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Homeopathy Papers

A Review of the History of Revolutionised Homeopathy

Dr. M.L. Sehgal describes the events that led to his development of Revolutionized Homeopathy (R.H.)

sehgal-schoolIt is the history of many discoveries that they are incidental to some other pursuit. No one doubts that necessity is the mother of invention and it compels man to search out ways and means to overcome its needs. The same is the case with Revolutionized Homoeopathy. I had certain difficult cases in hand which were progressing very well, but time and again Malaria used to creep in, and for the treatment I consulted various eminent homoeopaths as well as every type of the homoeopathic literature but without success. As Malaria is a dreaded disease it is very difficult to persuade a person to wait longer for the action of the medicine. My mind did not accept that the homoeopathic medicine which is known for doing miracles couldn’t cover malaria. It compelled me to conclude that the cures attributed to the system are perhaps lucky hits and not the result of any skill or law in prescribing. We understand that if and when homoeopathic medicine works, it does wonders. This means that it does not work in every case. And there is another feeling that homoeopathy is a hit and miss trial method. What could be the right method? This question captured my mind. A friend came to know about my practice and he approached me to treat him and other members of his family who were suffering from Malaria. Taking the clue from Dr. Kent’s teaching, I decided to keep these patients at my house and accordingly persuaded my friend that it will be necessary to keep a watch on them round the clock. His son about 10 years of age was given precedence over the others as the frequency of fever in his case was increasing alarming. This case was different from the known symptomatology of malarial fever. There was no shivering stage, no bone breaking or perspiration, which is the usual course that malarial fever takes. The boy had only one symptom, that of stupor when the fever crossed 105 deg. F. The fever would go as high as 107 deg. F. In Kent’s repertory, in the Generalities section, there is a rubric: “PAINLESSNESS, of complaints’ “Helleborus, Stramonium, Opium” are listed under it. None of them worked. Being a staunch follower of Dr. Kent, strictly adhering to the master’s instructions, I used to look for at least one reliable mental symptom, to be certain about the remedy before prescribing. This habit led me to search out the mental state of the patient. It was quite unusual to find the boy of 10, to remain with me (away from his home and family) without any complaint. Whenever questioned as to how he felt he would reply, “alright”. “But you are suffering from fever, do you think about it? And he would say, “No.” The fever used to come on alternate days. It was noticed that even on the day of recess (of fever) he used to remain in bed. At the most he would like to enjoy songs but he would not take interest in anything else, demand anything and create any problem for anyone around him or for himself. Three rubrics came to my mind:

1.BED, remain in desire to.

2.INDIFFERENCE, complain, does not.

3.WELL, says he is, when very sick.

Hyoscyamus appeared as common to the three rubrics and this did wonders. The fever returned thrice thereafter touching a maximum of 105 deg. F in the first instance and 103 deg. F in the second round and finally it became normal. For the last many years the family was getting distressed as the recurrence of the fever was on the increase. Earlier it used to be once a year, thereafter twice a year and now it was four times, i.e. after every three months. Impressed by the success in his son’s case the father also offered himself to be treated for his Malaria fever. His symptoms were, during the fever ‘now covers now uncovers’. Prior to this, these used to be typical symptoms of Nux-vom. during fever. Those days I used to generalize physical symptoms in this way. The actual rubric in the repertory is INEFFECTUAL, desire for stools , but it used to work if interpreted in a generalized way, e.g. INEFFECTUAL, desire for menstruation”, “urination”, “vomiting” and “blowing the nose”. I gave the father Nux. v. 30 but it didn’t work. The frightening suffering of the fever remained the same. The patient got discouraged and expressed his inability to continue my treatment any more. He said, “Sorry Sir, it is impossible for me to cooperate with you”, and the same evening he decided to leave for his home town about 100 km. from Delhi. It was a very embarrassing situation for me. How was I to convince the patient to be cooperative? I thought of extending the courtesy of seeing him off at his home, as a pretext to accompany him. He was a friend and I had no hesitation to impose myself upon him, i.e. to accompany him to his place. Next morning it was the recess day of the fever. I took his symptoms and he said, “I have decided to take leave from my office and take rest for a few days and remain in bed, because I am finding myself too weak and I will take allopathic treatment”. Two symptoms came to my mind:

1.BED, remain in desire to
2.DELUSIONS, poor he is

Psorinum was common to both which was given to him in 200 potency, after much persuasion on the plea that it be a last chance for me to treat him. It did wonders; the next day the fever came but without much agony and surprisingly without affecting the appetite and bowels. These used to be disturbed very badly, under the impact of fever. The taste in the mouth etc. also remained quite normal. Gradually after another two milder attacks, the person was out of the grip of the fever. He started bringing to me other cases of his family and relatives who were also treated in the same manner, with results beyond expectations.

This led me to believe and conclude as if a master key had fallen into my hands and since then I have felt no need to look back. An effort towards refinement of Revolutionized Homeopathy (R.H. ) started and you have now the seventh series in your hands. It is still on its journey towards perfection which is an endless process. Just as in Classical Homoeopathy, things started from a crude idea and it journeyed to its refinement, and as a result, we have six volumes of Organon of Medicine. Had Hahnemann remained alive it is possible he would have written many more volumes.

About the author

Madan Lal Sehgal

Dr. M. L. Sehgal took up homoeopathy as a hobby. It later was to become his passion and he conducted research to improve its effectiveness. His method of prescribing has been successful in treating many cases of both acute and Chronic ailments. In 1983, he founded Dr. Sehgal's School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy in India. He authored Rediscovery of Homoeopathy Series, volumes I- VIII - the last series IX co-authored by his sons, Dr.Sanjay sehgal and Dr.Yogesh Sehgal. These give a detailed insight into his method. Written Originally in English these volumes have been translated in other languages, namely German, Italian & Czech. There are dedicated followers of Dr. M. L. Sehgal's Method all over the world.

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