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Agro Homeopathy

The Plant Doctor – Dr. Radko Tichavsky – April 2023

The Plant Doctor, Dr. Radko Tichavsky, answers questions each month. This month he discusses apple borers, a hibiscus plant infected by white flies,  Dandelions in a Chick Pea crop and much more.


I have recently learned of Agrohomeopathy and your work on the holo. It’s very inspiring indeed. I have a small apple & grape farm in central Portugal close to the town of Arganil, exact location 40º 15’ 04.00” N. 008º 03’ 01.00” W

My Portuguese in not the best, but I have ordered your book from Brazil to learn more about the subject, and next year I expect to be on your diploma course. In the mean time

My biggest issue at the moment is a section of the apple orchard, this area is one of the drier pieces of land, and seems to have more general health issues. These trees are frequently attacked by apple borers in the trunk and my only defence at the moment is to kill them with a wire up the hole, and applying neem oil with soft soap around the base of the trunk. They have started already in March. The photo below is of the latest attack.

Can you please suggest any remedy for the borer?  I managed to capture one live this morning, I pruned the branch and removed him intact and alive, and soaked him in a solution of 30% alcohol to make a TM, not sure if this will be useful to apply?

After the trees have been attacked, they can struggle to recover. The bark goes quite black and the skin is frequently cracking, very dry looking. A few trees have also had canker on the main trunk, but survived. These trees also look the same with dry and black bark. Also, trees which have been pruned quite heavily also display a black stain around the pruning wound. Some wounds are leaking with a liquid sap, which smells mildly acetic.

These trees really need some general vitality. Would applying aloe vera as a bionosode be a useful start, and anything else you can recommend?


Many thanks for your time,

David Haysom

Dr. Radko Tichavsky:

Dear David,

I am glad to hear of your interest in holohomeopathy. Treatments against apple borers are often not effective because the application of the remedies is only done externally. The problem of apple borers can be solved by application of homeopathic remedies by means of perfusors. ‘

Small pre-drillings are made with a 1.5 mm drill, and in the drilling one to two perfusors are installed per tree. The larvae move and feed in the xylem and will be affected by the homeopathic remedies.

The best time of application is spring or even summer (in the summer the treatment is slower). Applications should be made in the crescent moon when the capillary elevation increases in the canopy and the apple borers are more active.

Perfusors allow you to dose the remedies directly to the xylem and increase the effectiveness of the treatments. In this case the indicated remedies are Berberis vulgaris 6 CH and Cina 6 CH.

As for the conditions that predispose the trees to attack, it is the relatively dry period from April and especially from June and October that occurs every year in the region. It is also very important to improve the participation of mycorhizae in the trees since mycorhized apple trees maintain better moisture levels.

Glomus and Gigaspora mycorrhizal fungi are important, but especially Scutelospora are very resistant to the periods of less water availability that your region experiences between April and October.

Less water available means less sap to defend the tree from borers.

Look for borer resistant apple trees, collect a sample of topsoil and make a hydrolate (in non-chlorinated water) then boost to 4 JT potency and apply in irrigation water around your trees. This will inoculate the mycorrhizae and boost the natural defenses of your apple trees.

Additionally, it will help to apply live bionosode of Bacillus amyloliquefasciens, a highly beneficial microorganism found in the roots of Buganvillia sp. and in the roots of Hedera helix.

Make live bionosode and apply at potency 4 JT around your trees. Bacillus amyloliquefasciens is a very effective fungicide and will help you to solve the fungal affections that inoculate the pest in the tree to facilitate its parasitism.

Bacillus amyloliquefasciens also produces growth hormones and helps apple trees maintain high vitality.

Hello Dr. Tichavsky,

My hibiscus plant (indoor) has been infected by white flies. I tried spraying soapy water, but it still looks infected. Please advise.  Below is the pic of my Hibiscus plant for reference.

Thank you,

Dr. Smita Mahajan

Dr. Radko Tichavsky:

Dear Dr. Smita,

You should avoid any type of nitrogen fertilization, whether of synthetic or natural origin, since excess nitrogen produces soft tissue, which facilitates the entry of the stylet (sucking apparatus of the whitefly). You can apply Calcarea carbonica 6 CH and you can alternate this remedy with Allium sativum 3 JT prepared from hydroalcoholic mother tincture of garlic.

Also, Melia azedarach 3 JT is a good remedy because it interrupts the reproductive cycle of the whitefly. Boswellia sacra 4 JT, made from common frankincense (from hydroalcoholic mother tincture) is a remedy that helps to reduce the whitefly population during a more intense attack.

Hello Dr. Tichavsky,

Can you please tell me which homeopathic medicines help to repel Eriophyid mite attack of coconut palm? I’m from Kerala -India.  Here monsoon season starts in June. Summer February to May.

Thank you.

Viswaraj Kariot

Dr. Radko Tichavsky:

 Dear Viswaraj, to combat Eriophyid mite attack we mainly use essential oils of the following plants Hyptis suaveolens with Cymbopogon winterianus and other species such as Cymbopogon citratus prepared at 4 JT potency. With three applications (one per week) the pathogenic problem is almost completely eliminated and the fruits will avoid premature abortion and deformations typical for the condition. Other symptoms such as distorted, roughened growth on both leaves and flowers, swollen or thickened growth, leaf blistering and bronzing of infected leaves also disappear.

Dear Dr. Tichavsky,

Is there a way to solve this weed (Dandelion?) in a Chickpea crop? I live in Madhya Pradesh, India. Yearly temperature is 28.71ºC (83.68ºF).  Madhya Pradesh gets about 66.21 millimeters (2.61 inches) of precipitation and has 81.81 rainy days (22.41% of the time) annually.

Thank you

Viraj Agarwal

Radko Tichavsky:

Dear Viraj, you can apply as a pre-emergent homeopathic herbicide, a mixture of sea water and vinegar prepared at 4 JT, the treatment can be repeated three times for an adequate control of Taraxacum sp.

You can also apply Ficus carica 4 JT (prepared from leaves in water). Trachyspermum copticum is another useful remedy in the control of Taraxacum sp., due to allelopathic substances such as thymol, p-terpinene and p-cymene. Salycornia herbacea 4 JT made from the mother tincture made in methylalcohol, dynamized in water is also a useful remedy.

On the other hand, Taraxacum sp. is a bioindicator of compacted and nutrient-poor soils. It bioaccumulates Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Phosphorus (P), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Selenium (Se), Molybdenum (Mo), Nickel (Ni) and makes them available to other plants and organisms.

So, if you effectively control Taraxacum in your holon, you will interrupt a natural process of bioremediation, which should be complemented by applying live bionosode of Taraxacum radix, a homeopathic preparation of the root of Taraxacum sp. at 30 JT potency.

Liquefy a dandelion root in non-chlorinated water, filter and from the liquid prepare the dynamization by applying it in the rest periods between crops. This will help decompact the soil by means of the microorganisms and will supplement micronutrients that are not available in your holon. Bionosode has a shelf life of 24 hours so it should always be prepared fresh and applied immediately to the soil.

Hello Dr. Tichavsky,

I work in a natural habitat garden in Northern California and we have a serious problem with gophers. I have made a remedy from a dead gopher and have used the 6C, 12C, and 30C remedy by spraying all around the perimeter of the garden and it has not been successful thus far.  Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


 Radko Tichavsky:

Dear Maria,

Remedies made from dead or burned animals will have only a temporary effect as gophers are highly intelligent and will soon realize that there are no dead animals and no real danger for them. In this sense other homeopathic preparations such as Allium sativum, Piper nigra are useful but only temporarily.

The squirrels dislike their smell, but they quickly adapt to them. Electronic devices also have only a temporary effect.

The most effective way to repel squirrels is by means of a homeopathic remedy made from fox urine (Vulpes vulpes, a natural predator of squirrels). You can look for a supplier of fox urine on the internet and make a dynamization at 4 JT potency and spray it on the ground where you want to expel squirrels.

But remember that squirrels have an ecological role in the holon. Squirrels are known to collect and store food, especially nuts and seeds, for the winter. By burying these foods in different places, squirrels help disperse the seeds of various plants.

Some of these seeds will germinate and grow, allowing the regeneration and expansion of vegetation in the holon. Squirrels are part of the food chain in the holon as they are preyed upon by birds of prey, foxes and snakes and represent a source of food for them. They maintain the balance of predator and prey populations in the ecosystem.

Squirrels are important bioindicators of holon health. A significant increase or decrease in their population can signal changes in the holon, such as the availability of resources or the presence of diseases and parasites.

It is true that an increased number of squirrels in an area can increase the number of parasites in that holon, as they provide more hosts for parasites to infect and reproduce. Examples of parasites affecting squirrels include ticks, fleas, mites and various internal parasites such as intestinal worms and cestodes, but it is also true that this imbalance is usually caused by man himself by eliminating predators such as birds of prey, snakes and foxes and feeding squirrels and thus encouraging their overpopulation. Reintroducing native foxes, raptors and snakes to their holon could contribute to a new balance.

Holohomeopathy is not only a tool to intervene in nature and shape it as we wish, but to do it with sensitivity and intelligence and to understand the role of each organism as a bio-indicator and solution of imbalances and/or transformations in the holon.

Dear Dr. Tichavsky,

Can you suggest a homeopathic approach to prevention of stem borer found in a soy bean crop?  My crop is in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The temperature ranges from −2° to 45 °C, but can reach 50 °C (122 °F) in summer and can go down to −10 °C in winter. Climatically, Punjab has three major seasons: Hot weather (April to June) when temperature rises as high as 123 °F (51 °C). Rainy season (July to September).

Thank you

Mr. G. Bukhari

 Radko Tichavsky:

Dear Mr. Bukhari,

There are approximately 60 insect species in the tropics that can result in notable leaf damage in soybeans. But in Pakistan, there are around 150 insect species that can damage soybeans. This is due to the intensive agriculture and extensive farming methods.

First recommendation is rotate soybeans with other non-host crops which can help reduce the buildup of stem borer populations in the field. This practice disrupts the life cycle of the stem borer, making it more difficult for them to establish in the field (wheat, corn, sunflower or rice for example). The selection of intercrops will depend on the soil characteristics at each site.

Second recommendation is to move gradually to the minimum tillage system, since the presence of the mulch increases the population of natural enemies of pests in soybeans.

The third recommendation is to maintain and actively encourage microbial biodiversity in the soil, since beneficial bacteria and fungi emit volatile substances known as mVOCs that repel pests.

Live bionosode at low potency (6 CH) made from the soil of attractors (places where nature is intact, close to the cultivation site). The severity of the attack of different types of enemies also depends on the resistance of each soybean variety, e.g. Anjasmoro, Grobogan, Burangrang, Detam-1, or Argomulyo. So, rotation of soybean varieties can also contribute towards better pest control.

As a general rule in holohomeopathic intervention, we always look for wild plants in places least disturbed by human intervention that do not belong to the soybean botanical family and are not affected by the pest. From them we make homeopathic remedies.

It is difficult to explain the whole method in a short column, but as an inspiration, I send you some pictures of homeopathic crops in Paraguay and Brazil where the holohomeopathic method is successfully applied in large areas of cultivation.

 Hello Dr. Tichavsky,

My jasmine plants are without flowers.  It is the flowering season but I am not getting any flowers.  I am from Madurai, South India.

Thank you

Srimathy    srimathy ramani  [email protected]

Radko  Tichavsky:

Dear Srimathy,

Jasmin flowering depends basically on maintaining a slight humidity in the soil. Periods of drought or too much humidity can interrupt the cycle of flower formation.

You can apply bionosode from Opuntia ficus indica at 3 JT potency, make it from cladodes of the plant. You split a cladode with a knife and leaves it for 12 hours in a bucket with water. Then filter the content and separate the viscous part and prepares it in dynamization at 3 JT potency. Apply the remedy on the soil around the plant, providing food for the beneficial bacteria.

When the bionosode comes into contact with the dry soil, a kind of nanobag of polysacharides forms around the roots, creating a humid microhabitat conducive to stimulating Jasmine flowering.

Another important factor is temperature, as Jasmin flowers best in temperatures between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. Temperatures outside this range are less favorable for the plant and adaptogens should be applied, e.g. salicylic acid in homeopathic doses.

You can prepare alcohol tincture of young branches of Salix babylonica and apply dynamization at potency 6 JT via foliar on the plant to improve its resilience to temperatures less conducive to flowering.


Many readers asked about Dr. Radko Tichavsky’s books.  Below is a photo of them. They are available in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. For ordering or information:  [email protected]




About the author

Radko Tichavsky

Radko Tichavsky was born in the Czech republic. He has lived in Mexico for more than 25 years and is one of the most important agrohomeopaths in Latin America. He is the author of the book "Manual de Agrohomeopatia", a homeopathy book on plants. Radko teaches agrohomeopathy in several countries and regularly publishes articles in special journals and internet portals. He works as a researcher and teacher at the university and has already taught agrohomeopathy to many students. He is the director of the Comenius Institute ( More details can be found in the following interview:

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