Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Case Quizes

“Everglades National Park” Needs Help!

A useful article about “Everglades National Park” Needs Help!.Full details about “Everglades National Park” Needs Help!

We nearly didn’t have a case for you this month! I waited and waited to hear from Kelly! Surely some distant relative of hers, some little soccer mom friend, a neighbor, surely somebody she knew was going to get sick, it never fails–but not this month, not yet! I paced, I waited, I checked my watch; nothing! Finally, at the 11th hour, Kelly writes in to say that her son is sick.  Well hallelujah! Hey, we’re up against a deadline here!

So without further ado, please welcome the slightly out of breath, Kelly Young!

(Gasp! Gasp!) I should probably say that I’m happy to be here (gasp!  gasp!), but I’d be lying. No, it’s just that I was told I had two seconds to get down here and deliver this Peabody Award-winning case!  Anyhoo, I recieved a call Monday from my 6 year old son’s teacher saying…

Kelly, you have to pick a name.

What?  No, that’s not what she said.

No, no, Kelly, you need a fictitious name for the patient–your six-year-old son!

Well, I could use his real name.

Kelly, his real name is boring.

What’s wrong with his real name?

It’s not a TV name. You see, Kelly, people on TV have exotic names like “Rock”, “Stone”, “Brook”, “River”… names that are exotic! Do you see what I mean?

Yeah, I think I’m getting your drift….What about “Everglades National Park”?  It has all those things!

Hey, you’re right!  Brilliant! 

OK, So, my little “Everglades National Park” was not feeling well and running a fever at school. He had been outside in the cold, wet weather over the previous weekend and had developed a cough but nothing else at that point.

My husband brought him home from school and monitored him for the afternoon. His fever rose to over 102 degrees, he was red-faced, hot and lethargic.

By the time I returned home, he was sweating profusely, chilly and wanted to be wrapped up. His cough was still present, he wasn’t very thirsty (though he did drink some water) and had eaten nothing all day.

The first remedy I gave made him somewhat better the next day. He had a total of three doses. But in the afternoon, his fever returned, so I gave another dose of the remedy and nothing happened! So, I tried it in a 200C, but still nothing happened! His ears were bright red and he was extremely thirsty for ice cold water.

Rethinking the case I realized I missed an important symptom- he smelled horrible! His sweat and breath were quite foul. I gave a different remedy this time in a 30C potency. A half an hour later, I again gave a sucussed dose of ____________ and to my horror, the poor kid seemed to get worse!  His fever had risen to almost 104 degrees and I was getting really worrried!

Fortunately, (thank you Elaine!!) I realized he was aggravating! I zapped — antidoted — with a highly diluted dose of the same remedy (See “The Aggravation Zapper” by Diane Fuller). Things settled down quickly and his fever lowered dramatically to 101 then down to 99 then normal by bedtime!

I have yet to repeat this remedy and will only do so if I see a return of symptoms. Thank God for “zapping”! And now if you don’t mind, I’m leaving!

Hey, thanks for dropping by! If anybody knows the name of this remedy, please write to me at [email protected] The results will be in next month’s ezine.

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

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