Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Agro Homeopathy

Ask The Plant Doctors – April 2014


The Plant Doctors answer reader’s questions about houseplants and crops. Send your questions to [email protected]

Dear Readers,

If you have an agricultural/horticultural problem you can consult the materia medica and repertories that are beginning to appear. I have organised on-line versions which I try to keep up to date. These are freely accessible, and any of you who have some experiences of success can add that experience directly and thus be part of the growth of the discipline. If you are uncomfortable adding your experience yourself you can send it to me to add. The “materia medica agricultura” is at:   and the repertory (which is a little less up-to-date than the MM) is at:   .

If that has not offered up a successful preparation for your situation please do write your questions to this column. I like to hear about the soil and climate and other defining or contributing factors as well as the presenting issue. Clear photos are a great assistance too. All these are shared with Dr Iftikhar Waris who will suggest a remedy which might assist you. The answers are simple prescriptions. The reasons for these prescriptions are something for which we must wait. Time does not allow us to spell out the prescribing process yielding each answer but Dr Waris and I are trying to find time to come together again (I am in the UK, Dr Waris in Pakistan) so that we can make progress towards a single publication clarifying Dr Waris’ rationale.

Dr. Pawan Singhania in India, who has also had successes with agrohomeopathy, has offered to contribute gardening advice. Many plant problems are effectively addressed through non-homeopathic processes – irrigation and manuring and so forth – and we will now circulate your questions to Dr Singhania for such input with great thanks for his offer.

How to apply the remedies. 

Kavi suggested this: “ When I refer to treating plants with homeopathic remedies, this is the standard dosing procedure: Put 20 drops of a 6X potency in a litre of water. Succuss the bottle 50 times. Put this litre in the watering can, fill it up with 19 litres of tap water and stir. If the watering can is smaller, the amount of remedy put in must be proportionally smaller. Thus a 10 litre can needs only ½ litre and just 10 drops of the remedy. Apply the contents of the watering can to the roots of the plants to be treated.”

Christiane Maute has used remedies on pillules and says this in her book “Homeopathy for Plants”: for your garden: Crush 6-8 globules in 150 ml or water using a plastic or wooden spoon. This mixture will be divided into 3 parts and used to make 30 litres of “medicinal water” in all.” (The three parts are because 10 litres is enough to carry but you can add the 150 ml to the 30 litres in one go.)

Mark Moodie says: Try the above. As agrohomeopathy is so young please take these as no more than initial suggestions. In biodynamics we make a distinction between remedies that irrigate a plant and those that are sprayed in the air. Kavi often said you don’t take a shower in the remedy, you drink it and because a plant drinks through its roots that’s why you apply it there. But the stoma on the underside of the leaves are also paths into the plant so I would argue with Kavi. There you have it: a difference of opinion. Perhaps this is frustrating but I hope you will sigh and take it as a permission to experiment – AND PLEASE REPORT BACK! (Thanks)

And now to your questions…

Respected Doctors,
We have farmland of 8 acres and in that we are cultivating  most horticulture and a wheat crop. We have a problem of termites that spoil the plants and their growth.  Secondly, we want to know if there are homeopathic remedies which can help in growing healthy mango plants?  Kindly guide us.

Thanking you in anticipation

Asefa Firdosy   


Dear Asefa,


For Mango plant growth you can spray AMBRA GRISEA 3D & KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM 3D alternately.

I have a Bamboo plant that I’ve had for over 10 years. The leaves we’re getting brown last year so I decided to cut it back completely (leaves and roots) to start over fresh.  Sorry to say the stem is turning yellowish and the leaves are barely coming back. Please help if you can. I don’t want to get rid of it even though a couple of people said it was time.


Patti Britt   


Dear Patti,

ABROTANUM 200C is the solution to your problem.

Dear Sirs,

The leaves of my aloe-vera plants get yellow and then turn dry at the ends. Can you please tell me the reason and solution to the problem? I would be thankful to you for this.

Sandeep Joshi   


Dear Sandeep,

Lack of PHOTOSYNTHETIC PROCESS  is the root cause of your problem. You can use the following medicines to get rid of the problem.





Dear Mark and Dr. Waris,

I have a myriad of garden problems because I won’t use fungicides or pesticides.  I can’t send pictures – there’s 2.5 feet of snow on the ground yet (Michigan, U.S.A., zone 5a.)   Every year, the cucumbers that I grow on two big commercial baking racks balanced together at the top, start to get funguses on them into the second month of growth.  I water from the bottom only.  The fungus is usually white and then it turns dark brown and dried as if it burned the leaves.  (I can obtain C-potency homeopathic remedies).

Thank you 

Nancy Benefiel    


Dear Nancy,

You can Protect your cucumbers by using PSORINUM 200C & SILICEA 200C alternately.


Respected Dr.

I planted yellow hibiscus two years ago, but still it is small as compared to other hibiscus plants. Have you any suggestions?

Thank you


Hi Arch,

You can use CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 30C, CHELIDONIUM MAJUS 30C & STAPHYSAGRIA 30C alternately to achieve better height & growth of the plants.

Dear Plant Doctor, 

Through Hpathy I became aware of Dr. Kaviraj’s work. I did follow his choice of remedies and got good results with Salicylic acid for a creeper. We have a Jackfruit tree and its fruit would rot and fall off in the very early stage. With Thuja Q we got very sweet fruit, although the flesh was not thick.

Now I am having a lot of problem with most of the trees and plants. I tried Cina, Spigelia, Thuja, Silicea, with no perceptible results. The plant I am having the most problem with is a Bilva plant. I am attaching a picture. If the new team in AgroHomeopathy could help it would be great.




My Dear Syamala,

PIPER METHYSTICUM 3D is the solution to your problem.

Hi Mark,

I just wanted to relate my experience for others to read. Hope you can use this in some way.

Thuja for a Sunset Maple……

We live in the southeastern Interior of BC Canada, in a mountainous town, with summers that don’t really start until August.  We have a 15 year-old Sunset Maple in our back yard: it’s a tall tree now with a lovely canopy in the summer, and beautiful fiery reds in the fall. A hedge of Thuja occidentalis sits right behind the maple, up against the fence. We have lots of Dulcamara (woody nightshade) and Ranunculus Bulbosus (buttercup) in our yard; I notice that all three plants (Thuja, Dulcamara and Ranunculus Bulbosus) as remedies, are aggravated by damp and/or cold weather in their symptoms.

In damper summers the tree had taken on a leaf curl, with dark, fungusy-looking areas on most of its leaves. I hadn’t specifically ‘diagnosed’ it, but it certainly looked like a mold or a fungus. I didn’t see that the tree was affected anywhere else. Two summers ago, I used 2 large watering cans to water around the drip line, with a pellet or two of Thuja 30C dissolved in the water. I only watered halfway around the drip line, as the rest of the way was inaccessible. Since that watering, the tree has not suffered the leaf damage, even with damper summers. Happy tree! Thank you homeopathy!

Warm regards,



I have already been using Homeopathy with my family for many years and would like to treat my plants now.  My Wisteria is flowering beautifully for the 3rd year in a row, but since the first year I bought it, it grew nodules all around the trunk.
It looks like gout.  I don’t know what to do.  The only thing I do is to cut the nodules out, but they keep coming back.  It’s like an infestation or something that is not going away.  Which remedy is good for this and what potency?  How should I administer to a plant since I have never done this before?
Thank you



Hi Shane,

You can use BERBERIS VULGARIS 3D & HECLA LAVA 3D for control the Nodules.


I have a rose plant that is a year old. It grows up to 5 ft. I pruned it to 3 ft but it has yet to product any flowers. Ideas?

Thank you



Hi Sharon,

For flowering, you can spray your rose plants with NATRIUM MURIATICUM  30C & VIBURNUM OPULUS 3D.

About the author

Mark Moodie

For 25 years Mark Moodie has been fascinated by holistic approaches to tending the land. He hosts the website Considera which provides a growing M.M and Repertory for plants and discusses resources for biodynamics and Agrohomeopathy The website allows the world community to contribute their experiences in planting. He has also published books by V.D. Kaviraj and other cutting edge thinkers through Mark Moodie Publications . Mark Moodie lives in the Forest of Dean as a satellite / parasite of Oaklands Park Camphill Community. He is co-inventor of the ES4 and AirFlush water-saving sanitaryware. He would like to bring scientific rigor to the study of the spirit.


  • Dear Mark: Thanks for your pioneering research on AGRO-HOMEOPATHY and continuing the tradition of Dr. Kaviraj & others. AGRO-HOMEOPATHY has a wide ranging potential in reducing the use of chemical fertilizers in fields. And nowadays, Homeopathy is also being used in Salmon fish farms & Poultry farms and the like to combat infectious diseases there. Coming back to Agro-homeopathy, I find it rather strange that the remedies prescribed for the plant inquiries on this page included a large segment of remedies from the Minerals/Metals & Nosodes family!!. – Natrum Mur, Hecla Lava, Calc Phos, Psorinum etc. I would have expected the “sensitive” plants to qualify for “sensitive” plant remedies to a great extent. Even the Considera web site lists a large number of Minerals/Metals – Cuprum, Ars etc for common plant growth issues. I guess, the Creator in his wisdom endowed Plants with mineral/metal qualities ranging from Arsenic to Zinc in addition to the whole gamut of Plant qualities too – Aloe to Zingiber!. Dr. Kaviraj must be smiling from the great Beyond at this novice’s (me) realization that Homeopathy – whether for the Human race or Plants or Animals (or Aliens!!) ultimately boils down to individualization. I am humbled and awed at the same time at this universal truth. Thank You, Mark, for spreading Homeopathic knowledge about Plants.

    • I’m glad you noticed that plants don’t necessarily get plant remedies. Yes, it’s about individualization. Also, the whole kingdom thing is hugely over rated and often leads people in the wrong direction. Be suspicious of any re invention of homeopathy when it relies on inference instead of observation.

  • Great reading I also have a problem with a lemon/orange cross which i have inside only 45cm high 2.5 years old it flowers in Spring and friut appeas but they fall off when still very small 2mm. Any suggestions?

  • Green chilli plants leaves are curling and getting wrinkled and the growth is thwarted. Any solution please.

  • I have six varieties of citrus trees in my garden. The Grape-fruit and Pomelo trees produce alot of fruit but
    the fruit is devoid of juice.
    Is there a remedy to increase the juice content?
    Some of the other trees are not producing any fruit even after 5 yrs. of planting. Any suggestions on what
    remedy will increase the fruiting?

  • I am from Dehradun, india
    I have a problem with a lemon/orange cross which i have inside only 45cm high 2.5 years old it flowers in Spring and friut appeas but they fall off when still very small 2mm. Any suggestions?

    I have a chikoo tree of four years old, it is flowering every year but does not bear fruit at all. any suggestions?

  • I have many mango trees but every year the mangoes get spoiled so we are never able to eat the mangoes. as it is a flowering season now is there any homeopathic remedy i can use so that the mangoes doesn’t spoil ?

    also we have planted corn a 3 days back, is there any homeopathic remedy which can enhance their growth, they don’t get affected by insects and we get wonderful corns ?

  • we also have a lot of litchi trees, every year the litchis get spoiled by insects any homeopathic remedy which can be useful ?

    • Hi Baishakh,

      What we need to know is: What insects are the problem, or a least what type of insect. Where are you located. What is the temperature and rainfall? What other crops are nearby. Please send that information to : [email protected] with your original letter.


      Alan V. Schmukler

      • Dear Alan V. Schmukler, i need your help . I have а Peony (Paeónia). Green beetles eat his leaves. What homeopathic preparations can I use ? Please, give to me advice.

        • Dear Evgeniya,

          I will submit your question to the plant doctors. Their answer will be published in the June 17th issue of the journal.

          • Hello dear doctor!!!
            I am from Ukraine.
            In my Garden is excess of shadow during the day, because from morning to evening the sun is hiding behind the house It is big problem.
            In the Garden are growing Hosta and Iris now
            Please, help me! My questios:
            – How will make growing and flowering of my plants better?
            – What homeopathic preparations are helping to growing of plants in shadow?
            – Can you recommend more types of plants, who will to flower in excess of shadow?
            Thanks you!

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