Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Migraine with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Dr. Preet Chugh presents a case of migraine with irritable bowel syndrome.

Name: Mr. S.

Age: 39 Years

Sex: Male

Occupation: IT Professional

Case start date: 12/12/2014


Chief complaints:

This patient had frequent headaches for the last ten years. The headaches would worsen in the mornings, and occasioned loss of sleep also. He had headaches whenever he had outside food, especially spicy food. The headaches were accompanied by eructations and nausea. The headache was better by drinking cold water or eating ice cream, and by pressure.

Associated complaints:

Mr. S. also suffered from urge to pass stools that would worsen after eating. The consistency of stools was changeable, sometimes hard and also watery at times. He had severe urge to pass stools especially when he had to deliver presentations to a large audience; he had anticipatory anxiety.


Cravings: Meat, sweets and cold drinks

Aversion: Vegetables

Aggravation: Nothing specific

Family history:

Father died of prostate cancer

Mother has diabetes mellitus and psoriasis.


Past history: Nothing specific

Thermals: Chilly

Stools: Frequent urge to pass stools.

Urine: Normal

Thirst: 1-2 litres a day.

Perspiration: Forehead.

Habits: Nothing specific



He works in an IT firm as a computer engineer. He lives in Mumbai with his family. He has a son and a daughter. His work involves frequent travelling. He feels anxious on a day prior to travelling. He is very punctual. Even small things make him anxious.

He does not like any changes. If he has to make a presentation in the office in front of everyone, he becomes anxious. He is impatient by nature.



Patient has fear of heights and fear of being alone. He gets angry when someone doesn’t agree with his opinions. He says he cannot take his own decisions. He lacks confidence when it comes to performance. He has a good relationship with his wife and children. He likes things to be kept in place and orderly.


Hobbies: He loves travelling.

Sleep: Thoughts crowd his mind during sleep, including thoughts about his work and daily activities.


Rubrics Taken From Synthesis Repertory

MIND – ANGER – contradiction; from

MIND – ANXIETY – anticipation; from

MIND – ANXIETY – time is set, if a

MIND – CHANGE – aversion to

MIND – CONFIDENCE – want of self-confidence


MIND – FEAR – alone, of being

MIND – FEAR – high places, of


MIND – THOUGHTS – persistent

HEAD – PAIN – chronic

HEAD – PAIN – eructations amel.

HEAD – PAIN – gastric

HEAD – PAIN – morning – waking, on

HEAD – PAIN – pressure, external – amel.

HEAD – PAIN – sleep – loss of – from late hours


RECTUM – CONSTIPATION – ineffectual urging and straining

RECTUM – DIARRHEA – alternating with – constipation

RECTUM – URGING – frequent


GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – cold drink, cold water – amel.

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – cheese – agg.

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – cold drink, cold water – desire

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – ice cream – desire

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – meat – desire

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – milk – agg.

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – sweets – desire


On basis of these rubrics the remedy selected was Argentum Nitricum.

Medicine given : Argentum Nitricum 30, 5 pills two times a day.             SL 5 pills once in night for fifteen days.


Follow Up On: 27/12/ 2014

His headache was better slightly.

Sleep was better.

Stools: had frequent urge in morning to pass stools.

He had pain in nape of neck as he used to sit continuously in front of the computer in the office.

Medicine: Argentum Nitricum 30, 5 pills two times a day. SL 5 pills once a day for 15 days.


Follow Up On: 15/ 01/ 2015

Sleep was better. Intensity of headache had reduced. Urgency to pass stools had reduced slightly.

Medicine given: Argentum Nitricum 30, 5 pills two times a day and SL 5 pills once in night for 15 days.


Follow Up on: 30/01/2015

Patient was better. He had headache once a week as he had spicy food outside. His frequency of headache had reduced. Situation around stools was better as far as frequency and urgency was concerned. Sleep was sound. His anxiety had reduced.

Medicine given: Argentum Nitricum 30, 5 pills two times a day.              SL 5 pills once in night for 15 days


Follow Up On: 16/2/2015

Patient had headache thrice in a week. Intensity of headache had reduced. Patient had no eructations. His sleep was much better. Hence I continued with same medicine that is Argentum Nitricum 30, 5 pills two times a day for 15 days.


FOLLOW UP ON: 05/03/2015

Patient had headache twice a week with nausea and vomiting. He was travelling at that time and had non veg food which was spicy. Sleep was better. Stools were 50% better as far as consistency was concerned. Frequency and urgency to pass stools was much reduced. Anxiety was much reduced. Hence I did not change the medicine.

Argentum Nitricum 30 Same dose as above for 15 days`


FOLLOW UP ON: 21/03/2015

Anxiety was much better. He was better than before. Patient had headache once a week. There was no nausea with the headache and frequency of headache was much reduced. Urgency to pass stools was reduced to a considerable extent. I did not change the medicine.

I gave Argentum Nitricum 30 5 pills two times a day. SL 5 pills once in night for 15 days.


Follow Up on: 6/04/2015

Stools once a day. No urge to pass stools frequently. No headache. Patient was much better. Sleep was better. No eructations. Anxiety much reduced.

Medicine prescribed: Argentum Nitricum 30, 5 pills once a day,                  SL 5 pills once a day for 15 days.


Follow Up on : 23/04/2015

Patient was much better overall. Stools were normal. Patient had presentation in office and was able to perform well without any anxiety. No urge to pass stools before presentation. Negligible anxiety. Sleep was much better. He had one episode of headache as he had outside food in office.

Medicine given: Argentum Nitricum 30, 5 pills once a day.              SL 5 pills once a day for 15 days.


Follow Up on : 7/05/2015

Patient was 70- 80% better. He came with complaints of cold and cough with watery coryza and sneezing worse from cold drinks and ice cream. On examination: Throat red inflamed. Chest clear. Eyes lachrymation.

Medicine given: Arsenic Album 1M, 5 pills four times a day for one week.


Follow Up on 15/05/2015

Patient was much better as per cold and cough. No sneezing. No headaches and stools were normal. No anxiety. Sleep was much better. Medicine given: SL 5 pills two times a day for 15 days.


Follow Up on : 01/06/2015

Patient was much better. There was no headache since many days and sleep was much better. Thoughts during sleep were much reduced. No bouts of anxiety. Patient had travelled on account of office work. Stools were normal.

Medicine given: SL 5 pills two times a day for 15 days.


Follow Up on : 16/06/2015

Patient was much better. He had acidity from outside food. Eructations sour worse after eating. Headache worse morning on waking .

I repeated Argentum Nitricum 30, 5 pills two times a day, SL 5 pills once a day for 15 days.


Follow Up on : 2/07/2015

Patient was better re acidity. No eructations. No headache. Sleep was better. Stools were normal. No frequent urge to pass stools.

Medicine given: Argentum Nitricum 30 , 5 pills two times a day.              SL 5 pills once on night for 15 days.


Follow Up on : 18/07/2015

Patient was better overall. He said there was no headache and sleep was much better. No anxiety while dong presentation. Stools were normal.

Medicine given: SL [Sachhrum Lactis] 5 pills two times a day for 15 days.


Follow Up on : 5/08/2015

Patient is much better. No headaches. Stools were normal. No anxiety and no acidity. Sleep better. Medicine given SL 5 pills two times a day for 15 days.

About the author

Preet Chugh

Dr. Preet Chugh B.H.M.S has had her own homeopathic practice for the last 8 years after having started her career and worked for Dr. Farokh Master for three years in South Mumbai. Her experience includes treating patients suffering from schizophrenia, depression, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma and hyperlipidemia. Dr. Chugh also has extensive knowledge of opthalmology, pediatrics and dermatology. Her approach is very analytical and she focuses especially on her communication and presentation skills. Her clinic is the Nishtha Homoeopathic Centre in Andheri East, Mumbai.

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