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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Long –Term Homeoprophylaxis Study in Children in North America: Part One and Part Two by Kate Birch, Su Sandon, Sarah Damlo, Kim Lane – Reviewed by Rochelle Marsden

Long –Term Homeoprophylaxis Study in Children in North America: Part One and Part Two by Kate Birch, Su Sandon, Sarah Damlo, Kim Lane, is reviewed by Rochelle Marsden

Establishing Homeoprophylaxis as a Public Health Model

Publisher : Independently published (28 July 2020)
Language : English
Paperback : 110 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8666113752
Dimensions : 21.59 x 0.64 x 27.94 cm
Prices   £12.38    14.52 Euros  $15.95

Kate Birch sets the scene for this book in the Preface by explaining why she has been so interested in homeoprophylaxis and how the development of Free and Healthy Children International (FHCi) was formed to carry out research on this subject in North America.

The published results of this homeoprophylaxis study in unvaccinated and previously vaccinated in children, from Part 1 (2019) and Part 2 (2020), is what the book is all about.

The Forward explains the 4 sections of the book, namely:

1) Introduction,

2) One journal article: Establishing Homeoprophylaxis as a Pubic Health           Care Model

3) Two peer reviewed research articles based on the effectiveness of Homeoprophylaxis

4) An Appendix of supplemental tables

1. Introduction – This section starts with a compare and contrast of the basic principles of homeopathy and HP. The positive role of acute disease in childhood development is discussed. I remember being told about this at college with reference to the Thymus gland and I often explain it to my patients.

There is also a comparison of Homeoprophylaxis and Vaccination which includes issues with the vaccine method as well as the similarities, differences, and outcomes between them.

There is some strong language here, even introducing concepts that would not be allowed to be mentioned in the UK where I live! It is quite correct however to state that vaccination administers “multiple diseases at once” as it usually does, although I can think of 1 or 2 instances in the UK where this does not happen at the moment e.g. HPV and BCG.

There is an excellent section with diagrams explaining the primary and secondary action of drugs of both allopathic meds and homeopathic remedies. The result concepts are outlined and also the design flaws which “inspired important changes and updates to the program FHCi offers.” The changes made are explained in this light and the new HP program schedule is given which starts at 2 weeks and ends at 43 months with a supplemental program from 45 months.

After the Introduction there is a glossary of terms.

2. Establishing Homeoprophylaxis as a Public Health Care Model

Kate Birch explains at the beginning of this article how she got involved with homeoprophylaxis. She mentions the 1918 flu pandemic and how the symptoms were addressed by Gelsemium. The graph ‘Figure 4 Bell Curve of infectious disease over time in the general population’, hopefully is what will happen with the present pandemic with the just after the peak immunity developing.

Kate introduces Isaac Golden’s long-term childhood HP research, and Cuba’s success with HP for leptospirosis, and the 10-year-long study carried out by the FHCi. There were 2 papers produced from this study: Part One: Factors contributing to the successful completion of sequential dosing of disease nosodes and Part Two: Safety of HP, a review of immunological responses, and effects on general health outcomes.

We are then given summaries of Part One and Part Two. There were no adverse events from any of the multiple doses of the 8 nosodes given. Next is an interesting Table entitled ‘Comparing frequency of incidence in general outcomes of Unvaccinated and Previously Vaccinated (HP) to national incidence in those Completed (HP). At the end of this section are 2 very complete pages of references.

3)       Part One – Factors contributing to the successful completion of sequential dosing of disease nosodes.

This peer-reviewed research study from 2009 – 2018 is summarized with the Abstract, Introduction, Research Question, Parameters of Research, Results and contains many easy-to-follow tables, Discussion, Conclusions, Economic disclosure, and finally References.

Part Two – Safety of HP, review of immunological responses, and effects on general health outcomes follows the same comprehensive format of the Part One study.

4)       Appendix – This contains ‘additional tables not included in Part Two’. They ‘summarize relevant data but for conciseness were not included in the official results.’

This book is approximately A4 size with a good, very clear print, and the Tables are large and clear as well. The paper is of a good quality comparable to some out there. The information is easy to understand and follow.

So, in my usual way that I finish my reviews, who is this book aimed at? On the back cover it reads: “This publication is a must read for parents, doctors and policy makers who are looking for a safe, efficacious, and natural way to educate their children’s immune systems towards infectious disease.”

I agree. I would also add that anyone contemplating doing any homeopathic research would be aided by reading this comprehensive exposé, as not only does it say what they did, but also explains the obstacles and design flaws in obtaining valid and reliable data.

Overall, I would give this research A+, as not only is this work ground-breaking for the clinical practice of homeopathy, but courageous in the face of the current socio-political environment surrounding the homeopathic profession and vaccine agenda. The results suggest Homeoprophylaxis is a low-risk viable option for disease prevention that deserves greater recognition not only within the homeopathic community but in the world at large.

About the author

Rochelle Marsden

Rochelle Marsden MSc, RSHom, MNWCH, AAMET is a member of the Hpathy team, a registered classical homeopath (Society of Homeopaths), and has run Southport Homeopathic Practice in the UK SINCE 1999. Rochelle completed a 2 year post-grad course with Dr. Ramakrishnan and another with Dr. S. Banerjea, and an intense Clinical Training in India with Dr. Ramakrishnan. She is a tutor for The British Institute for Homeopathy (BIH) and is a regional tutor for local homeopathic colleges. She is also a practitioner in meridian therapies, EFT (Cert. Advanced) and Matrix Reimprinting. Visit Rochelle at :

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