Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Veterinary Homeopathy

Homeopathic Remedies for Animal Emergencies

vet day

Veterinary homeopath Pat McKay discusses homeopathic remedies for animal emergencies. Urtica urens mother tincture or Stinging Nettle herbal extract are recommended for first aid in urinary blockage.

Remedies to have on hand:

My recommended potency to have on hand is 30C or 200C.

Aconitum napellus
Apis mellifca
Arnica Montana
Cantharis vesicatoria
Crotalus horridus
Ferrum phosphoricum
Hypericum perforatum
Lachesis muta/mutus (pronounced lack’ i sis)
Ledum palustre (pronounced Lee’ dum)
Rhus toxicodendron (pronounced Roos tox)
Silicea…aka Silica

Urtica urens mother tincture is the exception; this is an elemental liquid. If you are not able to find Urtica urens mother tincture, you may use Stinging nettle herbal extract.

Treatment of Injuries

This is a handy reference for emergencies.

Instructions:  Use one remedy at a time in 30C potency and administer 3 pellets of the 30C potency one time.  If you already know your animal is going to be difficult and may spit out the pellets, then crush the pellets.  To do the crushing, make a crisp fold in a heavy white paper (or fold the paper twice).  Pour the pellets from the vial into the open fold.  Fold the paper flat, with the pellets inside against the crease, and put the folded paper on a hard counter top.  (The pellets are very hard to crush and they roll out of the paper very quickly.)  Crush them with the back of a spoon or a hammer.  Pour the powder onto a spoon to put the powder in your animal’s mouth.  An animal needs to get only a small amount of the powder wet in his/her mouth to be effective.

One dose is to be given immediately after the injury or emergency, and then call or email your homeopath to know what is to be given next.  (My phone is: 775-313-5884 Email:  [email protected] )

Before and After Surgery:

Aconitum given 10 to 15 minutes before leaving for the vet clinic

Arnica given as soon as possible after surgery

Hypericum given the next day after the surgery

Blows, Concussions, Contusions, Sprains, Spinal injuries, Fractures & Dislocations:

Arnica is to be given immediately for pain and shock.

Sprains, twisting of the body or what might appear to be paralysis of the legs:

Rhus tox

Constant itchiness:

Rhus tox if the animal loves warmth

Sulphur if the animal prefers cool

Bleeding that won’t stop:

Ferrum phosphoricum may be used internally or topically.  Do not use any remedy internally and topically at the same time.  For instance, for bleeding, you may give Arnica internally and Ferrum phos externally.  If using a tourniquet give Ferrum phos internally.

Contusions creating sounds: Skin torn, abrasions from rubbing/dragging, gaping wounds, broken toe nails from the digit itself:


Punctures, Stabbing, Piercing, Biting Wounds:


Splinters deep in the tissue & Porcupine quills:


In this case you also need to go immediately to your veterinarian or ER because splinters and especially porcupine quills must be pulled out immediately, and your animal will need an anesthetic.  After the quills are removed, give one dose of Arnica 30C for the pain, shock, and trauma.

Bites or Stings:

Bite from a dog:  Ledum
Sting from a bee, wasp, or insect: Ledum
Bite from an angry cat:  Lachesis
Bite/sting from a poisonous snake:  (first remedy)  Ledum.
For the second remedy check with your homeopath; it is helpful if you know the species of snake whether to give: Lachesis or Crotalus horridus
Stings of hornets and wasps:  Apis
Bee stings:  Ledum: Do NOT give Apis for a bee sting.
If you are not sure whether it is a hornet, wasp, or bee, give Ledum
Mosquito bites: Ledum or Staphysagria
Flea bites:  Apis
Insect bite of any kind: Ledum:
If no relief within an hour, call or email your homeopath, because insect bites can be poisonous.

Burns & Hives:

Surface burns:  Urtica urens tincture: applied topically
Hives: Urtica urens mother tincture: applied topically
Painful burns, threatening tissue damage:  Cantharis
Any internal or external chemical burns:  Causticum

Urinary blockage:

Urtica urens mother tincture or Stinging nettle herbal extract. 10 to 15 drops of either one of the liquids given every 15 to 20 minutes until the animal urinates. This remedy works like a charm especially for cats who are blocked.  Keep a bottle of either Urtica urens mother tincture or Stinging nettle on hand at all times if you have a cat.  Best to keep the bottle in the kitchen for burns.


Arnica taken internally and Ferrum phosphoricum applied topically by crushing pellets into a powder to the area if it is an external hemorrhage.

Then go immediately to the ER if hemorrhage is from large blood vessels which must be ligated.

In all of the above cases be sure to follow up with your homeopath immediately to know which second remedy is to be given or if the initial remedy is to be repeated.

A most recent urinary case

A client called me at 10:30 at night when her friend’s 3-year old male cat, Seymour, had not urinated for 18 to 24 hours. I told her that first thing in the morning she needed to get Urtica urens mother tincture and start giving Seymour 10 to 15 drops every 15 to 20 minutes.  And if she couldn’t find Urtica urens, give the herbal version: Stinging nettle liquid extract.

However, because of the late hour, I said she should take Seymour to the ER and see what they could do in the meantime, to give him some relief until the morning.  She was told that they could start the $2,000 allopathic treatment.  No way could she afford that.

She felt she just had to take her chances that Seymour would be fine until the morning; she was at the health food store at 9 sharp, got the Stinging nettle liquid extract and started giving it as directed.  It took several hours; however, all of a sudden here came the flood of urine. I heard from my client two days later that Seymour was doing very well; no more urinary blockage.

I have found that Urtica Urens mother tincture works a little faster; however, now I hear that most of the homeopathic pharmacies are discontinuing the Urtica urens mother tincture because they aren’t getting sufficient orders for it.  Everyone who has a cat needs a bottle in their kitchen for just such urinary emergencies, and the big plus is that it is excellent for burns…as well as other topical uses.

Pat McKay
39 years experience in animal nutrition
35 years experience in classical homeopathy
[email protected]
As we heal our animals, we heal ourselves!

About the author

Pat McKay

Pat McKay
Acknowledged pioneer and leader in the development of the raw and fresh food diet, animal nutritionist, counselor and author, Pat McKay is nationally recognized by animal health care professionals for her contribution to the raw food revolution for cats and dogs.

She has synthesized her findings, creating a complete nutritional guide, which offers the most up-to-date clinical information and quick-step menus that make raw, fresh-food preparations both fun and easy.

All Pat"™s animals are on her fresh, raw food program, including naturally grown meats and vegetables. Pat uses homeopathy for all medical needs. Authoring several books, her latest is:
NATURAL IMMUNITY, Why You Should NOT Vaccinate! Visit Pat McKay at :


  • Hi

    I am so inspired my your work. I am a 3rd year Homeopathy student, my 1st exposure to treating animals was 4 weeks ago, when my dad’s Labrador Benzi had a large wart on his eye that was getting bigger and bigger.

    I noticed that he tended to be anxious and nervous since a previous car crash that he was involved in.

    I made a combination of thuja 30c and causticum 30c plussed. 6 drops a day in his drinking water. 10 days later wart 100% clear. I was amazed and absolutely thrilled. It felt so empowering to have been able to treat my dads dog and have such a successful outcome. I might look further into working with horses when I qualify. I am in Ireland……Keep up your good work!

  • I can’t find a source for the mother tincture of urtica urens and I’m getting low on my only bottle. Do you have a source to buy it?

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