Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask The Holistic Vet – May 2022

Holistic/ homeopathic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa answers readers’ questions each month. This month she gives answers about vaccine injury, a dog who can’t stand being alone, pain after cruciate ligament surgery and much more. Send your question to: [email protected] by the 7th of the month.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

Slight rant but also looking for advice. After the rabies v my dog has developed shaking that she never had before. She has this regularly now. I talked to vet about it today. He says there’s basically no way they are connected and it’s so rare he won’t support an exemption for my neighborhood assoc. He leaves room. I can hear him in the next room telling another person the same thing except their dog is having more full on seizure symptoms which he tells her is not what is happening.

So the advice part is, what can I do to help my dog now?
Thank you
William T.

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

I would assume the exact opposite of what your local veterinarian is assuming which is that it was a response to the Rabies vaccine. But I have to ask how long after the Rabies vaccine did the shaking start, and what is the shaking like, and how often does she shake, and is there a particular time of day that she shakes worse?

Without that information it’s hard for me to recommend a remedy because I can’t take the case. That said, I would recommend a few things to start with. The first thing is one dose of Sulfur 200 C. That’s only one dose of Sulfur 200C.  Wait three days and start treating with Thuja 1M at 3x a day for 4 days.

Then wait one week and start treating with Lachesis 30c at three times a day for 10 days.  These are Polycrest remedies that should have a deep positive effect and may help with the shaking. The Sulphur opens up the case and then the Thuja works with bad effects of vaccines in general. Lastly, the Lachesis is the remedy chosen for problems after Rabies vaccines. If these do not help or do not help enough, then go to Gelsemium 30x three times a day for 3 weeks.

Hello Dr. Khalsa,

Any ideas on what to do for a lethargic puppy that’s shivering about 8 hours after a vaccine shot?

Thank you
Marie C.

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Well, you will probably get this information too late as the shivering will probably have stopped by now. I would give Belladonna 6 or 30 every half hour for a few hours.

Dear Dr Deva,

I have a cross between Lakeland and Patterdale terrier who is super wonderful at home but incredibly anxious if anyone is leaving the house. He is amazing with people but our greatest challenge is when he is out doors and when he is with other dogs.  He is mostly friendly with other dogs but we can’t trust him completely anymore because he is getting aggressive with other dogs (especially smaller ones).

Emotionally outdoors in particular, he seems to be over stimulated. We used to let him play with other dogs but as we don’t know how he is going to react we have him on a lead and with a muzzle as he has started trying to dominate smaller dogs.

On a bad day he may also fling himself towards moving motor bikes and cars. We got him when he was just over a year old in November last year. He will be two in October. We realize that his breed doesn’t like being left alone but can we calm his overstimulated anxiety and vigilance? Being a terrier he sees himself as a hunter and will bark like mad if he sees a cat.

Is there anything we can do to calm him /his adrenaline rush! It’s as if he really is two dogs. Indoors he is playful but is a shadow (we can’t say the word “bye” now as he rushes for the door biting things and barking.)

Thank you
Sarah   [email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

You can start with Ignatia amar 30x giving this 3x a day for a few months. Also, you can try to really tire him out. Find ways to play fetch or have him run and play to get all the tension in his system down. Then, take him for a walk and see if he is calmer. If you can do this three times a week that would be good.

The exercise should be that – pure exercise- away from other stimulations. The Ignatia may help with his aversion to being left alone. You can play a certain type of music a certain kind of CD when you leave and then come back in two minutes and (you’re not exactly leaving you’re just training) and then pat him and say Hi and then do it again and come back in five minutes and pat him and say Hi and keep going for short times in the beginning but increasing the time playing the same CD so he keeps knowing that you’re going to be back soon.

This CD will be an anchor point for him.  Also, you can start clicker training with him as he seems awfully smart, so you have a communication in place with him and he knows commands like “Leave it.” and ‘Stay’.  He has to look at you like the top dog. The book by Suzanne Clothier – Bones Would Rain From the Sky- Deepening Our Relationship with Dogs –  is an excellent one for understanding how a dog thinks.   Combining this with clicker trainer and the easy command “Leave it.” Will give you all a new understanding.

Hi Dr. Khalsa,

I’m looking for homeopathic remedies for crystals in the urine. Specifically, Calcium Oxalate crystals. My dog is just over 4 months old. I don’t know where to start to change her diet to help keep more from forming or turning into bladder stones.

Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

I cannot answer your question without the urine sample and the pH. Calcium oxalate crystals form in an acidic pH.  The highest crystallization risk was observed between pH 4.5 and 5.5. In the pH range 6.5-7.5, there was a marked increase in crystallization.

There is a Wysong Biotic pH that raises the pH into a more alkaline range. There are two kinds, one lowers the pH and one raises the pH.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My dog Zed recently had cruciate ligament repair surgery. Do you have homeopathic suggestions for pain & inflammation in lieu of the vet-prescribed Carprofen, Gabapentin & Adequan?

Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Yes, but by the time you get this he should be well beyond needing any pain medicine. I recommend giving Arnica, Rhus Tox and Ruta grav. in the 6th or 30th potency from 3 to 6 times a day for pain or discomfort. I would also recommend a few doses of Thiosinaminum 6x starting 2 months after the surgery. Perhaps twice a week for one month.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

I’m wondering if there is some reliable holistic heart worm prevention for dogs?  If not, how safe are the commercial ones?

Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

I don’t know where you live and so I don’t know how prevalent Heartworms are in your area, as there are areas of the US where there are very few cases of heartworm. Secondly, I don’t know how furry and fuzzy and hairy your dog is and the very fuzzy dogs like a Keeshond don’t tend to get heartworm because of the fact that mosquitoes just can’t get into their skin, whereas Dobermans, Dachshunds and dogs with very short coats tend to get heartworm more.

In recent years it’s more popular to poison your dog and make them into a poison soaked sponge to prevent anything and everything from infecting him, and of course all these products are carcinogenic and have multiple insecticides in them.

That said, heartworm is a disease that you do not want your dog to get so I recommend Heartguard Plain Chewable as all that is in there is Ivermectin which is an incredibly safe drug and a very small dose. You do not want Heartguard Plus which has additional poisons. Ivermectin is actually a very healthy and healing drug.

Historically I was rather relaxed about heartworm in areas in which the cases were extremely low and for dogs that had a nice thick coat. But since Bill Gates released genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida, things have changed and I don’t trust that what’s happening inside mosquitoes which are what carries heartworm. (See my article “Mosquito Madness”:

Hello Dr. Khalsa,

We’ve pulled 2 ticks off our golden this week. One was attached and the one we pulled out today was completely embedded and looked like it had died while attached. Cleaned the area with alcohol but what else should I do? Especially concerned about the totally embedded one from today.

Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Interesting to note that all these dogs lately who are getting Lyme disease and the  other tickborne diseases are dogs who were on preventives. Having a dog bitten by a tick does not mean that the tick is carrying Lyme disease or is that your dog will get Lyme Disease.

Keeping the Immune system healthy is a primary goal and of course the ticks can carry quite a few other tickborne diseases. I’m not sure if you’re worried about preventing Lyme disease or a problem with the tick being attached. As far as the tick being imbedded, I would just use some calendula tincture on the area which is antimicrobial.

Dr. Khalsa,

Is there anything you can suggest for how to naturally treat and/or prevent bacterial ear infections in dogs? My dog was given Mometemax at the vet, which worked two times before. More recently, she was given Claro, which after a month, hasn’t completely cleared her infection. I’ve always been super hesitant about treating her with meds, and prior to taking her to the vet, I did try some of the natural treatments that I found on the internet without success.

Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa,

There is a particular progression that occurs when dogs have ear infections. The first thing that happens is Malassezia, which is a normal yeast that lives on the skin of the dogs and is a member of the general microbiome population on the dogs, which gets in the ears and over grows in the air.

As Malassezia is a yeast, it actually likes to grow where it’s warm and moist and where the sun don’t shine and the ears are a perfect cave for this yeast to establish itself.  Pet owners often times mistakenly believe this is simply some sort of dark brownish black wax in the ear as a dog’s ear canal is very deep and long.

This Malassezia yeast goes way deep down into the ear . Then the veterinarian gives you some sort of ointment to go in the ear for two weeks and, afterwards,  you look into the superficial upper part of the ear and you think everything is cleared up.  Except it’s not – it’s still going on deep in the ear.

Then you go back two months later and tell the veterinarian that the ear infection came back. In fact, that infection never cleared up, it was just festering deep in the ear and you just couldn’t see it. You’re given more ointment to insert for two weeks and it looks really nice and you think you’re doing great and you’re back again two months later.

This goes on and on and you get confused and think that the infection keeps coming back and the truth of it is that you never actually got rid of it. And because you never got rid of it things start to change over time. Bacteria start growing in there instead of the yeast and then that bacteria become antibiotic resistant because you’re getting so many combo products overtime and nothing works.

Your veterinarian needs to do a culture and sensitivity of the year when the dog has been off of medication for at least a week and even better 10 days and then decide what antibiotics are needed for the bugs and administer the proper combination.

Road Runner Pharmacy in Arizona makes a very nice bolus for the ear and they can create a combo that works with the antibiotic resistant bacteria.  These ear infections can be very painful. The other thing that you can try is Zymox enzymatic ear medicine because it has enzymes that kill the yeast and certain bacteria.  But be prepared if it does not do the job to have the culture and sensitivity.

I would highly recommend you have a consultation with me because there’s a lot that can be done but the case has to be taken and it has to be assessed as where we are and a careful program has to be created. (See my article one ear infections:

Hello Dr. Khalsa,

My three 3-month-old beagle has Giardia. She came to us with it. She was on so much meds. My sister gave more meds, the Metez one, Panacur and now Drontal plus. She has gas and intermittent loose stools. She appears to gasp for air sometimes, but eats fast. Hiccups too. Eyes drain gunk.

Any suggestions?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

I would get her on two things. The first thing I would get her on is Argentum 23 Colloidal Silver and this is the brand that is made for professionals and I think you can get it online. The same company makes another brand called Sovereign Silver which you can get in the health food stores and this is nano particle silver which really works very well.

I would give her 1 teaspoon of this three times a day for one month. I would also give her some chlorophyll and you can get something like barley greens or a chlorophyll liquid that doesn’t taste like peppermint and give her ½ dropper of this a day.

What she has is not uncommon in puppies and usually there’s an imbalance in the intestinal biome that causes this. Worms also imbalance the intestinal biome.  It’s probable that she had worms, because all puppies are born with worms. But now she’s had enough wormers that the worm should be gone but her intestinal gut bacteria have to be rebalanced. This particular colloidal silver works very well with that.

Dr. Khalsa’s Newsletter:

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Kindest regards,
Dr. Deva Khalsa 
215-944 3036
[email protected]

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults:

Editor’s note: Dr. Khalsa’s new book was just released:

The Allergic Pet –Holistic Solutions to End the Allergy Epidemic in Our Dogs and Cats

Dr. Khalsa shows how to strengthen the immune systems of dogs and cats without invasive techniques or pharmaceutical drugs.


The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

1 Comment

  • A dogo dog, a mix they have in Argentina that is quite aggressive. Male, not fixed, has been tied in an enclosure all his life. Barks at everything and wags his tail but when he was accidentally left out he attacked and almost killed a man. Is there a remedy to calm him down enough to move him out of there. Perhaps get him fixed, castrated, help? Can you give me any advice. The dog lives in a farm. He is quite large too.

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