Clinical Cases

A Case Diagnosed as Coronary Artery Stenosis

A Case Diagnosed as Coronary Artery Stenosis
Written by Manisha Lakhekar

Dr Manisha Lakhekar presents a case diagnosed as moderate stenosis at midright coronary artery. Aconite, Arsenicum and Rhus tox were considered. The selected remedy resulted in a negative tomography report after treatment.

Case taken on 25-December-2018

Patient: Male 47 years.

Diagnosis: Stenosis(50-69%) at mid RCA. Minimal stenosis(<25%) at proximal LCX.

What is Stenosis?Coronary artery stenosis is a heart disease that mainly occurs due to the narrowing of the artery and could result in major heart problems. The narrowing may be due to deposition of plaque or spasms.

Medical Report BEFORE the treatment:

Case Taking:

Date for first visit: 25-December-2018, 5pm.

The patient looks sad, dejected and scared of sitting in front of me. I asked him “What is the problem?”

Patient:After coming back from Korea while landing last month I got severe pains in my chest and cramps, tingling and numbness in my arms. I was hospitalized and ECG was done and later CT Scan report revealed I had severe blockages in my heart. Thedoctor in hospital said I have a blockages in RCA and need to do surgery. After being discharged from hospital till now I have been to five cardiologists so far for advice, and everyone of them has suggested I undergo surgery. They have only prescribed aspirin and pain killers. I do not want to undergo surgery, as I think I am going to die. I want to try homeopathy as I do not have any other option. Maybe you can treat me.I am a single father, I am worried about my son. Who will take care of my son if something happens to me as he has no one except me in Hong Kong.

Doctor:Ok. How is your appetite?

Patient:After coming back from the hospital I have stopped taking any non-veg food. I eat only bland and plain food which I was not used to before. I feel very sad. Pain killers will make me feel better only for sometime and pain comes back more. I feel very nervous and think I will die soon. I don’t want my son and my family back in my country to know about my sickness. I constantly think if I die what will happen to my son.

Doctor: I said it is not compulsory that every patient with stenosis dies with heart attack. (Even after explaining this to him he was thinking and talking about his death to me.)

Doctor: What kind of pain do you feel?

Patient: I feel that pain here (points to lower rib) and I feel as if there is pressure on my chest, feel something heavy thing on my chest. There is no pain in arms now. But my legs seem to be weak and painful sometimes. My health is going down. I need to travel a lot for business but now I feel fearful of travelling by flight now, I used to travel a lot before this.

Doctor: How is your appetite and thirst?

Patient: I don’t feel hungry these days,and everything I eat feels bitter except water. I feel very thirsty and feel like drinking water more and more. I have now become very weak, lost lot of muscles and also stopped going to gym. My father had a stroke earlier and he is on pacemaker now. That’s why I’m afraid feel I will have heart attack and die. What will happen to my son? I think I will die.

Doctor: Do you feel like drinking warm or cold water?

Patient: Cold water doctor.

Doctor: What happened in Korea? Can you tell me about your work?

Patient: I was under very much stress. I was given many deadlines for my work. I had a lot of work to do there.

Rubric selection:

I did repertorization based on the selected rubrics. I got 3 remedies that covered all the rubrics.

  1. Arsenic
  2. Rhus Tox
  3. Aconite

Now the next step is matching the remedy picture to the patient’s picture -> Differentiation.

  1. The patient has not shared any information about his sickness to his son, his family and anyone else of his friends. He visited several cardiologists whom he does not know.Arsenic are very troublesome to family during sickness and are weak. So, I ruled out Arsenic.
  2. Rhus Tox is more like physical restlessness rather than thinking too much. Rhus tox will be under severe depression after knowing about stenosis from reports.He will have complaints about pain, He will be hopeless. But in our case the patient’s behavior was not like that. So, I ruled out Rhus Tox too.
  3. Aconite is very strong in physique. The patient came to me having some hope. He went to 5 cardiologists because he was looking for a hope to avert surgery and get better by medication. Considering other factors which were also matching, I zeroed in on Aconite as a remedy for this case.

Remedy given: Aconite 200 – 1 dose. SL 7 days. Follow up: After 7 days.

Doctor: Ok, we will start your medication and we can go for CT scan once again after 1 month. Patient looked very shocked.

Patient: 1 month? Is not homeopathy very slow? CT scan is expensive are you sure? Will it not be too early?

Doctor:Yes, let’s start the medication you will be alright. Don’t worry.

Follow up # 1. Date: 2-Jan-2019, 06:30 pm

Follow up 1: The same sad, dejected and scared patient now seemed normal to look at – not very sad.

Doctor: How are you feeling?

Patient: Doctor, my pain in chest has reduced about 80% and I am feeling much better now.

Doctor: Okay let us go for a CT scan. The patient looked more surprised and not shocked this time and asked me.Are you sure? I said yes, let’s see the progress on the report after tests. He agreed and went for a CT Scan as his pain had much reduced.

Remedy given: SL for 7 days. Follow up after the CT Scan reports.

After 2 days, he called and sounded happy and excited. “ Doctor! I have good news. I got my reports just now and I have been cured and the new CT scan shows no blockages.It is a miracle.”  I asked him to send me the reports and come to follow up next day. Below is his report.

Medical Report AFTER the treatment:

As of 4-28-19 this patient is still doing fine.

About the author

Manisha Lakhekar

Dr Manisha Lakhekar (BHMS PG Hom) is a classical homeopath based in Hong Kong. She has been practicing classical homeopathy for the last nine years. She is also actively teaching Homeopathy in Hong Kong to students from medical and non-medical fields and is also a co-director at Hong Kong Academy of Homeopathy. She is a registered Homeopath with a Bachelor’s degree in homeopathy and she graduated from MUHS, India. She is a Founder and Director at HomeoCare HK Ltd., Homeopathy Wellness Center in Hong Kong. She is an ardent follower of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s principles and has been actively spreading awareness of Homeopathy in Hong Kong. She has treated patients from many countries over the years.

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