Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Amelioration of Kartagener Syndrome Aided by Homeopathy

case of Kartagener Syndrome treated homeopathically.

Dr. Shubhamoy Ghosh presents a case of Kartagener Syndrome.

A 40 year old male patient presented in the out-patient Male Medicine of MBH Medical College and Hospital, Howrah with dyspnea and productive cough for last 5 years with history of recurrent catarrh and pulmonary tuberculosis at the age of 35. He was treated with conventional drugs with minimal improvement and recurrences. Baseline HRCT scan showed bilateral lower and right middle lobe bronchiectasis (Fig. 1, 2), USG abdomen and CXR showed situs invertus (Fig. 3, 4), spirometry revealed restrictive pulmonary dysfunction (FEV1/FVC 48.57) (Fig. 5), maxillary sinusitis on skiagram, and azospermia on seminal analysis. Apex beat was right-sided with wheeze, crackles, and tenderness of maxillary sinuses. Case recording and repertorization were done as per homeopathic principles and Tuberculinum bovinum was prescribed in 50 millesimal scales.

Totality of Characteristic Symptoms is as follows:

(1)       The patient desires to travel to different places and he changes his profession very frequently.

(2)       The patient’s tendency to take cold easily.

(3)       Desire for smoked meat, fat, salty food, ice creams, aversion to bitter things.

(4)       Fear of dogs and especially cats are marked.

(5)       Strong sexual desire (though he is azospermic).

(6)       The patient is chilly in thermal reaction.

(7)       Intelligent, sensitive, irritable over daily circumstances.

(8)       Cough, cold are aggravated by the least changes of weather.

(9)       Rattling of chest.

(10)  Dyspnoea with cough while lying down.


Constitution of the Patient: Lean, thin, emaciated (but he craves fat) fatty food and meat.

Personal History of Tuberculosis: At age 35 this was treated by ATD (Anti Tubercular Drug).

Miasmatic Background: Predominantly psora mixed with syphilis.

Appropriate evaluation of symptoms is done on the basis of Kent’s Philosophy.

Repertorisation had been done by consulting Kent’s Repertory (Repertory of the Homoeopathic MateriaMedica).

Rubrics chosen from the repertory are as follows:

         Rubric                                                               Chapter

  1. Cosmopolitan (see travel)                                      Mind
  2. Fear of Dogs                                                          Mind
  3. Sensitive – oversensitive; external impression to all  Mind
  4. Industrious                                                             Mind
  5. Mood – Changeable variable                                  Mind
  6. Desire for smoked meat                                         Stomach
  7. Desire for fat                                                          Stomach
  8. Desire for ice creams                                              Stomach
  9. Desire for salty thing                                              Stomach
  10. Cold tendency to take                                          Generalities
  11. Heat, vital, lack of                                               Generalities
  12. Sexual passion increased                                     Genital
  13. Cough, weather change of                                    Cough
  14. Rattling                                                                Respiration
  15. Respiration difficult lying while                         Respiration


After critical analysis of the repertorial result and consultation with the source book of Materia Medica we prescribed Tuberculinum, O/1, 14 doses in 4 ounces of Distilled Water for consecutive days.  We considered the constitution of the patient, personal history of TB, after matching with the miasmatic as well as disease pathology.

Clinically the patient improved after 1 year of treatment, as evidenced by changes in 100mm VASs (dyspnea 78mm vs. 23mm; cough 73 mm vs. 18mm; fatigue 83mm vs. 27mm); mBorg (6 vs. 1); UCSD-SOBQ (89 vs. 38); 6 minutes walk test (422m vs. 661m); and KS symptoms score (22 vs. 5). After treatment spirometry revealed FEV1/FVC 64.78 and obstructive defect with reversibility (Fig. 6). Thus homeopathy helped to alleviate KS complaints.


case of Kartagener Syndrome treated homeopathically.



 Fig. 1, 2: HRCT scan of lungs shows bronchiectasis changes


Fig. 3: USG showing situs invertus, liver on the left and spleen on the right


Fig. 4: Chest X-ray showing dextrocardia and bronchiectatic changes



Fig. 5: Pre-treatment spirometry: FEV1/FVC 48.57


Fig. 6: Post-treatment spirometry FEV1/FVC 64.78


About the author

Shubhamoy Ghosh

Shubhamoy Ghosh : Head of the Department of Pathology & Microbiology of Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt. of West Bengal; BHMS, MSc, MD (Hom), PhD (Scholar); Residence: Nabarun Apartment, 75, Nagendra Nath Road, Flat No. G-2,Satgachi,Kolkata,Pin-700028;e-mail:[email protected] M - 09804151933, 09432333757

About the author

Subhranil Saha

DR. SUBHRANIL SAHA, B.H.M.S. Hons. (C.U.) graduated in Homeopathy (B.H.M.S.) from Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt. of West Bengal, India under the University of Calcutta with honors in Anatomy & Pathology and highest grades in Anatomy, Pathology, Surgery, Practice of Medicine, Materia Medica & Repertory. He has been practicing the last 5 years. In addition to the polychrests, he emphasizes the use of rare medicines to discover their essences. He is also holds diplomas in HIV, Yoga & Physiotherapy, Counseling, Nutritition and Child Care.

About the author

Dishari Sengupta

Dishari Sengupta : BHMS (Gold Medal), MD (Hom.)(PGT) National Institute of Homoeopathy (Govt. of India) ; Ex- House Physician (Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,Govt. of West Bengal).


  • this is one of the wonderful cases to demonstrate the scope of homoeopathy…like this many cases are being treated at MBH Medical College & Hospital. This institution is proving to be one of the most outstanding milestones in the future timeline of homoeopathy and of course Dr. Shubhamoy Ghosh who is himself performing and encouraging the next generation to engage into research related work…now the time has come in homoeopathy where people are tired of baseless hypothesis…future is related to evidence based research as well as basic scientific research and all the above authors are going to have a huge limelight in future…in regard to this publication I would like to see more cases on treatment with LM potencies…

  • This is a great work done by one of the of the best homoeopath now a days Dr.
    Shubhamoy Ghosh h.o.d dept of Pathology MBH Medical College & Hospital.. This is also very encouraging for the next
    generation to engage into research
    related work and also for the homoeopathic propect.. Long live homoeopathy.. Carry on Dr. Shubhamoy Ghosh for that kind of great effort.. best wishes for upcomming days which will sunshine by your more project….

  • It was a great work i think after reading it . Homeopathy is desparatly needs research oriented programme such as we just read . Dr. Subhamay Ghosh is my teacher and we who are new comers are needed to guide by a reasercher and a scholer doctor like my sir . I want to congratulate my teacher Dr.Subhamay Ghosh from the bottom of my heart and pray and wish that he will come with more and more successfull cases like this . With my best wishes .

  • This is just above excellence, you people proved once again that Homoeopathy is not only the most scientific way of healing in this era of modern medicine, but it is the super science of healing art. Hats off to Dr.Shubhomoy Ghosh and his company for such an excellent job, because most of the cases this patients are depending upon steroids and can’t even think them selves without inhalers, but in such a condition it’s a miracle to them to live better than ever before, and that is beauty of Homoeopathy.

  • its wonderful job. thanks a lot. LM potency more effective than centisimal.

    dr.jayant k. sinha.D.H.M.S
    rajrappa project ( jharkhand)

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