Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers Materia Medica

The Soul of Remedies – Anacardium orientale

Dr. Rajan Sankaran shares his remedy picture of Anacardium orientale. Contradiction of wills, unfeeling, hard-hearted, cruelty, want of moral feeling and also timidity and want of self confidence are key symptoms.

Anacardium Orientale is a plant. The remedy belongs to the cancer miasm.

The situation of Anacardium is that of a kind of child abuse. Overly strict parents impose all their desires on the child and do not allow him to think or do anything on his own. He cannot make his own decisions, to the extent that he is not allowed even to decide what clothes he should wear. If he starts taking his own decisions or does not live up to the expectations placed upon him, he will be punished cruelly. So he tries to live up to these expectations by being obedient and angelic in his behaviour, and by being excellent in his work. But he begins to develop a lack of self-confidence, and becomes nervous. He is irresolute, because the outcome of his decisiveness is usually a severe punishment. If the domination persists and he is compelled to put up with it, he starts reacting with cruelty, malice, want of moral feeling, and antisocial behaviour. Here he may also develop a tremendous overconfidence with contempt for others. But Anacardium can be very hard and cruel, and at the same time have a lack of self-confidence.

There are thus two sides to Anacardium. On the one hand he is good, angelic, obedient from fear of punishment. He is very orderly, fastidious, cannot rest till things are in their proper place. The other part of him is hard, malicious, violent, devilish, disgusted with himself. He becomes immoral, develops suicidal or homicidal tendencies, is abusive, stubborn and avoids the company of people. These two sides of Anacardium are constantly in opposition to each other: should he be an angel or a devil.

Anacardium could be the wife of a selfish tyrant who rules with an iron fist, and does not allow her to take any decisions. She becomes irresolute, lacks in self-confidence, is confused – always has two wills. She becomes dull and very absent-minded (Anacardium has a marked absent-mindedness). She may be childish, idiotic and timid out of lack of self-confidence and fear. The fear can paralyse her thinking, as can be seen when appearing for an examination.

Whereas Anacardium is known for its hard-heartedness, cruelty and want of moral feeling, a compensated Anacardium cannot be cruel even when the situation demands. He will, perhaps, be unable to kill even an irritating mosquito. Thus, Anacardium has the feeling of an angel sitting on one shoulder, and a devil on the other.


  • Will, contradiction of, two wills, feels, as if he had.
  • Delusion, that he is separated from the world.
  • Unfeeling, hard-hearted.
  • Delusion, of being double.
  • Delusion, is under super-human control.
  • Delusion, sees devils.
  • Cruelty, inhumanity.
  • Cursing.
  • Hatred.
  • Moral feeling, want of.
  • Kill, desire to.
  • Kisses his companion’s hands.
  • Confidence, want of self.
  • Timidity, bashful.
  • Rage, leading to violent deeds.


  • Antagonism with self.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Sankaran’s work, courses and lectures please visit:

To read about the philosophical approach to developing these remedy pictures, see Dr. Sankaran’s introduction to Soul of Remedies:

About the author

Rajan Sankaran

Rajan Sankaran, MD (Hom), is reputed to be a clear and original thinker and is best known for his path breaking concepts in Homoeopathy. His understanding of ‘disease as a delusion’ followed by his discovery of newer miasms, classification of diseased states into kingdoms and the seven levels of experience, brought in much more clarity into understanding diseased states. The Sensation method has now evolved into a more comprehensive and synergistic approach, which strongly advocates to encompass and integrate the old, classical and traditional approaches with the latest advances.

Dr. Sankaran heads ‘the other song—International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy’, in Mumbai. This academy primarily focuses on imparting advanced clinical training to students and practitioners, integrated with a homoeopathic healing centre. Also he has his own personal clinic at Juhu area of Mumbai, India. He is also the President of Synergy Homeopathic, which is dedicated to the development of reliable, comprehensive homeopathic software and teaching tools.

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