Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Materia Medica

The Soul of Remedies: Anhalonium lewinii

Dr. Rajan Sankaran shares his remedy picture of Anhalonium Lewinii. Solitude and loss of identity are key characteristics of this remedy from Peyote.

Anhalonium is a “drug” remedy. It is prepared from Peyote, the cactus from which mescaline is extracted. It belongs to the cancer miasm.

The experience of mescaline is often one of merging with one’s surroundings or the feeling of being one with the whole of existence, seeing oneself without any boundaries.

This is close to the highest spiritual experience as described in Hindu or Buddhist philosophy as oneness or non-duality of Spirit. This experience implies immortality – what dies is the body; as the Self is continuous with the whole of existence, it cannot be mortal.

The need for such an experience arises from the feeling of having no roots, of having no identity, of feeling totally isolated and separated from other human beings, so that one sees one’s ego as being separate and being totally mortal. This can create immense fear of losing one’s very existence which is much more than the mere fear of death.

The easiest way to experience this loss of existence is for a person to ask himself the question: “Who am I, if I remove my name?” Just imagine that you don’t have a name and you are not allowed to invent a name for yourself and ask: “Who am I?”

There is a tremendous blankness, a void, an emptiness which is very scary. A void which the patient tries to bridge by connecting himself to not only his name, but also to some group or society, his family, etc., so that he extends himself beyond body and his larger group identity does not die so easily.

Anhalonium comes from a situation where people experience a total solitude and feel they could lose their identity. In such a situation the only solution is being in the Anhalonium state, where they can identify themselves with not only a group or family but with the whole of existence.

I believe that many a well-known spiritual leader/teacher could have had a background of isolation and an absence of roots, which could be a powerful impetus to seek one’ spiritual identity.

Anhalonium belongs to the cancer miasm, where the person has to stretch much beyond himself or he will lose his existence. He starts living inside a bubble, isolated from the rest of the world, but inside it he creates his own universe.

Anhalonium people speak in terms of universe, space, etc. They have the most fantastic experiences which are often spiritual, and have no fear of losing their ego, identity or losing a dear person.

Often, I have found that they had tried out drugs and had good experiences with mescaline. They often try their best to belong to groups but usually feel quite alone. They also react well to music and can go into trance from rhythms.


  • Confusion, identity, as to his, depersonalization, loss of self-knowledge and self-control; disassociation from or self-identification with environment, personal disruption.
  • Decomposition, space, of.
  • Delusion, immortality, of.
  • Delusion, standing by oneself.
  • Environmental orientation increased.
  • Forsaken, isolation, sensation of.
  • Merging of self with one’s environment.
  • Reality, flight from.


If you would like to learn more about Dr. Sankaran’s work, courses and lectures please visit:

To read about the philosophical approach to developing these remedy pictures, see Dr. Sankaran’s introduction to Soul of Remedies:

About the author

Rajan Sankaran

Rajan Sankaran, MD (Hom), is reputed to be a clear and original thinker and is best known for his path breaking concepts in Homoeopathy. His understanding of ‘disease as a delusion’ followed by his discovery of newer miasms, classification of diseased states into kingdoms and the seven levels of experience, brought in much more clarity into understanding diseased states. The Sensation method has now evolved into a more comprehensive and synergistic approach, which strongly advocates to encompass and integrate the old, classical and traditional approaches with the latest advances.

Dr. Sankaran heads ‘the other song—International Academy of Advanced Homoeopathy’, in Mumbai. This academy primarily focuses on imparting advanced clinical training to students and practitioners, integrated with a homoeopathic healing centre. Also he has his own personal clinic at Juhu area of Mumbai, India. He is also the President of Synergy Homeopathic, which is dedicated to the development of reliable, comprehensive homeopathic software and teaching tools.


  • Thankyou for your description of Anhilonium – it has been prescribed for me by another Homoeopathic friend, it does relate to a lot of particular areas of my childhood, growing up with a very abusive mother, (end of war born 1945) and unprotected by my “weak” but kind father. Then relationships where I was left alone with my children with no guidance in a country area with no transport or neighbors, ( in 1960’s no telephone, only ABC classical radio as a very young mother, who didnt really know how to bring up her children – then after divorce entering into very unrealistic and sometimes violent relationships (prescribed Opium and Stramonium which helped at the time) but a sort of “floaty” way of coping with life now and very much disassociated with family and once again in a semi- rural area “cut off” from friends and family

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