Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Exacerbated Latent Psora

Dr. Anaswaradev Atmadev shares a case of latent psora in a woman of 55. Tingling sensation in foot, swelling of ankle and right side were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

Name:  Y
Age: 55 years
Gender: Female
Job: Retired from editorial position from press company and working as an accountant at his home nearby.

Presenting complaints

Tingling sensation of right foot on the dorsal region. Slight swelling in right ankle on the medial aspect. Mild to heavy discomfort in the region.
Duration – for past one month.
No known cause.
No specific modalities.
Blood pressure and pulse – normal.

History of presenting complaints

No history of Diabetes.
2 years back had a left knee dislocation. It was healed and there were no issues connected to it.

Medication history

On Calcium tablet and Neurobion tablet occasionally for general health.

Family history

No significant chronic disease history in the family. Apparently, health is maintained for generations with traditional health care as she is from royal family of Kerala.

Altered physiological symptom

Thermal – Hot
Side- Right
Thirst – increased
Appetite – normal
Stool- NAD
Urine- NAD
Sleep – good
Menses- attained menopause


Communicative, extrovert, smiling, educated and confident lady. No mental issues or ailments from psychic factors were narrated. Expresses her emotions. More of a practical person than an emotional one.
Will: courageous
Intellect: Good. Very sensible and quick in response
Memory: Good
Morals: good
Mental status evaluation – NAD

Analysis of the case

No known cause for the complaint. Due to the brief duration of the complaint yet relapsing nature, it was considered as a latent psoric symptom. The complaints are still at the sensation level and do not interfere on the functional level.

The treatment of exacerbated latent psora can be done with non-anti-psoric medicine and meantime administering anti-psoric medicine towards the fundamental cause, the internal psora. Here, the internal psora is not fully developed and still developing only as there are not much marked symptoms on the pathological level.

Timely intervention with anti-psora can arrest further progress of developing psora. Differential diagnosis: Diabetes. Apart from tingling sensation there are no other symptoms.


Rubrics considered

  1. BH- Lower extremities, tingling sensation, foot (pathological symptom)
  2. BH- Lower extremities, ankle joint (pathological symptom)
  3. Lippe – Extremities, swelling, ankle (pathological symptom)
  4. BH – Sensation and complaints, side, right (individualised side affinity)

Repertorisation chart

  • Lycopodium – 14/3 (Anti Psoric – AP)
  • Rhus tox – 14/2 (Non-AntiPsoric- NAP)
  • Sepia – 14/2 (AP)
  • Causticum 14/2 (AP)
  • Sulphur 13/2 (AP)


21/6/19 – Prescribed Lycopodium 200 – one dose as an anti psoric and Rhus tox 30 as a non-anti-psoric and anti-phlogistic remedy.  Lycopodium and Rhus tox complement each other.

Reason: Here the tingling sensation has to be considered as an exacerbation of latent psora and has to be dealt with using non-anti psoric medicine. Anti posra was given for the fundamental cause, the developing psora. If the exacerbations are not tackled with non anti psora, it will act as an obstacle in curing developing psora.

I ruled out Sepia as there is no indifference; Causticum was ruled out as there is no paralytic tendency; Sulphur was ruled out as it doesn’t cover the right side.

Follow up

12/7/19 – The tingling sensation frequency reduced but the intensity was the same. The sensation had been occurring every minute, but was now reduced to every 15 minutes. Rx – Lycopodium 200 single dose and Rhus tox 30 daily once. She was advised to do exercise and to stop coffee.

28/7/19 – Tingling sensation and intensity reduced by 70%. She stopped coffee and is doing exercise. Rx – Lycopdium 1M alone, single dose.

18/8/19 – Complaints are approximately 90 % better. Rx – Lycopodium 1M single dose alone.

30/10/19 – She only had symptoms one or two times in the past 1.5 months. Rx – Lycopodium 10 M single dose.

30/11/19 – Phone – No complaints. Complete cure of latent Psoric symptom. Rx. No medicine. Case closed and not relapsed till date.

About the author

Anaswaradev Atmadev

Dr. Anaswaradev Atmadev ( B.H.M.S., M.Sc. Psychology, YTTC ) is Director and Chief Physician at Unique Homeopathy. She is from Kochi, Kerala, India and has been practicing Classical Homeopathy for 10 years. She is a Psychologist, Hypnotherapist and Yoga Therapist as well. Dr. Dev is the granddaughter of late Dr. Nemath Krishnan Moosad (1923 – 2009), founder of the parent Clinic in 1965, which was later made into the first private Homoeopathic Hospital in Kerala, India in 1984. Her father and mother are both Homeopaths and all other family members have been devoted to the healing arts ( Homeopathic Consultant - "Natural Health Clinic of Des Moines", Seattle, Washington, USA with Dr. Lynn Mikel, ND.

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