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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask the Holistic Vet – Dr. Deva Khalsa  –  January 2024

Dr Deva Khalsa answers veterinary homeopathy questions from our readers. This month she discusses a Doberman with an injured leg, a cat with hyperthyroidism, the yeast infection called Malassezia and much more.  If you have a veterinary question, send it to [email protected].

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

I have a ten-week-old female Pomeranian who is currently vaccine free. I would like to raise her with the minimum amount of vaccines. Do you have a recommendation for scheduling those absolutely needed and those that can be omitted? Can they all be omitted, other than rabies required by law?



Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Natalie,

All of this depends on where you live, your lifestyle and the requirements of your township. Additionally, veterinarians within certain geographical areas have certain viewpoints and you will need a local veterinarian in case anything goes wrong.

The Parvo and Distemper are lifetime vaccinations if they are given after 18 weeks of age.  Yet, I have not seen a case of either of these diseases for over 40 years. They are not common problems. The Rabies is also a viral vaccine and provides lifelong immunity for humans, so it theoretically should do the same for dogs. You have a small dog that may only go in the yard with supervision. You can look at confirmed Rabies cases in your state.

Hello Dr. Khalsa,

My intact 3-year-old female Doberman recently slipped jumping on the couch and started limping on her left leg. Started early November 2023.  We brought her to a vet and she had no drawer movement, but inflammation showed in Xrays. They said to restrict exercise now, but she will need surgery in a year.

I was hoping to go the CM method, and avoid surgery due to her still putting pressure on it. She was on NSAIDS for a week and all limping went away. Upon stopping she will favour her leg only when getting up after laying for a while. Then she will walk normal.

I have attached the xrays (below).  She is on tri-acta, myos, fish oil, turmeric and starts a  physio plan in the new year. (earliest I can get her in).

My question is what supplements do you recommend for this healing process? Or, is surgery the only solution?

Thank you,


Dr. Deva Khalsa:

I recommend Prolotherapy for this and it works like a miracle. You can look on the AHVMA site for veterinarians certified in this

…and here is my article on Prolotherapy

Until you get that set up use Myristin for humans and Jill at Katie’s Pet Products can help you with that:

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

Please I need help… My 10-year-old cat has enlarged thyroid glands. Vet wants to remove them surgically. I’m hoping and praying there is a remedy to heal her body.



Dr. Deva Khalsa:

 Hyperthyroidism is common in older cats. If untreated, their heart can suffer. I did not even know that removal was recommended in this day and age as you have to spare the parathyroid gland and if you mistakenly remove them (it is very, very tiny) the cat will be in big trouble.

Usually, conventionally, either radioactive iodine (which works very well, has a very short half life only affecting the thyroid and is done at a veterinary clinic that specialize in it) is recommended. Also, there is a drug called Tapazole. Additionally, chinese herbs can help. Lastly, if it is not too advanced, the case can be taken and homeopathy may help.

Greetings Dr. Khalsa,

I can’t get a handle on my dog’s yeast infection. Since March, I’ve tried different kinds of hydrolized kibble, raw diet, probiotics, Kefir, medicated bath washes, antiseptic foams, etc, She smells horrible and must feel horrible too.

Thank you


Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Claire,

I’m going to spend a great deal of time explaining this to you because many people have this problem and the case in your pet is very advanced. There is a yeast called Malassezia and that is what is growing in your pet’s ear.  Some people think it’s dark wax or bacterial infection and it’s not. It’s actually a yeast called Malassezia. It likes to grow where the sun don’t shine, such as in between a dog’s toes, underarms, belly, chin and it considers the ears million dollar water front condos.

This yeast normally lives on the skin as part of the microbiome of the skin and it has its place as each of the other bacteria and yeast do.  All these bugs on the skin comprise that first line of defense. But, when dogs have this, something has happened to give the yeast conditions in which it can overgrow – and it takes advantage of that leg up.

In your situation we have a combination of (1) not handling the primary problem (2) insufficient treatment of the problem as the ear canal is very deep and long in the ear and you have been treating over and over again only the tip of the problem.

Therefore, it is very advanced and the ear canal is likely scarring and constricting by this time. The primary problem is often allergies and food sensitivities and intolerances, causing a mild or severe inflammation of the skin which gives this yeast (which likes OIL- not carbs- it is NOT Candida) conditions in which it can flourish.

If these are not handled then it becomes a never ending problem. Another problem is an immune system which is not up to par which is not keeping the Malassezia in its place. Regardless, you would need to handle allergies and atopy if you ever had this problem and the yeast first, as once the yeast is established it takes a huge effort to go away.

Your veterinarian could script you a specific Otipack from RoadRunner Pharmacy and the pharmacy sends it to you and you treat at home or bring her to the veterinarian every week. It is special and not the typical stuff that is used.

Here are my articles on Malassezia yeast infections and ear infections and a video.

I strongly suggest you make an appointment with me for a phone consultation.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

We suddenly lost our 13-yr-old chihuhua Nuggy on Xmas morning. His brother thumper, also 13 is missing his brother. They were together since they were both 3 months old. Any ideas on how to help our kid (Thumper) through this?

Thank you


Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Gloria,

The remedy to start with is Ignatia amar 30x four times a day for one week.

If you feel that there still is residual grief you can give Natrum mur 200c

Hi Dr. Khalsa,

Our vet claims our 8-yr-old dog has a heart murmur (level 4). Is there anything we can do to help her holistically or otherwise? No other vet has ever said she had a heart problem. Something seems off.

 Dr. Deva Khalsa:

 I would have her rechecked and perhaps see a cardiologist and get a second opinion, so you know you are treating the right thing. If your dog is a small breed, bad teeth can often affect the heart valves and, as I only know what you stated above, do check the teeth

Hello Dr. Khalsa

Our 7-year-old lab mix (mutt) has the worst smelling gas. He eats grain free Blue Buffalo kibble (1 cup) and wet food (1 spoonful) twice a day. No human food, but a few dog treats a day. What should we change?

Thank you


Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Worm with Panacur, SafeGuard (all fenbendazole) once a day for 3 days.  This is over the counter and does not need a script at 1-800 Pet Meds. Then feed one or two slices of real sourdough bread and some goat kefir once a day to re-establish the microbiome.  Also start on Essential Microorganisms ( article: and you can get this at Terraganix

 Dear Dr. Khalsa,

I have a foster dog who has worms. She has had 5 days of Panacur granules, and two doses of Strongid and will get a 3rd dose next week. How do I know the medication is working?  Am I going to see worms in her stool for a while until they all come out?

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

 Sometimes you never see worms. Panacur is a very good product and 5 days of it will handle all worms with the exception of tapeworms that come from a flea infection. If she has had fleas you want to add Droncit to her regime a week or more after she finishes the others. Fleas and tapeworms go hand in hand. The dog chews and always swallows a flea and just about all fleas carry tapeworm eggs

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Kindest regards,

Dr. Deva Khalsa 

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults (including phone consults):

Editor’s note: Dr. Khalsa’s new book was just released:

The Allergic Pet –Holistic Solutions to End the Allergy Epidemic in Our Dogs and Cats

Dr. Khalsa shows how to strengthen the immune systems of dogs and cats without invasive techniques or pharmaceutical drugs.

also…. The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.


    • I hope the Vet answers you, I look forward to hearing her recommendations. We used Boiron, Calcarea Phosphorica, 30C for our Weimaraner.

  • We have an indoor 3 y/o cat with dermatitis. The local vets don’t know the cause. We have tried different foods, flea medicine, and a bunch of other things. But without steroids, her back (on her butt) and ears break out with itchy scaly thick bumps. The hair falls out there too and she rolls in the liter box. She is small but very muscular and seems to also have a pica issue. She eats cardboard and wicker from our furniture. She has a good appetite and no constipation or urinary issues. Her blood work all comes back normal. We really don’t want to keep giving her steroids but don’t know what else to do so she isn’t miserable. Thanks for your help!

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