Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Materia Medica Veterinary Homeopathy

The Platinum Metallicum Horse

Holistic veterinarian Tim Couzens, author of Horses and Homeopathy, shares his portrait of the Platina horse.



CLASSIFICATION: Mineral: Metal: Element No 78

SCHOLTEN: Column 10, Row Aurum series

SANKARAN: Column 10, 6th row, the successful leader, maintaining the position

PREPARATION: Trituration

AFFINITY: Female reproductive system, nervous system


MIASMIC LINK: Tubercular miasm

FIRST IMPRESSION: Arrogant, refined, immaculate, proud, impeccable appearance, dignified

Psychological type

The Platina horse considers  itself above all others, both human and equine and at the top of the stable hierarchy and in charge. This manifests as an arrogant, haughty nature where others are of no consequence whatsoever.

Their egocentric nature means they will push past you or any other animal as if you were not there. Frustration can boil over to anger with violent outbursts or hysterical behaviour that can be challenging and dangerous and may even result in injuries so beware, they watch you with contempt.

Main health issues

Behaviour, hormonal issues, neurological system.

Key pointers (main indications in bold)

  • Most often bay coloured mares, sometimes stallions and occasionally geldings
  • Arrogant, haughty, egocentric, abrupt, top horse, sensitive, hot, pompous, pushy, superior, jealous
  • Proud, top performer
  • Anger leading to violent outbursts with the desire to injure those around or inflict damage to the stable, destructive, hysterical
  • Tendency to bite and kick
  • Vexation with contempt for others
  • Not easily examined
  • Stands alone, away from the group, depressed, forsaken, grief, mood swings
  • Especially bad mareish behaviour
  • Nymphomania
  • Rejection of foal, mismothering
  • Irregular oestrus cycles
  • Cystic ovaries, ovarian pain, worse left side (eased by walking)
  • Ovarian tumours
  • Vulval itching
  • Refusal to accept the stallion during breeding
  • Lower (lumbar) back pain, cramping pains, worse during oestrus
  • Abdomen tense, taught, constricted
  • Dung sticky, clings to perineum
  • Spermatorrhoea (lack of sperm)
  • Neuralgic head pains, tingling and spasmodic shooting pains
  • Eyelids and ears twitch, like shocks passing through the body
  • Headshaking


Worse/aggravated by: Emotions (notably grief, anger, nymphomania), touch, standing around, exhaustion, before and during oestrus, evening, dry hot weather, pregnancy

Better/ameliorated by: Gentle rides, wet weather

Remedy interactions

  • Works well with: Aurum, Palladium, Belladonna, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Sepia, Medorrhinum (precedes well)
  • Incompatible with: Lachesis

Consider also:

Aurum: Power, the King, mood swings, depression

Nux vomica: Irritable and short tempered, easily angered, aggressive, spasms

Ignatia: Hysteria, grief, cramping and spasms

Lachesis: Wary, arrogant, haughty, cunning, angry, jealousy

Lycopodium: Haughty and arrogant turning to aggression if cornered

Medorrhinum: Nymphomania, highly sexed

About the author

Tim Couzens

Tim Couzens BVetMed, VetMFHom, MRCVS - Tim qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1980 and spent his first year as a qualified vet working in Ealing. Moving to the New Forest in 1982 he spent the next 3 years in mixed practice before moving to Sussex. Until 1990 he worked in small animal and equine practices during which time, he had the opportunity to attend some of the original homeopathic courses for vets held in at the RLHH in Great Ormond Street. Tim gained his membership of the Faculty of Homeopathy in 1991, his IVAS certificate of Veterinary Acupuncture in 1999 and is self-taught in veterinary herbal medicine. He opened the HVMC in 1995 as a dedicated holistic clinic. He is co-author of several books and sole author of Homeopathy for Horses published by Kenilworth and Horses and Homeopathy published by Saltire. He has three grown up children and a niece who is a small animal veterinary surgeon.


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