Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Wouldn’t It Be Better to See a Homeopath?

Homeopathy is a Greek word which means “the medicine is like the disease” or, “likes should be cured by likes”.

Homeopathy is a Greek word which means “the medicine is like the disease” or, “likes should be cured by likes”. 

It sounds bizarre to some.  Certainly doctors must think it is, because their philosophy, clearly, is to do exactly the opposite!  Find the opposite.  What is the symptom doing?  Then find something that does the opposite!   (Note that many medicines start with the prefix “anti” which means “against”).

So what’s wrong with wanting to be “against” the symptoms?  Who likes symptoms?  They’re the worst!!!!

1. Well, for one thing, the symptoms are frequently not the problem that you think they are!  There is another word for symptoms and it’s called The Immune Response!  The immune system is something to be supported, something to be cultivated and strengthened, is it not?  So, why would we be “against” it?  Take a familiar symptom like diarrhea, that’s your immune system getting rid of bacteria from something bad that you ate or drank.  When it’s over, you will feel better; isn’t that true?

2. There is also the assumption that these “opposite” treatments can even do the job they’re intended to do!  Can they?  Can using an opposite force against a symptom do more than give just temporary relief if you’re lucky?  Inevitably, the “anti” drug wears off, and the immune system, at that point, seems so angry that it was interfered with, the symptom surges back with a vengeance, like a spring on the rebound!  Now the drug has to be given again because you’re so much worse.

Our bodies are genetically programmed to eject invaders.  We call these eviction-notices “symptoms”.  An illustration of this would be the nausea that develops after too much liquor is consumed.  Vomiting cures the whole “sick” feeling and the person is well again.  No one would try to oppose this symptom with a drug, the symptom itself cures!  It turns out that most symptoms have some purpose, despite being horrible and often unfathomable.  The solution is not to suppress them, thereby engaging in some sort of war with your immune system.  How do you “win” a war against your immune system?  If you do, somehow, manage to “win”, what exactly have you won?

This immune response is instinctive and persistent as long as the underlying cause still exists.  Consequently, an “anti” or opposite treatment would require constant repetition to beat back this instinctual response. 

Sooner or later, the body inevitably gives up under such an onslaught of drugs, and you might defeat your immune system at long last.  But now maybe the next time your immune reaction is needed, it doesn’t fight for you so hard!  “I seem to get one cold after another,” you say.  “And I have so many allergies, I’m over-sensitive to everything!”  Well, congratulations, your immune system has been beaten into submission… it can’t defend you anymore!

Why is homeopathy the better choice?  For one thing, it’s not full of toxic ingredients that damage your health, that’s a plus right there, but more to the point, homeopathy imitates nature:

In nature, similars repel, and herein lies the scientific explanation for homeopathy:  Two similar diseases cannot exist in the body at the same time (this is the vaccination principle; so, you doctors out there can’t argue with that!  “You can’t get the disease because you already ‘have’ it!”  Not only vaccinations but, there are other examples of what we call “accidental homeopathy”, like Ritalin (speed) for hyperactive children and allergy shots for allergies. 

Homeopathic remedies are, in reality, “artificial diseases” that “repel” the disease the patient has.  Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, explains it like this:

“…two fevers cannot exist in the same body at the same time.  [For example,] there is much similarity between the fevers and coughs of measles and those of whooping cough.  In an epidemic where these two diseases raged simultaneously, … many children who had just had measles remained free from whooping cough.  They would all have remained permanently free of whooping cough … if whooping cough were not just partly similar to measles; i.e., if it also had a similar skin eruption. … But when measles meets a disease that is similar to it in its main symptom—the eruption—it will undeniably destroy and cure it homeopathically. … But see what advantage man has over the chance happenings of crude nature!” (The Organon of Medicine #46 and 51)

What Hahnemann means by that last statement (what advantage we have over the chance happenings of nature) is that we don’t have to wait around for a “similar” disease to mercifully come along and “cure” or drive out whatever disease we might have; the doctor, himself, can “administer” such a “disease” by giving a homeopathic remedy!  Homeopathic remedies are artificial diseases, they are not  “medicines” the way you and I are used to thinking about them.


Now like I said, the doctors out there who believe in vaccination cannot dismiss this, because that’s what they’re doing to prevent contagious disease!  (Whether they’re doing it safely or sensibly is another matter entirely.)

“How do you make an artificial disease?” you might ask.  There are numerous plants and minerals in the world that cause symptoms.  One simply has to know what symptoms a plant, etc. can cause, and then prescribe it homeopathically for a patient showing those symptoms!*  A very common remedy in our usage is Rhus toxicodendron—homeopathic poison ivy.  (Our remedy names are all in Latin.  The common names for plants change from region to region, but the Latin name is consistent the world over.)

If this sounds odd or reckless (making a remedy out of poison ivy), first of all, as I said, they’re diluted, massively diluted; but, think for a minute about how dangerous our standard drugs are!  Think of the side effects, some of which include death itself!   But homeopathic remedies are so watered down, that on investigation, they appear to be “empty” of all substance, and therefore, perfectly safe; but not empty of ENERGY, of “vibration”, that’s the point—that’s what remains, that’s what’s therapeutic!   

Yes, this is energy medicine, vibrational medicine!  It seems the body responds better to doses of “energy”, as the body itself is made of energy!  When we dilute a substance and then shake it vigorously, we are adding “energy”, infusing it with energy.  Doctors do not acknowledge that the “energy body” exists!  In acupuncture, it’s everything!  An acupuncturist will say, “Your kidney energy is down.”  Western doctors will say, “We see bacteria, here’s an antibiotic to kill them off.”  The Eastern doctor says, “We have to raise the vibration of your kidneys so they stop attracting bacteria.”

So the modern doctor, according to Hahnemann, should be asking himself not, “What will stop this symptom” but rather, “What plant, etc. could cause this symptom?” because whatever that is, that will cure the disease by repelling it!  Similars repel.  Opposites attract.

Hahnemann discusses what happens when the usual “anti” medicine is given to a patient:

“The salient symptoms of a long-standing disease have never in this world been treated in this anti-pathic way without reappearing a few hours later, often manifestly worse. … The orthodox physician imagines that he can get out of this difficulty by prescribing a stronger dose of the medicine….  This produces only another brief hushing up of the symptoms and, from the need to keep increasing the dose of the [medicine], either causes some other, even worse, complaint, or, quite often a condition of complete incurability  … even death.  It never produces a cure.”  (Samuel Hahnemann, MD,  The Organon Of Medicine, aphorisms 59-60)

Can anyone deny this?  Just a caveat here to our detractors:  They think they can discredit us by pointing to our greatly diluted remedies and how absurd they are, and therefore, prima facie, it is evident that homeopathy does not and cannot work!  But many homeopathic remedies are given as herbal tinctures:  Calendula, Hypericum, Equisetum, Hydrastis, Crataegus, Echinacea, Symphytum… in fact, Robin Murphy, ND (author of Murphy’s Repertory) is fond of reminding us that in homeopathy, the first potency is Mother Tincture!  “Homeopathy” does not refer to a potency, it refers to “similarity”.  A medicine is “homeopathic” if it is “similar”.  However, it is a fact that the more you dilute and succuss (shake) a substance, the stronger—the more energetic— it gets.    

Homeopathy works!

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* Although most homeopathic remedies are made from plants, some are also made from minerals and animal substances such as the ink from the cuttle fish, a remedy we call Sepia.


Elaine Lewis, DHom, CHom

Elaine takes online cases.  Write to her at [email protected]

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About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

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