Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Migraines and Depression


Klaus-Peter Schenk presents a case of depression complicated by 34 years of allopathic drugs. Attention to two keynotes breaks the case.

antidepressants.jpgA lady, 47 years, is sitting in front of me. Her face,like her hair, is grey. She appears to be around 60 years old.  “I´m fighting in my life, but now I have no energy at all!” She is very sad looking and in a deep depression (allopathic diagnosis).  The impulse to try homeopathy is because of her severe migraines. She has been taking the following allopthic drugs since the age of 13 (for 34 years!) :

Triptan, 2.5 mg once a week
Naramig, twice a week
Ibuprofen 2000 mg twice a week

Before she also started taking an antidepressant drug, she wanted to try homeopathy.

Let´s have a look at the real case:

Her energy level is at about 10%.  She fought hard her whole life and fullfilled her duties as a teacher. She has no energy and no willpower to do something in her life in addition to that. Very early she lost the ability to see the beauty in life. Self-discipline and loyalty are her main characteristics.

When she was 4 years old the migranes started:

< 3-5 a.m., pulsating, started in the neck and extending to the right temple.
The pain would wake her up.

Desires: salt (3), sweets (3), baked potatoes (3)

Claustrophobia (2), fear in a crowd (concert, elevator) (2)

Dreams:  people, whom she hasn´t seen for a long time / A sense that somethng bad will happen.

She likes to critisize others, especially her best friends, making sharp comments to insult them, even though they try to help her.

After three years of treatment and follow ups at regular intervals, she is today absolutely fine, without any complaint. The problem wasn´t finding the remedy, but rather dealing with the strong drugs and trying to gradually phase them out. Her remedy was given in daily doses, , starting with 6c.  Nowadays she takes only her homeopathic remedy.  She is a really healthy person, free from pain and with a balanced state of emotions and mind. This is the result of the treatment with Quercus Robur (English Oak).  The rubrics to find the remedy were:

pulsating pain in the right temple
desire fried potatoes

About the author

Klaus-Peter Schenk

Klaus-Peter Schenk practices and teaches Classical Homeopathy in Würzburg (Bavaria) and Berlin. With fifteen years experience his main focus is now on mental and emotional disorders. He studied with George Vithoulkas, Dr. Vangelis Zafiriou, Frans Vermeulen and Vega Rozenberg. He founded the AWIHR - School for Psychological Homeopathy which provides lectures and workshops with live-casetaking in Berlin. He also presents webinars on homeopathy and has a modular educational program "Psychological Homeopathy" and a Homeopathy Smart – Program with intensive single lessons on special topics


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