Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases Homeopathy Papers

A Homeopathic Approach to Autism

Jean Lacombe books

Homeopath and author Jean Lacombe presents five cases of autism that demonstrate both classical and sequential prescribing that led to excellent results.


Many cases of children suffering autism can be greatly improved through homeopathy. In fact, some of the patients can have a complete recovery.

In this article I will share my experience with five cases of autism that had been successfully treated in the past few years. There are two different protocols offered for dealing with autistic disorders as well as principal homeopathic characteristics that are often found in cases of autism. A short list of certain specific remedies which are more effective in treating autism and recommendations of their proper dilution will also be included. At the end of this article I will include the level of general improvement achieved for every child.

Two homeopathic approaches in treating autism

In the last years I have developed two protocols that resulted in significant improvement of young patients. The first is prescribing a remedy according to the principle of “totality of symptoms” recommended by Hahnemann. While treating my autistic patients I have noticed that in many cases the prescription generally groups around ten homeopathic remedies.

The second approach is to “desensitize” the children from the possible side effects of vaccines they received by prescribing the homeopathic remedy made from the vaccine itself. This method can be recommended as an experimental approach when parents have clearly noticed that the child’s character and behavior changed during the days following vaccination. In many cases it appears that MMR vaccine – measles, mumps and rubella– sometimes produces large energetic disturbances as well as major disruptions of the defense system. When this occurs, MMR itself in dilutions of 30C to 10M would be prescribed. Recommendations about the potency of the remedy will be discussed later in this article.


Characteristic Autism Symptoms in 5 Cases:

The cases of Noah (5 year old), Igor (5 year old), Sebastien (7 year old), Raphael (4 year old), and Misma (6 year old), have a lot in common. Aside from the fact that all of these children had been diagnosed with autism, they also had a number of characteristic symptoms. I have divided their symptoms into three categories:

  • the first category ( in bold) combines symptoms that I have found in all children;
  • the second category (in italics) includes the symptoms present in at least three children;
  • the third category contains symptoms that affected only one child, but they are essential in confirming the prescription.


Group 1: Symptoms Found In All 5 Children

  • Psychic hypersensitivity
    Although each of the children appears as “in a closed shell”, paradoxically, they exhibit extreme sensitivity and often very strong reactions to the atmosphere, people (sometimes even spontaneous aversions to a particular individual) or changes in schedule/order.
  • Admonition agg.

In circumstances when the parents have to go against their child`s will or desire, it is necessary to approach the situation with patience. The simple word “No” often leads to excessive crying or violent anger. With one of the children, scolding led him to hit his head against floor or walls.

Some additional rubrics of repertory to consider are:

Crying for nothing among children
         Irritability among children

  • Language Delay
    Not surprisingly, the speech of each child is poorly developed. Two of them don`t demonstrate any desire to communicate.
  • Certain delays in physical growth

The physical development of four of the children is significantly below the average. For the younger kids it is close to normal, but still, they are feeble.

Concentration difficult

The concentration of these children seems pretty normal when they are doing activities they like, such as watching TV, playing video games, etc. However, the concentration is totally inadequate when they have to face necessities, for example, while doing their homework in preschool, or trying to remember directions, etc.

After putting together the symptoms of the first group, we find the best remedies are: Carcinosinum (10), Baryta Carb, Silicea et Tuberculinum (8), Calc phos, Medor, and Nux (7).


Group 2: symptoms presented in at least 3 children:

  • Aversion to talking, reserved, doesn’t play with other children (mute, do not want to play with others)
    Except for one child, the children have problems with or have no interest in playing or sharing activities with other children (or sometimes even with parents).
    Avoid eye contact
    With the exception of one child, these children do not seek eye contact with others and try to flee it. When confronted with this type of interaction, they feel irritable.
    Compulsive or obsessive behavior

These types of behaviors are often expressed by one or another child … jumping up, standing on a chair or a table and jumping to the floor, or always keeping toys in their hands ( teddy bears or small cars)
Agitation in children
None of these children could calmly attend the consultation.
Sensitivity to music
Most parents reported that their child vividly reacts to certain musical tunes. Some music can make their child hum or dance.
Autism, after vaccination
All these children had been vaccinated. In 3 cases, the parents noticed an immediate change of character or behavior the day after or the following week after their vaccination. Parents of the other two kids cannot remember anything particular (Fever? Sleep disorder? Eczema or pulmonary problem? First symptoms of autism?)

The results of repertorising the symptoms of the second group are: Carcinosin (9); Chamomilla, Mercurius Nat-M (6).

Combining all the symptoms of group 1 and 2 gives the following: Carcinosinum (18); Nux (12) Tub (12). Chamo., Medo., Nat Mur (11)


Group 3: characteristic symptoms affecting only one child:

  • Grinding teeth at night
    • Sleepwalking
    • Nightmares
    • Intolerance to milk and dairy products
    • Bad breath
  • Smelly stool
    • Nail biting
    • Warts on hands and fingers
    The result of repertorising the group 3 symptoms is: Sulph (18); Ars and Tuberculinum (16); Calc (15); Nat-m (14)


Combining all three categories of symptoms (groups 1, 2, 3) revealed a new balance for remedies: Tub (28); Sulph (26); Natrum mur. (25); Ars , Carc (24)

Remedy selection (Approach 1).
The first approach (classical homeopathy) based on the rule of totality of symptoms considers 4 points:

  1. After twenty characteristic symptoms have been observed, some remedies were almost always present at every step: Carcinosinum, Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum, Nat Mur.
  2. The point mentioned above is interesting for two reasons:
    A) Carcinosinum, Tuberculinum and Medorrhinum cover a relatively small number of symptoms. They are present in a limited number of Materia Medica rubrics (unlike Phos, Sulph, Calc, etc.) and yet… being the characteristic symptoms of autism … these remedies are in the first places!
    B) These three remedies belong to the category of rather rare remedies, the nosodes.
  3. Reflecting on the rubrics relating to the etiology “Following vaccination”, we have found these four remedies ( Carc, Tub, Medor, Nat Mur ) not only in this category but also in the section “Autism, result of vaccination” in the repertory of Murphy (3rd edition).
  4. In 5 cases, the first approach led me to prescribe Carcinosinum, the remedy that covers best the totality of symptoms of groups 1 and 2. In four of the five cases, the treatment after Carc was completed by Tuberculinum and / or Natrum mur.


Remedy selection (Approach 2).
In two of five cases, I have also tried to use another method, the sequential therapy of Dr. Elmiger. This second approach doesn`t require any repertorising. You just need to be sure that the child has been affected by the vaccination and help “desensitize” the patient. The prescription should be the remedy diluted and energized from the vaccine that caused the problems. In one case the dose of MMR 30, 200, 1M and 10M K has been prescribed. In the second case, we started from the last immunization at the age of 4 years and have gone backward to childbirth. The prescribed remedies were MMR and DPT/ Sabin / Meningitis, Hepatitis. Both vaccines in doses of 30, 200, 1M and 10M K.

Observations about the second approach:
1. The prescription is not done according to the law of similarity but the principle of identity.
2. Despite the simplicity of this approach, results of the prescription can be spectacular.
3. The main idea of ​​this approach, is that a vaccine created an energy barrier leading to appearance of the symptoms, and the remedy in potentized form will remove that barrier. This approach is done by prescribing the potentized vaccines in a certain order, corresponding to the successive layers of appearance of symptoms. If a child had been vaccinated by X vaccine, then by Y vaccine, and finally by Z vaccine, the order of prescription should be reversed, starting with the vaccine Z, then give the Y, and end with the prescription of X vaccine in proper dilution.


After a year of treatment, the diagnosis of autism was reversed for one of the boys. The first prescribed remedy was Natrum Mur 30ch. Immediately the mother noticed that her son’s speech improved and that he had a greater desire to communicate. Tuberculinum and particularly Carcinosinum in doses of 30, 200, 1M and 10M K alleviated the symptoms of groups 1 and 2 by over 80%. The child has since been accepted into a regular classroom.

The second patient responded very quickly to the prescription of 200K and 1M of Carcinosinum. Most symptoms of groups 1 and 2 were improved by about 50%. The child continues to take Carcinosinim 1M once a month.

For the third patient, the symptoms of groups 1 and 2 were reduced by more than 80% after doses of Natrum Mur (30C to 10M) .His treatment lasted for 18 months.

Over a period of 8 months, the fourth child had extraordinary results with Carcinosinum 30, 200, 1M and 10M. Considering that we had the situation under control with Carc we decided to continue treatment with MMR. It was clear for the mother that the child’s personality had changed in the days following the MMR vaccination. After administering the MMR 10M, the parents saw that their child had become normal again! A strong desire to communicate at home and at school, laughing, humor in the classroom. The boy refused to sit down when his teacher asked, but looked at the teacher with open eyes and a wide smile! He is able to sleep alone, wakes up happy now and dresses himself. A new symptom of a bad breath appeared. Over the last three months MMR 10 M was prescribed once monthly. The boy is speaking more all the time. He looks obviously “happy.”

A last child had no reaction to the prescription of the second approach. The successive doses of DTP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), then a dose of Sabin / Hepatitis / Meningitis / influenza vaccine, and subsequently a dose of MMR were taken with no results, but increasing amount of stool. I then chose the first approach and gave the boy Carcinosinum 30, 200, 1M and 10M. There was no significant reaction, except a new tendency to bite. Troubled by the total ineffectiveness of these two prescriptions I reviewed the case and prescribed a single dose of Stramonium 10 M (hyperactivity following vaccination, autism, desire to bite). The treatment is ongoing. What a helplessness feeling it was when a normally effective approach led to a minimum of overall improvement!

The choice of the potency
The treatment of these 5 cases during the last three years was a relatively recent experiment. Four of the five patients are still in the process of recovery. I would like to confirm that high dilutions (1M, 10M) of the remedies used are more effectives and provide better results. For many years I taught my students at Quebec Homeopathic Centre the principle that “totality of symptoms leads to the choice of remedy, as the nature of the symptoms leads to the choice of potency.” In the case of autism the symptoms are very characteristic and particularly intense. It looks like the vital energy is very powerful and therefore, it would require high dilutions of the prescribed remedies to restore balance.

In all cases of autism It is possible to reduce or eliminate many of the distressing symptoms in autistic children. In many cases it is possible to achieve complete recovery in these patients! At this stage of my experience I have found that the treatment of autism does not seem not to be very difficult as long as the appropriate remedy has been chosen. The symptoms presented in the cases are very characteristic (see groups 1 and 2) and they lead to a rather limited number of homeopathic remedies. Additionally, when considering that the vaccination is the trigger of the disease, the prescription of remedies such as Carcinosinum, Tuberculinum, Nat Mur, and Medorrhinum appears to be almost inevitable.

The less “classic” sequential approach can be equally effective in treating autism. This relatively easy to use method can also give surprising results. I hope that sharing these experiences will stimulate discussion of these methods and lead to many more successful healings.

Repertories used : Broussalian (PC Kent); Synthesis (Radar); Murphy 3rd edition
For study of Medical Medica see the book “The Soul And Essence Of 100 Homeopathic Remedies” by J. Lacombe
For complete study of autism see the book “Clinical Homeopathy: 20 Case Studies” by J. Lacombe
Concerning the theory of Dr. Elmiger, read the book: “Medicine Found”

Jean Lacombe books


About the author

Jean Lacombe

Jean Lacombe has practiced homeopathy for 30 years. He is director of “Le Centre homéopathique du Québec” (, a school offering professional training programs of 1000 hours in homeopathy. He is author of: The Soul and Essence of 100 Homeopathic Remedies (M.M.), Approach to the Energy World of Homeopathy (theory), Clinical Homeopathy: 20 Study Cases, Homeopathy and Naturopathy for 50 Health Problems (therapeutics). Since beginning his practice he has been lectured and taught around the world, including France, Belgium, Romania, Moldova, Costa Rica, USA and Canada.


  • Dear Doctor Jean Lacombe
    I have read your trial/article about Autism. It is very good effort.Please try following and you will see even better results.
    a.starts treatment with Medorrhinum 1m
    b. then give
    1. thuja 200 one dose fo;;owed by compound (alumina+STramonium+Acnite n)30
    2.or Baryta carb 200+Tarentula Hispania 200, twice in a week
    3. or (Agaricus m+ Hyoscyamus+Kali brom+Tarentula h)30
    with best wishes. Professor Dr Saif

    • janab pro.dr.saif sahib
      assalam o alicum
      sir the remedies you mention to try for better result. seems quite good approach…
      I just wanted to know that have you tried these remedies….and on how many patents have being benefited or how were the results.
      presently I am two patient and I also want to try this combination
      would you like to suggest any other thing.
      with warm regards and thanks
      Allah Hafiz
      dr.mujeeb khan

    • Dear Dr. Jean Lacombe.
      1. I have been working on radiesthesia for last 25 years. It is energy medicine; i.e., finding out symptoms , diseases, etc. by detecting their wave pattern, with the help of pedulum or radionic computer and sometimes by brain computation, telepathy or 6th sense.
      2. I have detected Medorrhinum and other remedies for autism through detection of the energy pattern of autism and its corresponding remedies.
      3. Remedies for many newly emerging diseases can also be found through this system.
      4. It’s special benefit is in case of infants, children, animals and plants who can not tell their problems.
      5. Without telling me anything You can ask me about a patient and I can find the malady and the remedy/ies, etc., through telediagnosis.
      6. Prognosis of a disease can also be found through this system.
      Dr. Saif

    • Dear Jean

      Just seen your article “homeopathic approach of treating Autism” and really want to know whether you can treat the autistic case by online consultation as my son who 6 yrs old with autism. Can you provide your email so I can send you email to know more about your consultation method, procedures and fee? Do u have any English website?

      Thanks AC

  • Hello Jean Lacombe. The need for nosodes, having effect on hereditary tendencies should not surprise. When you mentioned the unreasonable aversion to certain persons, I thought immediately of natrum carb, which I was reading yesterday. I have been in fairly sparse practice for twenty years, but I have had some very valuable experiences, even in this realm. I was a bit surprised to not see Tarentula mentioned, it has the head banging and destructive behaviour, such as tearing books and clothes, which I have seen and used tarent successfully. A friend’s child I treated sporadically over many years with Tub, had the weird hyperesthesia (sensitivity to touch, causing rage) plus analgesia (no sensation of pain!) which I took to be Stramonium, with complete success! What a pity it’s often those close to us who get the most benefit, yet decide to keep it a secret from doctors and others..! Congratulations on your great work, so good to read this. Kind regards, Anne

  • The article by Dr. Jean Lacombe is very informative and study based. Scientific classification and presentation gives a clear idea about the incidence and success rate in private practice. The work is commendable and congratulations to Dr. Jean Lacombe.

  • Merci Jean pour cet article formidable !
    Pourrait-on donner Carcinosinum 30K une fois par jour pour un mois pendant que l’on donne les doses ascenseur de 200, M et XM K ? Vas-tu jusqu’à LMK ?
    Merci pour ta générosité continuelle !
    Diane Teolis

  • hi sir
    it is a very nice approach you made…I must congrats…. regarding MMR 30 200 1m and 10 m it was a good concept…sir can you please tell me how many doses of MMR you gave….regards

  • My daughter is 2 yrs old now and not able to speak. she has the following problems also:

    1. not potty trained. not even inform before passing urine .
    2. stools are very hard .
    3. not eats proper food
    4.very shy don’t likes company of otthers . wants to play alone or busy in mobile .
    5. understands everything but dont want to communicate.
    6. i want to check whether she has some sign of autism or not .
    7. crying and irritable and fearfull child.
    8.only likes company of mother and father.
    9. chronic tonsils

    kindly help please

  • Many children have great results with Baryta Carb, many need Sulphur. Then there are those who respond only to Baryta Sulph which is a relatively lesser used yet an important remedy.

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