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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Healing Women with Homeopathy by Dr Kavita Chandak – Reviewed by Dr Firuzi Mehta.

Healing Women With Homeopathy by Dr Kavita Chandak is reviewed by Dr Firuzi Mehta.

Author: Dr Kavita Chandak
Publishers: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
ISBN: 978-81-319-2596-6
No. of pages: 240

Unlike my usual book reviews, for this one, I read a soft copy. I missed having the actual book in my hand as that plays an important role in the whole sensory perception of the book as well – quality of the pages, the real appearance of the book, etc. Hence this review will truly focus only on the content worthiness of the book.

I will start by saying, I’ll be buying the book. It will truly be a valuable addition to anyone’s library of homeopathic books.

Dr Kavita Chandak has penned a lovely book on a topic that impacts 50% of our population – the women of the world! This is a book that will serve as a wonderful text for students of homeopathy, especially when they need to have the knowledge of therapeutics in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. And for the regular practitioner of homeopathy, it will serve as a quick reference work, where remedies can be narrowed down easily and quickly, to suit the pace of a fast practice.

As Dr Frass wrote in his Foreword to this book, “The book covers the most important and widespread gynaecologic disorders starting from menarche to menopause.” Many women, especially in Indian society, go through their lives, by prioritizing their families and their children, but neglect their own selves and their needs.

Health issues are also often neglected and relegated to the back burner. If women were to use homeopathy for curing their issues and getting themselves into a better state of health, how much society would benefit!

In homeopathy, we have a gentle means of healing at our hands – let’s use it to help this very precious and important 50% of our population to lead happy, healthy lives!

The book has a detailed description of female diseases, the Materia Medica of related medicines, description of a few modern remedies, guidance about the application of homeopathic philosophy in clinical practice (aphorism numbers are mentioned), and use of repertory along with 33 successful case studies (by overcoming failures).

The book starts by dealing with the issues that arise at the start of womanhood – Puberty and goes on to describe issues that could arise at every stage that follows in a woman’s life – Reproductive age, Pregnancy, Delivery and Labour, Menopause.

Each group is dealt with in detail, with the possible medical conditions that could arise, their causes, the role of homeopathy for them, and then there is a brief description of the indications of the different homeopathic remedies commonly used for that condition.

Dr Chandak also describes auxiliary measures that one could follow simultaneously, to help the process of cure. Clinical tips are mentioned at relevant places, which highlight the remedies which frequently are of great benefit. Rubrics are mentioned at places, where needed, especially by homeopaths beginning their practice.

The chapter on Menopause is followed by a chapter on Cancer. More and more women fall prey to this worrisome condition and Dr. Chandak has done a good job of describing the different types of cancers that affect women, along with the role of homeopathy and the homeopathic management of cancerous disease.

The next chapter is that of Case Taking and highlights the importance of individualizing all the gynaecological symptoms the patient may provide.  Potency selection, the importance of dreams and delusions, understanding the core of some important female remedies, the homeopathic gynaecology kit, rare small, lesser known remedies with their indications, are other chapters that follow.

Towards the latter part of the book, are the Case Studies.  This section gives details on the thought process, analysis and evaluation, the rubric selection, remedy choice and follow ups for the cases.

Clinical Tips for female genitalia is the last chapter which is followed by an Epilogue and the extensive Bibliography Dr Chandak has used to write this beautiful book.

In ending, I will say that this is a book that will be a welcome addition to the libraries of all homeopaths.

Dr. Chandak, we look forward to more books from you!

About the author

Firuzi Mehta

Dr. Firuzi Mehta was brought up with homeopathy and qualified as a homeopathic physician in 1996. She then did her H.M.D. from the British Institute of Homoeopathy, London in 1998 and also studied Iscador Therapy for Cancer from the Lukas Klinik, Switzerland. She completed Prof. George Vithoulkas’ e-learning programme from The International Academy of Homeopathy, Greece a few years ago. She has been part of the team of since 2008. She practices in Mumbai.   

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