesn’t succumb to the pressure of others.
  • Sil types become scientists, astrophysicists, cosmologists, astronomers, mathematicians, computer analysts, information technologists, etc.
  • Initially timid, hesitant, indecisive, naïve, and impressionable, but as he develops and matures, ever building his crystal structure, he is imbued with strength and resolve.
  • Once established, his convictions are steadfast and invulnerable to persuasion or seduction. On matters of principles, she is extremely obstinate and unyielding. This leads to haughtiness.
  • Delusion that he is better than others and at the same time, feels inferior.
  • Presumptuous.


  • Stramonium grows on rank soil where refuse is deposited (rank = stinking, foul). The plant itself is ill-smelling.
  • Born haughty or become haughty out of an abnormal upbringing or punishment during childhood. Stupidly haughty.
  • Inclination to give offence and to feel offended. The slightest contradiction irritates him so much that he sobs with anger. Senseless quarrelling; continued violent scolding.
  • Delusion ‘he is a distinguished person’. Delusion about identity, he is divine and then he is a devil, a person of high rank.
  • Cannot tolerate being neglected. Haughtiness is the basis of wildness.
  • Conflict: An ongoing and violent battle between the unconscious and the conscious, between darkness and light, between succumbing to the death realm and yearning to exist in the living realm.

Veratrum album

  • Ailments from mortification, chagrin, wounded honour, being scorned.
  • He believes that he is the risen Christ; the virgin Mary being. Delusion that he is in communication with the God of wealth. Delusion that he is a prince, a great person he is.
  • “My importance is not there in my family or society or work area.”
  • Highly egoistic; believes in lots of formalities. ‘Boaster, rich, wishes to be considered as.’
  • Contemptuous. Extravagant (gestures too). Foppish.
  • Insanity or hysteria from injured pride or honour. Erroneous and haughty notions of himself. Haughty during pregnancy. Stupidly haughty.



The study of ten rubrics has been presented in their multi-dimensional aspects. The study sheds light on the intricate web of connections and corollaries that each rubric can lead to. The study underscores the importance of integrating concepts and research from psychology into the field of homeopathy.

A fascinating observation is that the mental rubric, when studied in depth, allows one to incorporate many cross-references hitherto not thought of and unavailable in the standard repertories. It’s crucial to remember that the patient’s most significant or chief rubric may not necessarily be the one initially selected but could emerge from the list of cross-references.

Furthermore, the study highlights the significance of non-verbal communication in patients with specific rubrics or dispositions. The rubric ‘boasting’ has been presented with body language gestures and images. For an in-depth exploration of this aspect, readers are encouraged to refer to the author’s work on ‘Body Language and Homeopathy.’

The relevant remedies are presented with their basic personality structure, behavioural responses, and keynote symptoms. The search for the quintessence of the personality is a unique approach to homeopathy. The selection of appropriate rubrics is a deep, rational process, and every homeopath will agree with the author that it pays dividends in clinical practice when the right remedy is selected, and the patient begins his true journey towards the destination of cure under the potential action of a homeopathic remedy or remedies that prove to be the similimum.

“Bon voyage to the readers on the march of the study of rubrics!”




Absolute Homeopathic Materia Medica, Dr P I. Tarkas and Dr Ajit Kulkarni

Kali Family and its Relations, Dr Ajit Kulkarni

Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality Vol I-Vol III, Dr Ajit Kulkarni

Mental symptoms in Homeopathy, Luis Detinis

Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind, Dr Farokh J. Master

Complete Dynamics, Master Edition, Roger Zandvoort

Synthesis Repertory, Frederik Shroyens

Concordant Materia medica, Vermeulen

Webster’s Dictionary

About the author

Ajit Kulkarni

Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher. A classical Homeopathic physician, he has been practising for 35 years. He has given over 100 international seminars and workshops in different parts of the world. Dr. Kulkarni is co-author: Absolute Homoeopathic Matera Medica, Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma . Also, author of Body Language and Homeopathy, Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality (Three volumes),
Law of Similars in Medical Science, Homeopathic Posology, Kali Family and Its Relations, Homeopathic Covidoscope (published by Amazon) and over 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy, papers and books translated in several languages, He has Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy, Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna, Life achievement Award, Dr. B. Sahni Memorial Award.,
He is a member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai / E-mail ID: [email protected]

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