Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Acute Intestinal Obstruction in a Man of 61

Dr. A. P. Sivakumaran shares a case of acute intestinal obstruction in a man of 61. The patient’s abdomen was distended and tympanic and he was vomiting. Surgery had been recommended.

Clinical presentation:

April, 4, 2021

This was a case of severe acute abdominal pain in a man of 61, who had not passed stools for a week.  His abdomen was distended and tympanic, and he was vomiting, especially after heavy foods. He was also unable to sleep.

Mentally he had not been well since the death of his wife. He was terribly frightened as allopaths had advised immediate surgical excision, after a CT of his abdomen showed intestinal obstruction. His daughter, a homeopath, had tried Nux vomica in centesimal without effect

We selected Opium LM 0/3 (ailments from fright, intestines obstructed, absolute constipation, griping pain, sleepless) in aqueous solution with modified doses repeated every 15 minutes. We repeated the same remedy in modified doses very frequently Here we followed a formula of eat less, drink more. We advised luke warm water and soups.

Within 24 hours he passed flatus, and the next morning he passed offensive blackish, greenish stools. He improved further by the 3rd day and we sent for MRI scan studies, that clearly showed no evidence of intestinal obstruction.

Before homeopathic remedy


After homeopathic remedy

About the author

AP Sivakumaran

Doctor.Sivakumaran graduated from Dr. MGR. Medical University , P.G in psychology, prof in yoga and natural living, dietitian, and is the founder of the Genuine Homeopathic Clinical Research Center, Tamilnadu India, where is practices classical homeopathy. Visit Dr. Kumaran’s blog:

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