Tips and Secrets

Tips & Secrets – Sept 2013

Prunus laurocerasus
Written by Alan V. Schmukler

Homeopathy Tips & Secrets – Sept 2013

Prunus laurocerasus

Prunus laurocerasus

Laurocerasus in Lack of Reaction

Laurocerasus is often overlooked in lack of reaction, when the well chosen remedy does not act.  Here it vies with Sulphur and Opium

Elizabeth Wright Hubbard – Homeopathy As Art and Science


Ammonium Carbonicum

Kent says when you need a big remedy in scarlet fever, study Ammonium Carbonicum.  “It has in its nature all that there is of the nature of things grave and serious.”  When the rash comes to the surface, but the patient is not relieved, or the rash recedes too early from weakness and brain trouble threatens.   

Elizabeth Wright Hubbard – Homeopathy As Art and Science



The emaciation begins in the lower limbs and spreads upwards, so that the face is affected last (opposite Lyc, Nat mur, Psor)

J.N Shinghal – Graphic Pictures of Selected Remedies


Sensitive Patients                         

Sometimes very sensitive patients will do well on a high potency if they have been prepared for it by the use of a lower one.

S.M. Gunavante – Introduction to Homoeopathic Prescribing



Santonin is of unquestioned value in worm diseases, with itching of nose, restless sleep, twitching muscles. It is useful in Ascaria and thread worms, but not tapeworms.                    

Robin Murphy – Lotus M.M.


Some Otology Tips

Mezereum is very effective in relieving intense itching in the auditory meatus. The sensation extends to the Eustachian tube ( caust, nux ) One guiding symptom is the sensation “as if cold air reached the tympanum.”

Picric acid is indicated in furuncular or circumscribed inflammation of the       meatus; yet in the chronic or subacute forms, it has delighted patients and surgeons.

Silicea corresponds to an ulceration of the tissues of the membrana tympani and inner extremity of the meatus, which is deep, slow to heal, covered with thick yellow pus : the pus tends to the formation of a firm scab, which adheres closely

to the ulcer, and, on removal, reveals the above condition. One subjective characteristic symptom is a hissing sound accompanying the purulent discharge.

Lectures on Clinical Otology –New-York Homoeopathic Medical College  – Henry C. Houghton, M.D.


Birthing – After Pains

Hughes is accustomed to rely on Gelsemium for after pains. It acts best in very sensitive women who cannot compel quiet or sleep.              

Sabina and Sepia may also be indicated by their peculiar pains, those of Sabina shooting from behind forwards, and those of Sepia shooting upwards and accompanied by weight in the lower bowel.

W.A. Dewey – Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics,


Non Appearance of Milk

Pulsatilla is usually the first remedy thought of in suppression of milk. The breasts are swollen and painful and the flow of milk is absent or scanty. The patient is apt to be depressed and tearful.

Ricinus communis is also an excellent remedy given in the lower potencies for the non-appearance of milk. It also increases its flow in nursing women.

Urtica urens has be found useful, and if suppressed from a fit of anger, Chamomilla is the remedy. Caustcum too, has been used successfully in rheumatic women.  Agnus castus is also a remedy for suppression of the milk where the patient is low-spirited.

W.A. Dewey – Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics,


Actea Spicata

This is a rheumatic remedy, especially of the small joints. Rheumatic pains in wrist, fingers, ankles, toes.  Swelling of joints from slight fatigue. Wrist swollen, red, worse any motion.  Paralytic weakness in the hands. Sudden lassitude after talking or eating.

William Boericke – M.M.                        


Sanguinaria Canadensis

Rheumatic Pain in the right arm and shoulder, worse at night n bed, cannot raise arm. I have seen one dose cure such cases of long standing.

E.B. Nash – Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics



The mental state is characterized by a peculiar paradox of sleepiness with simultaneous intense excitement. Occurrence of the mentals is associated with nausea and numbness.  The Mandragora patient is always neurasthenic, hysterical or in a state of intensified emotional conflict with tension.

Edward Whitmont – Psyche and Substance



Hypochondriac and despondent. Takes no pleasure in anything. Everything seems to him dead, and nothing makes a vivid impression on his mind.

Averse to everything with desire to run away.  Apprehensiveness in pit of stomach.

M.L. Tyler   – Homoepathic Drug Pictures


Cicuta Virosa

Think of this remedy for convulsions which are excessively violent – whether epileptic, cataleptic, clonic or tonic. The patient is thrown into all sorts of odd shapes and violent contortions, but the most invariable is bending of the head, neck and spine backwards.

Guernsey / Nash


Rabies Vaccine Reactions                                     

Veterinarian Richard Pitcairn has noted that Lachesis is almost a specific in the treatment of rabies vaccine reactions in animals.

Desktop Guide –  Roger Morrison


Another View of Baryta Carbonicum

Baryta Carbonicum is the non- rugged individualist. Peaceful by nature and turning inwards as he tries to ignore that to which he does not wish to conform.

At times, in his bid for independence, Baryt carb is willing to sacrifice the comforts and amenities of civilization in exchange for being able to throw off shackling social obligations…

Catherine Coulter – Homeopathic Education – The Unfolding Experience


Magnesia Carbonica

He has a forsaken feeling and so this is often indicated in orphans or neglected children.  May also indicated be indicated in adults who witnessed lots of quarrels between their parents.

Synoptic  M.M.  – Frans Vermuellen


The “Soft” Snake Remedy

Naja lacks the intensity, hatefulness and aggressiveness of Lachesis. The personality is more like Pulsatilla, “soft.”  Almost a specific for valvular disorders.

Roger Morrison


Selenium Headache

Selenium is indicated in headache of nervous origin. The pain is of a stinging character, and is usually situated over the left eye and is worse from the heat of the sun.  The headaches return every afternoon, and are increased by any strong odor. This headache is is associated with profound melancholy and profuse flow of clear limpid urine.

E.A. Farrington – Clinical M.M.


Three Remedies in Acidity

NATRUM PHOS.: Aetiology: Fat foods +++. Acidity in children fed with excess of milk and sugar. Character: Lump in throat sour vomiting. Desire: Strong tasting foods, eggs. Aversion: Bread & butter. Colic with acidity. Modalities: (a) Aggravation:- << Fat food. (b) Amelioration:- > from beer.   Potency:- 6x tablets (Bio-chemic tissue salts: 3-4 tablets – in ¼ cup of luke warm water à 6-8 hourly à SOS à as & when necessary à stop soon improvement ensues), 30C.


OREXINE TANNATE: Hyperacidity; deficient and slow digestion. Q: 10 drops à Twice daily à S.O.S.


ROBINIA: Aetiology: From fat & flatulent foods e.g., Cabbage, turnip, raw fruit etc. Character: Associated with frontal headache (+++). Acrid (+++) eructations. Sour (+++) eructation à vomiting of sour (+++) fluid. Distension (+++) of stomach flatulent colic. Modalities: (a) Aggravation:- < Fat, gravies, flatulent food, < cabbage, raw fruit, ice cream. (b) Amelioration:- > by passing flatus.  Potency:- Q. (5 drops à in ½ cup of luke warm water à 6-8 hourly à SOS à as & when necessary à stop soon improvement ensues), 6C.


Standstill Cases – Giving an Intercurrent with Emphasis on the Scope of Using a Clinical Tip  Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea – Principal, Allen College Of Homoeopathy


Ten Tips from:  ‘Hompath WildFire Software

Remedy Clinical Condition Clinical Tip Author
Sabadilla officinalis Hay Asthma SABADILLA one drop t.d.s. in water – the administration of the drug by olfaction several times daily in hay asthma. By this means, I have cured many severe cases, and, made numerous converts to our system.Dose: One drop t.d.s. in water,by olfaction

Dr. Hughes, L.R.C.P.
Sanguinaria canadensis Acute Gastritis SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS is decidedly homoeopathic to acute gastritis. It has the terrible burning, the unquenchable thirst, the pain, the vomiting and the prostration which mark the disease. Dr. Dewey, M.D.
Viscum album Cardiac Failure In a failing cardiac compensation, as a palliative atleast, with distressing dyspnoea or even orthopnoea, worse whenever the patient attempts to lie upon the left side, the mistletoe VISCUM ALBUM will do excellent work. Dr. R.F.Rabe, M.D.
Veratrum viride Hypertension Acute and chronic congestions of hypertensives with hypertension itself come under the domain of VERATRUM VIRIDE. Oppression, sighing, rapid respiration and gasping for breath are their distressing symptoms and VERATRUM VIRIDE is the only solution. Dr. Bellokossy, M.D.
Wyethia helenoides Hay Fever WYETHIA is a specific when with the usual symptoms of hay fever, there is itching of the soft palate.
Dr. E.A.Farrington, M.D.


Xanthoxylum fraxineum Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Bleeding in cases that have had cancerous cysts removed surgically in women: XANTHOXYLUM. Dr. Faris, M.D.
Terebinthiniae oleum Nephritis TEREBINTH covers strangury with haematuria of nephritis following burns. Dr. C.C.Boericke, M.D.
Tarentula cubensis Abscess In any abscess where there is very severe pain, driving the patient mad. Dr. Benthack
Tabacum Acute Ptomaine Poisoning For the sickening picture of an acute ptomaine poisoning, with severe aggravation on opening the eyes: TABACUM. Dr. Robert L. Redfield, M.D.
Symphytum officinale Eye Trauma For traumatic injuries of the eyes, no remedy equals this. Dr. Boericke, M.D.




For nursing women we may use Causticum when over-exertion or loss of sleep threatens their supply of milk. This makes them very low-spirited and they are apt to have this sallow, sickly complexion which is characteristic of Causticum.

Clinical Materia Medica –  E. A. Farrington, M.D.


Some Remedies in Lumbago

Rheumatism of the sheaths of the fleshy mass of the lumbar muscles on one or both sides of the loins, extending often to the ligaments of the sacrum, the pain being aggravated by movement of the back, and by pressure.


Aconitum – Recent Rheumatism of the lumbar muscles, unassociated with injury.

Cimicifuga – An excellent remedy particularly if the sciatic nerve is at all affected.

Phytolacca – Excruciating pains suggesting renal inflammation.

Ant. Tart – Acute pain on movement, inducing nausea, cold perspiration and occasional cramps.

Rhus Tox.  –  Lumbago from getting wet; worse during rest, at night, on first moving the affected part, or on first getting up in the morning; rigidity; chronic Lumbago.

Arnica –  Lumbago implicating muscles that have formerly been injured.

The Homeopathic Vade Mecum of Modern Medicine and Surgery – E. Harris Ruddock  MD – 1869

Two Remedies in Asthma

Chamomllla – Oppression in the chest, as if from incarcerated flatulence in the epigastrium; hoarseness and cough from rattling of mucus in the trachea.

Belladonna. – Sensation as if dust were in the lungs; face and eyes red, and head hot; dry, spasmodic cough, especially at night; uneasiness and beating in the chest.

Eaton’s Domestic Practice for Parents and Nurses –  Morton M. Eaton MD

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


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