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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Waterworld – Fish in Homeopathyby Viktoria Bodrogi

Waterworld – Fish in Homeopathyby Viktoria Bodrogi

Waterworld – Fish in Homeopathy by Viktoria Bodrogi is reviewed by Rochelle Marsden. Topics covered include fish remedies and dementia, predators and non-predatory fish, and ‘Fish in Our Life’ regarding ancient mythology, astrology, and marine biological history.


Hardback 200 pages

Publisher Emrys – First Edition 2018

Weight: 620g

ISBN: 978-9-07618956-7

Available from:

39 Euros

39 Euros

$46 in USA


The first impression of this book is its fine quality. It is a heavy hardback with glossy pages. The short Introduction is by Jenni Tree who edited the book and she tells us this is the first book devoted to the Fish kingdom. The next page contains the glossary, and considering I studied biology there are words here I have never heard of.

The first chapter is entitled ‘Study’ and contains the forward, in which we learn all about fish and about the themes of the animal kingdom according to Sankaran. The next chapter is called ‘Fish in Our Life’ regardingancient mythology, astrology, and marine biological history. Chapter 3 continues by telling us all about fish from their evolution, through their sensory system, reproduction, respiration and even emotional states.

In the large Chapter 4,written in separate sections we get to the homeopathy with the generalised symptoms of fish remedies from provings and clinical cases starting with the mentals and emotionals. Living in “ their own bubble world” and a “dreamworld” are actually how I would imagine these to be. Next are the physical and general symptoms. Many of these make so much sense in thinking of what fish are like. Oh, I have just found a weird one; “increased sexual desire vanishes when a man appears!”. At the end of this comprehensive section is a very useful overview of all these symptoms! This chapter then continues by describing the struggle the author had putting the 19 fish into groups.

The main 2 groups are Predators and Non-Predatory and then sub groups come off from these. The periodic table is discussed along with the reasons for believing that fish would fall into the Lanthanide group of remedies.  The reasons for placing fish in the tubercular miasm are also expounded. To finish this section, we are treated to a summary which includes polarities and pathology. Louis Klein’s findings about fish remedies and alzheimer’s are discussed and backed up with a section on dementia, which fish remedies have been shown clinically to help. There is a paragraph on aphasia and I have a patient with just this problem which I haven’t known how to deal with, so maybe here is the answer. I will have to study the MM given here in great detail, to find which remedy though.

Chapter 5 is a very short one, giving the differentials between other kingdoms and Chapter 6 is an equally short recapitulation.

The rest of the book contains the Materia Medica of the 19 fish remedies that have been studied plus two related fish remedies, namely a fossil and cod liver oil (Oleum Jecoris), and three fish toxins but these are very brief.  Each actual fish remedy has a wonderful full colour photo of it. With each of the 19 fish remedies there are details of who carried out the proving, the dates and the remedy source.  They are all recently proved remedies, except Gaddus, in which we are not given the source. With most of the remedies, their keynotes are present. Many of the remedies have the author’s own cases written in detail including the follow ups. There is however very little differential diagnosis. I found in one remedy, that previously Sepia would have been used.

The end of the book is quite strange. It starts with an ‘Epilogue’ about how the writing of this book affected the author, which is fascinating to read. Next comes the usual ‘Bibliography’ followed by ‘Special Thanks’. After these comes something I think should have been in the body of the book; ‘A Comparison of Aqua Marina, Natrium Muriaticum and the Fish Group as a Whole’. It appears to be another chapter. The likes of depression, weeping, irritability and company are compared amongst 12 other mind symptoms. We are then given another chapter look alike , which in my mind should again be in the main body of the book, entitled ‘An Overview of Symptoms’. It is generalised for the fish group as a whole for mind, dreams, body and generals. Lastly,there is a list of all known remedies of the fish kingdom, in which we are told that this book represents a homeopathic work in progress. Finally, there is an index.

As usual I end with a” who is this book suitable for” comment. I would have to say it is for anyone who wishes to expand their knowledge of MM to the fish group and also to enjoy a very expensive looking, quality book. Maybe, like me, you will find that a fish remedy will be useful for that patient with those elusive symptoms that you have not managed to get a handle on yet.  I am certainly glad that I was invited to review it by the publisher.

About the author

Rochelle Marsden

Rochelle Marsden MSc, RSHom, MNWCH, AAMET is a member of the Hpathy team, a registered classical homeopath (Society of Homeopaths), and has run Southport Homeopathic Practice in the UK SINCE 1999. Rochelle completed a 2 year post-grad course with Dr. Ramakrishnan and another with Dr. S. Banerjea, and an intense Clinical Training in India with Dr. Ramakrishnan. She is a tutor for The British Institute for Homeopathy (BIH) and is a regional tutor for local homeopathic colleges. She is also a practitioner in meridian therapies, EFT (Cert. Advanced) and Matrix Reimprinting. Visit Rochelle at :

1 Comment

  • I am very glad to have read this as recently saw book at a seminar but hadn’t the time to even to read back cover – but, with this fine review, I will check out the book and hope to solve a couple of cases now and in future that might be missed as Fish Family rxs…so thank you. Laura Coramai, Canada

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