Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Scientific Research

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Clinical Evidence Based Study with Homoeopathic Drugs

polycystic ovary syndrome pcos

Dr. Ajay Kumar Babu shares a study of women treated homeopathically for PCOS. He includes two cases as examples of how homeopathy can successfully treat this condition.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a heterogeneous endocrine disorder that affects one in 15 women worldwide. It is the most frequent cause of hyperandrogenism and oligo-anovulation which have substantial psychological, social and economic consequences.

It is one of the most common endocrine metabolic disorders. In a study in Indian adolescents, between 18 to 45 years, prevalence ranged from 9.31 -36% (

Another study at Child development Centre Trivandrum Medical College, Kerala, reported 36% prevalence in adolescent girls (The Indian journal of Pediatrics, Jan 2012,vol 79)

The incidence of PCOS in the reproductive period of life is fast progressing as one of the main causes of primary as well as secondary infertility in females in the Indian scenario, leading to far reaching implications in the family and social life of the Indian community

Apart from the mental and physical frustrations due to infertility, the aesthetic changes due to the physical signs like obesity and hirsuitism together with the disturbance in the normal menstrual cycles pose intolerable untold misery and insecurity in females especially married women in the conventional Indian society leading to lack of self esteem and depression in many cases

The aetiology of the condition is unknown, but recent evidence suggests that the principle underlying the disorder is one of insulin resistance, with the resultant hyperinsulinaemia stimulating excess ovarian androgen production.

Associated with the prevalent insulin resistance, these women exhibit a characteristic dyslipidaemia and a predisposition to non-insulin dependent diabetes and cardiovascular disease in later life. Symptoms include Infertility, Abnormal menstrual cycles, obesity, hirsutism, acne, acanthosis, diabetes or insulin resistance, polycystic ovaries on USG..

Patients typically present with hirsutism in one or more of the body areas specified under the Serriman-Gallwey hirsutism scoring system. Each of the nine body areas most sensitive to androgen is assigned a score from 0 (no hair) to 4 (frankly virile), and these separate scores are summed to provide a hormonal hirsutism score.

This paper is based on Dr.Ajay Kumar’s observation of his PCOD cases for the last fifteen years in reproductive age females treated with homoeopathic medicines.

Two cases of cured polycystic ovarian syndrome in females belonging to the reproductive age group are presented below with substantial clinical data.


  • To ascertain the pathophysiological action of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome in Kerala state, India.
  • To create public awareness on the possibilities of Homoeopathic system of medicine in the treatment of chronic diseases permanently and without any side effects.


A sample size of one hundred was selected from females belonging to the reproductive age group (viz. 18 to 35 years) from different districts of Kerala who approached for treatment of either menstrual irregularities, infertility, acne or obesity.

The purpose of the study was explained to the participants. Informed consent was obtained from the participants. The pre-test was conducted using a structured questionnaire to assess symptoms of PCOS and followed by diagnostic tests.. The post-test was conducted using the same structured questionnaire and diagnostic criteria after three years, from January 2012 to November 2015.

The diagnosis of PCOS was done as per Rotterdam 2003 criteria and confirmatory ultra sound scan of the pelvis depicting the polycystic profile of the ovaries. Homeopathic medicines were given based on the individualistic nature of each of the cases and cure assessed based on the clinical criteria. The diagnostic signs considered were:


Necklace sign in ovaries (polycystic ovaries), Ovarian volume (above  10 ml/12or more follicles of 2-9 mm),Antral follicle count, Doppler blood flow in the Ultra sound scan.


Androgens (testosterone,

DHEAS), Androstenedion(LH,Progestrone,SHBG),Glucose/Insulin,Lipids


Obesity (BMI), Hirsutism Serriman Gallway scoring system), acanthosis, acne, abnormal periods.

The effect of the drug administered was considered positive based on the following criteria

  • Three consecutive normal menstrual cycles
  • Positive pregnancy test in married women
  • Normal ultra sound study of the pelvis in previously abnormal study (necklace sign/ovarian volume less than 10 ml/more than 10-12 follicles)
  • Normal biochemical parameters compared to previous altered values

Those found pregnant after medication were discontinued treatment apart from routine pregnancy care medications for optimum health of foetus and mother

Those with normal cycles and normal biometric parameters were observed under placebo for a whole year before discontinuing treatment


Total number of cases -100
Obesity 80
Infertility 50
Hirsutism 45
Acne 35
Acanthosis 45
Abnormal periods 90
Necklace sign 54
Hyperlycemia 30
Mental stress factor 75


Total number of cases 100
Total number of cases reported with either positive pregnancy test/normal ultra sound study of pelvis 76
Discontinued treatment 12
No result after six months treatment 5
Still under treatment with reduced BMI and variable results off and on 7

 Two are offered here with relevant data to manner of handling PCOS cases homoeopathically. Exhaustive inquiry into the personal history of the patient taking into account her mental generals and physical reactions to circumstances both environmental and mental are given high preference while selecting the remedy

Name: Mrs. M

Age: 21 years

Clinical presentation: Irregular periods, profuse bleeding and prolonged bleeding at onset of flow. Violent dysmenorrhoea, obesity, acanthosis in skin folds and back of neck.



date Clinical symptoms evaluation remedy remarks
21/02/2012 Irregular periods,BMI

30,dysmenorrhoea,joint pains

Calcarea carb 1M Ultra sound necklace sign
22/03/2012 No menses,joint pains  aggravation,weight  increaed Homoeopathic aggravtion Sac lac Waiting on medine
25/04/2012 Weight ,joint pains reduced,menses appeared

,profuse flow lasted two weeks

amelioration Sac lac/BT Medicine has acted favorably
26/05/2012 No menses,color of acanthosis reduced stagnant Calcarea Carb 1M Medicine exhausted action,hence repetition
02/08/2012 Menses,normal flow,6 days,BMI 25,joint pains reduced,no dysmenorrhoea amelioration Sac lac Waiting on medicine
06/09/2012 Normal periods,5 days flow amelioration Sac lac Medicine still acting
09/10/2012 Normal periods,slight  dysmenorrhoea amelioration Calcarea  carb 10 M
02/11/2012 No symptoms,BMI 24 cured Sac lac Cured,ultra sound scan normal

After Treatment



This lady who came with irregular periods and episodes of anxiety was assessed based on her unique symptomatology which was typical of the drug Calcarea Carb. She was cured of her complaints in a span of one year. She was reviewed on placebo for another six months and discontinued treatment as her periods were regular during the period, and she had a normal ultra sound scan.

Case – 2

  • Name : Ms. X
  • Age: 21 years
  • Clinical presentation: secondary amenorrhoea 4 months, irregular periods since puberty, facial hirsutism, dysmenorrhoea with chilliness from puberty. acne from puberty.
Date Clinical features Totality of symptoms for prescription Name of remedy evaluation


Secondary amenorrhoea,

acne, hirsutism, obesity

Plump lady with aversion to milk  and fatty food, easily

weeping, mild

yielding, craves open air,   late puberty,

dysmenorrhoea with

feverish feeling at the time of menses

Pulsattila 1M To be evaluated after one month




This case had a positive result in a remarkably short period. She was observed without medicine for another three months. Her menses was regular and there was no report of dysmenorrhoea.


From the data depicted, it is evident that homoeopathic drugs can play an important part in the treatment of PCOS with lasting effects. It is worth mentioning that if 76 % cure can be elicited with the use of homoeopathic drugs in conjunction with life style changes, many women have a ray of hope in infertility.

Since the approach of case taking and prescribing is highly individualistic and the same remedy cannot be used in all patients, the approach to research and its validation does not fit into the current protocols of research like blinded study or case control.

It is up to the scientific community and my fellow homoeopaths to develop a unique protocol which can unfold the vast possibilities of this simple yet sound healing art in the treatment of all diseases including PCOS, which are considered just manageable or incurable according to modern concepts of medical treatment. PCOS can be treated successfully without invasive procedures and high financial burden through the therapeutics of homeopathy.


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2. Padubidri, G.V andN.S. Daftary,2004 Hawkins & Bourne Shaw’s textbook of gynaecology. 13th New Delhi: Elsevier;.

3. Sebanti, G., D. Rekha and S. Sibani 2005 A profile of adolescent girls with gynaecological problems. Obstet. Gynecol. India., 55(4):353-355.

4. Stankiewicz M, Norman R. 2006 Diagnosis and Management of polycystic ovary syndrome: a practical guide. Drugs.,66(7):903-12.

5. Norman, J.R., D. Deiwally., S.R Legro andE.T. Hickey,2007 Polycystic ovary syndrome. The Lancet Aug.,370(9588):685-97.

6. Puri, M and G. Sharma 2004 Insulin Sensitisers in PCOS. Obs & Gynaec Mar;9(3):181-3.

7. Pteifer, M.S and S. Kives. 2009 Polycystic ovary syndrome in the adolescent. Obstet Gynaecol Clin North Am Mar., 36(1):129-52.

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About the author

Ajay Kumar Babu

Dr. Ajay Kumar Babu T.K - BHMS - Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Kozhikode, MD(Hom.) - DKMM Homoeopathic College, Aurangabad. PhD scholar at University of Calicut, Scholar-MSc Adolescent & child Health Care. He has been working as teaching faculty in Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Kozhikode in department of Surgery since 1993. Dr. Kumar was a seminar teacher for 12 state seminars and 2 national seminars, and teaching faculty for CME programs in and around Kerala State. He has presented papers at various science congresses including the Indian National Science Congress and International Homeopathic Science Congress. He is the author of Carcinosin A Classical Study, Handbook of Oncology in Homoeopathy and Children’s Materia Medica.

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