Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases Veterinary Homeopathy

Aggression in Sows


Dr Ferenc Szecsõdi treats three sows which were attacking piglets. He analyzed the cases using Sankaran’s levels of experience. The remedy was confirmed with classical symptom analysis using Radar and Synthesis.

The subjects of this case study are three sows. All three of them displayed the same symptoms and the same homeopathic medicinal product was administered to treat them. The product worked successfully in thirty minutes in all three cases.

The three sows farrowed for the first time. They were restless during farrowing whenever a piglet went too near.Therefore the farmer secluded the piglets and returned them for nursing upon completion of the farrowing. However, the sow attacked the piglets instead of nursing them.


Two of the sows were in separate pens. They were lying on their sides, but when the farmer put a piglet beside them respectively, they immediately stood up, started shaking and backing away. When they could not go any further, they suddenly attacked the piglet with murderous glares.


The third sow was in the pigsty. When the farmer put a piglet inside, she fixed her gaze on it, and then with a sudden movement attacked it and bit it in half.

What did we see?

The case was analysed with the help of Sankaran’s levels of experiences, and the following notes were made.

Active reaction: jumps up and trembles (panic), flees, fixation, bites or attacks

Sankaran says “The Sensation and the Action are the same (equal), but opposite.” The sows’ sensation could be determined based on this.

Sensation: aggression, terror, the sense of being chased, and murderous intent. So, the sow did, to the piglets the things she felt deep down were being done to her.

This observation led to the Solanaceae plant family. The situation was acute; thereforeBelladonna seemed like the appropriate solution. Since the sows were on the sensational level, the potency was 10M.

The following rubrics confirms the appropriateness of the choice in medicine.


MIND-BITING-delirium, during

MIND-ESCAPE, attempts to


MIND-KILL; desire to

Source: Radar 10, Synthesis 9.2.1 (by Shroyen)

Application: the two sows in the pen received the dissolved homeopathic medicine through the mucous membrane of the vagina. The sow in the pigsty received the dissolved medicine in the nose and mouth from a syringe at a distance of 1.5 metres.

Result: all three sows calmed down in thirty minutes and started regularly nursing the piglets.

About the author

Szecsődi Ferenc

Szecsődi Ferenc (DVM) was born in 1963 in Becej, Serbia. He graduated in 1989 from the Veterinary Faculty at Belgrade University. In 2002 he started to study alternative methods of healing. He is schooled in chiropractic, hypnosis, the Silva mind control method and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). In 2008 he graduated Veterinary Homeopathy in Budapest, Hungary and is a member of IAVH. In 2011 he graduated from the four year Homeopathic School “Hahnemann” in Novi Sad. Serbia. In 2015 graduated from the Master Level course in Novi Sad that was organized in collaboration with the “Other song academy” from Mumbai, India. Szecsődi is a lecturer at the Veterinary Homeopathic School in Budapest and also at the “Hahnemann” School in Novi Sad. He has been leading the Veterinary Homeopathic School in Belgrade, Serbia, since 2012. He applies the Sensation method in both his human and animal cases. Szecsődi studies the writings of Indian homeopaths, such as Rajan Sankaran, Jayes Shah, Dinesh Chauchan and Mahesh Gandi. He lives and works in Becej, Serbia.

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