Homeopathy Papers

Tidbits 27–The High Blood Pressure Snow Job!

Written by Elaine Lewis

HBP treatment for seniors is a racket! Is HBP a “normal” part of aging? Are dangerous drugs and surgery the only answer?

So-called High Blood Pressure: A Goldmine for Drug Companies!

Just look at this graph of the most frequently prescribed prescription drugs in the United States and what do you find?

Rx drug chart

Prescriptions for high blood pressure and cholesterol for seniors are leaving the rest in the dust, making High Blood Pressure a veritable goldmine for the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession!

But a word of warning: These drugs are addictive, you can’t stop them, you’re told you will have high blood pressure (HBP) for the rest of your life, there is no known cause (supposedly) in 95% of cases (how convenient, since if there’s no cause, then there’s nothing you can do about it!) no cure, and you will have to come back endlessly for refills to keep your pressure under “control”!  (Too bad none of this is true–except for the part about the drugs being addicting, and that’s why you will be on them for the rest of your life!)

As I may have mentioned in previous articles, when the doctor tells you “there is no cure”, all he means is, “there is no drug“, because to him, there are only drugs in this world; but in reality, if you pull back and take a wider view, there are cures everywhere, including, first and foremost, changes in your diet.

cartoon we've exhausted all conventional measures

For example:


juicer 2

This is real medicine, folks!  This is the default cure for all disease, this and raw food in general. If you want results fast, buy a juicer!  Juicing will cure anything!  You know how your grandparents always told you to eat your vegetables?  Well, they were right; but, maybe they should have said, “Drink your vegetables!” because we’re destroying all the curative value of vegetables by cooking the life out of them; plus which, everyone pretty much hates cooked vegetables anyway, just ask your kids!  

Even eating them raw is not so easy, as you’d be lucky to finish even one carrot!  But, guess what?  Drinking them is easy!  Imagine this, juicing 3 carrots, an apple, some kale, a stick of celery and some parsley, and believe it or not, it would be delicious!  And you’d have all the nutrients that you could never, ever, in a million years, hope to acquire by eating! And what does this juice do besides giving the cells in your body all the nutrients they need?  It cleans out your arteries!  Why is that so important?  Because that’s why you have High Blood Pressure!!!!!  That and mineral deficiencies–which juicing will go a long way to correct. 

High blood pressure is simply the body’s adaptation to clogged and inflamed arteries!  How does it help your body to meet its demands for oxygen and nutrients if you artificially slow down your heart rate with drugs, causing your cells and organs to become oxygen starved?  Shouldn’t the cause of this problem be addressed rather than the effect?  Because if the cause was corrected, the heart wouldn’t have to pump so hard to deliver nutrients through the bloodstream, and the pressure would automatically come down.  Doesn’t that make sense?  

But there’s no money in that!  

The cause of disease is almost always some lifestyle mistake–too much processed food, not enough fiber, not enough nutrients, lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium… who makes money correcting that end of the equation, the organic farmer?  How does that help the drug industry?   If it doesn’t help the drug industry, we’re not allowed to know about it.

Now, turning our attention back to something that actually works, some of you are going to ask why you can’t just go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of juice and be done with it!  If your supermarket sells real juice, then fine, you can.  But what’s the likelihood of that?  Real juice goes bad–fast!  And because of that, you won’t find any on the supermarket shelves.  This is what you’ll find, water with flavoring and sugar added:

minute maid juice

Real juice “separates” soon after juicing!  You have to drink it right away; it could never sit on the supermarket shelf for weeks at a time!  I’m afraid you’re going to have to buy a juicer–which, by the way, is not the end of the world!

Now, what else can you do for your health besides juicing?


Stop Poisoning Yourself!

If this is what you’re eating and “taking”, that’s exactly what you’re doing!

Rx drugs  junk food  more junk food

And why do I say that?  Because the “food” you see pictured above is full of white flour, white sugar (neither of which exists in nature), hydrogenated oils (another unnatural product), meat from factory farms (meaning sick and undernourished animals) and no fiber whatsoever, not to mention “vegetables” grown in mineral-poor soil.  So you can imagine that the side effect-laden drugs you see next to the food are being enlisted to… 1) manage constipation, 2) take the edge off headaches, 3) mollify depression and anxiety, 4) conquer insomnia, 6) correct an irregular heart beat, 7) deal with ADD and ADHD, 8) manage frequent colds and infections and 9) soothe painful joints, because these are common conditions associated with a diet of processed food.

What do people take for headaches?   Aspirin.  Tylenol.  Did you know that these drugs damage your kidneys?  And do you know what kidney disease leads to?  HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!  What about a common antibiotic like Ciprofloxacin?  What’s included among its many side effects?  Brace yourself–HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!

The truth is, if you’re eating the foods shown above, you’re inevitably and unavoidably also taking drugs and compromising your health in the process.  Drugs cause disease–that’s what all those side effects are, diseases.  But how could you have known that?  Everyone else is taking them!  So step-1 in lowering your blood pressure, obviously, is addressing the food.  You have to go from eating what you saw above to eating along the lines of this:

cheesburger 2

Let me explain what this is. It’s a cheeseburger made from grass-fed ground beef, cheese (made from raw milk), a whole wheat bun, and you can’t see the sauteed mushrooms and onions under the bun but they’re there; and notice half the meal is a salad!  It’s like night and day from the other stuff!  Of course, the previous “meal” pictured was made by a corporation, the second meal was made by ME, someone who took the trouble to shop for real food!  That makes all the difference.

“Are You Saying There’s No Place for Beta Blockers and Lasix in lowering blood pressure?”

Yes!  That’s what I’m saying!

Why Not?

Because like most of what the medical profession does, it’s got everything backwards; attacking the body’s adaptation to a problem while ignoring the problem itself–and in so-doing, ruining lives!


Oy!  First of all, these blood pressure drugs have you running to the bathroom all night with no regard to the importance of a good night’s sleep; they cause impotence in men, ruining marriages, all to the benefit of increased doctor visits and drug sales for the pharmaceutical industry!  High blood pressure, per se, is not the problem!  If having high blood pressure in and of itself was dangerous, then why aren’t weight-lifters and joggers all dropping dead from heart attacks?  Do you know what a weight-lifter’s blood pressure goes up to?  It’s been reported as high as 320/250!



weight lifter

Why isn’t this man dead?  In a study, “Blood Pressure During Exercise In Healthy Children” [European Journal of Applied Physiology (1988) 58: 62-67] the journal states, “Twenty-two of the subjects had a systolic blood pressure of 200 or more during exercise.”  Really?  Oh my gosh!  A blood pressure of 200 or more?  And they all lived to tell about it?

A study reported in JAMA (11/8/06) titled, “Systolic Blood Pressure at Admission, Clinical Characteristics, and Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With Acute Heart Failure”, found that the patients with the highest systolic blood pressure–over 161–had the lowest death rate (1.7%) while the patients with the lowest blood pressure, what we call “normal”, had the highest death rate (7.2%):  “The in-hospital mortality rate was 3.8% in the entire cohort and the mean length of stay was 6.4 days.  Higher SBP [systolic blood pressure] at admission was associated with substantially lower in-hospital mortality: 7.2% (<120 mm Hg), 3.6% (120-139 mm Hg), 2.5% (140-161 mm Hg), and 1.7% (>161 mm Hg)”


How is that possible?  As stated above, the patients with the highest blood pressure had the lowest death rate; and in fact, you can see if you look at the blood pressure numbers and the rate of death, as the blood pressure numbers increase, the death rate goes down!

What can we conclude from this?  First, that it’s normal for blood pressure to go up and down depending on what you’re doing, and that if you’re really exerting yourself, blood pressure can go very high!  Secondly, maybe there’s no such thing as a constant “normal” and maybe the “normal” numbers have been set artificially low for the purpose of getting people started on drugs!  I know, that’s a cynical outlook, but manipulating the normal range to increase drug sales is nothing new.  Joseph Mercola, MD wrote the following in his article, “The Cholesterol Myth That Is Harming Your Health”:  

“So how did these excessively low cholesterol guidelines come about?  Eight of the nine doctors on the panel that developed the new cholesterol guidelines had been making money from the drug companies that manufacture statin cholesterol-lowering drugs.”


And as for the blood pressure “normal range” did you know that that number, as late as 1992, was 160/95?  What is it today?  140/90 at the high-end, though 120/80 is the more often quoted ideal?  See below from…

An Integrated Approach to Manage Hypertension

by Ashok Rajguru, DIHom (Pract.), DHM

Till the year 1992, for non-diabetic persons, the threshold for hypertension diagnosis was accepted as 160/95 mmHg. In the year 1993 this limit was reduced to 140/90 mmHg7.

According to the American Heart Association, “There is no specific level of BP where cardiovascular and renal complications start to occur; thus the definition of hypertension is arbitrary, but needed for practical reasons in patient assessment and treatment”8 Carretero OA, MD & Oparil S: Clinical Cardiology, Essential Hypertension, American Heart Association publication – Circulation.2000; 101: 329-335.


Arbitrary!  The American Heart Association says the normal range of blood pressure numbers is ARBITRARY!

Maybe the real problem isn’t blood pressure at all, maybe it’s all about the arteries and how inflamed or plaque-filled they are.

inflammation chart

So tell me, what happens if your blood pressure can’t go up because you’re taking beta blockers or some other blood pressure-lowering drug?  What happens if you try and stand up too fast?  You get dizzy and you may even faint (not enough oxygen to the brain).  Would you be able to get up and run out the door if the situation called for it?   And now for the most important question of all, how much cleaner, clearer and unblocked are your arteries now that you’ve lowered your blood pressure with beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, etc.?  That’s what I thought!  No change in the arteries at all!  Do you see the pointlessness of this approach?  

(Meanwhile, a minor “disclaimer”, if you will, regarding the image above.  In my opinion, raw milk and grass-fed meat is fine; however, “factory farming” has made ordinary foods, that should be good for you, dangerous with all the junk food and drugs they’re feeding farm animals to fatten them up!  I will not buy meat and eggs from the supermarket!  Try to do your shopping at health food stores, Whole Foods, MOM’s, Sprouts, and the Farmer’s Market and try to find raw milk.  I just drove 20 miles tonight to buy raw milk at MOM’s in Bryn Mawr, PA when there is a huge supermarket within walking distance from my house!)

  If you want to know what is so special about raw milk, go to www.realmilk.com


Don’t We Have To Lower Our Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a normal substance made in the liver and it has many positive uses including mending damaged arteries.  Oops!  Did I just say, “Mending damaged arteries”?  If your arteries weren’t damaged in the first place by inflammation-causing ingredients in processed food, there wouldn’t be any cholesterol deposits in your arteries at all!

As you can see from the graph at the beginning of this article, the misconception about cholesterol is responsible for the most profitable drug line in the whole pharmacy–the Statin cholesterol-lowering drugs, drugs like Lipitor and Crestor.  We take them to protect our heart, supposedly, but did you know that they destroy Co-Q10, an enzyme that protects your heart?  So, that’s right, the statin drugs put you at risk for a heart attack!  And now, even the doctors are admitting it; I see their commercials on TV for Co-Q10 supplements all the time.



In the 25 years between 1981 and 2006, death rates from coronary heart disease (CHD) decreased 80% (in Iceland) between the ages of 25-74.  What was the treatment?  Nothing–other than exercise, nutritious food and no smoking.

No beta blockers?  No diuretics?  Absolutely not.  The big “secret” for lowering blood pressure in Iceland turned out to be no processed food.

All processed food contains sodium, tons of it, making it another factor in high blood pressure.  We all know that sodium attracts water, which increases the blood volume which demands that the heart pump harder to move all this extra fluid around.  This is what we give the dreaded diuretics (water pills) for.  Even soda contains sodium, just read the label; and in fact, you should start reading the ingredients list on every packaged food you buy, even if you’re in the health food store.  The safest foods will have the smallest number of ingredients on the label, the worst foods will have the most.  Look at cereal boxes, for example.  Compare “Nabisco Shredded Wheat” with “Honey Bunches of Oats”.  The Shredded Wheat has only one ingredient–whole wheat!  The Honey Bunches of Oats label has too many ingredients to even count, a lot of them chemicals, and the usual sugar and salt.  

Look at the ingredients list on a bottle of Schweppes Gingerale.  What does it say? 45 mg. of sodium!

Here’s your Breyers vanilla ice cream–with 35 mg. of sodium!

So, here you have all these people with high blood pressure under a doctor’s care, who have been told to stop eating salt, and there it is in every processed food!

Cod Liver Oil Heals the Arteries

Here’s what Mike Adams had to say in his important article, “Cod Liver Oil–the Number-One Super-food”:

“Cod liver oil greatly improves heart function to prevent heart disease and to treat it even in advanced stages, after a heart attack and after heart surgery.  Cod liver oil alters the linings of the arteries in such a way as to improve healing after damage.  This is attributed to the omega-3 fatty acids but vitamin A, D and K all have important roles to play in facilitating mineral absorption, improving muscle function and supporting elasticity of the blood vessels.  The inflammation-reducing prostaglandins made from EPA help mediate the inflammatory response in the arteries.  In other studies the heart-protective effect was associated with changes in the muscle response to serotonin, increasing the heart’s ability to ‘relax.'”

Obviously, if you’ve got high blood pressure, cod liver oil is a must-have.


Should We Replace Butter and Saturated Fat With Margarine and Vegetable Oil?

No!  I’ve written about margarine and vegetable oil in Tidbits-13 if you want details about it:


You should avoid margarine and vegetable oil like the plague, and make sure the meat you buy is grass-fed and that the fish is wild-caught and not farmed.


Vitamin C and L-Lysine to the Rescue!

According to two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, the combination of Vitamin C and the amino acid Lysine prevents and dissolves arterial blockages!!!!! (http://www.paulingtherapy.com/)

Now, incredibly, there is actually a Vitamin C supplement on the market that also contains Lysine and it is (Ta-da!)  Sufficient-C!!!  Developed by our friend, and British Institute of Homeopathy student, Caralyn Vessal, Sufficient-C is the highest-dose vitamin C on the market, with one teaspoon mixed in half a cup of water making 2,000 mg. of vitamin C and roughly 700 mg. of Lysine!   Caralyn’s been telling me that Sufficient-C customers have related to her that their cholesterol has gone down because of taking it, and now I can see why!  This is the way to fight high blood pressure, people, the sensible way!  And did I mention that Sufficient-C is non-GMO?  You can order it from Amazon.com.

In the video below we have Linus Pauling, in his 90’s, recalling 3 cases of advanced heart disease he reversed with Vitamin C and Lysine:


After Reading This, I Wanna Get Off Of My Drugs!

I know you do, but you can’t!  You will go through withdrawal!  If you stop these drugs suddenly, you could potentially suffer “rebound hypertension” and within 2 weeks time have a heart attack or a stroke!  The only way to get off these drugs is SLOWLY, very SLOWLY.  Ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice on how to do this (assuming they even know; after all, their goal is to keep you on these drugs for the rest of your life—it’s just that I’m not allowed to tell you, for obvious reasons.) 

You would be surprised how many people don’t know that they can’t just stop their drugs on a whim!  There is not a single drug, whether it be sleeping pills, antidepressants, even sinus medicine, that you can just stop!  They all cause the case to “rebound”!  Why?  They suppress!  All they do is suppress symptoms, they don’t cure anything, they simply use force to stop symptoms, and this makes the immune system very angry and out for vengeance!  If you had minor hypertension when you started, you will have major hypertension if you suddenly stop your drugs!  I always say to people, “Why would you start something you can’t stop without putting your life at risk?”  It’s untenable; sooner or later you’re going to be faced with a situation where you don’t have access to your drugs: you’re out of your drugs, can’t get to the drugstore, you’re in a foreign country, there’s been a hurricane, a tornado, a flood; you’re at the airport and have been separated from your luggage; the clock ticking—because you don’t have your drugs!  And for every drug to have this problem?  It should really make you think twice about the sanity of this approach to “health” care.  


Beta Blockers (know what you’re taking)

Look at the side-effects of these drugs!  Go to drugs.com and look up the side effects of any heart drug.  I looked up Coreg, a beta blocker, and here’s what I found: chest pains, fainting, swelling, shortness of breath, weight gain (which, of course, leads to HBP!), impotence, nausea, seizures…the list goes on!

Hawthorn Berries

hawthorn berry syrup

Hawthorn Berries are what my herbology teacher, Dr. Christopher, called a “cardiac food”.  Regardless of what your heart problem is, hawthorn berry syrup is a must–and it’s delicious!  Amazon has it!  Take two teaspoons a day.  AND…Vitamin E Complex!  400 I.U.  Take at least one a day.  This is for the health of your arteries.  Garlic is another supplement known to lower blood pressure. 

Some of you are going to say, “Look, I’m sorry but, I don’t know what to eat!  I’m not much of a cook.  I’m in the habit of eating frozen dinners and pizzas.  What am I supposed to do?”  Well, I have a section on my website dedicated entirely to food!  Lots of food ideas, just click on the link below:



What About Stents?


Another not-so-brilliant idea according to an article titled, “Stent Op Does Not Cut Heart Attack Risk For Angina Cases” by Stephen Adams for The Daily Mail, if you’ve got stable angina (angina brought about by a trigger, like exercise) you gain no advantage by having a stent surgically implanted in your artery: 

Tens of thousands of NHS patients are having operations to clear their arteries in the false belief that it will cut their chance of a heart attack or even extend their life, a leading expert has warned.

Doctors are failing to tell patients that angioplasty is not a magic bullet to stop heart attacks, said consultant cardiologist Aseem Malhotra.

Each year some 30,000 people with a condition called stable angina opt to have the procedure, in which a tiny balloon is inserted into clogged arteries to help clear them.

A metal ring called a stent is then put in to keep the artery wide.

The theory is that widening the artery will improve blood flow and reduce the odds of a blockage.

But Dr Malhotra said such patients were rarely told that the invasive procedure made no difference to their chance of having a heart attack, nor did it improve their odds of long life.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2681887/Stent-op-does-not-cut-heart-attack-risk-angina-cases-Cardiologists-frequently-not-telling-patients-procedure-improve-blood-flow-doesnt-reduce-heart-attack-risk-says-consultant.html#ixzz3kQQbUocd


See My “Convalescence” Article!

To learn how to recover safely from any disease:


Good luck…. See you again next time. 


Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases! Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website: elaineLewis.hpathy.com

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at:
https://elainelewis.hpathy.com/ and TheSilhouettes.org


  • Yes, of course, but I am serious about the official position on HBP being that there is no known cause in 95% of cases! That is basically them saying, “There is nothing you can do, there is no way out of this! All you can do is take these drugs and keep it under ‘control’.” Of course, it’s a lie; and every senior citizen is on this battery of drugs! They’re expensive, they’re dangerous, and people think they’re doomed without them! It’s a total snow-job, a scam, and causes much suffering.

  • Another great Tidbits column! You get right to the problem in plain language and tell people how to solve it. Kudos!

  • A very well researched paper, and so readable! I shall be providing a link to this article on my website.

    A close relative of mine was getting hallucinations, nightmares, a cough that doesn’t go away, and suicidal thoughts under the influence of all and I’ve asked him to show this information to his allopath. I hope sanity will prevail and he’ll get off the drug load.

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