Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Difficult Case of Recurrent Otitis

otitis media

Dr. Kubasheva Nadezhda presents the case of a 5 year old girl with recurrent otitis. Careful prescribing prevented complications and healed the child without the need for surgery.

Girl 5 y.o.

First consultation 27.09.2011.

The main problem was frequent otitis, with the threat of a bilateral deafness, and adenoids. She had otitis every month during the last year and she received antibiotics every time for that reason. She has suffered from otitis for two years. That time she had 39C fever. Over the last year her fever never got higher than 38C degrees.

The first remedy was Natrium sulphuricum 200. The prescription was based on the totality of symptoms. Among the symptoms were “the cheerful after stool” and a recent head concussion.

July 2016 IACH Nadezhda Kubasheva1

New episodes of otitis happened in 1. months, with the 39C fever. This symptom can be considered a good sign, showing the immune system strengthening. For this acute condition Pulsatilla 30 and 200 was prescribed. The girl recovered to the great joy of the parents and the surprise of her medical doctor and otolaryngologist.

The next episode of otitis took place in 4 months with 40C fever. Pulsatilla 200 was prescribed a second time – twice a day during 3 days; the remedy cured the girl.

The parents of the girl connected this inflammation with the lessons in the pool that the girl used to attend. The parents were happy because their daughter was cured so fast and without antibiotics!

After that episode the family visited the otolaryngologist. He said that her hearing

almost completely recovered!

Pulsatilla was given because of the following symptoms:

  • affectionate
  • weeping easily
  • changing of the mood: laughing and weeping
  • warm person
  • fear of fairy-tale characters

July 2016 IACH Nadezhda Kubasheva2

Despite the above mentioned treatment, the girl got sick after 5 months. She had the pain in her left ear. Her mother gave her Pulsatilla 1M with no effect. They approached my office again. I considered then that Pulsatilla’s action was superficial.

Apparently there was some reason for the inflammation occurring repeatedly.

Hyosciamus 1M was prescribed based on two symptoms.

  • The patient ate boogers from her nose.
  • She played the fool and talked a lot about the ass and pussy.

However, after 5 months there occurred a new otitis episode. This one was different from all the previous ones. The girl spent a few days in a pool with dolphins and did not complain about an ear pain.  She was afraid that she’d be banned from the swimming pool.  But one day the girl’s mother found out that the right ear of the girl was filled with pus. The pus was hanging on her hair after sleep. The pus was transparent and dense. Gradually, it hardened and turned bright yellow. The odor of the pus was offensive. Discharges were acrid, with erosions remaining on the skin.

The doctors and all the grandparents frightened the mother. The otolaryngologist said: in the eardrum there was a big hole, from which a huge amount of pus oozed.

He recommended an immediate hospitalization to prevent the inflammation affecting the brain, which might end up lethally! The grandparents and doctors considered the mother to have been crazy, because she wanted to treat her daughter with homeopathy.

Finally Calcarea sulphurica 30 was prescribed – twice a day, during a week.

Hydrogen peroxide was prescribed for external use. Two days later  the patient was examined by an otolaryngologist. The pus had almost disappeared. Blood tests returned to normal.  The Otolaryngologist’s inspection results on the 5th day of treatment:

The ear is clean: no pus, damaged membrane almost recovered. The doctor was shocked. Moreover, the drug cured not only the purulent inflammation, but also the patient’s sleep normalized. Earlier she had no afternoon nap. The patient no longer needed a lot of sweets.

This case is an example of a drug prescription for the fifth strategy of George Vithoulkas. It’s called Prescription for essential features of pathology.

From Adolf von Lippe’s work  we can find: “When the abscess has broken or has been lanced and is discharging, then Calc-s come in; the presence of pus with a vent is the characteristic indicator. Pus: thick, yellow, lumpy and bloody.”

Although the patient did not have the key-note symptoms of Calc-s, the remedy was indicated by the local symptoms.  Since that time, the girl has had no otitis. Later she received Hyoscyamus with a good result. Now she is 10 y.o.,  and she feels well.

She has excellent hearing.


About the author

Nadezhda Kubasheva

Kubasheva Nadezhda, MD, graduated from Izhevsk's Medical Academy in 1984 and worked as a hospital therapist until 1994. Since 1994 she has worked as a private-practitioner homeopath. She subsequently graduated from the International Academy for Classical Homeopathy and later became an IACH coordinator for Classical Homeopathy e- learning and video courses in Russia.

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