Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Four Brief Cases from the Homoeopathic Recorder Volume XIII – 1898

Four brief cases from the Homoeopathic Recorder, each one serving as a little lesson.

Lycopodium in Croup

Dr. William. P. Wesselhoeft

A child of five years, every afternoon at four o’clock, was taken with a severe attack of spasmodic croup (Homeopathy for Croup). It lasted three or four hours, and then passed away; the child slept quietly all night. This had occurred for several days at this regular time every afternoon at nearly the very hour. The mental conditions of the child were entirely changed, which was especially marked after waking from sleep. It would cry on waking; it was extremely angry and would strike or try to scratch the mother or attendant. I suggested to the attending physician, that on account of the mental symptoms and the marked four o’clock afternoon aggravation, Lycopodium seemed the remedy indicated. Now Lycopodium has no croup symptoms, but no other remedy in the Materia Medica has in so marked a degree the mental symptoms on waking, and the 4 P. M. aggravation. There was no recurrence of a croup attack after a single dose of Lycopodium in a high potency, and the temperament of the child became normal immediately. In this case the pathological condition, therefore, had nothing whatever to do with the selection of the remedy.


Colchicum in Typhoid

Dr. J. R. Simson

A man of nervous temperament had a very severe attack of typhoid. He was very wild, could not sleep, imagined his left half belonged to some other person, animals after him, would spring out of bed to get away, etc. And one peculiar and characteristic symptom was that his left pupil was contracted so as to be almost imperceptible, while the right was dilated the full extent of the iris. I was giving him the best indicated remedy I knew of. He had many symptoms which several remedies of the typhoid class have, except the eyes. I searched for days for a remedy with that symptom, and finally found it in the symptomatic indications of “Panelli on Typhoid Fever.” Contraction of left pupil with dilatation of the right (Colchicum). I found further symptoms corresponding with this remedy. I gave him Colchicum and he became better immediately and slept until late next morning, and when he awoke was on a fair way to recovery. Now I fail to find that symptom in any Materia Medica or repertory.


Symptom of Hair on the Tongue

Dr. Dr. A. P. Hanchett

I had a typhoid case recently in which the remedies did not seem to have the desired effect, and where I found this peculiar symptom ; the young woman, about twenty years of age, in the second week of typhoid fever, complained constantly of a difficulty in drinking because of a hair on her tongue. When the nurse would administer water, even in very small quantities, the patient would rub her tongue and complain of that hair. I paid little attention to it at first, and thought it was simply because the tongue was dry, or that it might be merely a passing whim. The next day, however, both the mother and the nurse called my attention to the peculiar symptom. I found this symptom under Nitric acid which also corresponded to many of the patient’s symptoms. Other remedies have the symptom of sensation of hair on the tongue, but I think it is oftener found under Nitric acid than under any other remedy, and, in this case, as it corresponded to so many of the other symptoms, it was given. The results were more than could have been expected, as we often see when we get the right remedy. The disagreeable symptoms vanish one by one, and the patient goes on to recovery.


A Natrum Phosphoricum Case

Dr. C. Mohr

I heartily endorse the sentiments of Dr. Chase, as I have always taken the position that the best thing a student can do is to engage in the proving of drugs, old or new, so that he will not use them empirically. I had an experience similar to that of Dr. Chase when I proved Natrum Phosphoricum, under the direction of the late Dr. Parrington. After being under the influence of the drug for some time, not knowing what it was, I experienced much itching about the joints, especially at the ankles, followed by an eczematous eruption. Associated with the objective symptoms, there were a number of subjective ones, besides the itching. I was in fear, very similar to the fear mentioned last night as attributed to Natrum muriaticum. I am not an emotional individual. I take everything pretty calmly, but, while under the influence of the drug, I could not get rid especially at night, of the idea that something would happen. I would waken frequently to see if everything was all right, being unduly apprehensive. There was an undefinable headache, with slight nausea, some indigestion and defects of vision, with dilatation of one pupil, which did not react as promptly as did the other. The symptoms finally passed off, but required an antidote, which proved to be Sepia, given under Dr. Parrington ‘s directions. A couple of years later I had a patient who, among other symptoms, had some visual disturbance, and when the headache was worse and vision most disturbed, she had a haunting fear — a sense of fear, especially at night, and an eruption about the ankles which began with itching. I gave her Natrum phosphoricum the 6x, and that was the end of her sufferings.


About the author

William Wesselhoeft

A German Physician educated at a European university, was a disciple of Homoeopathy, and in later years became a practicing physician in Bath, Northampton county. Pa., and one of the founders of Homoeopathy in Lehigh county. He was also on the faculty of the homeopathic college in Allentown, PA (U.S.) along with Drs. Hering, Freytag, Romig, Pulte and Detwiller. (circa 1830).

About the author

J.R. Simson

Dr. J.R. Simson

About the author

A.P. Hanchett

Dr. A.P. Hanchett

About the author

C. Mohr

Dr. C. Mohr

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