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Homeopathy Papers

The Era of Homeopath as Principal Physician

homeopathy medicines for septicemia

Homeopath Daniela Karsten shares her thoughts on homeopathy’s place in medicine.

In an era where our GP and NHS services are ever increasingly under ever greater pressure and the threat of anti-microbial/anti-biotic resistance looms large, and in an age where one is witness to a growing awareness of allopathic medicine’s limitations, indeed its’ potential dangers to patient’s health, the need for the homeopathic physician surely comes into its own.

As professional, practising homeopaths we know that at its best, homeopathy offers much of what conventional medicine has to offer and more. We have anti-bacterials, anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, analgesics, all with minimal or no side effects. Not only that, and as important, are the precious commodities of time, a listening ear and a holistic interest in our client. The responsible homeopathic physician also has the knowledge of ones’limitations and of when other medical practices or partnerships should be sought.

Notwithstanding the revolving and relentless pressures on homeopathy from the same old sources, and competition with a National Health Service, free at the point of delivery, this could become the Age of the Homeopathic Physician: A point in time withinwhich the homeopath has the potential to thrive. A principal business tenet is to find a “gap in the market”. Homeopathy at its’ best, facilitated by the best of homeopathic physicians, has the opportunity to fill the gaps presented by a faltering, if not failing medical system.

As we know, it is a privilege to be considered the principal health practitioner in a client’s life, often at a point at which trust in the “system” is lost or no satisfactory solution found. It is also my experience that once value in one’s health and wellbeing has been established, in many cases, financial prioritisation finds a way of supporting the process.

Where a longer term homeopath/client relationship is maintained, the GP/patient interaction is mirrored. Chronic conditions, be they mental or physical, can be supported alongside the need for acute intervention. Prescriptions can similarly, successfully and subtly respond to the twists and turns of life events and one’s health response to those. Typically, as in the case of a woman I have been working with since 2013, one can move from treating blepharitis, allergies and hayfever, to supporting the trauma of a temporary marriage break down, physical injury, peri-menopausal symptoms, Lyme’s Disease and most recently suppressed anger as a result of perceived injustice. In another case, one started with a focus on anxiety and panic attacks, and moved on to prescriptions for hot flushes, hypertension, high cholesterol, grief and family breakdown, where a sense of injustice was again uppermost (and Staphysagria similarly prescribed).

We may use the same remedy to support a range of presenting complaints or move from one to another, or one alongside another, as the need arises. The complexities of cause, effect and cross reference in a clients’ health picture are understood by the homeopathic physician, while being generally compartmentalised in general practice. It is becoming my experience that there are very few conditions and health situations where homeopathic remedies cannot make a useful, purposeful and safe intervention, even if taken alongside conventional medicines, where its action may often be to restrict or undo damage, and restore the client, where possible, to a place of “optimum” health and wellbeing.

“I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course….Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free.”

The Hippocratic Oath with its’ promise to “do no harm”, seems most perfectly suited to the homeopathic physician, and the homeopathic physician most perfectly suited to current times.

©Daniela Karsten

November 2017

About the author

Daniela Karsten

I discovered homeopathy while looking for a safe and drug-free approach to treatment for chronic eczema and common childhood illnesses, for myself and my family. It has long been my treatment of choice, and I have been using homeopathic remedies successfully for over 15 years. I graduated from a four year course of study and training at Allen College. Always looking to improve for the benefit of my patients, I undertake regular professional development. In 2013 I did post-graduate study and clinical practice in the slums of Calcutta, India. As a mother and former Montessori teacher, I have a strong interest in children's health. I have contributed to a professional nanny agency's newsletter and website, and write regular articles on family health issues for Salad Days Magazine. I am also proud to be a "selected practitioner" for Cambridge University Hospital Trust, which includes Addenbrooke's Hospital and the Rosie Maternity Unit.

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