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Homeopathy Book Reviews

An Insight into Plants Volume III by Dr. Rajan Sankaran


An Insight into Plants Volume III by Rajan Sankaran is reviewed by Harry van der Zee.

An Insight into Plants Volume III

Author -Rajan Sankaran

Homeopathic Medical Publishers, Mumbai January 2007,

Hardcover, 833 pages ISBN: 978-81-903378-4-7,

Reviewed by Harry van der Zee, Netherlands

Reprinted with permission from Homoeopthic Links, 1-2/2008, Page 101

Corrie Hiwat’s review of “An Insight into Plants Volume I and II” (published in LINKS volume 15 issue 3/2002, page 169) discussed the outlay of the series. The volume under review here was published earlier this year. For an understanding of the philosophy and practice behind this series the reader is recommended to read “The Sensation in Homoeopathy” by the same author.
If you take yourself seriously as a homeo­path and if you want to keep in touch with the direction in which homeopathy is de­veloping, you cannot ignore Rajan Sankaran’s work and the increasing number of books he has written. Throughout the years there has been a clear line of development evident in his books; among them the three volumes of “An Insight into Plants” form a set of handbooks every homeopath should have close to hand.
Many homeopaths all over the world have worked for several years now with Rajan’s concept of the Vital Sensation and with his interview technique and case analysis of reaching to the Vital Sensation in their pa­tients; the first two volumes of “An Insight into Plants” have proven to be of value in finding a remedy from the plant kingdom if indicated.
To the twenty-one plant families discussed in the first two volumes this third volume adds five more (Brassicaceae/Cruciferae, Dioscoreaceae, Piperaceae, Rosaceae, Ruta- ceae), as well as one kingdom (Fungi) and one group (carnivorous plants).
In Julia Schiller’s excellent article “An Insight into Taxonomy” in LINKS volume 18 issue 4/2005 she challenges Rajan to improve on his work, among others things by incorporating more input from the homeo­pathic community. Showing that these vol­umes indeed are a work in progress, Rajan has entered many new cases of the previ­ously discussed families from a wide variety of internationally well-known homeopaths.
These cases partially confirm the ideas expressed in the earlier volumes, but also help improving the understanding of the families and have allowed the addition of some plants filling some of the gaps in the earlier tables of families and miasms. At other levels too, Rajan responds in this new volume to Julia’s constructive criticism of the two earlier volumes.
Whether or not taxonomy purely based on genetics should be the basis for forming homeopathic families of remedies remains a valid question. In the way Rajan has formed his families he to some extent already taken the liberty of deviating from strict taxonomical rules, which 1 think is a practical and valid approach. His group of insect­ eating plants, for instance, consists of five plants coming from four different families.
There are many ways to constitute families of practical use to homeopaths. Within the plant and animal kingdom genetics is only one, biotopes that transcend not only the borders of families but also of kingdoms are another.
To save homeopaths from having to leaf through three volumes in one’s daily prac­tice, this third volume includes tables in the appendices that include all families in­vestigated so far, together with four new ones (Araceae, Ericaceae, Piperaceae, The- ales) that are apparently under construction.
The Chart of Plant Classification by Jorg Wichmann, as the last appendix, makes clear that not only Rajan, but all of us dedicated to further exploring the width and depth of the homeopathic material medica still have a long way to go in gaining insight into plants.

About the author

Harry van der Zee

Harry van der Zee MD is an international teacher and has presented seminars world-wide. From 1996 to 2018 he was editor-in- chief of Homœopathic Links. He has investigated the importance of the birth experience in homeopathic case-taking and published two books on the subject – ‘Miasms in Labour’ (2000) and ‘Homeopathy for Birth Trauma’ (2007).. Together with Christopher Johannes, he published ‘Homeopathy and Mental Health Care’. Since 2004 Harry has been involved in projects in Africa to enhance the homeopathic treatment and prevention of epidemics for which in 2007 he co-founded the ARHF (Amma Resonance Healing Foundation). ARHF has trained health professionals in many African countries that now independently treat epidemics, trauma and chronic diseases using so-called Source Resonances. He co-edited and published Peter Chappell’s book ‘The Second Simillimum’ (2005), has written ‘Amma4Africa Manual’ (2009, 2014, 2018), ‘Amma4Trauma Manual’ (2013), ‘ARHF Volunteers Manual’ (2014, 2018) Together with Peter Chappell he wrote ‘Homeopathy for Diseases’, a book on how to treat epidemics, trauma and chronic diseases by integrating an individualised approach with a disease-specific approach (2012). In Africa he currently researches the efficacy of the Source Resonance PC1 for HIV/AIDS (2017-today) and the efficacy of the Source Resonance PC240m for malaria prevention (2014-today).

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