Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Bronchial Asthma

asthma homeopathy treatment

Dr. Ramkrishna Valaki presents a case of asthma in a man of 26.

Role of Homoeopathy in Bronchial Asthma

Asthma is defined as chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that is characterized by increased responsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree to a multiplicity of stimuli. It is manifested physiologically by widespread narrowing of air passages, which may be relieved spontaneously or as a result of therapy, and clinically by paroxysms of dyspnea cough and wheezing.

Case Details

Location Sensation Modality Concomitant
1.  RS system


Since 7









2.  GIT














< Afternoon


< Night

< Overeating

< New cloths

< Cold damp






  • A 26 year old man has complaints of bronchial asthma and acidity for the last 7 years. He is working in a jewelry shop. He is not able to do his work because of allergy to dust and metals.
  • He is very angry and irritable.
  • He has a jewelry shop and gets angry at the workers because of their poor performance in work. In anger he scolds them, but after that he feels guilty. During anger he experiences a feeling of suffocation.
  • He is very scared of heights. He feels vertigo and dizziness.
  • He used to get angry at his friends when they did not follow a time schedule.
  • When ask about what incidents affects him most, he said that there was a fight between his family and his uncle’s family. Because of that they were not willing to come in her sister’s marriage. At that time he got angry and screamed loudly. At that time he experience palpitation, suffocation, perspiration and was not able to speak.

Physical Generals

Desire – Spicy+

Aversion – Fatty food and bread which aggravates asthma++

Perspiration – Head +

  1. Past History -No major illness
  2. Physical Examination

Weight – 76 kg

Blood pressure – 122/ 78 mmhg

Respiratory rate – 17/minute

Pulse – 72/minute

  1. Systemic Examination

Respiratory system

At present wheezing not heard.

  1. X ray chest – NAD
  2. Diagnosis

Bronchial asthma

  1. Differential Diagnosis




Bronchiectasis (Homeopathy for Bronchiectasis)

  1. Analysis Of Case

About chief complaint, he said that his asthma gets aggravated in the afternoon (after eating) which is his characteristic symptom.

He is an angry person (said by him, relatives, friends, workers) We should select the remedy having prominent anger.

  1. Repertorial Analysis

Mind : Ailments from Anger, Vexation

Mind : Fear High places

Food and Drinks : Fat and Rich food agg.

Food and Drinks : Bread agg.

General : Afternoon agg.

General : Eating overeating agg.

Respiration : Difficult Afternoon

  1. Repertorization


  • Here Pulsatilla covers all the symptoms but the Pulsatilla patient is very mild and gentle. Expression of emotion as weeping is more prominent in Pulsatilla.
  • If we have knowledge of plants and different families and their drugs then it is very useful.
  • Now we know that Pulsatilla belong to Ranunculancae family. So is there any remedy in this family in which anger is very prominent?
  1. Exactness with Materia Medica
  • Staphysagriya has extreme anger. Dr. Phatak says:

“Violent outbursts of passion.”

  1. Remedy: Staphysagria 200
  2. Selection of Potency
  • Here patient is at the emotional level so we have to give moderate potency.
  • Moderate amount of characteristics


  1. Follow Up
Date Symptoms          Prescription
5-7-2015 Full case taken Staphy 200(single dose)

Placebo (TDS) 10 days

13 -7-2015 Inhaler is not needed

Improved in cough+

Acidity improve+

Staphy 200(single dose)

Placebo (TDS) 10 days

21-7-2015 Inhaler is not needed

No coughing

No acidity


Staphy 200(single dose)

Placebo(TDS) 15 days

4-8-2015 All over improvement noticed

Coughing since last 3 days

Staphy 200(single dose)

Placebo(TDS) 15 days

18-8-2015 Mild dyspnea after eating in afternoon

Inhaler is not needed

All physical generals are good

Staphy 200(single dose)

Placebo(TDS) 20 days

15-9-2015 Cough+

Inhaler is not needed

Not any single episode of asthma

No acidity

Staphy 200(single dose)

Placebo(TDS) 20 days

1-7-2016 Inhaler is not needed

All over good improvements

He is doing his work very well without any problem.

No respiratory complaint even in winter or monsoon.

Placebo (TDS)30days




5- 11-2016




Placebo (TDS)60days




  1. Bibliography
  • Asthma – Harrison’s 15th edition principal of internal medicine (Page 1456)
  • Material medica of homoeopathic medicine by Dr S.R.Phatak (2nd edition)
  • Complete repertory by Roger van zandvoort (First edition)
  • Homoeopathic posology by DrAjitkoulkarni
  • Physical diagnosis by Rustum JalVakil and Aspi f. golvala (12th edition, page 329)

About the author

Ramkrishna Valaki

Dr. Ramkrishna Valaki (B.H.M.S.) has been practicing for the last four years at Dhara Homoeopathic Clinic Bhavnagar, State – Gujarat. India, working as Medical Officer at Swami Vivekanand Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital.

1 Comment

  • allopath doct. says I have panic attack.
    Chest oppression, tightness.
    Feel oppressed behind sternum.
    Too much belching.
    Heart beat increase when climb high
    Pain back, burning, stabbing, under back rib. First pain started Right. Now both left and right side of behind back ribs.
    While talking, increase face-jaw tensed, as if stiffed, can’t open mouth fully.. stiff jaw near ear..
    while talking with eating something food opressed in throat as if it will enter wrong way/ trachea/larynx.
    Sometime when trying to sleep, but sleeplessness, as if breathlessness trouble to sleep.
    sometimes, stiching pain in abdomen.. upper abdomen feels oppressed..
    Sweat in hand palm.
    please, help me with homeo medication

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