Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Possible ADD/ADHD Case Helped by Phosphorus


Dr. Tatiana Savciuc shares a case with ADHD symptoms in an 11 year old girl. The girl’s concentration and anger issues resolved with Phosphorus.

 “Like a soda bottle” – a possible ADD/ADHD case helped by Phosphorus

The patient is an11 year old girl, dark hair, dark-brown eyes, tall and fit.

The main reason of visit: The teacher from homeschooling perceived the child as being hyperactive. She “loses temper often, argues, being easily annoyed by others (especially her 3 year old brother). “She is like a soda bottle that goes off.” She is forgetful, easily distracted – takes too long to do school work or room cleaning. She is very sensitive and easily irritated

She is the first child in family. She was“early in developing”. Now she is in grade 6, but knows the topics from grade 8.In one year she passed 4 grades.She has a lot of interests: she is playing violin, writing stories and learning Spanish by herself. She was identified as a gifted child. She is very artistic, “math is boring” She reads a lot. She likes to cook, she cooked cookies and sold them and bought a typing machine and now she intends to write a book. She does not tolerate criticism. She starts to do multiple things at the same time. She likes traveling. She does not like to clean her room, and has a lot of stuff in it. She likes pets and once hadfive at the same time. She wanted to be: vet doctor, gym trainer, teacher, but most recently she wants to be a writer.

General health statement:
She is a healthy child. Pregnancy went well. Delivery was stimulated with Oxitocin. First tooth – when she was 6 months old. She has an extra tooth, that will be removed when the nearly baby teeth will change. First tooth changed early, at 5 years.

She has bleeding nose: bright red color, frequency is 1-2 per week. It started three years ago. The family doctor is not concerning about this. Two years ago she had an eruption on the skin: legs, arms and back, very itchy and red, colored like “raspberry”, without any discharges. Family doctor advised Betaderm; it helped for a short time. A Naturopath prescribed Neem cream.

She is an extrovert and easy going.She gets excited and impressed easily.
She is a hot person, does not like to wear a lot of clothes.
She perspires at underarms, with strong odor.
She likes to drink cold milk and water, always with ice in the water, “because cold water tastes better”
She likes spaghetti with meatballs, fish, dried salted fish – sometimes she likes to take a piece of salt in her mouth. She craves ice cream.Does not like avocado.
Stool is regular.
Sleep – is good, no concern about it.
Fears – of pain

She is taking multivitamins and fish oil.

Rubric for repertorisation:


MIND – CONCENTRATION – difficult (3)


MIND – IRRITABILITY – contradiction; from (2)

MIND – STUDYING – easily(2)

MIND – FEAR – pain – of the pain (2)

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – milk – desire – cold (2)

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – cold drink, cold water – desire (3)

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – salt – desire (3)

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – ice cream – desire (3)


Recommendation: Phosphorus 200ch, 3 doses.

FUp#1 after 1 month.

“Nothing changed, I am the same” – We had a little chat about what she is studying now. As the changes can be observed by “third” person, I asked her mom if she found any changes after her daughter took the remedy. “If before the remedy she had bleeding nose 1-2 per week, during 5 weeks it happened just once, and it was just a little, more lessthan before. My husband said that it stopped by itself, but I think it is a connection with the remedy.Also, she started to perspire more at underarms, with a strong smell.She is more organized now, even her room now is cleaner and the things are at their place. She does not lose her temper so easily and she does not argue so often like before. She concentrates more and is not so irritated. For sure there are changes in a better direction.”

Recommendation: Wait! The remedy can be repeated in the same potency, once, if the nose bleeding happen.

FUp #2 in three months.

The remedy was taken just once, in 4 weeks after the last visit. After that her bleeding never happened again. She is doing much better. She has good results at school, being able to focus on something longer and having better concentration. She started drinking more cold milk. Underarm perspiration is the same, with strong odor. On her leg appeared some eruptions, which looked the same at what she had before, but it was gone shortly by itself. No cream was used. Now she has some dry cough “I remember she had the same cough 2 years ago, and it took us a long time and different drugs to treat it.The doctor even suspected some kind of asthma”.

Recommendation: Phosphorus 200ch – 3 doses and get in contact in one week.

Phone follow-up in 7 days: the cough is much better, almost gone.

Recommendation: Wait!

FUp#3 in three months, 7 months from the initial consultation.  No more complaint from the home school teacher.

About the author

Tatiana Savciuc

Tatiana Savciuc MD (Europe), CCH, RCSHom, is an internationally trained classical homeopath with a European medical doctor degree. She started her practice in 2009 and enjoys working with both adults and children. As most of her patients are children, she is often called a “homeopathic pediatrician. In 2013 Tatiana completed a two year academic program from the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Alonissos, Greece. Tatiana is certified with the Council for Homeopathic Certification and is registered with the Canadian Society of Homeopaths and is a member of the Alberta Homeopathic Association. She is also a member of the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis. Tatiana treats people with a wide range of acute and chronic health issues. She lives and practices in Calgary, Alberta Canada. Visit her at

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