Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
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Some say that each remedy has its time of acting. For example: Arsenicum album up to 90 days. How will you know that it is still acting or not?

Some homeopaths say that each remedy has its time of acting. For example: Arsenicum album up to 90 days. How will you know that it is still acting or not?

Posted by: marek

Some homeopaths say that each remedy has its time of acting. For example: Arsenicum album up to 90 days. How will you know that it is still acting or not?

It is important to understand that the healing power is in the patient, not in the homeopathy remedy. The remedy only triggers a healing response, if well and appropriately selected. By experience, I would expect a remedy to trigger some changes (possibly first at the emotional/mental level) as soon as being taken… Some remedies are considered more deep-acting (like the metals or elements), and you could see that the response keep going without any need of repetition. However, this all depends on the vitality of the patient.
I hope this helps.
Thierry Clerc

About the author

Thierry Clerc

Thierry Clerc LCPH, MSc practices homeopathy in Cambridge (England). He is a graduate of the College of Practical Homeopathy (London). Prior to this, he enjoyed a successful career as an executive in the telecommunications industry. When fate hit him with a severe bout of arthritis, he went back to France to see his old homeopath, and after prompt cure, decided to study and become one!

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