Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Ulcerative Colitis

ulcerative colitis e

Homeopath Shamin Sherwani presents a case of Ulcerative Colitis treated with homeopathy.

ulcerative colitisSymptoms/Constitution

Male, age: 35

Constitution: Thin, tall, pale, weak, sad, disappointed, nervous, intelligent, apprehensive, non-communicative.  Weight:  About 110 lb. (He was about 150 lb. before ulcerative colitis )


A few years back, I received a call from a male patient who was in a state of total panic, and he asked me if I was a homeopathic practitioner, and whether I have treated ulcerative colitis (Homeopathy Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis) with homeopathy before. When I said yes, he insisted I give him an appointment the next day. I said ok.

The next day he came on the right time. He was very weak and pale. He was bleeding with diarrhea almost 12-15 times a day. He brought the packet of findings of his symptoms. When I finished reviewing his reports, he immediately asked me if I could help him. I told him that I will try my best. I was confused, wondering if I should treat him pathologically, or according to symptoms. Since the patient was in a constant state of nervousness and panic, I decided to follow his findings. The bleeding area of his colon was the ulcerated mucous from the rectum continuously through the distal descending colon. The doctor advised surgery of this portion but the patient he did not want to have it.

Pathological treatment

First of all, I gave him Arnica 200C because it was a surgical case. For bleeding, I gave Ipecac 30C because it was for non-mechanical bleeding. For bloody diarrhea, I gave him China 30C and B.C. 9 because he was very weak, wanted energy, and was having continuous burping.

That’s it! The remedies worked well on him. For his weight loss, I gave him Natrum Mur 6x. It took three months, and he was fine and back to work. He was very happy.

Classical Treatment

After 6 months, I again received a call from him. He told me that he had a flare of ulcerative colitis and he was again in panic. I told him that I did not want any findings this time, and I would like him to tell me all about himself over the phone.  He was surprised and hesitated. I explained that I needed symptoms, and this is our true way of treatment. He started: When he was twelve years old, he lost his father. He was the only child of his parents, and was very fond of both of them. He felt lost. His mom was a hard working woman, at work throughout the day, and since in the evenings she used to be very tired, he could not share anything with her. He got into the habit of brooding all the time. When he was eighteen, he moved out, and luckily he found a girlfriend who was very loving and caring. They lived together for a long time, but she was not ready to marry him. All of a sudden, she left him for no reason. He again started brooding, and after one month, he had the first attack of ulcerative colitis. After three months of homeopathic treatment, he was normal. But his girlfriend returned, and he was very excited. They lived together for another few months, but she left him again, and he had another flare up of ulcerative colitis.

When I heard the word brooding repeatedly, Ignatia 30C clicked in my mind. I started giving him Ignatia, 6 doses with a break every 15 days. I continued this pattern for six months. Thank God, he is cured now, and three years have passed without problems. He calls me every Christmas, New year and Thanksgiving. His girlfriend did not return, but he is still healthy and happy by the grace of God.

About the author

Shamim Sherwani

Shamim Sherwani is a Classical Homeopath (1988 to date). D.H.M.S, Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Diploma in Nutrition Diet and Health Science, Certified Health Coach, Certified Life Coach, Certified Cease Practitioner.


    Antonio Morales

      • Mam,

        My wife is also suffering from Colitis (just diagnosed today from CT scan report). She also has been brroding throughout her life before marriage and after 10 yrs of marriage too. She is 37 now. I trust homeopathy. Can I get your appointment? My mobile is 9811664559 (Jitender)

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