Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Attention Deficit Disorder in a Boy of 13

Dr. Cristina Pombo shares a case of attention deficit disorder in a boy of 13. Silent grief, aversion to consolation, difficult concentration and weakness of memory were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

First consultation 19.05.2016

This boy was diagnosed ADD at the time of the first consultation by a medical specialist and was prescribed Ritalin and an antidepressant. He was having difficulties with learning and behavior at school and at home. He was living with his mother who had divorced the father who lived now in another country.

The boy had failed one year in school already and was about to fail another. He would not pay attention in class and would not do homework because he didn’t have any memory. He would forget everything that he had heard. The mother was trying to help at home, but it was very difficult.

He just wanted to play games on the computer and would be closed in his room the whole time, never wanting to go out. He was very shy and reserved but sometimes could be aggressive towards the mother or the grandmother and also sometimes at school.

They came to my consultation because the mother didn´t want to give him chemical drugs, so she didn’t give what was prescribed by the doctor. His English teacher, who is my patient, referred her to me.

Personal medical history

During the pregnancy his mother took an antihypertensive drug because of preeclampsia. The birth was by cesarean and he refused mother’s milk. Learning to walk and talk were on time, but teething started late, at 15 months.

His parents divorced when he was 2 years old, because the father was physically aggressive towards his mother. The father moved to another country and visited the boy during holidays, but the relationship was difficult.

Before the separation he had never been ill. Afterwards he had two convulsions. Soon after he had recurrent otitis and took a lot of antibiotics. After some time hist adenoids were removed. After that, he started having recurrent tonsillitis with more intake of antibiotics.

Soon after, the mother  and the teachers at school started to be aware of the difficulties in learning, in memory and with attention and concentration during classes.

He would only concentrate if playing games on the computer. He didn’t like to eat breakfast very early, and just had appetite around 10 a.m. He didn’t go out of the house if it was very sunny or hot weather, as he didn’t like the heat.

He has had “café au lait” spots since birth. Sometimes dreams he is falling. Perspires on the scalp and cervical region during sleep. When he was younger perspired a lot on his feet with a very offensive odor. He has more energy at night. When he was younger, he had a lot of fears, but not anymore. Very often he gets a short dry cough. Very often he bites his lips. January 2016 he had a fever 38,6oC with a cold.

Family medical history

Mother side – Cancer, diabetes

Father side – Multiple sclerosis

Main symptoms with grading

Mind – silent grief 3

Mind – aversion consolation 3

Mind – cannot cry, even sad 3

Mind – concentration difficult in children 2

Mind – memory weakness for mental labor 3

Generals – aversion fat 3

Generals – desire salt 3

Generals – heat aggravates 3

Physical – stomach appetite increased forenoon – 10:00h 2

Other symptoms

Mind – angry when contradicted

Mind – used to cry and laugh at same time, now doesn’t cry

Mind – facial tics

Generals – desire cold drinks

Generals – aversion fruit

Analysis with Vithoulkas Compass repertory

Prescription – Natrum muriaticum 200 C, one dose

Follow Up:

There was some improvement and he managed to pass the year in school but he still had difficulties and behavior problems.


During the summer holidays when he was with his father abroad, his mother called me very worried because he was behaving badly and being aggressive with his father and just wanting to be alone and closed in his room.

Prescription – Ignatia 200 C night- time and Ignatia 1000 C next morning.

He calmed down and managed to stay with his father until the end of the holidays. After 2 weeks he was already in Portugal and developed a very bad tonsillitis; he could hardly swallow and had a 39.5 ºC fever.


Generalities – Fruit aversion 2

Physical – Tonsillitis recurrent 3

Physical – Throat pain swallowing empty 3

Mind – Memory weakness 3

Mind – Concentration difficult 2

Prescription – Baryta carbonica 200 C

Tonsillitis was cleared in 2 days, repeated the remedy three times.


Patient has been much better in school and at home in behavior and performance.  Last 2 weeks has started again closing himself off and not wanting to go to school, wants to stay at home. Still doesn’t eat fruit. Memory and concentration again going down. Mother say he is still too childish and immature for his age, doesn’t seem to be entering teenage phase yet.

As Baryta carbonica has been working very well, I decided not to change the remedy, despite the result in Compass.

Prescription – Baryta carbonica 1000 C

Didn’t have any feedback until 05 march


Gastroenteritis with diarrhea and vomiting, very thirsty, irritated and wanting to be left alone, dry mouth and fever 39 ºC

Prescription – Bryonia 30 C, cleared in 1 day


This last year much better in every way, not only passing the year but having good grades. Still his mother thinks he has been worse last month and he still complains and is sometimes too childish

Prescription – Baryta carbonica 10000 C

The patient had another tonsillitis acute in 12.02.18 with the same symptoms. I prescribed by phone and it was cleared again with Baryta carbonica 200 C.

Behavior improved at home and at school, memory improved, learning improved. More confident and behaving more like his age. Still has tonsillitis with fever once a year with high fever that clears up with Baryta carbonica 200C.

He started university Sept 19, and now his mother refers a lot of patients to me, She says Homeopathy saved her family.


According to Prof. George Vithoulkas Levels of Health theory, the fact that this patient had developed fever of 38.6ºC with an acute the previous year gives us a good prognosis, he hadn’t fallen yet into level 7. The emotional trauma of the separation of the parents as well as the suppression of the physical acute conditions with drugs, pushes the imbalance of the patient into the mental and emotional sphere.

After homeopathic treatment he was able to regain mental and emotional health and even the physical acute condition gets much less frequent than it was before treatment. The fact that the same remedy is needed to clear the chronic and the acute condition is sign of a strong constitution and a higher level of health.

About the author

Cristina Pombo

Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Naturopathy Specialist by ESMT in Portugal

Homeopaty IACH Diploma in London

Faculty of Homeopathy Associate

Member of APH

Vithoulkas Compass consultant

Lecturer in Classic Homeopathy courses and workshops

Author of the book “Homeopatia, uma Medicina Alternativa”

R. Latino Coelho, 87, 4º andar sala 46, 1050-134 Lisboa

00351 919 69 82 83

About the author

Ana Cristina Pombo

Ana Cristina Pombo graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Classical University in Lisbon, Portugal 1986. In 2006 she received a degree in Naturopathy from the College of Traditional Medicine in Paço D’arcos, Portugal. Two years later she was granted a diploma from the IACH (International Academy of Classical Homeopathy) of Prof. George Vithoulkas, UK Branch, in London. Every year she attends the Prof. Vithoulkas’ international post graduate course in Alonissos, Greece. Ana Cristina Pombo has a private practice in Lisbon, Portugal and teaches homeopathy courses there also. In 2018 she became a tutor for Prof Vithoulkas’ E- Learning course in Lisbon, Portugal. Her book, “ Homeopatia, uma medicina alternativa” was recently published. Visit her at her website:

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