Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
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Homeopathy for Mental Problems

Homeopathic medicine for Mental Problems

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat mental problems but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. Homeopathy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of mental problems.

Mental problems

The highest and most important level through which the human being functions is the mental level. The mental plane of an individual is that which registers changes in understanding and consciousness, reflecting the true essence of that person. It enables an individual to think, to complete, and to peruse the purpose of life. Disturbance of these functions in turns constitute the symptoms of mental affections, such as

  1. Anxiety especially unrelated to any identifiable cause
  2. Depression, especially when it is followed by withdrawal from people or from usual occupation.
  3. Loss of self confidence
  4. Undue pessimism
  5. Unexplainable mood changes
  6. Rudeness or aggression without apparent cause or occasioned by some trivial incident.
  7. An unreasonable demand for perfectionism
  8. Habitual underachievement
  9. The inability to accept responsibilities
  10. Phobia
  11. Unreasonable feeling of persecution
  12. Self destructive acts
  13. Sexual deviation
  14. A sudden and dramatic change in sleeping habits
  15. Physical ailments and complaints for which there are no organic cause

Symptoms of mental mental problems

  • Delirium
  • Delusion
  • Dullness
  • Loss of concentration
  • Forgetfulness
  • Paranoia
  • Confusion
  • Forgetfulness

Emotional symptoms

  • Sadness
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Anguish
  • Phobia
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Dissatisfaction

Functional mental mental problems

  • Neurosis
  • Psychosomatic disorders
  • Personality disorders

Homeopathic treatment of mental problems

Homeopathic medicine for mental problems

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat mental problems but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat mental problems that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints.  For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of mental problems:


this remedy has weakness of memory, general feebleness of brain power, mental incapacity; suits cases lying between neurasthenia and insanity; despair of recovery; fear of paralysis and death; imagines he is surrounded by enemies; fearful of walking in open air, and if any one approaches him.

Argentum Nitricum

neurasthenia with nervous dyspepsia and eructations; esp. characteristic of this remedy is the fear of dying, when left alone, afraid to walk in streets, feels he should fall down in a pit, or that high buildings would fall upon him.

Avena Sativa

Weakness of nerves, tired brain, irritability, gets excited on trifles; urine has excess of phosphates; history of sexual excesses and occipital headache.


This remedy suits cases standing on the border line of neurasthenia and organic spinal disease. irritability and weakness; over sensitiveness to all impressions; head too weak to think; burning in small spots, better from rubbing, sensation that the back would break on the motion; noises in ears.

Phosphoric Acid

This remedy suits conditions of long lasting effects of grief rather than the acute forms. A great phosphoric acid Homeopathic medicine for mental problemscharacteristic is indifference, homesickness; is not irritable, but slow of comprehension ; shows no interest in anything , a don’t care condition. Another characteristic is failure of memory. Picric acid is a rival of Phosphoric acid in threatened dementia praecox, with utter prostration, burning in spine, weakness of legs, pains in back and occiput. Desire to sit still without taking interest in surrounding things.

Debility arising from continued grief, over-exertion of mind, sexual excesses, or any nervous strain of the mind or body; indifference or apathy, and torpidity of body and mind; burning in loins and limbs, patient is inclined to be drowsy and listless; study causes heaviness in the head and limbs, cases of young rapidly going lads and nervous depression from spermetorrhoea.


Agaricus Mus

A menacing frenzy causing patient to assail himself and other. Incoherent talking, delusions of power and personal importance; a tremulousness is often present which terrifies the patient. Mania complicated by chorea. Destroys things which are other-wise required; the patient sings and whistles when it is not required; seems foolish. He is fearless and threatens others.

Baryta Mur

When there is maddening, excessive sexual desire. he will catch hold of the opposite sex even in a bazaar or in a street.

Cannabis Indica

This remedy produces marvelous kaleidoscopic visions and illusions as to time and space; a minute seems thousands of years, and a thing a short distance off seems yards away. He imagines he is swelling and his body is becoming large, that he hears numberless bells ringing; a multitude of images crowd the brain and he feels as if he were somebody else. Voices come from a great distance and seem to enchant him. Dual nature state; hallucinations and imaginations; extremely happy and contended ; talkative; time seem years; has a great soothing influence in many nervous disorders, like mania, dementia and delirium; anxiety and depression; must move constantly; forgetful; uncontrollable laughter; insomnia; constant fear of becoming insane; sensation as if top of head is shutting and opening; clairvoyance; rapid change of moods.


face red and gaze wild; tears everything that he can lay hands upon; talkative, restless and quarrelsome; sometimes sad and at other times laughs; dangerous and can stab and murder; some end their life by drowning; she is hurried in manners and is intensely jealous; makes motions as if brushing the hair or face; stupid; wants to be naked.


The snake poisons all have poisoned minds. With Lachesis there is great loquacity, the patientHomeopathic medicine for mental problems jumping from one subject to another; jealous, fear of being poisoned and refuses both medicine and food. Has to think how words are spelled. Muttering delirium, with dropping of the lower jaw and illusions, such as imagining that he is under some superhuman control or that he is dead. Melancholia at change of life. Delusion that he is persecuted, worse after sleeping Neurasthenia.



sees and hears imaginary things and persons; talkative, sad and water saying that these are poisoned, will ask the person serving these to taste them in his presence; violent with tendency to commit murder; religious mania; claps hands; wants to pray all the time; mania from childhood; talkativeness; may have involuntary stools and urine; insanity during pregnancy.

Tarantula His

Sudden alteration of mood; destructive impulses; breaks and throws away costly things without any reason; mania with increased sexual desire; sensitive to music; must keep legs in constant motion, through walking aggravates; wants the scalp rubbed.

Veratrum Alb

sadness with stupor an mania; mania after giving birth to a child; unsociable; unwilling to talk; insanity after a major operation; cold sweat on forehead and a pale face; aimless wandering away from home; cursing an howling at night; mania during heart diseases; cut and tear things, religious mania and mania of a destructive nature; always busy praying; covers many types of insanity.


Another melancholic remedy is Sepia, which has dark forebodings about her disease, weak memory, sense of helplessness and great susceptibility to excitement, and still more to terror; despair; she dreads to be alone, wants company, but has an aversion to her own friends and is indifferent to her household affairs. It is especially useful in women with leucorrhoea and organic disease of the uterus or ovaries. Stannum. Low spirited in lung affections—an uncommon state; a tearful disposition ; fears he will go into a decline. Thuja. Patient hurried ; trifles make him angry; fixed idea of being brittle and will not permit anyone to approach, or that she is under the influence of mesmerists or spiritualists. Soul and body separated. Music causes weeping and trembling of feet.


The typical Sulphur patient is irritable, a chronic, constitutional grumbler or else a “ragged philosopher,” life having been a failure. Its usefulness in mental conditions is extensive and it corresponds closely to religious mania or melancholia; he becomes most anxious about his own salvation, but different to that of others, an egotistic condition often seen in our asylums and sometime out of them. These patients will dress themselves up in rags and imagine that they are clad in gorgeous attire; they will wear paper crowns with the majesty of a king, prince or potentate. Sulphur also has a forgetfulness and patients will stop a long time to think how words are spelled Aconite being an acute Sulphur is most useful in mania and melancholia where there is a nervous excitement, fear of death, predicting the day thereof., and restlessness due to mental anxiety. It is particularly useful in sudden, and acute cases, which are worse in the evening. The patients are tortured by fears; afraid of darkness, ghosts. Convulsions of paresis may suggest Aconite. Pulsatilla. Religious melancholia, despair of salvation, constant prayer, folds the hands sits like a statue; sleepless, restless and changeable mania.


It acts like magic in paroxysms of hysteria.


A valuable remedy for hysteria when there is great weakness, dysmenorrhoea and irritability


Most cases of melancholia at some period of their treatment require Ignatia; it suits women better, while Arsenicum and Nux vomica are more suitable to men. The Ignatia patient is melancholic, given to sighing, with a tendency to weep. she hides her grief, is introspective, changeable and silent. It is a remedy full of disappointments, and jealousy, and is most suitable to complaints arising from fear, grief, shock, or prolonged brooding over real or imaginary troubles. They refuse sympathy, but fancy themselves neglected by friends. The patient has a disposition to brood over her sorrows, has remorse about imaginary crimes, is intolerant to noise and tends to fixed ideas. Lasciviousness is a symptom that should not be overlooked.Hysteria due to grief; crying and laughing alternately. Does foolish things during the attack; it is greet remedy when patient has great sensitiveness for external impressions, face flushes on slightest emotion, the globus hysterica and clavus hysterica are present. in the head there is sharp pain, as if a nail were driven into the top of the head.


Fainting during attack is the keynote of Moschus; muscular twitching, violent spasms and constriction of the chest are also present; she may also be blue in the face, foam at the mouth and may be chilly; there may be alternate mood of joy and sadness; the patient has a tendency of scolding and using strong language.


sensation of a ball in the throat; the habitual discharges stop; accumulation of wind in the abdomen; it passes upwards and causes oppressed breathing; there is a bursting feeling as if everything would come out of the mouth.

Nux Mos

It is adapted to nervous hysterical people with sleepiness, bloating and dryness of the mouth, it has attacks of fainting and the patient is exhausted from the least efforts; there is constant nervous tension.

Nux vomica

This remedy suits overworked fidgety business men of sedentary habits; they cannot bear to be opposed, are irritable and irascible, easily put out, quick to act; those of a fitful temper and where there is a great disinclination to mental work. In conditions of resistive melancholia and negativism where the patient resists everything done for her, with no interest in anything, offensive breath, etc., it is often productive of beneficial results. The most disagreeable of maniacs with “pure cussedness,” difficult to manage, apposed to everything , is the Nux vomica patient. Hypochondriasis in the sedentary is met well by the remedy. Lycopodium has a torpor of the mind; the patient is melancholic and hypochondriacal, dependent mostly on digestive and hepatic troubles. The Nux patient is oversensitive; every harmless word offends and every little noise frightens. They are anxious and “besides themselves.”


very useful for the numerous phobias of neuraesthenia; fear of death, darkness, noisy people, music, crowds, fear of entering a trolley car or railway train; anxiety as to some impending disaster has often been removed by this remedy.


The three great remedies of the Solanacae family have an important action on the mental state, and are possibly more often thought of and indicated in mental affections than other remedies. Belladonna is a remedy for delirious states, and must be given where there is wildness, restlessness, and a desire to cut or tear the clothing. The patient springs out of bed and strikes those around him. He appears frightened and sees objects when he closes his eyes. Speech and actions are hasty. It thus becomes a valuable remedy in acute mania, in fact, the highest form of mania , with great determination of blood to the head, hyperaesthesia of the senses, wild eyes and dilated pupils. Such patients may even bark like dogs and are most violent and pugnacious. No other remedy is more frequently indicated and a frequent mistake here is to give it too low; the higher potencies act better and more promptly. Violence is characteristic, great noisiness, the patient sings, screams and curses. Delusions of every conceivable variety may be present, in fact , it suits well a bowfins instantly with ridiculous actions. Butler says the Belladonna melancholic is exceedingly depressed, fearful and subject to violent attacks of weeping. Opium has also a fantastical insanity. Cocaine has a sensation as if foreign bodies were under the skin; this is in reality a hallucination. It has also hallucinations of hearing.


Useful for fear of death or becoming insane, cervical vertebrae sensitive, neuralgic and uterine cases; muscular exhaustion is a prominent symptoms.

Calcarea Carb

Fear of night and solitude; fear of remaining alone any time; fears loss of reason and misfortune; apprehensive; forgetful.


Fear of examination and stage appearance; fear of falling, child grabs the nurse and crib.

Kali Carb

Fear of being alone and that she will die; she starts with a loud cry at any imaginary object, as if a bird flew towards the window.


Fear of imaginary phantoms, of terrifying images; dread of men, wants to be alone; dread of solitude with irritability and melancholy; fear about one’s salvation; forgetfulness, anguish and excitement when alone, with restless moving about.

Lilium Tig

Fear and apprehension of having some incurable disease, of becoming insane; low spirited, can hardly keep from crying.


The proud, egotistical mental state of this remedy is too well known for comment. The patient has illusions, everything is inferior to her in body and mind, and she looks down on everybody with contempt. Objects look smaller or strange, there is indifference, everything seems too narrow. There is a great dread of death which seems near. It is a useful remedy in hysterical mania, where things seem horrible, and all serious thoughts are displeasing. Palladium. Music excites, constantly getting slighted, is easily offended and scolds continually. Women with tendency to nymphomania and excitement of the genitalia indicate well Platinum.Fear of the near approach of death, very sad, <evenings; in difference or contempt of others; fear of losing his mind; very much dejected and lachrymose; aversion to food, face red; pride and contempt for others.

Aurum Triph

Biting of finger nails till they bleed


Due to the sensation of mind, stammering and awkwardness results and occasionally he cannot hold things and they fall from hands.


Stuttering and stammering; gets angry when incoherent speech is not understood; rapidly increasing twitching of all muscles of the body, till all of them are violently agitated.


Stammering from weakened nerve power and dysfunction of tongue.


The child is stubborn, dis-obedient, irritable, doesn’t want to be touched or looked at, child is very crossed and ill humored.


child is cross, peevish and obstinate, satisfied with nothing, wants many things but strikes it angrily to the floor if it is given, shrieks and cries when touched or looked at, always wants to be carried; child is exceedingly irritable and fretful, quiet when carried. This remedy is of great use in diseases of the mind where there is over-sensitiveness and a snappish irritability. Children and adults also, that are especially sensitive to pain, snappish, short and cannot be civil, consequence of anger.


Irritable, obstinate and sad, inclined to weep, fear of insanity and anxious.

Arsenic album

Useful for the depressed delirious, fear of death, fear of being alone, with strong suicidal tendencies. See ghosts and vermin, crawling on bed. It relieves the tendency in the insane to the mutilation of the body, picking at the skin until sore, chewing finger nails,etc. Exhaustive insanity and acute delirious mania with typhoid symptoms and rapid exhaustion. Acute melancholia and especially melancholia agitata come within the province of Arsenicum. Restlessness, thirst, physical exhaustion and midnight aggravation. Silicea. With this remedy there is an erethism combined with the exhaustion.

Some Related cases Cured with Homeopathic Medicine

Teen Mental Health and the Death of a Beloved Pet – by Mary English

Musings on Mental Illnesses – by K. V. Natarajan

A Case of Insanity – by Edmund Carleton

A Case of Acute Psychosis Too Much of a Good Thing is Bad – by Vanita Rajiv Johari

Obsession for Cleanliness in a Child of Seven – by Vanita Rajiv Johari

Memory Loss, Schizophrenia – by Ellen Kire

Formica Rufa – A Case of Anxiety and Insomnia – by Erika Simonian

Depression – by Roger Walti

About the author

Dr. Manish Bhatia

- BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece), MD (Hom)
- Associate Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of
- Editor, Homeopathy for Everyone
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1, 2, 3. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- Visit Dr. Bhatia's website


  • Opinion about article: A good attempt.
    I suggest that popular homoeopathic remedies like Acid phos ,Aurum , cham,sulphur,Ignatia,etc will no more work in severe depression when patient was treated by ECT , psyche hits like bupropion hydrochloride (10 more).
    suggestion :
    1.we have to begin from Nux Vom, Psorinum ,(Hi potenci aggravates mental states).
    2.Don,t use combinations (wrong method).
    3.Choose your remedy by checking your personality (behaviour).
    4.self medication via Materia Medica is dangerous to health.
    5.When doctors failed to choose your remedy ;you can use:
    1.staphisagria (recommanded)
    2.Kali phos
    4.Kali brom
    5.agnus & yohimbinum.
    -Jagdish Paul( a Patient)age:21

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