Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Organon & Philosophy

A Holistic Perception of Tissue Breakdown [ & neurology]

Communication is the only way that cells can know where they are in the body and what their function is in relation to that location. The material body is, as the allopaths see it, simply a congregation of parts. It is only when you add the NON-material vital force/spirit that the whole thing makes sense.

Synopsis: Communication is the only way that cells can know where they are in the body and what their function is in relation to that location.

The material body is, as the allopaths see it, simply a congregation of parts. It is only when you add the NON material vital force/spirit that the whole thing makes sense. When death intervenes the glue that holds the various parts together vanishes and the parts go their separate ways.

The “thing” that communicates is a non material “spirit” generated as the embryo forms. The cells that formed the original “hub” remain in contact even though, over time, they move apart and end up in many diferent locations in the body. This network of communication forms a web or entity which must be kept in condition, if health is to be maintained. It is this “entity” that can easily be upset by chemical, surgical and psychological interventions.


Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis [ BSE ] Creuzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Alzheimer’s are variations of a common phenomena. They share a tendency for the brain tissue to breakdown and lose its cohesion. They are all in effect disorganized tissue where the cells cannot carry messages along established neurological paths. The reason is that individual cells are no longer in the communication loop of the genetic material and following their genetic imperative [ APOPTOSIS], commit suicide. Thus the empty spaces which are common to BSE and Alzheimer’s FOLLOWING A BREAKDOWN OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE GENETIC MATERIAL IN THE CELLS, NOT neurological breakdown.

The trouble is that medical science perceives [incorrectly] that the breakdown in communication arises from progressive deterioration of neurons, a physical phenomenon, whereas the origin of the problem is the breakdown in the communication of the total body system in the vitality/energy level/spirit which allows each individual cell to know [geographically] it’s location in the entire organism; also, what it’s function is in relation to that location. This is achieved by the existence of a non physical envelope, only normally divorced from its fleshy habitation at death. Points to confirm this: 1. is the perceptual experience of a “phantom” limb. The owner of the “ex limb” feels that it is still where it always was, even feels pain in it. 2. the numerous “out of body” experiences, considered by science to be subjective or delusional. These are the actual temporary divorce of ‘vitality’ from its fleshy habitation.

This ‘vital’ envelope is how individual cells maintain contact with each other regardless of the distance between them, AND IS CREATED BY THE GENETIC MATERIAL, in order to communicate. [1953 Jnl Exp Zool] carried out work quoted in “Hormones & Evolution” E. U.P Lond. 1964. “Another illustration, is the formation of the Opercular Window, in Tadpoles, for the forelegs to emerge. Thyroxine causes a thickening of most of the epidermis for terrestrial life – but where the forelegs are to emerge it causes a THINNING”. Identical cells respond in opposite ways, to the thyroxine. The hormone evokes the response – the cell defines what that response shall be.

Unfortunately medical science puts the cart before the horse, assuming that the only possible form of communication in the body is neurological, which is nonsense. This statement is backed up by the work of the Director of Neurosciences, J.M.Delgado at the University of Sevilla, who is quoted in El Pais, 22/9/2004. Much of the investigation into the brain is not science, but literature [ fiction?]. Prof Delgado states that “the brain is complicated, because there are distinct types of neurons, about whose function we have no idea. For only 3 or 4 neurons can we explain the function. Of the rest we will say that they coordinate, regulate, integrate. It is not physiology, it is not science. There are those who consider it to be a property of the nervous circuit of the cerebral cortex, these are vague words. The thing about the cortex is that, since we do not know how it works, each one can assign to it the function that he likes. The experiments are complicated but the mechanism is simple.”

I do not understand why they try to isolate each and every one of the actions and emotions. The other day I read that they have found the nucleus of frustration. I doubt that it exists. Yes there are injuries in a specific zone that affect specific activities, but these are not the normal thing. It means that in this zone there are a few neurons that do something the others can not do. We must know its activity, which neurons do not function. There are movements a rabbit can not do that are easy for a fish. With a smaller brain, it can do it. Size does not matter

We study the eye which is easier to study than others. The eye, has remained the same for 500 million years. It is a very primitive and perfect system. In a study published in Journal of Neuroscience, they described the neuronal system that allows the eye to fix in an orbit to see an object. We have described a system activated when it is necessary to direct the eye to a stimulus. In this moment a signal of acetylcholine, fires the neurotransmitter regulating the whole process across the receptor type M1, the first time it is explained in a realistic form, how neurons fix the position of the eye towards a visual stimulus.

To see an object, it has to be fixed on the retina and there are two ways to do that : either the eye is fixed on the object, or the eye and the object move at the same speed. During the movement of the eye one does not see anything one can appreciate. This the way primates see. We isolated all three types of neuron and stimulated them electrically, as if there was a visual stimulus. We saw that it produced a cascade activating the motorneurons to the eye. There were mathematical models for the speed of movement of the eye, but neurons are not expert on integrals. As the eye moves one sees nothing though one does not realize it. To see while moving, the entire world must move to the same speed. During the 100 milliseconds of the movement of the eye, the brain avoids an image of what one saw. All of this describes material, physiological, electrochemical reactions, but without the inclusion of the ‘vital ‘ envelope and its ability to communicate – is, as Prof Delgado points out, literature or fiction.

Perception Of The normal

Discussing Naturopathy, I saw that there is a general misconception regarding the way the body absorbs various substances. When I was learning Homeopathy, it was accepted that it was bad to feed iron [Ferrum] by mouth or injection, because this weakened an already depleted ability to extract iron from the content of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract. This applies to many essential nutrients- Calcium, Ferrum, Phosphorous, etc;.

When a baby is born it has only a rudimentary immune system which operates by proxy through the mother’s immune system, via the mother’s milk [ a powerful argument for breast feeding]. At this point an invisible invasion takes place and a horde of microorganisms set up housekeeping. These act in a similar manner to tribes- in that they argue about who does what, who takes which bit of space, etc. There is a harmonious consensus in the virgin territory of the newborn G.I.T. As they settle down these microorganisms defend their territory against intruders, and in this fashion, the immune system is born. Because of this individual process, no two immune systems are identical. In fact, the possible variation within the human race is enormous and is the reason that the belief of medical science, that there is some ‘Norm’, which can be used to prescribe pharmaceuticals is a Myth or Superstition.

Long ago I talked to an eminent doctor who had worked in the early part of the 20th century, and who agreed that the gap between Allopathy and Homeopathy was minimally 80 odd years ago. No doctors gave pharmaceuticals [drugs] that could upset the natural development and balance of the intestinal Flora and Fauna of individuals. Hahnemann believed, as do I, that all illness has its root in the non-material/energy level/vitality/spiritual sphere, that all symptoms which come to the surface are Vents for internal pressure/tension, that to “cure” such symptoms with drugs while ignoring the basic root of the problem, was to act against the best interests of the patient and his health by driving the problem back into the body and compound the illness while ignoring the root of the problem.

How then does the energy level/vitality/spirit arise?

Cells communicate. Some years ago the University of British Columbia was sending messages to slime cells. Oncologists are trying to send messages to cancer cells instructing them to commit suicide. Unlikely to work as cancer cells have been separated from the body’s communication system. Instead of following the rule of Apoptosis genetically inbuilt, they refuse to commit suicide and set up a production unit. All because the normal communication system has been disrupted. If cells communicate then the only part of a cell complex required to do it is the genetic material. It is a long-standing belief that cells in close contact during the early development of the embryo remain in touch.. Even when they end up in distant parts of the body. These are the ” paths of least resistance “, along which cancer can escape if subjected to surgery/chemotherapy/radiation — another instance of allopathy acting, with the best intentions, against the best interests of the patient.

So let us summarize the above and where we are now.

1} prior to birth the baby has a system of communication between cells, so that – like Barrington’s [1] Tadpole, thyroxine evokes a thickening of the epidermis to prepare for land-based life – but where the leg buds are below the surface the skin gets THINNER. The hormone evokes the response. The cell defines what the response shall be, so each cell is aware of its location in the body, also that it’s location and function are interdependent. It knows that when, via the blood/lymph system, a hormone is received, the cell and NOT the hormone determines the action to be taken.
2] After being born the baby absorbs rapidly, a fairly individual batch of microorganisms, that eventually harmonise and create an ambience that is catalytic.. allowing items that would otherwise be indigestible, to be absorbed by the body. The organisms benefit and the body benefits, thus we have symbiosis.
3] As the microorganisms settle in and the body is aware of the benefits of the symbiosis, it comes to regard the microorganisms as “Part of Me ” So the genetic material creates a non-material, energy level envelope, one that was detected by the Russians using Kirlian photography, which showed “energy flares ” at the tips of the fingers. This then is the vitality/spirit level where Hahnemann located the root of any illness.

We now have a multidimensional being with links and functions connected in a unique way. One that has been developed by both Nature and Nurture to be fantastically flexible. BUT ALL OF THIS DEPENDS ON MINIMAL DISRUPTION OF THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Any disruption of the symbiotic structure of the G.I.T will be felt in all parts of the body and the immune system will be downgraded, which is why oral drugs such as antibiotics should only be used at death’s door. Any disruption of the channels of communication, such as the blood/lymph systems by the use of vaccine injection will confuse and dislocate the message system of the ductless glands, again depleting the immune system – leading to many allergies – including Asthma.
This is the picture of the individual, what of the picture of the species? In the ’50’s Dr. Rhine of Duke University created a body of work about E.S.P. Many notable thinkers and Philosophers, such as Grey Walter, T.C. Lethbridge, Putoff & Targ, Huxley, etc. have looked at the ways that the individual fits into the broader picture. C.G.Jung, whilst looking at the individual, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to fit the individual into the larger picture and proposed the “Universal Unconscious”, which via the subconscious connects us all, a phenomenon which we created, by courtesy of our genetic material. Five Thousand years ago a philosopher from China – Chuang T’zu – proposed that everything that exists is part of a whole.
[2] Now we have Weak Quantum theory, which shows by virtue of entanglement that everything in the universe is connected to everything else.


Two or three things arise from the above. In the larger picture, although we are afraid of change and wish to keep things as we have always seen them, we are in fact ” Agents of Change”. If we consider what is constant [ apart from death and taxes] we find that the only process that is constant and eternal is Change!. If we consider the 20th century, we find that the process of change has accelerated greatly. This has concerned many science-based theories which are busy predicting the end of civilisation due to shortage of oil and various raw materials and foods – the gloomiest predicting the heat death of the universe!. But philosophically we need to recognise that there is always a “way out”. The way may be painful and call for a difficult reorganisation of our society and way of life but always there will be a percentage of humanity that is suited to the new demands.

This is due to the genetic material which creates individuals who can survive in almost any situation. Thus about 5/10% of flies were resistant to DDT when we tried to obliterate them. The same with rabbits and myxomatosis, the remaining rabbits soon bred back to normal numbers. The same percentage of humans seem to be naturally resistant to AIDS. This variation is part of the “species survival ” mechanism AND IS THE REASON THAT THERE CAN NEVER BE A “NORM” to use for drug prescription! It could be said that where it is possible to make a straight transplant, without suppressing the immune system, then there you have those few people on the planet who have a “NORM” – for the purpose of prescribing pharmaceuticals, not a practical or profitable idea for the pharmaceutical companies.

Our usefulness to Nature is that we operate as agents of change. The hole in the atmosphere caused by gas probably has some purpose that we are unable to discern at this moment, the end of oil supplies will challenge us to change again. Always we should ask ourselves ” in which direction are we being pushed ” – because that direction is the one that will confer the most benefit on the species. I was once against genetically modified food but conclude that if the genes consented to be modified then it is probably ok – even if some people are harmed in the long run. Another fact that impressed me was that in the “science ” of genetic splicing, some combinations will work and others are refused. This makes sense if you agree that the genetic material can select what is acceptable.

Another item that needs investigating is the “balancing ” function of the pituitary gland. It is generally considered that stress [psychological] can cause cancer. It is also fairly certain that physical trauma can create psychological problems. These two facts imply that there is some “exchange effect”, that an excess of pressure, in either the physical or psychological can be “bled off ” to the other sector which is less occupied, operating to the benefit of the organism as a whole. This must obviously be an exchange between hormonal secretion and neurological activity and the pituitary seems the most likely seat of such an exchange.

1] An Introduction to General & Comparative Endocrinology.O.U.P 1975
2] Chuang Tzu Basic Writings(trans) Burton Watson Columbia U.P. 1964

A NEW MEDICAL PARADIGM To replace the discredited current model

After years of injuring and killing people with blood transfusions [factor 8 AIDS/HIV] we are now told by consultant J. Thompson that “You can’t get away from the fact that a blood transfusion is a liquid transplant. It’s putting into your body someone else’s cells that contain foreign proteins which you may react to. That’s bound to lower your immunity. “Pretty well what I said in a lecture to Hematologists 20 years ago. When they set up the cost efficiency procedure of centrifuging blood from up to 3,000 people in batches. The illness, death and injury from operating by the wrong medical model are inestimable and the expenditure horrendous. We needed the crisis of BSE before we considered making changes. Even then the work is on papering over the cracks in a crumbling system.

In 1986 I published an article pointing out the faults and problems with vaccination. It’s connection to S.I.D.’s [cot deaths] and the way it degrades the immune system. Leading to many conditions such as asthma. Now the Japanese accept that no child under the age of two years should be vaccinated. The immune system is still taking shape and most can not cope with vaccines. These contribute to many stomach problems as well as asthma/hay fever and can cause fits in babies 12/15 months, also Crohn’s Disease in later life. What we now know of the way in which virus & bacteria exchange bits of DNA, shows that life [and the human body ], is dynamic, and to treat it as unchanging, set in concrete phenomena, is absurd. Given the rate at which organisms exchange DNA, the vaccine bears little semblance to the diseases we have to live with – and combat, so that we may continue our daily existence. Again the existing medical model flounders and disappears under the surface of credibility.

So what needs to be done? In the ’40’s & ’50’s with naive optimism, it was thought that science had the answer to everything. With the huge success of antibiotics, it was assumed that we could control Nature and push it to one side. That we knew better and could intervene in the body’s working to achieve the desired ends. Now it is realized that our interventions have done more harm than good. We set out to cure gonorrhoea and ended up with monstrous viral infections, as the virus fought back. We also assist in the debasement of the immune system – leading to all types of immuno-deficiency problems from asthma to AIDS.

The bedrock of ‘science’ is repeatability. If X does procedure Y in New York, then when Z follows that procedure in Melbourne or Rio, the results will be exactly the same. If this is not so, then it is not ‘science’. For the benefit of scientists, let’s say that where human beings are concerned this paradigm is useless. Extreme reaction to food/pollens/vaccines show that the spectrum of human variation is widening rapidly. What is really happening? It is now established that bacteria, virus, organisms of all kinds – THAT ARE GENETICALLY BASED are swapping bits of DNA in order to change shape and be better able to meet the challenges of antibiotics or vaccines. The implication of this is that our external environment is an ever-changing area that operates by the laws of chaos. It has no truck with fixed parameters [without which science cannot operate] the result being that the medical science has no answers to the problems confronting it – its paradigm is bankrupt!!

It is also known that cells communicate. This statement implies that DNA communicates – as it is the only item in a cell complex enough to fill that function. So the DNA that inhabits our body communicates. The DNA that inhibits bacteria, virus & similar organisms also communicates, and swaps bits as needed. A recent issue of the U.S Journal “Science” reports that microbiologists are eavesdropping on the chemical messages used by the bacteria Pseudomonas. The scientists “cancelled the order issued by the gene to manufacture ‘slime’. Surely someone will put 2 & 2 together and conclude that the external DNA will communicate with the internal DNA. Once accepted, this would truly reintegrate the human race into nature. No longer a bystander, free to exploit and destroy, but with a symbiotic role to play in the ongoing process of continuous creation. To harmonize nature and humanity to the benefit of both. Or we can cower behind the skirts of science like a sparrow waving a threatening twig at the Mastodon that is nature.

Symbiogenesis, as postulated by Lynn Margulis [Prof of Geoscience at Univ of Massachusetts], shows how nature may embed organisms within each other in the way that software will embed objects in its structure. In so doing the organism both receives and provides benefits to that structure. Cyanobacteria and chloroplasts are virtually the same [except that one lives inside algal and plant cells whilst the other is a free agent]. Mitochondria were at one time free agents but now power our metabolism [as well as that of plants and fungi]. Nature is not only outside us, but it is also inside and we cannot escape the consequences of the ways in which we exploit and torture it. BSE, AIDS and Ebola are instances of those consequences.

The universal spread of gravitation shows it as the bedrock force of the cosmos. It is also the ruling force present when cells divide. This must create a link between energy and material — a link that joins the vitality or life force to the living material, flesh, or body. Cosmologists postulate that “strings” originate in another universe, physicists track wandering particles that shoot through the body of the earth as if they were pebbles travelling through fog. Psychology [C.G.Jung] considers that we are all connected to a ‘Universal Unconscious’.

It seems likely that a ‘Life Force’ is generated as each embryo grows from a few cells to a mature being. That this force is the ‘God in the machine’. That it springs from the DNA and accounts for phenomena such as the aura around the fingertips that the Russian scientists photographed some years ago. Its connection to the universal unconscious would account for the many instances of ESP, clairvoyance and similar phenomena.

The brain may be the hub of the central nervous system, but the mind inhabits the total bodily structure. The neural, hormonal and immunological systems are the layer that forms an interface with the life force, or ‘God in the machine’. The Placebo effect is something which is real – not ‘just in the mind’. The seriousness of any attempt to measure, quantify, and ask “what is really happening here”, will show if we are moving in a new direction — or just going round in the same old well worn [but profitable] circles.

Proof of a non-material’ body envelope’ is shown by the phantom limb phenomena. If someone loses a limb the material limb is gone but the life force still inhabits the space that was occupied by the limb. I am now treating a patient who had cancerous ovaries removed. She still has the pain in the ovary though the solid fleshly ovary has been excised. Again this needs to be taken seriously and investigated. Is it possible to persuade the life force to regenerate the missing part?

Unprotected sex is a major instance of one body envelope penetrating another; the physical and non-physical intermingling. Where there is no true compatibility then the act is a little better than masturbation, and in the short term lacking in any interest. Transplants are another area where the immune system objects to being “penetrated”. It requires powerful immunosuppressant drugs, which depress the ability of immune reactions to work ‘as designed’. This is not the way forward, as the current shortage of both organ donors and surgeons testify.

We must learn to work WITH the life force, not disregard it or treat it as irrelevant. To accept that the physical body is an interface with the non-material body envelope, to make decisions and initiate research based on that fact, to accept that many physical problems have their origin in the non-physical envelope, and that hacking the physical envelope about, or using powerful physical drugs, is counterproductive. Recent research shows that the Sertoli cells of the testicles [due to their function in the reproductive transfer from one body to another] may be used to make repairs to stroke-damaged brains. This would seem to be working WITH nature.

The age-old principle of homoeopathy that disease travels inward and upward (Hering’s Law), and its corollary that the direction of cure is downwards and outwards, lead us to the belief that each embryo develops in a unique and individual way. This means that the internal channels of communication [ between the DNA in the cellular structure] form according to the hereditary genetic pattern. This implies that there are paths of communication which have high resistance to the passage of traumatic stress/illness; and other paths, which have a lower resistance. Thus stress/ trauma will pass down the easiest way to a given particular site in the body and take up residence at that point. So each individual will react differently to a given illness. This means that we have a true [but, probably unacceptable to the MoD] explanation of the phenomena of the Gulf War.

Nature spreads its risk of species death in this way so that about 10% of any given population is resistant to whatever may assault it. In the way that the fly population of Egypt survived the DDT that was meant to “cure forever” the fly problem [with all the disastrous results that DDT had on the food chain in nature]; the results that came from the widespread use of antibiotics, used to “cure forever” gonorrhoea, [but the W.H.O has now, 40 years later declared gonorrhoea “out of control”], as it has mutated to defeat all the anti-biotics thrown at it; 10% is the figure that has now emerged in Africa, for those people who have a natural immunity to AIDS.

A true medical model needs to take account of the above. To SUPPORT and reinforce the existing structure and not INTERVENE [under the illusion that it knows best]. It needs to accept that it is dealing with the human entity as a material/vitality interface and not as a clod of flesh alone. The recent death of Hussein, who went under as they tried a bone marrow transplant, shows that immune system organisation is essential to the body and its envelope. But still ‘science’ keeps its blinkers on and looks to a potentially profitable, drug – fludarabine. Refusing to acknowledge that the immune system MUST be worked WITH and not suppressed.

James White

[email protected]

James White has been a homeopath for almost 35 yrs and is now semi-retired. He lives on his own in Spain but is from the UK. He spent most of his life satisfying his many curiosities about Art, Architecture, Philosophy, Poetry [writing poems to explain life to himself], music [love Mahler and flamenco]. He is a devotee of C. G. Jung and the ‘I Ching’ as well as Taoism [of Chaung T’zu].

About the author

James White

James White
[email protected]

James White has been a homeopath for almost 35 yrs and is now semi- retired. He lives on his own in Spain but is from the UK. He spent most of his life satisfying his many curiosities about Art, Architecture, Philosophy, Poetry [writing poems to explain life to himself], music [love mahler and flamenco]. He is a devotee of C. G. Jung and the "˜I Ching"™ as well as Taoism [of Chaung T'zu].

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