Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Searching for a Link Between the Periodic Table and the Planets with the Help of Homeopathy

The author explores a possible connection between the mentals of remedies according to Scholten and the position of the planets.


This article will investigate the mental/emotional properties of homeopathic remedies made of minerals and elements, the emotional characteristics of the planets in astrology, and explore how there may be a direct correlation between the planets of our solar system and the periodic table.

The Periodic Table
Most matter in the universe is made up of certain elements which are atoms made up of a nucleus of protons and neutrons, and have electrons orbiting around this central nucleus – a simple model would be to imagine the way planets in our solar system orbit around the sun. The periodic table is a system which categorizes the elements of the universe according to the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in their atoms. The table is divided into columns and rows that group the elements according to the number of electrons that occupy an orbit around the nucleus. Hence atoms of column 1 of the periodic table have 1 orbital electron associated with them, atoms of column 2 of the periodic table have 2 electrons associated with the outer orbit, and so on. The further right you move in the periodic table, the more electrons you have in an orbit.

Homeopathic use of the periodic table
Renowned homeopaths Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran have categorized the emotional and psychological themes of remedies based on their position within the periodic table (row and column position). For example, there are a group of mineral remedies that are associated with relationship issues, others with depression, others with fear, others with family issues, others with childhood or developmental issues, etc.

The following table consists of words that describe the psychological themes of mineral remedies within the periodic table. They are categorized according to the column of the periodic table that they fall in. This is from the work of Jan Scholten.1

Column 1
Initiate, one, single, simple, sole, start, begin, impulsive, spontaneous, unpredictable, single minded, irreflective, one sided, thoughtless, lonely, alone, naïve, childish, fool, simpleton.
Column 2
Assess, observe, evaluate, question, place, settle, criticize, examine, observed, bewildered, intimidated, criticized, unsure, shy, timid, passive, adapt, adjust, conform, protect, cover, hide, support.
Column 3
Search, doubt what, investigate, discover, scan, try, compare, changeable, unstable, hesitation, underestimate, discouraged, unofficial, uncommitted, undecided, under.
Column 4
Establish, doubt if, start, found, ratify, certify, official, committed, uncertain, indecisive, amazed, hall, bridge, gate door, key.
Column 5
Prepare, doubt how, purpose, temporary, provisory, conditional, unrealistic, postponing, avoiding, alternating, tantalising.
Column 6
Prove, initiation, challenge, courage, dare, bravery, determined, forced, obliged, inevitable, inescapable, irrevocable, compulsory, necessary, hide, secretive, cover.
Column 7
Teach, train, study, improve, extend, stimulate, feedback, compliment, help, assist, aid, cooperate, together.
Column 8
Force, push, press, struggle, deadline, strife, endurance, concentrate, calculate, plan, heavy, tension, compress, resistance, obstruction, confront, opposition, oppression, through.
Column 9
Realize, compete, conclude, culminate, finalize, authorize, compromise, result, rehearse, test, tryout, perfect, practically, virtually, edge, verge, point of, almost, nearly, not quite, anticipation, blunder, calling it off, up.
Column 10
Summit, centre, high, shiny, glory, brilliant, great, success, dignity, justified, independent, noble, assured, haughty, obvious, apparent, rigid, fixed, sure, balanced, imbalance, erratic, eccentric, self.
Column 11
Conserve, continue, keep, preserve, protect, sustain, expand, extend, serve, share, partage, interest, wealth, fortune, prosperity, affluence, privilege, conservative, enjoy.
Column 12
Overdo, overstate, overshoot, boast, inflate, falsify, caricatural, repeat, replicate, redundant, pollute, decline, degenerate, descent, down, divide, dissect, disunite, enemy, revolution, conservative, suspicious, re over.
Column 13
Retreat, retire, recede, withdraw, shrink, antique, obsolete, dated, nostalgia, suspicious, mouldy, musty, behind, back, out.
Column 14
Diverting, discarded, dismissed, disposed, discharged, drained, weak, eliminated, empty, detached, indifferent, irresponsible, coward, distant, formal, mask, mummy, fossil, dis.
Column 15
Destroy, destruction, eject, loss, fall, defeat, bankrupt, death, surrender, abdicate, sacrifice, forgive, forget, poison, refusing, contrary, sudden, unforeseen, over.
Column 16
Lost, over, past, rotten, rest, ruin, rags, ugly, foul, offensive, putrid, disgust, fantasy, philosophy, memory, lazy, neglect, asking, luring, tempting, begging, reconciliate, deepening, outcast.
Column 17
Eradicate, extinguish, finish, abort, quit, cease, close, end, stop, leave, forget, abandon, hold, take, demand, uncontrol, climax, condemned, outcast, fleeing, refugee, exile, expel, exclude, ex out.
Column 18
Inert, rest, inactive, meditation, coma, death, retreat, cocoon, locked, denial, quiet, still, idle, latent, transform, free, floating, confusion.

Now that we have seen psychological and life themes within the periodic table, let us examine similar themes of planets according to astrology. In the science of astrology, the planets themselves exert certain influences on people, depending on their position in the heavens relative to the individual’s date and time of birth.

The following table has words that are associated with the mental and life themes associated with different planets.2, 3

Individual faculties; consciousness of Ego, the individuality as distinguished from the personality; a strong individuality with an urge toward acquisition of power. Restless, operates more through inspiration than intellect. Represents sense of self, identity.

Concrete mental faculties, thought, understanding, reason, intelligence, hesitancy to face issues; mental waywardness; brilliant and facile but not profound; intellect, industrious in acquiring knowledge for its own sake; pure reason. Learning and communication.

Friendship, romance, affection, love, sexuality, sensitivity, gentle, graceful, passive; music, peace, faithfulness. Also related to harmony and balance.

Combativeness, acquisitiveness, desire, enthusiasm, passionate amativeness, courage, ardor in pursuit, not easily rebuffed and seldom discouraged, indiscriminate sexuality, haste, anger, intolerance.

Abundance, generosity, mercy, and charitable actions, Jupiter’s placement shows where you are lucky, and where you gain by giving to others. It also indicates your sense of morality and your attitude towards higher education. Associated with perception and learning, expanding our viewpoints.

Discipline, caution, and attitude towards hard work, feel deficient and need to work (an excellent Saturn word) towards overcoming your insecurities, strive hard, diligence. Protection, security, limitations and boundaries.

Imagination, constructive; reacts violently against anything that would deprive him of his free and conscious choice of thought and action. Unbending will, insistent upon independence; not readily amenable to any sort of control; strong sense of power and authority; assertiveness and positiveness; self-reliant; inventive; interest in scientific and religious principles; unconventional, altruistic; perseverance to cope with and conquer material obstacles, yet subject to sudden changes of attitude; originality, with a tendency to break new ground, start new occupations, advance new ideas, utilize new methods, depart from established customs, and hold in disdain the arbitrary restrictions of conventional morality; alienated from his relatives; moves spontaneously from an inner urge – hence impulsive and generally classed as eccentric. Associated with urge to be inventive and original. Inner force in us that leads us to make changes.

Selfless love because you’re in tune with creation. Inclusiveness and unconditional love.

Destruction, transformation, change, annihilation. Transformative energies, brings into consciousness what has been hidden or neglected within ourselves.

I noticed similarities in the themes presented by Dr. Scholten and Dr. Sankaran for the periodic table and those of the astrological influences of the planets. Even though there is a loose correlation, there is some pattern. Most notably, the following columns of the periodic table have similarities to the following planets:

Column 1 – Sun
Column 2 – Mercury
Column 6 – Mars
Column 7 – Jupiter
Column 8 – Saturn
Column 10 – Uranus
Column 15 – Pluto

The intriguing part of this correlation is that, as we move towards the right in the periodic table, we also move according to the way the planets distance themselves from the sun. Could it be that the increasing electron orbits around the atom as we move to the right of the periodic table symbolizes the increase in orbit of the planets as they move away from the sun? This possibility is in harmony with the theory that the microcosm of the universe is reflected in the bigger macrocosm of the universe, and vice versa. Hence, it is fair to assume that the atomic structure and arrangements of elements in the periodic table has some reflection of the way our planets behave in the solar system. There are missing pieces to this relationship in the periodic table and I have not managed to correlate all planets to the columns in the periodic table. A lot more work has to be done to find all the links.

What next?

There are many new fields of thought that can emerge from this hypothesis. The following are some thoughts that are provoked in me.

  • Each element of the periodic table is representative of a planet’s particular position in astrological readings.
  • For homeopathic doctors, finding the right remedy for a patient may be guided by examining his astrological chart.
  • Homeopathic remedies are formed from plant, animal and mineral sources. If certain plant or animal remedies have similar actions as mineral remedies, is there a scientific correlation between planets and plants and animals?


It would be useful for homeopaths to start charting the birth date information of their patients, as well as the remedy given at a particular time to the patients. By collecting data in this way, it may become clear how remedies correlate to astrological influences of planets on people! This information can also explain a lot more about our universe.

1. Homeopathic table: Jan Scholten
2. AstrologyWeekly: Planetary Psychology. Last retrieved 19 April 2008 from AstrologyWeekly website:
3. LiveJournal: My Book, Chapter 2 – The Planets. Last retrieved 19 April 2008 from LiveJournal website:

About the author

Ameet Aggarwal

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, ND P.G. Gestalt Therapy- Executive Director, Foundation for Integrated Medicine in Africa (FIMAFRICA)
He is a Naturopathic doctor trained at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. He is a member of the Board of Abha Light Foundation and runs mobile clinics in remote areas of northern Kenya with the help of students and practitioners of alternative medicine.


  • Dear Sir,
    I have not understood your periodic table of rows and columns. You have mentioned of 18 columns and again 7 columns of planets. Where are the rows and remedies ? Could you please clarify.

  • some times back I remember some one had published some thing called astrological homeopathy. But I could not get connected to him
    There can be some connections, as I feel I myself got affected by the entry of Pluto, and still not out of trouble,after 40 years?
    It need some research by some interested people!

  • What? Isn’t the world flat?
    Very interesting article and link between the micro and macrocosm of the universe. The orbital phenomenon of planets moving around the sun is only used by science as an analogy for the atom structure. In reality though (quantum physics), there is nothing really spinning around the nucleus (there isn’t even a nucleus!). All matter is probability density of energy. But then again even the universe is only energy, so you might have a point…

  • 1. A wonderful article for which I have been searching for more than three decades.
    2. I am extremely thankful to the writer for this extraordinary and remarkable effort.
    3. Each and everything(living/non-living) in the universe is linked to each other.Planets are linked with oceans, human body, drugs, metals and all other things around us.
    4. Elements written in the periodic table are the basic units with which everything in universe is composed of.
    5. The elements remain single and make single items like gold, silver, etc and also make compounds consisting of more than one elements in various ratios and proportions.
    [email protected]

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