Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Dermatophytosis (ringworm)

A Case of Dermatophytosis (ringworm)

Dr. Ravindra Aher presents a case of dermatophytosis in a man of 36. A history of suppressed skin ailments, thermally chilly and a domineering, loquacious, suspicious and self-centered nature were clues to the simillimum.

A 36 year old farmer consulted me for the treatment of skin eruptions (ringworm) in July 2018. For the last month he had eruptions (ringworm) over the face (more on the right side), neck, groin and lower limbs. They were circular in shapewith lots of itching and burning. The itching was worse in the evening ++ ,warmth of

the bed ++ and cloudy weather +++. he feels better when he’d washed the eruptions with warm water +. Since the last 20 days he had been using allopathic ointments and antifungal tablets with very minimal effect.

Past history:Three months earlier he had flat, smooth multiple warts over the face (beard area) which went away withallopathic medication +++. He also had allergic rhinitis for the past10 years, < exposure to cold air ++, change of the weather hot to cold +++, causing sneezing and watery nasal discharge.  He feels better by warmth ++. He used antihistaminic tablets (cetrizine) for sneezing. On

examination he exhibited deviated nasal septum (DNS).

Personal History:

Thermally he is a chilly person ++, desire for sweets ++ and beer ++.His sleep was disturbed due to itching.


Mentally I found him a loquacious person ++, during the whole consultation time he was continuously talking about various things(complaints, other issues, social). Heliked to dominate people aroundhim+++. He dominated his family members, always wanted to prove himself right. He said, “What I say is always right so everybody should listen to and follow me”. He is quite egoistic by nature ++, a fault finder +++ always pointing out something which is not up to the mark. he was quite suspicious ++ by nature and did not trust easily. He was lazy ++ in his own work.






DULCAMARA is a chilly remedy, aggravation from cold air and going from hot to cold weather. In Dulcamara we find suppressed skin ailments and the patient is domineering, haughty, loquacious, suspicious and self-centered, so Dulcamara suits his case.

PRESCRIPTION: DULCAMARA 200C – twice a day for three days, followed by DULCAMARA 1M -Twice a day for one day, followed by placebo twice a day for 15 days.











2 weeks after medicine

The Itching over the face is 90% better, Eruptions over the face 80% better. Recent spots of eruptions got better first, the older spots and suppressed spots (suppressed by allopathic creams before) increased for first few days and now they are also getting better.

Itching &eruptions over the lower abdomen, groin and lower limbs become worse for first 10 days after the medicine and now itching & eruptions are 20% better.

Sneezing increased severely for first 2 – 3 days after the medication, Now sneezing is almost  90% better. He took 2 cetrizine tablets in 15 days.

His energy is much better, now he is feeling more fresh than before.He is still chilly.Can sleep more calmly.


General improvement.The old eruptions came back and later ones disappeared, i.e.-the eruptions are getting better in reverse order.(herings law of cure))



Placebo twice a day for 15 days



1 month after medicine

Itching over the face 95% better. Itching aggravates in humid conditions. Eruptions over the face 90% better, Edges of the eruptions are still there.

The suppressed warts came back again, flat, smooth warts around 10 to 12 in number.

Itching and eruptions over the lower abdomen, groin are better 60 to 70%, and became dry and black, but eruptions on lower limbs (thighs, and calves) still there with itching.

Sneezing is almost better, only gets sneezing episodes if he drinks cold water in the morning. Hasn’t taken any cetrizine since last 15days.

His energy is still better, he is feeling fresh, still chilly. Still having desire for sweets & beer.


General improvement

The suppressed warts coming back again. The eruptions are getting better from above downwards i.e face to lower limbs. (Herings law of cure)



Placebo twice a day for 30 days



2 months after medicine

Itching over the face 100% better. Eruptions over the face 100% better. The suppressed warts came back and are disappearing on their own. 4 to 5 warts are remaining.

Itching and eruptions over the lower abdomen, groin are better 90%. became dry and black, eruptions on lower limbs (thighs, and calves) are becoming dry now, itching has been reduced.

No episodes of sneezing, cetrizine not taken.

Energy and freshness better, still desires sweets and beer++ Becoming hot now!? (needs fan and open air) Appetite better, now desires spicy ++.


General improvement (energy freshness)

The warts are getting better. the eruptions are getting better from above downwards i.e face to lower limbs, (Herings law of cure)



Placebo twice a day for 30 days



3 months after medicine

Itching and eruptions over the face 100% better. 3 to 4 warts are remaining but disappearing on their own.

Itching &eruptions over the lower abdomen, groin are better 100%. Became dry and black. Eruptions on lower limbs (thighs, &calves ) are better, itching has been reduced.

Occasional episodes of sneezing, cetrizine not taken.

Energy and freshness better, loquacity has been reduced, egotism and domination reduced. (10 to 20%),become less irritable, still desire for sweets and beer ++. Becoming hot now! (does not need fan now because winter started) Appetite better desire spicy ++.


General improvement (energy and freshness)

Mental pathology like irritability, loquacity, domination and ego also settling down.




Placebo twice a day for 30 days



4 months after medicine


Itching and eruptions over the face 100% better. All warts disappeared.

Itching & Eruptions over the lower abdomen, groin are better 100% Eruptions and itching on the lower limbs (thighs &calves ) are totally reduced, only blackish – brownish discoloration remain.

Occasional episodes of sneezing, cetrizine not taken.

Energy and freshness better, loquacity has been reduced, egotism and domination reduced 20to 25%. He acts like if you want to listen then listen to me, but not a compulsion,  now less irritable, still desire for sweets and beer ++ thermally – chilly (winter)  desire – spicy ++.


General improvement (energy and freshness)Mental pathology like irritability, loquacity, domination and ego are also settling down.



Placebo twice a day for 30 days




( a ringworm on thigh, there are many ringworms around thigh)


About the author

Ravindra Aher

Dr Ravindra Aher - Homeopathic Physician at Shree Classical Homoeopathic Clinic, Pimpalgaon baswant, Nashik. Studied BHMS from Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College Nashik. Studied MD Homeopathy from Kakasaheb Mhaske Homeopathic Medical College Ahmednagar. Lecturer of organon of medicine at Dhanvantari Homeopathic Medical College Nashik since 2014. Dr. Aher’s Real homeopathic study began when came into contact of Atul Jaggi (student of Prof. Geroge Vithoulkas.) He learned practical knowledge at H3 Centre Of Classical Homeopathy Nashik under the guidance of Dr Atul Jaggi. and through him came contact with the teachings of Prof. George Vithoulkas and IACH. in 2014 received prestigious Diploma of IACH. In 2015 he visited the Academy in the Alonissos, and since 2011 has practiced classical homeopathy according to the teachings of Prof. George Vithoulkas.

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