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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Experimental Homeopathy by Dr. Girish Gupta -Reviewed by Kavitha Kukunoor

The book Experimental Homeopathy by Dr. Girish Gupta is reviewed by Dr. Kavitha Kukunoor. The book addresses the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines used to treat plant and animal viruses as well as fungal infections.

To my knowledge this book by Dr. Girish Gupta is the first of its kind in the homoeopathic world which is a compilation of various in-vivo and in-vitro experimental research work on the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in plant and animal viruses as well as fungal infections.

It was released on 9th April 2022 by Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Hon’ble Cabinet Minister of Ayush, Shipping and Waterways in Government of India in a scientific convention on the occasion of World Homoeopathy Day (WHD-2022) organized by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), Ministry of Ayush at Bharat Ratna C. Subramaniam Auditorium, New Delhi.

The cover page is beautifully designed with images of microbes giving an insight of the book at first look. The inner cover provides a glimpse of the workplace ‘Gaurang Clinic and Centre for Homoeopathic Research’ and the back page provides the information about the author. The last page contains handy information about other 2 publications of the author namely ‘Evidence-based Research of Homoeopathy in Gynaecology’ and ‘Evidence-based Research of Homoeopathy in Dermatology’. The whole book is printed in colour on very high quality art paper which enhances the overall look.

The preface was delivered by Dr Gupta.

The contents of the Experimental Homeopathy include:  introduction, virology of plant and animal viruses, mycology, research publications, and a photo gallery.

This book is beautifully laid out with historical research papers dating back to 1980, accompanied by additional up to date and accurate homeopathic research data.  The subject matter comes more to life with the book’s colored images and graphs, making each topic all the more interesting.

Dr Gupta emphasizes that without scientific evidence the existence of homeopathy as a dynamic therapeutic medicine is often questioned.  By highlighting scientific data, this is an objective tool in convincing the non-believers of homoeopathy.

The table of contents beautifully displays the work of Dr. Gupta in chronological order in two separate sections namely ‘Virology’ and ‘Mycology’ followed by a catalogue of all the research publications of the author. The book concludes with a photo gallery of a few other experiments conducted on human pathogenic fungi like Penicillium and Microsporum sp.

The author has poured his heart out in ‘Down memory lane’ mentioning every up and down in his journey of more than 40 years, beginning from 1979 when he was in 4th year of GHMS (Graduate of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery) at National Homoeopathic Medical College, Lucknow, in order to achieve his mission of proving that potentised homoeopathic drugs are ‘biologically active’ and not ‘Placebo’.

Dr. Gupta has not forgotten to acknowledge and express gratitude to the dignitaries who stood by his side, encouraged and gave moral support in his pursuit of experimental research in homoeopathy.

The book contains 16 experimental research papers- 6 on anti-viral effects of homoeopathic drugs against plant and animal viruses (including 1 review) and 7 on anti-fungal efficacy of potentised drugs against human pathogenic fungi. Additional 3 papers have been included on the evaluation of inhibitory effect of forbidden food items (like onion, garlic etc.), beverages (like tea, coffee etc.), and certain allopathic drugs, on the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in in-vitro models.

The Virology section begins with the first ever experimental work of Dr. Gupta on the inhibitory effect of homoeopathic medicines on Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) conducted in the virology laboratory of National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow.

The key attraction in the virology section is the experimental work on animal models in the Department of Virology in Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, evaluating the anti-viral property of homoeopathic drugs against Chicken Embryo Virus (CEV) and Simliki Forest Virus (SFV) causing viral encephalitis.

It also includes a review paper on the information from available literature about safe and economical prevention of different viral and fungal diseases of plants and animals.

The opening paper of Mycology section is on the effect of homoeopathic drugs on the growth of Alternaria tenuis Auct. and Curvularia lunata, the common leaf spot pathogens of ornamental and cultivated plants. It is followed by various in-vitro researches conducted  at the National Research Laboratory for Conservation, scientists of CDRI and the Mycology Laboratory of Gaurang Clinic and Centre for Homoeopathic Research, GCCHR on the effect of homoeopathic drugs against various species of Candida, Trichophyton, Aspergillus, Microsporum and Curvularia isolated from human patients.

This section also contains his published work on the efficacy of homoeopathic drugs on black fungus (Aspergillus niger) in 1995 and white fungus (Candida albicans) in 2015 which posed a big health hazard during second wave of Covid-19. On the basis of this previous work, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India released an advisory to use homoeopathic medicines in covid patients with secondary fungal infections.

This is enriched by 3 exclusive experiments conducted for the first time to elicit that homoeopathic drugs cannot be neutralized by various forbidden food stuffs (onion, garlic etc.), beverages (tea, coffee etc.), inebriants (tobacco etc.) and allopathic drugs as conventionally advocated by the physicians.

A few papers of the author are historical, dating back to 1980’s when technological resources were scarce resulting in poor resolution of many images. For this reason, resolution of many images have been enhanced with color fortified images for better appreciation of lesions/ organisms.

The original images have, however, been included. Colored graphical illustrations have also been included to make it interesting for the readers which were not part of the original published papers.

This book is worth having in one’s library as it is difficult to have access to most of the experimental research papers which are more than 25 years old and many journals have stopped publication. Moreover, this book will not only acquaint the profession about this lesser known experimental research but will also be of immense help as a reference book for research scholars in their pursuit for practical demonstration of in-vivo and in-vitro experimental research methodology, learning research skills and conducting further experimental research in homoeopathy.

For detailed book review with Dr Gupta, watch this recording:

This book has been published by and is available from:
Gaurang Clinic and Centre for Homoeopathic Research (GCCHR)
B-1/41, Sector A Near Novelty (Aliganj), Kapoorthala, Lucknow-226021,Uttar Pradesh, India

To purchase visit:
Price:, INR 1000 /USD 40 / EUR 35
Soft cover
Number of pages-108+32
ISBN: 978-81-952355-3-7

About the author

Kavitha Kukunoor

Kavitha Kukunoor, CCH, RS Hom (NA), C.HP, BHMS -Nationally Board Certified Classical Homeopath. President & CEO - Kavitha Holistic Approach, LLC. Founder & Director - KHA Homeopathy Study Group Pro Bono. Certified HP Supervisor (Homeoprophylaxis) LMHI - Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis. Member of Charity Organization - Kavin Friendly Foundation. Women of the Year 2023 from NATA (North American Telugu Association). Legendary Homeopath Award 2022. Recognition & Honor from TANA (Telugu Association of North America) at Ladies night out Oct 2022. Recipient of Martha Oelman Community Service Award 2021. Best Entrepreneur of the Year 2021. Author of the books – Beyond the Limits – A Challenge to Prove oneself and A Dose of Spirituality with Kavitha

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