Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Homoeopathic Management of Pneumonia In a Child of Two Years

Homoeopathic Management of Pneumonia

Dr. Rakesh Gupta presents a case of pneumonia in a child of 2. Edema of the lower lids, craving sour things, ailments from cold drinks when heated, lacrimation during fever and aggravation at night led to the simillimum.

Abstract:  Paediatric age group patients are more prone to recurrent respiratory infections and specifically pneumonia. Managing the paediatric patient with pneumonia (Homeopathy for Pneumonia) presents some challenges. These begin right from case taking and include monitoring and selection of the remedy. Eliciting the history in a child can be difficult. It is important to consider the symptoms reported by the child’s relatives. Clinical signs are another important basis for remedy prescription and differentiation. The time it takes to relieve the symptoms is very important when managing a child with high grade fever. That is because there is always a risk of febrile convulsions.

Key words: Consolidation, Aphorism 73, Crisis, Borland’s Pneumonia, Febrile convulsion, cure, Discharges.

Master A.S                     AGE: 2 years

Date- 10-5-14

Chief complaint:

The child was bought to the hospital with high grade fever (temp 103 – 104 F), cough and coryza for the last 8 days. All the complaints started after the child was taken out in sun for shopping and was given ice cream. Fever with heat sensation, headache and leg pains ensued. The child told his mother to press his legs. Fever generally got aggravated at night time3+.

The child’s thirst has increased and he demanded 1/2 glass of water frequently. Appetite has decreased. He developed craving for sour things especially pickles 3+.

He was very dull and cranky; crying when spoken to. Lacrimation3+ fever during. Swelling under the lower eyelids3+.

The child was on allopathic medicines (antipyretics and antibiotics) since a week ago with short lasting relief.

Examination findings

Appearance of the child: Eyes congested and lacrimation, dull and crankiness, Edema under the lower eye lid.

Temp: 103F,                        Pulse: 110/min,                                   RR 26/ min

RS clear:  CVS Tachycardia

P/A soft, Non tender















Right Para cardiac consolidation                                Increased Broncho-vascular


High white blood cell counts indicates infection in the blood.


Right sided Consolidation (Pneumonia).

Homoeopathic Classification of the disease.

Acute individual disease with fully developed symptoms.


Patient Management:

  • Child was admitted in the Hospital to control the infection and fever.

It is crucial to control the temperature since child is 2 years old

and can get convulsions due to high grade fever.

  • Temperature Monitoring
  • Homoeopathic medicine was started.

Totality of  Symptoms:

  1. A/F cold drinks heated when;
  2. Thirst heat during
  3. Dull fever during
  4. Lacrimation fever during
  5. Craving Sour things.
  6. Fever < night
  7. Swelling under the lower eye lids
  8. Headache fever during
  9. Extremities pain during.

REPORTORISATION (Using the radar software)


Based on causation of food and cold drinks and agg heated when, three remedies emerge for differentiation:  Rhus tox, Bryonia, Kali carb.

Clinical observation of swelling under the lower lid, craving for sour food and the cause of the disease are covered by Kali carb.

Kali carb was selected as the remedy.


Kali Carb 200 frequently.

Follow Up:

Date/Time Generals Particulars Temperature Treatment


103F Kali Carb 200 iP
7:30pm Dullness & Crankiness little better.

App improving

Cough and lacrimation

Little improvement

103F Kali carb 200 iP every one hr
9.30pm 102.8F Kali carb 200

Ip every one hr

10:45pm Dullness crankiness

Appetite improved



Cough better.

swelling under the eye decreased.

Headache better.

Extremity Pain better.

101.6F Kali carb 200

Ip every hour



Better Better 100.6F Kali carb 200 every one hour
2:00am Better Better 100F Kali carb 200 ip now every 2 hrs
4:00am Better Better 99.4F Kali carb 200



Childs fever went down within 10 hours of onset of the treatment after admission. No anti-fever or antibiotic medicines were used in this particular case.

6:00am Better Better 99.4F Kali carb 200 1p
8 am Better Better 99.4F Kali carb 200 1p
10am Better Better 99.4F Kali carb 200 1p
12.00pm Better Better 99.4F Kali carb 200 1P
2.00pm Passed three semi solid greenish scanty stools Better 99F Observe

SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly

Temperature has gradually reached the normal base line. Passage of stool without any distress is indicative of homoeopathic cure. Further repetition of the homoeopathic medicine was stopped.
3:00pm better Better 99F SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly
4:00pm Better Better 99F SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly
6.00pm better Better 99F SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly
9:00 Better Better 99F SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly
10pm Better Better 99F SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly


better Better 99F SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly
6am Better Better 99.8F SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly
9am Better Better 99F SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly
11am Better. Since 6am.

mild increase in the fever.

Mild cough


99.2F Repeat

Kali Carb 200 single dose

1 pm Better Better Afebrile SL 200 4 pills 4 hourly
Child was completely normal; No fever. Appetite improved; Cough was better but occasional paroxysm.

Investigation was sent to look for 12/5/14 – WBC – 11,100.

No Fever and reduction of white blood cells compared to earlier state indicates control of infection and resolution of pneumonia.


In this particular case Borland’s strategy of pneumonia management was adopted:

Using a high potency with frequent repetition of the homoeopathic medicine in order to bring about early resolution of the pneumonic patch. This method is known as “Crisis”

(Reference from Borland’s Pneumonia)

Child was discharged on 12-5-14 at  3pm; after patient was completely asymptomatic.

Treatment on discharge

Iron rich diet, completely stop breast feeding

Kali carb 200 to be repeated after child has complaints of coughing.

Child was asked to come for follow up after 1 week or if there is any distress.

Patient was better in the follow up after 1 week; 15/5/14 –  WBC – 9000.

Follow ups

Follow ups


  • This case demonstrates the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in Paediatric diseases.
  • This case also focuses on the role of homoeopathic hospital admissions for their therapeutic role in paediatric diseases.
  • It also demonstrates homoeopathic management of pneumonia which fails to respond to allopathic treatment and application of Borland’s concept of pneumonia treatment.
  • Facilitation of any form of discharges is very important for understanding the curative action of the remedy.

About the author

Rakesh Gupta

Dr. Rakesh Gupta MD(Hom) Practice of Medicine, MBA (HCS), FLP (KPMG), SCR. HOD Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Smt Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homeopathic Medical College, Mumbai, India. President, Satva Homeopathy and Satva Charitable Sanstha, Mumbai, India.


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