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Agro Homeopathy

Ask The Plant Doctors – Nov 2015

Our plant doctors Radko Tichavshy, Pawan Singhania and Mark Moodie answer your questions about houseplants and crops for November 2015. Problems with eggplants and strawberries. Send your questions to [email protected] Please include your approximate location and climate.

Our plant doctors Radko Tichavshy, Mark Moodie and Pawan Singhania weigh in on your plant problems.

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Radko TIchavsky           Mark Moodie            Pawan Singhania

Radko Tichavsky is a Czech born Mexican Agrohomeopath. He is a co-founder and director of Instituto Comenius in Mexico and author of Handbook of Agrohomeopathy, 2007 (Spanish) and Homeopathy for Plants, 2009 (Spanish) and creator and teacher of Holohomeopathy.   El 04/12/2014, a las 15:36, Radko Tichavsky [email protected]

Mark Moodie hosts the website Considera which provides a growing M.M and Repertory for plants and discusses resources for biodynamics and Agrohomeopathy The website allows the world community to contribute their experiences in planting.

Agrohomeopathy Course!

Radko Tichavskyi is now offering a one semester virtual course in Agrohomeopathy (in English). You can learn how to define and analyze holons and how to repertorize the specific homeopathic treatment beyond just disease or pest names. You can find out more here:



Dear Sirs,

I have an eggplant crop in 2 acres of farm land. I have been practicing agrohomeopathy on my eggplant crop since I planted the eggplants in my field. The results really impressed me. But I am really frustrated to control the insect disease of white fly as this insect killed my 30% eggplants in the farm land. I have applied helix tosta 6X and ledum 6X to the eggplants by irrigation and spray. But could not control the white fly disease. I also applied thuja 6X to the eggplants but results not found to control. Each remedy I applied after 12-15 days. What should I do to control the white fly and borer?

I live in a village 25 Km towards south from city Saharanpur. Climate conditions are 35-32C° temperature with rainfall 990.5mm. I have Populus trees around the eggplant farm land with a distance of 6 fts.  Nearby crops of my farm land are sugarcane crop towards the east and south and the north side has a tomato crop.

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Thank you

Md Zul Maarif


Radko Tichavsky: Dear Zul Maarif,

I congratulate you, on your question, as it shows your interest to understand that plants actually live in communities and that the presence of pests depends greatly on the crops that surround it. In this case the attractor of the infestation is probably located in the nearby tomato crops (tomato belongs to the same family Solanaceae and shares many pests with eggplant).

The crop of eggplant has a high calcium requirement, as healthy plant contains up to 6000 ppm, needed for protection against whitefly and other sucking insects. Calcium and nitrogen are antagonists, ie the high presence of nitrogen in the soil and in the plant will produce large and soft tissues, nicely dark green but very susceptible to sucking insects. In this case the toxicity of nitrogen in a holon expresses a deficiency of calcium, an essential element for good communication between plant parts such as between the root and leaves and root and fruits.

In plants affected by whitefly we can detect levels of bioavailable calcium only in the order of 100 ppm, and this can happen even in very calcareous soils, when it is fertilized with an abundance of animal manure (cow dung, goat or sheep manure).

When there is low content or bioavailability of calcium in eggplant, it produces sequenced nutritional deficiencies: toxicity of nitrogen produces primary calcium deficiency and sequenced deficiencies of carbon and phosphorus produces leaf yellowing and the color change signal and this state attracts the whitefly. This secretes hormones that call more individuals of the whitefly to colonize the holon and that starts producing tertiary microelement deficiencies in the soil and plants.

One of the cheap and excellent sources of bioavailable calcium for eggplant is a water breeding made from fresh leaves of Luffa egiptiaca in microdoses 1:20. You can also apply Taraxacum 12 CH, and Calcarea carbonica 6 CH, and alternately Ricinum 6 CH with Urtica urens 6 CH.

All these are foliar applications and you can add as coadjuvant a slim of Opuntia ficus indica in the ratio of 1: 100.



Dear Sirs,
I want to know:
1. How many times can I use Silicea remedy on my wheat crop?

  1. What is the standard application rate in 1 Acre farm land to treat with Silicea?
  2. Can I give a single dose of Silicea to the soil and one dose to the wheat crop by spray?

Thank you

Md Zul Maarif

Radko Tichavsky:

Greetings Zul Maarif,

Silica is one of homeopathic medicines to be used with caution since 2-3 applications will make a significant revitalization effect, but more applications can cause a decline in the crop´s life. As a general rule, remember that any homeopathic remedy, as wonderful as it is, in repeated doses can produce a drug caused pathogenic effect.

Of course it depends on the potency of the remedy. For example, if you apply   Silica 6 CH three times in the space of a week in a holon, you will get significant improvement, but if you apply Silica in the same holon and at the same frequency, but in Silica 200 CH, there can be major devitalization problem produced.

We normally apply 20 liters sprayed in 1 acre. Depending on the density of the vegetation (eg trees) it can be increased to 200 l / acre.


Dear Plant Doctors,

We had a very large peace lily in our office that was very strong and beautiful. However, now, it is not doing as well. I took it home and put it in a larger pot with soil and fed it plant food. I transplanted it, I overwatered it – I then drained out the water – is now has good drainage There is plenty of light although it is filtered not direct. It started to come back, however, now half the plant is drooping as well as the leaves – they are drooping, too. Is there any hope for this plant to come back to thrive again? Thank you.

Mary Lou Scolaro

Radko Tichavsky: Dear Mary Lou,

Synthetic fertilizers are often contaminated with heavy metals and can cause significant damage and critical imbalances in plants. The next time it will be better to collect 200-300 g of anthill, put it in a cloth bag and dip it repeatedly in a bucket of water of 20 liters, until a kind of “anthill tea” is made. This has to be dissolved in ratio 1:20 in water and it is the best natural fertilizer for plants. For detox treatment after the application of synthetic fertilizers, you can use Carbo veg 6 CH, Nux vomica 6 CH or Berberis 6 CH.



Dear Plant Doctors,

This year our strawberries were ruined by anthracnose. The disease is caused by a fungi (genus Colletotrichum). The plants had dark, water soaked lesions on the stems, fruit and on the leaves. During warm moist weather spores form inside the lesions. I have learned that the disease is spread by wind, rain, insects and garden tools. We are in Richmond, Virginia, USA, and the zip code is 23238. The summer temperatures range for 60F to 95 F. Rainfall is moderate and we get plenty of rainfall for growing crops. Can you suggest a way to solve this problem for next year?

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Thank you

Michael O’Hara


Radko Tichavsky: Dear Michael,

Ccollect and burn all the leaves and fruits affected by Colletotrichum, and do not make any compost with them in any case. As far as treatment, it is important to maintain good levels of bioavailable calcium in the soil, as this represents the first barrier to the fungus. You can also mix into the soil coffee wastes (sludge) . Apply Allium cepa 6 CH (onion), also a homeopatic remedy made from sunflower seeds Helianthus 6 CH, or Quercus alba 6 CH, all sprayed with coadjuvant of slim of Opuntia ficus-indica, in a 1: 100 dilution with water.


Greetings Plant Doctors,

My wife and I have about 20 apple trees which were attacked by apple maggots (Rhagoletis pomonella), which did through the apples and destroy them very quickly. They live as pupae in the soil during the winter. The adult flies arrive in the late spring and lay eggs just under the apple skin.  Our property is in Rochester New York ( U.S.) and we have cold winters and moderately warm summers with considerable rainfall. Our Zip code is 14603. I hope you can offer some non- chemical way to solve this.

Thank you

Frank Mullen


Radko Tichavsky: Dear Frank,

You can prepare a nosode of larvae of Rhagoletis pomonella. You should use the biggest and fattest larvae with more vitality and live (not affected by any allopathic application). Make the mother tincture from 50% of larvae and 50% alcohol at 30%. Don´t crush the larvae only put it in alcohol. The nosode has to be applied at the 6 CH potency on the soil. For twenty trees, you can get 10 drops of nosode 6 CH and dissolve them in one liter of water with a little of slim of Opuntia ficus-indica or Aloe vera. Perform 100 succussions and put this litre in the sprayer with 20 liters of water and spray it on the soil. This application must be repeated once every week for four weeks before the snow comes. This will serve to convene the holon to call parasitoids of pupae of Rhagoletis p. which normally remain sheltered during the winter in the soil.

During the period of fruit formation (next year) you may apply Ruta graveolens 6 CH with slim of Opuntia ficus indica as coadjuvant alternating with Mentha piperita 6 CH, Fennel 6 CH (Foeniculum vulgare) and Basil 6 CH (Ocimum basilicum ). Additionally, you can plant the trees down Ruta graveolens plans. With this you will see the fruits of their free of Rhagoletis pomonella next year.

About the author

Radko Tichavsky

Radko Tichavsky was born in the Czech republic. He has lived in Mexico for more than 25 years and is one of the most important agrohomeopaths in Latin America. He is the author of the book "Manual de Agrohomeopatia", a homeopathy book on plants. Radko teaches agrohomeopathy in several countries and regularly publishes articles in special journals and internet portals. He works as a researcher and teacher at the university and has already taught agrohomeopathy to many students. He is the director of the Comenius Institute ( More details can be found in the following interview:

About the author

Mark Moodie

For 25 years Mark Moodie has been fascinated by holistic approaches to tending the land. He hosts the website Considera which provides a growing M.M and Repertory for plants and discusses resources for biodynamics and Agrohomeopathy The website allows the world community to contribute their experiences in planting. He has also published books by V.D. Kaviraj and other cutting edge thinkers through Mark Moodie Publications . Mark Moodie lives in the Forest of Dean as a satellite / parasite of Oaklands Park Camphill Community. He is co-inventor of the ES4 and AirFlush water-saving sanitaryware. He would like to bring scientific rigor to the study of the spirit.

About the author

Pawan Singhania

Switched from chemical and poison use to Organic to Biodynamic to Biovedic methods of gardening and farming. Engaged in biological landscape designing, execution and maintenance for my living. Currently working on applied research on Bioenergetics and Agro-homeopathy.

1 Comment

  • Here are my suggestions:
    For the eggplants: Tuberculinum C30, pour the plants once with 3 pills (pellets) in 100 l water.
    Tip for Md. Zul Maarif: Take instead of Silicea better Ferrum metallicum 2M, once 4 pills in 100 l of water. Pour the plants with this water.
    Peace lily: Try this: Aurum 3M, put twice 2 pills/pellets directly on the soil with an interval of 17 days. Then Magnesium metallicum C12 once 3 pills two month after the beginning of treatment.
    Strawberries: My suggestion here is: The lanthanide Erbium C30 twice with an interval of one week. Take 3 pills for each plant direct on the soil.
    Apple trees: The remedies are: SOL LM15, 3 pills/10 l of water. Pour the plants 4 times (ca. 1 litre for each tree):
    First Date, 4 days pause,
    Second date, 11 days pause,
    Third date, 1 month pause
    Fourth date
    Pulsatilla 1M once 2 pills in 10 l water, 2 weeks after last SOL-date

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