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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Gentle Medicine: The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health by Joachim-F. Grätz Reviewed by Francis Treuherz

Gentle Medicine: The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health
by Joachim-F. Grätz is reviewed by Francis Treuherz. Dr. Grätz has been a classical homeopath and author for more than 30 years.

This review originally appeared in The New Homeopath

Balboa Press, Bloomington Indiana


652 pages

Paperback £25 (hardback £34)

ISBN 978-1982253783

This is one of the longest, most intense and rewarding books I have ever read. It should be read and studied by all: students and teachers, newly qualified and veteran homeopaths alike.

There is no index but the five page list of contents should make it easy to find your way through the book. There are copious explanatory footnotes and a bibliography. The 25 charts at the end are in black and white in the paperback but there is a link to a free download of the colour versions. The binding on the paperback, even with so many pages, seems fine.

The excellent translation into fluent American English was carried out by professional linguists at with help from the author for technical terms. There are many references to other works by the author but they are mainly in German. His amazing and detailed anamnesis form is available as a download.

Dr Joachim-F. Grätz has been a classical homeopath and author for more than 30 years and is known far beyond the borders of Germany. Of course, this book was written before the pandemic and the recent vaccination campaigns.

The whole book is based on a highly critical and thoroughly documented review of modern health care and a demonstration of how this can be mitigated by homeopathy and a holistic approach.

The ‘Chronic Laws’ of homeopathy and how they were created by Hahnemann are explained in a fresh and comprehensible way. “Chronic’ is then further delineated through a detailed and innovative explanation of miasms from Hahnemann and from JH Allen.

This section is the template for the rest of the book which comprises numerous case studies with their allopathic, personal, and homeopathic stories. They are fascinating to read for their explanations of both sides of the stories, allopathic and homeopathic and include repertory charts. His most frequently mentioned remedies are Sulfur and Medorrhinum.

The sheer weight of suppressive allopathic drugging, surgery and other procedures can be depressing and the regular references to vaccinations could be controversial. But at the end of the book Grätz explains: (authors’ italics)

“I don’t see myself as an opponent of vaccination! First and foremost I am a homeopath, and I pour my heart and soul into it. However, vaccine correlations play a central role in homeopathy, especially if you know how to treat chronically: they usually play a central role in the complaints people bring to me. This is because vaccinations can exacerbate existing miasms to an extreme extent and even add completely new ones.”

He aims to provide “objective information and food for thought.” He accepts that patients who want to get vaccinated (and to vaccinate their children) have a right to do so, and he will never banish them from his practice. The creators of  our code of ethics might do well to read this book.

About the author

Francis Treuherz

Francis Treuherz (MA RSHom FSHom) has been in practice since 1984. He was Member of the Board of the Society of Homeopaths for over 20 years. He currently works in London NW2 and at the Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living which won the CAM 2003 prize for the best complementary and alternative health centre in the UK. He studied at the College of Homeopathy in London, and later with George Vithoulkas and also in India with Dr Jugal Kishore, Dr Diwan Harish Chand, Dr HL Chitkara, and the late Dr Prakash Vakil. Francis was a regular teacher at homeopathy schools Manchester, Helsinki, Stockholm and Prague, and a part time staffer at the University of Westminster BSc course in homeopathy. He has also lectured in Amsterdam, Dublin, Galway, San Francisco and Seattle. He was also a Trustee of the Homeopathy Action Trust for many years. He was editor of The Homeopath 1986-2003 and 2006-2010. Formerly a Board Member, Society of Homeopaths 1986-1996 and elected once again in March 2000 to the Board as Hon Secretary for 6 years. In April 2010 he was again elected to the Board of the Society of Homeopaths. Visit him at his website:

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