Disease Index

Homeopathy for Hepatitis B

Written by Dr. Manisha Bhatia

Hepatitis B is an acute systemic infection with major pathology in the liver, caused by hepatitis B virus. It is transmitted by infected blood and blood products through transfusions, dialysis, contaminated syringes and needles by drug addicts especially. Prevention is by avoiding the risk factors. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine.

Hepatitis B is an acute systemic infection with major pathology in the liver, caused by hepatitis B virus and transmitted usually by the parentral route. It is clinically characterized by a tendency to a long incubation period (6 weeks to 6 months). And a protracted illness with a Varity of outcomes. Usually, it is an acute self limiting infection, which may be either sub clinical or symptomatic. In approximately 5 to 15 per cent cases, hepatitis B virus infection fails to resolve and the affected individuals then become persistent carriers of the virus.

Modes of transmission

Parenteral route

Hepatitis B is essentially a blood-borne infection. It is transmitted by infected blood and blood products through transfusions, dialysis, contaminated syringes and needles by drug addicts especially, pricks of skin by acupuncturists, handling of infected blood, accidental inoculation of minute quantities of blood such as may occur during surgical and dental procedure, immunization, traditional tattooing, ear piercing.

Prenatal transmission

Spread of infection from HBV carrier mothers to their babies appears to be an important factor for the high prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus infection.

Sexual transmission

Particularly male homosexuals are at very high risk of infection with Hepatitis B.

Majority of cases recover completely. Prevention is by avoiding the risk factors.

Clinical features

Incidental presentation – asymptomatic. Detected following blood donation, or other routine medical screening.

Following recognized Hepatitis B Virus infection – after acute Hepatitis B Virus infection, if HBsAg does not disappear, anti-HBs appears and LFT do not become normal with in 6 months; patient is clinically infected with Hepatitis B Virus.

Negative IgM antibody to hepatitis core antigen at presentation suggests that the patient is not is episode of acute hepatitis but already has chronic Hepatitis B Virus infection.

Symptomatic presentation – symptoms mainly include

  • Malaise
  • Fatigue
  • Arthralgia
  • Right hypochondrial discomfort
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Anorexia
  • Headache
  • Mild fever

Treatment of Hepatitis B infection

Treatment mainly depends upon medical condition of the patient

Homeopathic treatment of Hepatitis B infection – Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat Hepatitis B infection but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved medicines are available for Hepatitis B treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensation and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Some important remedies are given below for Hepatitis B treatment:

Chelidonium – is one of our greatest liver remedy. It acts on portal system, right side of the abdomen and right lower lung. Acts very well over the cases of Hepatitis B. it covers many of the direct reflex symptoms of the diseased condition of liver. It manifests the congestion inflammation, fullness and enlargement in semi-chronic and acute cases. The keynote of the remedy is tearing, shooting, stitching pains from the liver region traveling to the back below the right shoulder blade. Hot drinks and hot milk relieves.

Brynoia – excellent remedy for inflammation of the liver, the right lobe of the liver is mostly affected and feels like a load in the hypochondrium. Every slightest movement hurts, with burning and stitching pains and nausea.

Podophyllum – remarkable remedy for Hepatitis B. there is congestion and enlargement of the liver with great irritability of the liver, slight rubbing of the liver helps, the discomfort is aggravated by slightest thought or smell of food.

Carduus mar – remedy for Hepatitis B cases where there is feeling of enlarged liver, pressure feeling worse by lying on the left side, left liver is full and engorged and sensitive. Concomitant symptoms here are haemoptysis due to congestion of the liver and lungs.

Ptelea trifoliate – aching in the liver aggravated by lying on the left side, voracious or poor appetite. Develops a repugnance to animal food, rich puddings, of which he is very fond of, butter and fats aggravate his hepatic symptoms.


Lycopodium – has sore pain in the right hypochondrium which is aggravated by touch. Intense flatulence by 4 p.m as if everything that he takes turns in to gas or wind, better by warm drinks.

Phosphorous – remarkable medicine for hepatitis B cases has hyperaemia and enlargement of liver. Craves cold food and drink, ice cream and wine, has bed effects of excessive intake of salt. As soon as the cold water becomes hot in the stomach he vomits. Phosphorous is useful when there is suppuration in the Hepatitis, Hectic fever, night sweats and marked soreness over the liver.

Arsenic – which is acute of phosphorous has burning thirst and drinks bit by bit, but warm water. This burning of arsenic is better by warm application. There is typical; arsenic anxiety and restless.

Nux Vom – has constrictive pains in the region of the liver, the liver is swollen, indurated and sensitive with pressure. Aversion to meat, tobacco and coffee, ale etc, the patient is chilly and irritable.

Myrica Cerifera – it has marked action on the liver with Hepatitis B infection. Distinctive features are pain in the liver, fullness, dull heavy headache, worse in the morning, weakness with ash colored stools, slow pulse and pain under the scapula, jaundice of all degrees. Low potency found to be working better.

Cornus Circinata – has caused liver derangements, with aching eyeballs, disturbed sleep, weakness in the morning, pain in the pit of the stomach, with distended abdomen. Dark foul stools, burning in anus, vesicular eruption on the face.

Hepatitis B Cases Cured with Homeopathic Medicine

Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: A Case Study – by Muhammad Afzal

Hepatitis B Positive Became Negative – A Case Presentation – by Sanjay Padole

A Case of Hepatitis B – by Michael Xavier


About the author

Dr. Manisha Bhatia

M.D. (Hom), CICH (Greece)
Dr. (Mrs) Manisha Bhatia is a leading homeopathy doctor working in Jaipur, India. She has studied with Prof. George Vithoulkas at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. She is the Director of Asha Homeopathy Medical Center, Jaipur's leading clinic for homeopathy treatment and has been practicing since 2004.

She writes for Hpathy.com about homeopathic medicines and their therapeutic indications and homeopathy treatment in various diseases. She is also Associate Professor, HoD and PG Guide at S.K. Homeopathy Medical College. To consult her online, - visit Dr. Bhatia's website.


  • HI
    I have just been presented with my 1st case of Hep B. 24yr old Lebanese girl.It began with joint pains and weakness ,nausea and diarrhea. After taking her case my top 2 remedies were arsenicum and cheladonium. keynotes of both without burning or itching.I asked for advice and it was suggested that I rotate the remedies. I have given propolis, milk thistle, lecithin, and flax seeds as well as bach flower gorse and olive. I am still researching and some sites say Hep B is incurable and the patient will degenerate whatever is done. your article was far more positive and encouraging. I would appreciate all advice I can get on this please. txs GINNI

  • Dear Doctor,

    Several week ago, the General Hospital doctors has declared that I have a Hepatitis B carrier. What is the best solution you recommended for me to take a Homeopathy medicines.

    Thank you.

  • Please, I would like to buy some of the products but am not sure if i can get them in Ghana. I went to get myself vaccinated only to find out that am positive (11th, November 2011 ). I don’t have any obvious signs and symptoms only that I experience severe tiredness upon waking up and after little walking, sleepless at times and my abdomen feels warm sometimes.
    Please help me get some of the drug shipped to me. WE CAN TALK ABOUT THE PAYMENT METHOD because I am in desperate need of the drug, because I do not really know how long I have this. [email protected]

    • The author of that article may not still be around. There is something called the Ghana Homeopathy project and you can contact them here:
      They may be able to put you in contact with a homeopath. You can also ask them where to get liver protective herbs.

      Alan V. Schmukler
      Editor – Hpathy.com

  • Sir,
    I was declared Hbsag+ two months ago, in july 2013 when my doctor ordered some blood tests for some otheer reason. He then refered me to a Gastroantrologist who after seeing my following reports told that i m not in need of any medication as if now and told me to come after 3 months, the tests and their result are as follows :
    Hbsag=250 iu/ml
    HBV DNA (Quantitative)=1500

    sir please let me khow that is this desease cureable in homeopathy..?
    Kindly advise me how to approach further with this state of disease because i m very much confused
    more because i m not on a medication till now.
    Kindly reply i shall be highly obliged


    Harmeet singh


  • sir,3 years ago i was declared HCV ,now i am pregnant! my question is that is it safe to take medicine of homeopathy in these months,plz plz ans me asap.

  • Is HepB completely curable.will these remedies completely cure it.bcoz many say it’s not curable through out the life

  • Dear Doctor,

    last 7 years ago, the General Hospital doctors has declared that I have a Hepatitis B carried, also using general medicine longtime but nothing happen, please can you tell me What is the best solution you recommended for me to take a Homeopathy medicines.

    Thank you.

  • I am suffering from happotites B till 8th month. Please tell me homeopath medicine sir. I am 47 years old.

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