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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Conquering Thyroid with Homeopathy by Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar reviewed by Vatsala Sperling

Conquering Thyroid with Homeopathy by Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar, is reviewed by Vatsala Sperling RSHom

Title: Conquering Thyroid with Homeopathy
Author: Dr. Gajanan Dhanipkar, MD.
Published by DYNAMIS Homeopathic Publishers, Amravati, India
Published in 2021, first reprint 2018
Hard-cover 140 pages

Reviewer Vatsala Sperling MS, PhD, PDHom, CCH, RSHom

In a foreword to this book, Dr. Ashok Borkar writes, “Often it happens that despite the correct constitutional remedy, the patient does not get cured as per our expectations and the cure is blocked. The Block-Buster method helps one overcome the blocks faced in practice.

The Block-Buster method is based on the following principles: more than one remedy is needed to cure a case (aphorism 171), pathology should be given due importance (Burnett’s approach) and the block to the cure could be removed by using an anti-miasmatic remedy, a nosode, a sarcode, an isopathic remedy, a pathologically similar remedy or any other remedies which help us to remove the acquired states.

Dr. Dhanipkar bases his Block-Buster method on the cause, pathology, and symptoms.” This foreword summarizes the approach taken in this book, but we need to explore further to see for ourselves.

This book came into existence because the author had many failures in thyroid cases, and he figured out that the constitutional approach handed down to us from the masters of the prior centuries was not working because of the obstacles to cure unique to our century, and our lack of clinical orientation toward thyroid pathology.

Our approach to thyroid cases must begin with a thyroid-specific angle that the author proposes, and for this we must ask specific questions based on the thyroid case, obtaining information through examination and investigation.

Make a list of definite symptoms, repertorize using Dr. Dhanipkar’s thyroid repertory, read about the remedies in thyroid materia medica, so that we will be able to zero in on the best indicated thyroid specific remedy that can be used as a constitutional in higher dilutions as well as a pathological simillimum in lower dilutions.

The remedy can also be used as an intercurrent remedy along with deeper remedies that match the general or emotional state.  A very clever approach, indeed, instead of getting airy-fairy about the patient and his disease condition, we go the practical route that will give results and sure reversals.

The chapter on thyroid physiology, pathology, and clinical investigations (contributed by an allopathic pathologist, Dr. Gayatri Vyavahare, MD) makes us come to grips with the basic nitty gritty details of this butterfly-shaped organ and the hormonal drama it unleashes when unwell. We must commit these bare-bone facts to our memory and then read further, in greater detail, from other allopathic sources to fully understand the aspects of thyroid disorders.

Now comes the part about how to focus our homeopathic approach to thyroid cases. For this purpose, Dr. Dhanipkar has created a form that goes into every conceivable detail about the patient and the thyroid disease. If our practice brings us our fair share of thyroid cases, it would a good idea to follow the structure delineated in this form and gather data in an organized manner that is focused on thyroid disorders (wondering if the form is available for a download – – with Dr. Dhanipkar’s stated permission, of-course).

Data from case-taking directs us to the next level, that is how to use the gathered data in the thyroid repertory created by Dr. Dhanipkar. The book comes with a sample repertory card for Goiter and includes 68 remedies and 91 rubrics.

Considering that thyroid disease includes several other expressions besides goitre, for example, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, sub-acute thyroiditis, chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis, sick euthyroid syndrome as well as thyroid cancers, I can almost visualize a thyroid specific repertory running to several hundreds of pages.

It would have been good to include information in the end-notes about the availability of such a specific repertory – either in a book format, or as a part of the homeopathic software packages that homeopaths use.

The materia medica section includes easily perceptible PQRS symptoms of 52 remedies with a few additions from Dr. Surimal Sarkar. Very briefly presented cases, nine in all, show us how to use the Block-Buster method in practice and reverse the thyroid pathology.

In an afterword, Dr. Dhanipkar emphasizes that to fully master the Block-Buster method, practitioners could continue their education and training by joining various seminars, workshops, and online courses that he offers. Such extended and hands-on training is a must if we aspire to unlock the mysteries of difficult pathologies with innovative solutions based on homeopathic principles.

The beauty of this unique book (or approach) is that it uses all the available laboratory investigations, gathers case-data with a questionnaire focused completely on thyroid pathology and using the basic tools of homeopathy (repertory, materia medica and individualization that encompasses the need for multiple remedies) in pursuit of the cure.  A truly masterpiece clinical approach to a problem all practitioners face every day in their work with patients.

In my view, the time has long arrived for such an integrated approach in homeopathy and what brings me much happiness is the fact that Dr. Dhanipkar is already writing books based on a similar approach to other disease conditions.

I have very much enjoyed reading this book and am already eagerly anticipating other books in this series.

About the author

Vatsala Sperling

Vatsala Sperling, RSHom (NA), CCH, MS, PhD, PDHom was the Chief of Clinical Microbiology services at a children’s hospital in Chennai, India, when she published extensively and conducted research with WHO, Denmark. On moving to the USA, Vatsala pursued a 4½ year course in Homeopathy at Misha Norland’s school. She has authored twelve books including her latest, Colubrid Snake Remedies and Their Indication in Homeopathy Practice. Journals from US and abroad frequently publish Vatsala’s writings on spirituality, health, and homeopathy. Vatsala continues to study with several teachers and practices classical homeopathy. She has served on the board of directors of NASH and currently she serves as a volunteer with NCH. She can be reached via her website (

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