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Homeopathy Book Reviews

The Noble Gases, Argon by Jeremey Sherr – reviewed by Vatsala Sperling

The Noble Gases, Argon by Jeremey Sherr is reviewed by Vatsala Sperling.

Title: The Noble Gases, Argon

Author: Jeremey Sherr

Publisher: Saltire Books, Scotland,

ISBN: 978-1-908127-30-3

First edition: 2018, hard cover, 261 pages including index.

Reviewer: Vatsala Sperling

In the periodic table of elements, Argon is in column 18 (calm, transformation, transition) of the 3rd row (emerging identities with respect to personal and social relationships). I am very curious to see what Dr. Jeremey Sherr finds and writes about Argon, in his book, The noble gases, Argon.

This book is based on his provings and how he connects the dots between the proving outcome and his in depth understanding of the analogy, biology, spiritual aspects, and cosmology of this noble gas.

In several provings, Dr. Sherr encountered a jubilant, happy, cheerful state. Knowing fully well that this is only a part of the full picture, he persevered and further along in his provings, he found the opposite state too. Lesson for us from watching Dr. Sherr in action:  Grasping just one aspect of a remedy and thinking we know everything there is to know is akin to walking in a vibrant forest with blinders on.

We must have the courage to take the blinders off, look all around us and enjoy the forest fully. In trying to understand our remedies, we must meticulously gather all the little bits that go into creating a well-rounded and full picture. That is when our job is done. There are simply no shortcuts.

At the outset, we get to understand what the various potencies represent:

  • The element – Purely chemical properties.
  • The mother tincture – Homeopathic preparation, naturopathic uses, and the realm of atoms and molecules.
  • 12C – Physical affinities and organs.
  • 30C – General themes and the realm of the organism.
  • 200C – Essence, emotional picture, and signature.
  • 1M and 10M – Unravelling of the symptom configuration, a search for unified meaning in totality.
  • 50M – Sensations and function, including the geometrical structure of the remedy.
  • CM – Analogy and metaphor.
  • MM – Esoteric roots of the remedy and the universal blueprint that lies beyond.

The author has expanded each of these bullet points into a chapter, and for fully grasping the message of this book about argon, we need to diligently read each of these chapters.

In chapters from 200c and above, we get to experience the Argon state. Just like other noble gases belonging to column 18, Argon has desire for tranquility and solitude. It has a propensity for being direct with the truth. But it has its own uniqueness as well (playful happiness, ease, cheerful, optimistic, bubbly, and glowing state of mind) that enables us to differentiate it from helium (spiritual enlightenment), and neon (contented bliss).

Argon shows many more qualities as well: childish playfulness, naivety of adolescence, quite developed or under-developed level of emotional maturity, and desire to form harmonious relationships or a lack of such a desire, leading to a dry and uninteresting personality.

The positive state of Argon is in sharp contrast to the negative state. The positive state includes desire for being alone, calmness, contentment, inaction, appreciation for beauty, laughter and fun, energy, inner glow, happiness, baby-like innocence, playfulness, dancing and singing, puppy love of adolescence, creativity.

These qualities contrast with the negative side, as expressed by disconnection, exhaustion, depression, grief, irritability, anger, panic attacks, deceit, theft, and fears about prison and police added on to negative qualities like deceit and stealing.

In the spiritual realm, the author establishes a connection between Argon, and day three of creation (Genesis, when new life begins in newly exposed land).

The author posits that the central axis of life is a vertical line extending from center of heaven to center of the earth. In state of health the noble gases align with this axis and in disease, they misalign with this same axis. When aligned with this axis, Argon experiences an unobstructed flow, ease, focus, ability to bring tasks to completion, clarity, good speed, and connection. When it is mis-aligned, (as in a disease state), Argon experiences obstruction and misconnection.

Ten case examples bring out various aspects of Argon. The themes that emerge in these cases give a clinical indication for use of Argon and the outcome shows that when chosen based on homeopathic principle, Argon, a new remedy, is as powerful as the ones known for over two centuries.

The potencies of Argon showing optimum outcome in these cases are 200c, LM2, 1M, 10M, and LM4. These cases give a vivid picture of how a person needing Argon might appear in our office. Very interesting.

The next part of the book is an education we receive from Dr. Sherr about the elements in the third row of the periodic table, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silica, Phosphorus, Sulphur, And Chlorine.  A brief poem encapsulates what might take thousands of words to describe the row three:


Three forces

Make new life

Mother’s egg, father’s sperm


God’s holy touch.

In warm darkness

I wait

For waters to burst,

Earth to rise

The tree of life to grow.

Sodium preserves seed

Magnesium lends life,

Alum cut from mother

By a surgeon’s knife,

Silica will penetrate

From cervix into air

Phos and Sulph ignite the flame

Chlor puts boundaries there

Until the child will blossom

Together with its tree;

Childhood sweet

Summer fruits

Own identity.

In the chapter on related remedies, we find that Argon is somewhat similar to a few remedies, for example, honey, gems, germanium, and Polaris.

Further along, we can get a glimpse of the author’s deep understanding of the book of Genesis and how the story of creation described therein relates to the expression of the deeper meaning of the Argon state. This section is a special treat.

Several poems composed by Dr. Sherr are in this book and they are a special treat too, because they convey – in essence – the meaning and purpose of this book on Argon.

Dr. Sherr found that during proving, many people reported that lightbulbs were blowing out in their dwellings. Turns out, incandescent light bulbs are filled with Argon to save the filament from oxidation at high temperature. Argon does not react with filaments even in intense heat.

On a personal note, during the time I spent in reading this book, it was accidentally misplaced twice. The word-doc of the review in progress disappeared from my documents folder, twice. In striving for completing this task, I had to start reading the book from page one, three times, and writing from the scratch, three times.

No idea how these events happened, or what I did wrong, (generally, I am a highly organized and focused person). I wonder if this experience is akin to “disturbance from the dark forces of disorder” as experienced by the provers…and if reading a book based on provings creates an energy field where some aspects of proving can be experienced. I do not know the answer to these questions, but for sure, if I get the good opportunity to meet Dr. Sherr one day, I will ask him.

About the author

Vatsala Sperling

Vatsala Sperling, RSHom (NA), CCH, MS, PhD, PDHom was the Chief of Clinical Microbiology services at a children’s hospital in Chennai, India, when she published extensively and conducted research with WHO, Denmark. On moving to the USA, Vatsala pursued a 4½ year course in Homeopathy at Misha Norland’s school. She has authored twelve books including her latest, Colubrid Snake Remedies and Their Indication in Homeopathy Practice. Journals from US and abroad frequently publish Vatsala’s writings on spirituality, health, and homeopathy. Vatsala continues to study with several teachers and practices classical homeopathy. She has served on the board of directors of NASH and currently she serves as a volunteer with NCH. She can be reached via her website (

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