Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Book Reviews

Rubrics of the Mind for the 21st Century by Joy Lucas

Rubrike Uma

Homeopath Gordana Jujić presents a brief review of: Rubrics of the Mind for the 12st Century – by Joy Lucas

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Reprinted from  courtesy Gordana Jujić

The book “Rubrics of the Mind for the 21st Century” by Joy Lucas is a kind of homeopathic textbook – Materia medica and guide through about thirty rubrics and a bit more than sixty remedies. It is divided into five parts-chapters: Damage, Endurance, Terror, Waste and Wilderness.

The very titles of the chapters introduce the reader to the author’s idea of linking terms which we clearly recognize in the lifestyle of modern man with homeopathic typology of personality, ie. remedies. Joy Lucas, like all great teachers of homeopathy, has her own distinctive way of connecting homeopathic knowledge with natural phenomena and reality. With the mind of an insightful homeopath, she uses these connections to explain the deeper levels of homeopathic remedies, making a contribution to the homeopathic science in a way that allows understanding the essence of the remedies. This is aimed at improving the precision of prescriptions for homeopathic practitioners.

Joy Lucas captivates us with knowledge of Materia medica by finding creative unambiguous links between phenomena in nature and man as an inseparable part of this same nature.  Man as a being, with all the innate and acquired limitations, is sometimes kicked out of his inherent balance and becomes ill. But, a man never becomes ill purely by chance, randomly or in a way that cannot be understood. We understand that illness as an occasional inevitability is a necessary condition for healing. Homeopathic understanding of the remedies, of personality types and aspects of sickness is much different from all other medical sciences. Therefore the study of the elements in this science is demanding work. Healing is not a job but a calling.

Joy Lucas cherishes Hahnemannian homeopathy and insists on its basic principles of science from which we should not deviate. Although some voices may criticize such a seemingly rigid attitude, every homeopath should be aware that we serve science and deviation from the basic postulates leads to a potentially dangerous position.

This book focuses on the mental aspects which modern man is facing at the beginning of 21st century and foresees problems in the way humanity will evolve. Although the title of the book emphasizes the mind, emotional and physical aspects are not neglected. Reading this book, you can see how much research was needed to reach these complex pictures of the remedy personalities. In her approach Joy has succeeded in creating a work which includes a combination of the teachings of the old masters of homeopathy and contemporaries such as Whitmont, Vithoulkas and Sankaran.

Here is an excerpt from the preface to the first chapter, “Damage”:

“We have come to expect all phenomena to be damaged in some way. Everything is damaged – the physical body; the fragile emotional psyche; the intellectual mind; the cultures we live in and the environment we try to live with. We don’t expect perfection even though we crave the notion of excellence, but that craving in itself is often born out of something that has been damaged such as an intense and unbalanced need for the control of an activity. Control = order and order = perfection.

We need to throw that concept out of the window if we are to stay healthy in mind and body, so we opt for the polar opposite – that which is damaged, less than perfect, that which scuppers the whole idea of ever having to attain a higher goal. This irony has occurred to such a degree that we now yearn for something that is recognisably damaged so we can feel ‘normal’. The trouble is that notions of ‘perfection’ and ‘damage’ are both at different extremes of the delusional paradigm.”

*Translation of the book is in progress. The part that has so far been translated into the Serbian language can be read and downloaded in pdf format on the website:

When the whole book is translated, this magazine will publish it in downloadable format, with permission that has already been obtained from the author, Joy Lucas.

About the author

Gordana Jujic

Gordana Jujić is a writer and homeopath living and working in Smederevo, near Belgrade, Serbia. Her journey through homeopathy started in 1998, when she dealt with a health problem for one of her children. Fascinated by the results of homeopathic treatment, she began study of this science. In 2009 she published the book “Homeopathy - Family Experiences” to encourage people to learn about homeopathy through her experiences. After twelve years of self study and experience she started her formal education, first in the “Simillimum Center for Classical Homeopathy“ in Belgrade and later in David Little's online school “Simillimum“. She was also mentored by Joy Lucas since 2011. Early in 2014 Gordana received the Award of Excellence for proven knowledge in the field of homeopathic repertorization from her other supervisor, Roger van Zandvoort.

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