Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Herpes Zoster in a Woman of 54

Homeopath Dhannya Murali Tharan shares a case of Herpes Zoster in a woman of 54 treated successfully with a single homeopathic remedy. Weakness, intense itching, and back pain were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

A 54-year-old female patient initially complained of pain in the lumbar region for the last five days. The pain radiated from the thoracic region to the lumbar region. The pain was aggravated on sitting, ameliorated by walking and pressure.

The following day, there were a few red, vesicular eruptions on the left hypochondriac region and which then spread to the back. There was no fever and she complained of weakness. There was intense itching and burning pain especially at night and when she perspired.

All physical generals normal

Diagnosis: Shingles (Herpes zoster)

Repertorial totality:

  1. Abdomen; eruptions, vesicles
  2. Back; pain; sitting, agg
  3. Back; pain; pressure, amel
  4. Back; pain; walking, amel
  5. Generals; weakness

Two remedies were differentiated.

Rhus toxicodendron Mercurius Solubilis
– Vesicles, herpes

– itching intense

– worse at night

– Pain in back, < sitting

– better by motion, walking

– vesicular eruptions

– worse at night

– worse perspiration

– Bruised pain in small of back,

< sitting


Rhus Toxicodendron is selected in this case on the basis of intense itching at night. Clinically, it is indicated for herpes zoster. The back pain is aggravated by sitting and ameliorated by walking.


Rhus toxicodendron 30 four times a day for three days


20/02/2020 – Burning pain decreased

– Itchiness decreased

– Redness decreased

– Weakness improved

– No new eruptions

– some vesicular eruptions were beginning to crust

– No new eruptions

– Sleep disturbed


Sac lac 30 x 7 days

27/02/20 – burning pain returned (<8pm-10pm)

– itchiness : no change

– Back pain returned with the same intensity at T9 area

– More vesicles are crusting

– No new eruptions


Rhus Tox 200 3-3-3 x   3 days

12/03/20 – No burning sensation

– Itchiness improved

– No new eruptions

– No backache

– Physical generals are normal


Sac lac 30  x  15 days

23/03/20 – No further complaints

– All physical generals are normal

No medicines required

About the author

Dhannya Murali Tharan

Dr. Dhannya Murali Tharan is a homeopathy practitioner based in Malaysia and is the founder of Aurum Homeopathy Health Centre. She completed her Bachelor in Homeopathic Medical Science from the University of Cyberjaya and did her industrial training in the reputed institute of Dr M.L Dhawale Memorial Homoepathic Institute. She is also currently doing her diploma in learning disabilities and child psychology.

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