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Can homeopathy cure shortsightedness and a squint?

Can homeopathy cure shortsightedness and a squint?

Posted by: Sumathi

Hi, I have a son aged 6.5 yrs and he has been diagonised to have shortsight in both the eyes, with power of -1.5 and also a neice of 10 mnths old aho has left squint eye, where the eye moves toward the nose and sight of -3.75 in the left and -2.5 on the right. is there a remedy in homeopathy, or arrest of further increase in power. Please please HELP.

Homeopathy can certainly help a great deal in these conditions but the pre-requisite is a proper case taking which can lead to good remedy selection and proper case management. Please consult a good classical homeopath in your area.
Best wishes,
Dr. Firuzi Mehta

About the author

Firuzi Mehta

Dr. Firuzi Mehta qualified in homeopathic medicine in 1997 and then completed her HMD from the British Institute of Homoeopathy, London. In 1998, she also attended an Introductory Course in Anthroposophic Medicine and Iscador Therapy for Cancer at the Lukas Klinik in Arlesheim, Switzerland now known as Klinik Arleshim. After working for over 5 years with an eminent homeopath in Mumbai, to gain work-experience, she started her own practice in 2001. She reviews homeopathic books as and when the opportunity arises and firmly believes that one's knowledge is always incomplete and needs to grow. She is currently enrolled with—and studying for—the 2 year E-Learning Programme offered by Prof. George Vithoulkas' International Academy of Classical Homeopathy.

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